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一般认为:中学自然科学各学科的主要教学任务就是“传授和学习系统的科学基础知识和基本技能”。这种看法只强调“具体的知识”和“具体的技能”的教育,而忽视了科学观和科学方法论方面的教育。其实,自然科学各学科的教学任务,应该同时包括科学观、科学方法论的教育与具体知识、具体技能教育两个方面。所以传统的教学论已不能适应现实要求,并遭到越来越广泛和深刻的批评。  相似文献   

20世纪以来,自然科学发展的新成果、新概念和新方法,为丰富和发展辩证唯物主义的物质观、时空观、运动观和方法论,提出了许多很有启发的问题:  相似文献   

“任何真正的哲学都是自己时代的精华.”自然辩证法的时代精神.实质上就在于自然科学和哲学的当代研究水平。自然辩证法的创立,意味着人类的哲学思想进入一个完全崭新的阶段。20世纪自然科学的划时代发展,极大地推动了辩证唯物主义的自然观、科学观和方法论的结合,自然辩证法必然要改变自己的形式,这就是自然辩证法的时代精神。  相似文献   

妙观逸想:古代艺术家的审美体验及其意义世界   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为惠洪所提出的“妙观逸想”、“自法眼观之”、“神情寄寓于物”三个命题,从心物相融的审美心理过程、内心领悟的审美观照方式以及艺术家所建构的意义世界三个方面,全面概括了中国古代审美体验论的基本特征。文章从方法论的角度对其所包含的美学观念和理论价值,进行了详细分析和阐释。  相似文献   

运用“网络观”思维 构建完整的手风琴理论体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“网络观”是民族音乐学的方法论观念,它是全面综合地观察和研究音乐事象的一种思维方式。文章通过剖析“网络观”,分析其中的观点,提出了运用“网络观”的思维构建完整的手风琴理论体系。  相似文献   

自然科学是哲学的重要基础。在唯物主义者看来,真正推动哲学家们前进的,“主要是自然科学和工业的强大而日益迅速的进步。”(《马克思恩格斯选集》第四卷,第222页)马克思主义哲学的创立,也主要是根植于当时自然科学的三大发现和科学上其它巨大进步的基础之上的。现代自然科学的迅猛发展,对辩证唯物主义哲学正在产生愈来愈巨大的影响和推动作用。它不仅促进辩证唯物主义的物质观、时空观、认识论和方法论的大发展,  相似文献   

心理实验法的困境在于滞后的自然科学观,从后现代主义的科学哲学观念和实在科学论角度重新审视科学观,并据此阐述了心理学研究方法的多元化倾向,重视质的研究方法,质的研究核心是文化性,整合和融合自然科学和人文科学方法论。  相似文献   

波普《历史决定论的贫困》的逻辑与方法论认识   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
卡尔·波普的《历史决定论的贫困》运用分析哲学归纳和分类方法对法学、社会学和历史学等社会科学进行了方法论分析。由于著者的先验论和唯知识论世界观的影响 ,所以 ,他的方法论分析所运用的“证伪原则”是纯粹形而上学的方法论。所以波普对马克思的唯物史观的分析是矛盾的 ,对社会科学和自然科学的方法论分析是需要解释的  相似文献   

日本的中学理科教育是比较先进的,它的中小学理科成绩曾名列世界前茅。在日本的中学理科教学中有一个明显的特点,就是很重视对学生进行科学自然观和自然科学方法论的教育。 近四十年来,日本的理科教育进行了几次大改革,而每次改革都把培养科学自然观和学习自然科学方法作为培养目标之一。如1955年的改革,在教学大纲的培养目标中就提出“培养自然观,认识自然科学对丰富人类生活所起的作用”,“学习自然科学方  相似文献   

