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This paper reassesses the value of the popular Greek concept of being a sistimatikos person to face rural development challenges. It dwells on fieldwork with olive growers in Western Crete, where a study was carried out to appraise the socio-economic and ecological impact on regional development of organic olive oil production. Working sistimatika turned out to be essential for organic farmers to develop their enterprise. This notion comprises knowledge about what to do, which is made up of a clear vision and technical knowledge about how to organize the work, hard work, love, and finally an ability and desire to search for and learn whatever may be needed. The aspects love and learning capacity are usually unacknowledged in Western conceptions of development strategies informed by a so-called systems approach, but are, however, essential to arrive at what is headed for: specifically, in the Cretan case, the production of organic olive oil, and in general, the conceptualization and materialization of development alternatives for rural areas.  相似文献   

Aristotle discussed various forms of rationality in the Organon and other works. Aristotle held that in making judgments, the soul used five means— intelligence, episteme (scientific knowledge), sophia (theoretical wisdom), techne (art), and phronesis (practical wisdom). The nature of rhetoric as a techne employed in persuasion and grounded in probabilities distinguishes it from discourse in natural science, metaphysics, and philosophy. Aristotle's comparative study of the reasoning used by each of these means enables us to recognize rhetoric's uniqueness.  相似文献   


African Education: An Introductory Survey of Education in Commonwealth Countries. Donald G. Burns. (London: Oxford University Press, 1965. Pp. 215. $2.40.)

Education Through English: The Use of English in African Schools. Eva Engholm. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1965. Pp. 182. $4.50.)

Techniques of Teaching. A. D. C. Peterson, editor. (New York: Pergamon Press, Inc., 1965. 3 volumes. $2.95 each volume.) (Vol. 1, Primary Education; vol. 2, Secondary Education; vol. 3, Tertiary Education.)

Education and the Development of Nations. John W. Hanson and Cole S. Brembeck, editors. (New York: Holt, Reinehart and Winston, Inc., 1966. Pp. 529. $4.95, paper.)

The Experience of Higher Education. Peter Marris. (New York: Humanities Press, 1964. Pp. 220. $5.00.)

Psychology and Education of the Gifted: Selected Readings. Walter B. Barbe, editor. (New York: Appleton‐Century‐Crofts, 1965. Pp. 534. $4.50, paper.)

The Public Schools and Religion, the Legal Context. Sam Duker. (New York: Harper and Row, Publishers, 1965. Pp. 238. $2.75.)

Society Schools and Progress in the U.S.A. Edmund J. King. (New York: Pergamon Press, Inc., 1965. Pp. 241. $4.50.)

Teaching Gifted Students: A Book of Readings. James J. Gallagher, editor. (Boston: Allyn and Bacon, Inc., 1965. $6.00, paper.)  相似文献   

There is a need for a new concept of post-literacy which goes beyond the learning of codes. The target population is defined on the basis of their need to be given the capacity to take decisions on essential economic, civic, political and day-to-day aspects of their lives.The main arena of post-literacy lies in the countries of the Third World, where the economic crisis has serious effects on the quality of life and impairs the motivation to learn. Particular reference is made to the concept of participation and to the ability to determine four types of basic educational need: fundamental needs, productivity needs, social service needs and community organization needs.Four Latin American programmes linked to these four types of need are presented and discussed in terms of their particular features: popular participation in decision making; the search for methods and techniques which give the population a certain degree of autonomy; and respect for the cultures and world visions of the communities in the conduct of post-literacy, educational innovation and other activities. The programmes are: post-literacy in Nicaragua (fundamental education needs); research on post-literacy and employment in 13 countries (productivity needs); the CIPCA project for peasants in Piura, on the northern coast of Peru (social service needs); and the Talking Maps project developed with the Paez community in Cauca, Colombia (community organization needs).
Zusammenfassung Ein neues Nachalphabetisierungskonzept, das über das Erlernen von Codes hinausgeht, wird benötigt. Die Zielgruppe wird aufgrund ihrer Bedürfnisse genau bestimmt, die sie dann in die Lage versetzen soll, Entscheidungen über wichtige ökonomische, staatsbürgerliche, politische und alltägliche Aspekte ihres Lebens zu treffen.Das Hauptgebiet der Nachalphabetisierung liegt in den Ländern der Dritten Welt, wo die Wirtschaftskrise ernsthafte Auswirkungen auf die Lebensqualität hat und die Lernmotivation beeinträchtigt. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit wird auf das Konzept der Partizipation gelenkt und auf die Fähigkeit, vier Arten von Grundbedürfnissen der Bildung festzusetzen: fundamentale Bedürfnisse, Produktivitätsbedürfnisse, Bedürfnisse im Sozialbereich und in der Gemeindeorganisation.Vier lateinamerikanische Programme, die mit diesen vier Arten von Grundbedürfnissen verbunden sind, werden in Bezug auf ihre besonderen Merkmale vorgestellt und erörtert: Beteiligung der Bevölkerung an Entscheidungsprozessen; die Suche nach Methoden und Techniken, die der Bevölkerung einen gewissen Grad an Autonomie verleihen; Achtung vor den Kulturen und Weltvisionen der Gemeinden bei der Ausführung der Nachalphabetisierung, der Innovationen auf dem Bildungssektor und anderer Aktivitäten. Diese Programme sind: Nachalphabetisierung in Nicaragua (fundamentale Bildungsbedürfnisse); Forschung über Nachalphabetisierung und Beschäftigung in 13 Ländern (Produktivitätsbedürfnisse); das CIPCA-Projekt für die Landbevölkerung in Piura an der Nordküste Perus (Bedürfnisse im Sozialbereich); und das sprechende Landkarten-Projekt, das mit der Paezgemeinde in Cauca, Kolumbien entwickelt wurde (Bedürfnisse in der Gemeindeorganisation).

