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Do associations between maternal anxiety symptoms and offspring mental health remain after comparing differentially exposed siblings? Participants were 17,724 offspring siblings and 11,553 mothers from the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort study. Mothers reported anxiety and depressive symptoms at 30 weeks’ gestation, and 0.5, 1.5, 3, and 5 years postpartum. Child internalizing and externalizing problems were assessed at ages 1.5, 3, and 5, and modeled using multilevel analyses with repeated measures nested within siblings, nested within mothers. Maternal pre- and postnatal anxiety were no longer associated with child internalizing or externalizing problems after adjusting for maternal depression and familial confounding. Maternal anxiety when the children were in preschool age, however, remained significantly associated with child internalizing but not externalizing problems.  相似文献   

"孟母三移"故事代代相传,耳熟能详,这一故事也被戏剧家作为题材,演绎成各种戏曲作品。从南戏到当代,均有不同类型的"孟母三移"题材剧,现知的有六种。从已掌握的剧本来看,剧本情节越往后越简单,越容易演出,然而它所反映的主题依然很深刻。通过各个时代剧作家不同的改编,将孟母教子的精神通过戏曲这一特殊形式传播开来,不仅歌颂了孟母,而且教育着一代又一代人。  相似文献   

‘Laddish’ attitudes and behaviours are central to current discourses on boys’ ‘underachievement’, as they are seen by many people to impede the progress of some boys in school. Whilst the vast majority of concern about ‘laddishness’ has, to date, focused upon boys, according to media reports there are now good reasons to worry about girls. Anecdotes from teachers and reports in the media suggest that some schoolgirls are now acting ‘laddishly’, that they are ‘ladettes’. This paper explores ‘ladette’ cultures in secondary schools, drawing upon interview data from100 pupils and 30 teachers. It tackles and discusses the following questions: (a) What does the term ‘ladette’ mean to pupils and teachers? (b) Do school‐aged ‘ladettes’ ‘exist’—and if so, what are they like inside and outside of school? (c) In what ways are ‘ladettes’ similar to, and different from, ‘lads’? (d) Are teachers concerned about ‘ladettes’? (e) Are ‘ladette’ behaviours on the increase?  相似文献   

宋代江浙地区存在三大白龙母信仰圈,其中,平江府地区信奉阳山白龙母缪氏和海隅山白龙母蒋氏,镇江府地区信奉吴塘白龙母吴氏,而嘉兴府地区信奉的陈山白龙母身份较为模糊,宋人大多认为其与阳山白龙母缪氏为同一人。白龙母身份出现混淆,其原因在于此三地龙母传说的共通之处:女子感异孕龙、龙母生龙即亡及龙子均为世俗化的孝龙。无论白龙母的身份混淆与否,政府的态度都是“惟灵是信”。由此,反映出宋代江浙地区儒家文化盛行、水网密布和农业经济发达以及佛教兴盛的地域文化特色。  相似文献   

<正>Dear Wang Min,How are you these days? I’m writing to you because I need your help. We’re going to have a summer holiday soon and I’m going to Xiaogan City next week, and if possible I will stay in Wuhan for two days. During the time, I want to visit Yellow Crane Tower. I’ve got a picture of  相似文献   

作家文学思想的形成依据,一是社会环境为其创造了有利的发展契机,这是外部条件;一是“母根文化”的影响为其奠定了深刻的思想基础,这是内在依据。撇开所谓主流文化的影响,从客家文化视野的角度对郭沫若的文学创作思想进行内在的逻辑论证,认为郭沫若文学创作思想的形成与客家传统文化有着一种天然血缘承传的潜在关系;客家文化的深厚浸染,锻造了郭沫若的创作品格,这是郭沫若文学思想的形成原因及其根本所在。  相似文献   

Past research suggests that undergraduate women have faced educational cultures in which their college experience is defined through romantic experiences. This study expands this literature by investigating how heightened achievement expectations for undergraduate women inform their broader conceptions of intimate relationships, by asking the following research question: how do high-achieving undergraduate women conceptualise intimate relationships? Through qualitative analysis of 76 semi-structured interviews, I find that study participants reject gendered narratives of romance and instead preserve their achievement by constructing two ideal relationship logics: independent and companionate logics. I suggest that participants’ conceptions of relationships have undergone a notable inversion: students’ constructions of positive intimate relationships centre on the maintenance of academic achievement and autonomy, and show the long reach of neoliberal, ‘post-feminist’ ideologies into women’s everyday lives.  相似文献   

Dr. Spock’s, The Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care, one of the best-selling self-help texts of all-time, “second only to the Bible in popularity” (Meakin & Tattersall, 2004) was one of the most influential childcare books in American culture. The author has been both heralded and disparaged as instrumental in the shaping of untold generations. In the present study, we address the rhetorical construction of the Spockian Mother as she is developed during Spock’s tenure from 1946–1992. We employ a feminist rhetorical perspective to examine the progression of Spock’s texts in order to understand how patriarchal images of motherhood are constructed and maintained through Spock’s lifetime and the first 46 years of its publication. We argue that Spock both reinforced and challenged the institution of motherhood; he challenged institutionalized motherhood by encouraging mothers to “trust themselves” while simultaneously conforming to a patriarchal model of motherhood which is at odds with empowered mothering.  相似文献   