王、张、江、姚“四人邦”出于反革命、反科学的本性,全面篡改马克思主义基本理论,其罪恶行径之一,是肆意地歪曲哲学和自然科学的关系,虚伪地兜售哲学“代替”自然科学的理论,无耻地诽谤恩格斯的伟大著作《自然辩证法》过时,甚至狂言要贴恩格斯的“大字报”,妄图以其反动腐朽的所谓“新”自然哲学体系代替马克思主义的自然辩证法。为了粉碎“四人邦”的无耻谰言,捍卫马克思主义的自然观、科学观和方法论,澄清并恢复被“四人邦”严重糟踏了的恩格斯关于自然科学和哲学相互关系的理论,认真读一读恩格斯的光辉巨著《自然辩证法》,从中获得战斗的武器,汲取科学的力量,促进我们的科学发展和哲学研究,有着重要意义。  相似文献   

Routes to research for novice undergraduate neuroscientists   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Undergraduate students may be attracted to science and retained in science by engaging in laboratory research. Experience as an apprentice in a scientist's laboratory can be effective in this regard, but the pool of willing scientists is sometimes limited and sustained contact between students and faculty is sometimes minimal. We report outcomes from two different models of a summer neuroscience research program: an Apprenticeship Model (AM) in which individual students joined established research laboratories, and a Collaborative Learning Model (CLM) in which teams of students worked through a guided curriculum and then conducted independent experimentation. Assessed outcomes included attitudes toward science, attitudes toward neuroscience, confidence with neuroscience concepts, and confidence with science skills, measured via pre-, mid-, and postprogram surveys. Both models elevated attitudes toward neuroscience, confidence with neuroscience concepts, and confidence with science skills, but neither model altered attitudes toward science. Consistent with the CLM design emphasizing independent experimentation, only CLM participants reported elevated ability to design experiments. The present data comprise the first of five yearly analyses on this cohort of participants; long-term follow-up will determine whether the two program models are equally effective routes to research or other science-related careers for novice undergraduate neuroscientists.  相似文献   

Inadequate science knowledge of preservice teachers enrolled in science methods courses not only limits their mastery of effective teaching practices, but also may foster negative attitudes toward science teaching. This study investigated the influence of science knowledge upon attitudes toward science teaching in a one-semester elementary science methods course by embedding a videodisk-based instructional component to remediate knowledge deficiencies. Preservice teachers in the experimental group first learned core concepts in physical and earth science through a series of 24 interactive videodisk lessons and then used the concepts as a foundation for preparing and presenting model science lessons. Results showed that the experimental group overcame their initial knowledge deficiencies by mastering the core concepts presented (mean proportion correct on mastery test = 0.91), with multivariate covariance analysis confirming that the experimentals gain in science knowledge was significantly greater than comparable controls in the parallel science methods sections. Additionally, as a result of mastering the core concepts underlying earth science, preservice teachers using the videodisk instruction also displayed significantly greater confidence in their understanding of science knowledge and more positive attitudes toward science teaching at the elementary levels. Implications for improving elementary science teaching through preservice and in-service training are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effects of an intensive 1-week Inquiry-Based Science and Technology Enrichment Program (InSTEP) designed for middle school-aged female students. InSTEP uses a guided/open inquiry approach that is deepened and redefined as eight sciences and engineering practices in the Next Generation Science Standards, which aimed at increasing female students’ interest in science and science-related careers. This study examined the effectiveness of InSTEP on 123 female students’ pre-assessment and post-assessment changes in attitudes toward science and content knowledge of selected science concepts. An attitude survey, a science content test with multiple-choice questions, written assignments, and interviews to collect data were all used to measure students’ attitudes and content knowledge. A within-group, repeated measure design was conducted, and the results indicated that at the post-intervention level, InSTEP increased the participants’ positive attitudes toward science, science-related careers, and content knowledge of selected science concepts.  相似文献   