Résumé Un nouveau concept de post-alphabétisation, qui transcende l'apprentissage de codes, s'avère nécessaire. On définit les populations-cibles sur la base de leur besoin de recevoir la capacité de prendre des décisions sur les principaux aspects économiques, civiques, politiques et courants de leurs vies.Le champ d'activité de la postalphabétisation se trouve essentiellement dans les pays du Tiers Monde, où la crise économique produit des effets sérieux sur la qualité de la vie et entrave la motivation à l'apprentissage. On mentionne en particulier le concept de participation et l'aptitude à déterminer quatre types de besoins éducatifs de base: les besoins fondamentaux, les besoins en matière de productivité, de services sociaux et d'organisation de la communauté.Quatre programmes d'Amérique latine liés à ces quatre types de besoin sont présentés et examinés en fonction de leurs caractéristiques particulières: la participation des populations à la prise de décision; la recherche de méthodes et de techniques qui donnent à la population un certain degré d'autonomie; et le respect des cultures et des visions du monde des communautés lors de la conduite des programmes de post-alphabétisation, d'innovations éducatives et autres. Ces programmes sont: la post-alphabétisation au Nicaragua (besoins éducatifs fondamentaux); la recherche sur la post-alphabétisation et l'emploi dans 13 pays (besoins en matière de productivité); le projet CIPCA à l'adresse des paysans de Piura, situé sur la côte nord du Pérou (besoins en matière de services sociaux); et le projet Cartes parlantes développé avec la communauté Paez dans le Cauca, en Colombie (besoins d'organisation de la communauté).

The paper discusses a framework for the analysis of learning designs using new technologies. It takes a learner-centred view derived from literature in higher, professional and adult education. The process of developing guidelines for applying this framework to particular learning activities is outlined and the strengths and limitations of this approach considered. Evaluation des nouvelles technologies pour l'enseignement. L'article discute d'un cadre pour l'analyse de schémas d'enseignement faisant usage des nouvelles technologies. Il prend en compte un enseignement centré sur l'apprenant À partir d'articles et de livres sur l'éducation supérieure, professionnelle et des adultes. Le processus de développement des lignes directrices pour l'application de ce cadre À des activités d'enseignement particuliers est mis en valeur et les forces et les limitations de cette approche sont prises en considération. Bewertung neuer Lerntechnologien: Grundlagen zur Weiterentwicklung. In diesem Artikel werden Grundlagen zur Analyse von Lernformen besprochen, die sich auf neue Technologien stützen. Man konzentriert sich auf die Sicht des Lernenden und stützt sich auf die Auswertung der in der höheren Schulbildung, Berufs- und Erwachsenenbildung verwendeten Literatur. Es wird die Entwicklung von Richtlinien bei der Anwendung dieser Grundlagen bei bestimmten Lernvorgängen besprochen und die Stärken und Grenzen ihrer Anwendung diskutiert.  相似文献   

Recipes for fun     
Summertime means hours of outdoor play! Children of all ages will enjoy these games and nature activities whether in their own backyards or at a playground, or a nearby park or forest preserve. Ann Cole and Carolyn Haas are parenting consultants and the authors ofI saw a Purple Cow, Pumpkin in a Pear Tree andChildren are Children are Children (all Little, Brown & Co.), as well as theRecipes For Fun books (each $2.50 from PAR, 464 Central, Northfield, II. 60093). Their newest book isThe Big Book of Recipes For Fun (from PAR, $12.98 plus 1.00 postage and handling).  相似文献   

This paper examines the challenge faced by Australian Universities and Colleges of Advanced Education following publication of the Report of the Committee on Open University to the Universities Commission in 1974. It starts by looking at current provision of external studies and goes on to examine some of the implications of the distinctions characteristically drawn between credit and non-credit studies at tertiary level. The importance to some students of independence as a learning mode is considered, and an experiment in community education is described. The paper continues by emphasising the challenge to tertiary institutions to develop a national network for off-campus studies.
Zusammenfassung Dieser Artikel untersucht die den australischen Universitäten und Colleges of Advanced Education gestellten Aufgaben nach Herausgabe des Berichts der Kommission über die Open University, 1974. Zunächst wird die gegenwärtige Versorgung mit externen Studienmöglichkeiten untersucht, und dann werden einige der traditionellerweise im Tertiärbereich existierenden Unterscheidungen zwischen credit und non-credit-Studenten durchleuchtet. Die Bedeutung unabhängiger Arbeitsweisen als solcher für einige Studenten wird diskutiert, und ein Experiment in gemeinschaftsorientierter Bildung wird beschrieben. Der Artikel betont schliesslich, wie wichtig es für die Institutionen im Tertiärbereich sei, ein nationales Netz von Fernstudiengängen zu schaffen.

Résumé Ce document examine le défi auquel les Universités Australiennes et Collèges d'Education Avancée ont à faire face, suite à la publication du Rapport du Comité sur l'Université Ouverte à la Commission des Universités en 1974. Il débute en considérant l'approvisionnement courant des études externes et poursuit en examinant quelques-unes des implications découlant des distinctions faites d'une manière caractéristique entre les études notées et non-notées au niveau tertiaire. L'importance de l'indépendance, pour certains étudiants, comme un mode d'apprentissage y est examinée et, une expérience dans l'éducation de la communauté y est décrite. Ce document poursuit en accentuant le défi vis-à-vis des institutions tertiaires de sorte à développer un réseau national pour des études hors du campus.

Shulman (1986, 1987) coined the term pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) to address what at that time had become increasingly evident—that content knowledge itself was not sufficient for teachers to be successful. Throughout the past two decades, researchers within the field of mathematics teacher education have been expanding the notion of PCK and developing more fine-grained conceptualizations of this knowledge for teaching mathematics. One such conceptualization that shows promise is mathematical knowledge for teaching—mathematical knowledge that is specifically useful in teaching mathematics. While mathematical knowledge for teaching has started to gain attention as an important concept in the mathematics teacher education research community, there is limited understanding of what it is, how one might recognize it, and how it might develop in the minds of teachers. In this article, we propose a framework for studying the development of mathematical knowledge for teaching that is grounded in research in both mathematics education and the learning sciences.
Jason SilvermanEmail:


Believing that education is vital to improving the conditions of workers in the globalised economy, this international study assesses the factors that are enabling and constraining 18 leading workers education programs' response to the neo-liberal global economy. Two conclusions can be drawn from the findings of this study. This first conclusion is that the constraining factors outweigh the enabling ones, so that unions are still not able to seriously challenge transnational corporations. The second conclusion is that workers' education may be on the verge of a golden age.  相似文献   

Characteristics of photoresists used in microlithography are highlighted. The microstructure of the matrix polymer used in these photoresists is critical for ensuring good lithographic performance and the same can be evaluated by using modern NMR spectroscopic techniques. It is now well-known that highly ordered ‘alternate’ and ‘semi-alternate’ tailor-made novolaks lead to better performing photoresists.  相似文献   

Developed in response to examples of unacceptable assessment practices, the Principles for Fair Student Assessment Practices for Education in Canada contains a set of principles and guidelines generally accepted by professional organisations as indicative of fair assessment practice within the Canadian educational context. Assessments depend on professional judgment: the ’Principles’ identify the issues to consider in exercising this professional judgment and in striving for the fair and equitable assessment of all students.  相似文献   