Nanoscale science and technology (NST) is an important new field in modern science. In the current study, we seek to answer the question: ‘What are the essential concepts of NST that should be taught in high school'? A 3-round Delphi study methodology was applied based on 2 communities of experts in nanotechnology research and science education. Eight essential concepts in NST were identified. Each concept is accompanied by its explanation, definition, importance and includes subcategories that compose it. Three concepts emerged in the Delphi study, which were not identified before: functionality, classification of nanomaterials, and the making of nanotechnology. Differences between the concepts suggested by the 2 communities of experts were found. The results of this study serve as a tool to examine different nanotechnology programs that were reported thus far and to make recommendations for designing a NST program for high school students that includes the essential concepts.  相似文献   

学生在科学课学习之前,在其脑海里已经对一些问题形成了他的前概念,这些前概念有些是正确的,有些是模糊的,有些甚至是错误的,而那些错误的前概念恰恰是最难改变。科学课教学的主要任务是引导学生暴露错误前概念,认识错误概念,建构新概念模型,形成新的科学概念,只有充分认识学生的前概念,帮助教学才能真正有效的提高教学有效性。  相似文献   

马克思·韦伯的社会学理论对现代社会学影响巨大,其论著中所提出的社会科学方法,有的甚至沿用至今。在其社会科学方法论中,"理想典型"最具方法论意义,"理想典型"也是韦氏社会科学方法论中一个核心概念。有必要依据韦伯经典著作《社会科学方法论》对"理想典型"概念进行厘清与分析。  相似文献   

Thermodynamics is a science that models the world by observing changes and makes assumptions based on this approach. The methodology that thermodynamics applies is to model abstract concepts that employ unique techniques for solving problems. Human performance technology (HPT) can be more of a science by bringing together in a similar way a set of fundamental principles, methods, and a model to form an integrated methodology. This article simulates a metaphorical model for human performance based upon the thermodynamic methodology.  相似文献   


This study explored the effects of Roundhouse diagram construction on a previously low-performing middle school science student's struggles to understand abstract science concepts and principles. It is based on a metacognition-based visual learning model proposed by Wandersee in 1994. Ward and Wandersee introduced the Roundhouse diagram strategy and showed how it could be applied in science education. This article aims at elucidating the process by which Roundhouse diagramming helps learners bootstrap their current understandings to reach the intended meaningful understanding of complex science topics. The main findings of this study are that (a) it is crucial that relevant prior knowledge and dysfunctional alternative conceptions not be ignored during new learning if low-performing science students are to understand science well; (b) as the student's mastery of the Roundhouse diagram construction improved, so did science achievement; and (c) the student's apt choice of concept-related visual icons aided progress toward meaningful understanding of complex science concepts.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effectiveness of a guided inquiry integrated with technology, in terms of female middle-school students’ attitudes toward science/scientists and content knowledge regarding selective science concepts (e.g., Greenhouse Effect, Air/Water Quality, Alternative Energy, and Human Health). Thirty-five female students who were entering eighth grade attended an intensive, 1-week Inquiry-Based Science and Technology Enrichment Program which used a main theme, “Green Earth Enhanced with Inquiry and Technology.” We used pre- and post-attitude surveys, pre- and post-science content knowledge tests, and selective interviews to collect data and measure changes in students’ attitudes and content knowledge. The study results indicated that at the post-intervention measures, participants significantly improved their attitudes toward science and science-related careers and increased their content knowledge of selected science concepts (p < .05).  相似文献   

This study aims to establish a viable structural model of prospective science teachers' nature of science (NOS) views, which could be used as an analytical tool for understanding the complex relationships between prospective teachers' conceptions of NOS and factors possibly affecting their conceptions. In order to construct such a model, likely factors that might influence prospective teachers' NOS views were hypothesized. These included science process skills; attitudes toward science teaching; academic achievement in pedagogical and science courses; and social, religious, economic, political, aesthetic, and theoretical values. The hypothetical model was then developed and modified using structural equation modeling methodology. The final viable model indicates that attitudes toward science teaching, science process skills, academic achievement in pedagogical courses, religious values, and economic values explain NOS views with low predictive power.  相似文献   

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