The PhD viva has been described as mysterious (Burnham 1994 Burnham, P. 1994. Surviving the doctoral viva: Unravelling the mystery of the Ph.D. oral. Journal of Graduate Education, 1: 3034.  [Google Scholar]; Morley et al. 2002 Morley, L., Leonard, D. and David, M. 2002. Variations in vivas: Quality and equality in British PhD assessments. Studies in Higher Education, 27(3): 263273. [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), unpredictable (Rugg & Petre 2004 Rugg, G. and Petre, M. 2004. The unwritten rules of PhD research, Maidenhead: Open University Press.  [Google Scholar]) and potentially frightening for students (Delamont et al. 2004 Delamont, S., Atkinson, P. and Parry, O. 2004. Supervising the doctorate: A guide to success, Maidenhead: Open University Press.  [Google Scholar]), with its form and duration a function of the predilections of individual examiners as well as a function of differences across disciplines. Despite its myriad manifestations, the PhD viva voce (live voice), as oral examination of the doctoral thesis, constitutes the final ‘test’ of the PhD endeavour. In the UK, this is a private event, though in some countries such as Belgium and the Netherlands, for example, the viva is conducted in a public arena (Delamont et al. 2004 Delamont, S., Atkinson, P. and Parry, O. 2004. Supervising the doctorate: A guide to success, Maidenhead: Open University Press.  [Google Scholar]). Although there is no standard or prescribed format, students across all disciplines can expect to defend their thesis through a process involving questioning, clarification and discussion of key elements. This critical commentary discusses a number of issues that inform the preparation of students, focusing on the role of the internal and external examiner, the viva voce process, guidance for students and some practical suggestions for supervisors and students, particularly the value of full role-play in building students’ confidence. The extent to which the doctoral viva, in its current ‘secret’ form, can be seen as a fully accountable and independently rigorous process is taken up in the conclusion that highlights the phenomenon of ‘cosy’ reciprocal examining arrangements, the spectre of litigation when things go wrong and the need to consider a fundamental review of both the purpose and conduct of the viva.  相似文献   

This article reports on two types of resistance by preservice science teachers: resistance to ideological change and resistance to pedagogical change. The former has to do with the feelings of disbelief, defensiveness, guilt, and shame that Anglo-European preservice teachers experience when they are asked to confront racism and other oppressive social norms in class discussions. Resistance to pedagogical change has to do with the roles that preservice teachers feel they need to play to manage conflicting messages about what they are expected to do from their cooperating teachers (cover the curriculum and maintain class control) and from their university supervisors (implement student-centered, constructivist class activities), and about what they desire to do as emerging teachers. Although these two forms of resistance are closely linked, in the literature they are extensively reported separately. This study suggests a sociotransformative constructivist orientation as a vehicle to link multicultural education and social constructivist theoretical frameworks. By using this orientation, specific pedagogical strategies for counterresistance were found effective in helping preservice teachers learn to teach for diversity and understanding. These strategies for counterresistance were primarily drawn from the qualitative analysis of a yearlong project with secondary science preservice teachers. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 35: 589–622, 1998.  相似文献   

The Quest for Holism in Education for Sustainable Development   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
'Sustainable development' is a 'paradoxical compound policy slogan' (Stables, 1996), of a type rhetorically constructed to appeal simultaneously to apparently opposed interest groups, and is widely recognised to be a contested notion. Indeed, structuralist and post-structuralist theories hold that no terms can have uncontested, stable meanings--even 'education'. Notwithstanding, environmental education (EE) has often been associated with a quest for a holistic worldview. This is despite the fact that the monological view of truth implied in such a quest, assuming absolute understanding (and thus enabling total control over nature), has been cited as contributing to the development of the ecological crisis. 'Sustainable development' can, however, remain a regulative ideal for environmental educators, as long as it is acknowledged that it has no absolute legitimation. Human reflexivity remains capable of reworking the cultural traditions which have shaped late modernity with reference to such a regulative ideal, albeit variously recognised. The quest for holism remains one voice in a continuing dialogue, or series of simultaneous and sometimes overlapping dialogues, about the environment and the human relationship with it.  相似文献   

Batuhan Aydagül 《Prospects》2008,38(3):401-407
Turkey is still far from realizing any of the six EFA goals. Since the Dakar Conference there have been many policy initiatives aiming at improving the quality of Turkish education. The impact and effectiveness of those policy initiatives are yet to be evaluated. The deficit of high quality analytical and empirical research constitutes a major weakness. So does the level of attention on monitoring and evaluation from policymakers. The recent introduction of strategic planning and performance-based budgeting could promote more emphasis on evaluation and monitoring in the coming years. In addition, a transparent, overarching education policy could foster policy dialogue among stakeholders. Overall, this article draws attention to the following critical factors for the EFA success in Turkey: political and economic support for education reform; the need to adopt strategy-oriented sector policies; increased capacity and emphasis on evaluation and accountability of educational policy-making; the need for a new national impetus to improve quality in education.
Batuhan AydagülEmail:

There are numerous academics who have also been novelists, including several prominent writers of children’s literature. Yet the relationship between academic writing and the writing of fiction has not been systematically explored, nor have the kinds of knowledge gained from the experience of writing fiction always been easy to incorporate into the scholarly and institutional contexts of academic criticism. The author discusses some of the ways in which academic and fiction writing can complement and inform each other, drawing on his own experience in both fields. He also argues that ‘the act of writing’ needs to be far more thoroughly integrated into English studies at both a practical and a theoretical level. Charles Butler was a fiction writer before he was an academic, writing his first novel before he went to London University to study English Literature. He readily admits that his first and second novels remain deservedly unpublished, the influence of other authors hanging too heavily over them. The Darkling (1997) was the first of his six fantasy novels published to date and, as he relates in this article, he has also written a number of critical works. As Charles is one of that rare breed of writers who have managed to combine these two careers (though he has some illustrious precursors, in Tolkien, of course, C.S. Lewis and Ursula Le Guin), we invited him to share his views on both the rewards and possible pitfalls of trying to keep both activities buoyant. Charles Butler is a Senior Lecturer at the University of the West of England, Bristol, where he specializes in children’s literature. He is author of Four British Fantasists: Place and Culture in the Children’s Fantasies of Penelope Lively, Alan Garner, Diana Wynne Jones, and Susan Cooper (Scarecrow/ChLA, 2006), and editor of Teaching Children’s Fiction (Palgrave Macmillan, 2006). He is also the author of six children’s fantasy novels, of which the most recent are Death of a Ghost (HarperCollins, 2006) and The Lurkers (Usborne, 2006). His web site is http://www.charlesbutler.co.uk  相似文献   

Curriculum and Organization: How to Organize an Effective Team Teaching Program by Harold S. Davis. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1966. 64 pp. $2.25.

Four Track Curriculum for Today's High Schools by Carl F. Hansen. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1964. 207 pp. $5.95.

Foundations of Education: Foundations of Education: Commitment to Teaching, VOL. I by James C. Stone and Frederick W. Schneider. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell, 1965. 304 pp. $6.00.

Culture and Community by Conrad M. Arensberg and Solon T. Kimball. New York: Harcourt, Brace &; World, Inc., 1965. 349 pages. $3.95.

History and Philosophy of Education: General Philosophy in Education by L. M. Brown. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1966. 244 pp.

The Meaning of Education by Stephen Ross. The Hague: Martinius Mijhoff, 1966. 114 pp. 14.25 guilders.

The American College and University: A HISTORY by Frederick Rudolph. New York: Vintage Books, 1965. 516 PP. $2.95.

Psychology and Guidance: Learning and Human Abilities: Educational Psychology by Herbert J. Klausmeier and William Goodwin. New York: Harper &; Row, Publishers, 1966. 720 pp. $8.95.

Three Theories of Child Development by Henry W. Maier. New York: Harper &; Row, 1965. 314 pp. $6.75.

Foundations and Principles of Guidance by Edward C. Glanz. Boston: Allyn &; Bacon, Inc., 1964. 429 pp. $7.50.

Teaching and Learning—A Psychological Perspective by Thomas E. Clayton. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1965. xii +177 pp. $4.95, $2.25 paper.

Science and Mathematics: Astronautics for Science Teachers: by John G. Meitner. New York: John Wiley &; Sons, Inc., 1965. 381 pp. $8.95.

Building Mathematical Competence in the Elementary School by Peter Lincoln Spencer and Marguerite Brydegaard. New York: Holt, Rinehart &; Winston, 1966. 403 pp. 87-95.

Social Studies: Social Study: Inquiry in Elementary Classrooms by H. Millard Clements, William R. Fielder, and B. Robert Tabachnick. New York: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc., 1966. 402 pp. $6.50.

The Nature and the Study of History by Henry Steele Commager. Columbus: Charles E. Merrill Books, Inc., 1965. 160 pp. $3.95, $1.75 paper.

Statistics and Research: Training Research in Education edited by Robert Glaser. New York: John Wiley &; Sons, Inc., 1962. 596 pp. $11.00, $2.65 paper.

Statistics for the Teacher by D. M. McIntosh. Oxford, England: Pergamon Press and New York: Macmillan Co., 1963. 130 pp. 12s. 6d. paper.

Statistical Analysis in Psychology and Education (2d Ed.) by George A. Ferguson. New York: McGraw-Hill Series in Psychology, 1966. 448 pp. $7.95.

Teaching–Learning: Studying the Child in School by Ira J. Gordon. New York, N.Y.: John Wiley &; Sons, Inc., 1966. 145 pp. $4.95.

Grouping in Education edited by Alfred Yates. New York: John Wiley &; Sons, 1966. 314 pp. $12.75.  相似文献   


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