To the individual, literacy has promised a new mentality, a new social definition, and new economic capacities. At the collective level, literacy has promised modernization of institutions, democratization of political systems, and cultural renewal of societies in the Third World. Have the promises of literacy been fulfilled? The processes of policy formulation, policy analysis and policy assessment are essentially social processes and a search for ‘proof’ of the effects of literacy is naive, to say the least. What we need is a position on literacy promotion that is plausible, credible and probable, and thereby compelling for action. While both the enthusiasts for literacy and the sceptics continue to draw different conclusions from the same research and experience, a consensus is emerging that the question ‘Why Literacy?’ should now be laid to rest. The question to ask now should be: ‘How Literacy?’ In regard to the question of ‘How Literacy?’, there are two basic positions: Should literacy be taught within the specific small-frame of the selective and intensive approach to literacy, with the provision of basic needs? Or, should literacy be taught within a large-frame of literacy as a ‘potential added’, on a mass-scale and with the political orientation? This paper clearly opts for literacy asgenerative rather than merelyinstrumental.  相似文献   

钱锺书杨绛夫妇共同的人生经历与理念使其小说颇具互文性。对应《璐璐,不用愁!》,《纪念》作为相隔十年的回应,创作上别有指归。两文呈现了两种婚恋生活的形态与结果,而后者在思想意蕴、故事情节与人物构设上与前者交错呼应。互文关联使得前者的故事在后者中创造性地得到了延续和新的探索与演绎。  相似文献   

张艳 《海外英语》2012,(14):256-258
Through four Chapters’analysis,I analyze the relationship between mother tongue and English,the effects of internal factors like age of learners,intellegence and external Factors such as attitudes,and integrative and instrumental motivation on English Learning in order to tell the readers what the aspects are to affect English learning.At the meaning time,the positive and negative roles of Mother Tongue in English Learning are emphasized so as to conclude the importance of mother tomgue learning on English learning.In the end,by having experienced 20 years’English learning and several years’working as an English translator or interpreter,I present my personal ideas about the effects of mother tongue’s learning on English learning and also suggest some ways or methods for the English learning beginners during the learning process.  相似文献   

In his 2007 PESA keynote address, Paul Smeyers discussed the increasing regulation of child‐rearing through government intervention and the generation of ‘experts’, citing particular examples from Europe where cases of childhood obesity and parental neglect have stirred public opinion and political debate. In his paper (‘Child‐Rearing: On government intervention and the discourse of experts’, this issue), Smeyers touches on a number of tensions before concluding that child‐rearing qualifies as a practice in which liberal governments should be reluctant to intervene. In response, I draw on recent experiences in Australia and argue that certain tragic events of late are the result of an ethical, moral and social vacuum in which these tensions coalesce. While I agree with Smeyers that governments should be reluctant to ‘intervene’ in the private domain of the family, I argue that there is a difference between intervention and support. In concluding, I maintain that if certain Western liberal democracies did a more comprehensive job of supporting children and their families through active social investment in primary school education, then schools would be better equipped to deal with the challenges they now face.  相似文献   

心理测量研究是担忧研究的最主要范式。经过对近20年来有关文献的研究与反思,我们认为担忧测量的思路、工具和方法等方面均存在比较突出的问题。在心理测量的视域下,未来的担忧研究应该区分一般性担忧和病理性担忧等不同对象,整合现有担忧测量研究的思路,从担忧内容和特征的综合性视角开发测量工具,并在发挥心理测量研究自身优势的基础上,结合其他多种研究方法,从而实现担忧研究的新的突破。  相似文献   

The present study builds on two strands of research: (1) the recently established generalized internal/external frame of reference (GI/E) model assuming social (comparing one’s achievement in one domain with the achievement of one’s peers in the same domain) and dimensional (comparing one’s achievement in one domain with one’s achievement in another domain) comparison processes in the formation of motivational constructs and self-perceptions, and (2) research on domain-specific facets of test anxiety. Using a sample of 5135 German seventh grade students, it is tested whether and how both comparison processes are involved in the formation of domain-specific facets of test anxiety when considering both the emotionality and worry components of test anxiety, and whether the relation between achievement and test anxiety is mediated through academic self-concept. When applying the GI/E model to test anxiety, the results showed negative relations between achievement and test anxiety within math and verbal (German) domains, but partially positive relations across domains. This pattern of relations emerged for both the worry and emotionality components while stronger achievement relations were found for worry. These findings indicate that dimensional achievement comparison processes operate in the formation of domain-specific test anxiety. Domain-specific academic self-concepts were found to mediate the relations between achievement and test anxiety within and across domains, the mediation being stronger for worry than for emotionality as an outcome. Boys and girls did not differ regarding direct and indirect relations among constructs. Implications for research on dimensional comparison processes and test anxiety are discussed.  相似文献   

Is it possible to manage human ‘resources’ in an ethical way? What does ‘being ethical’ mean as related to the human resources function? In my paper – which also reflects upon my own experiences of two co-operative inquiry projects done with human resource management (HRM) practitioners – I wish to argue that action research could be an exciting and novel way of exploring the meaning and practice of ethical HRM and also an appropriate tool with which to facilitate and develop individual and group ethical action learning: a learning process based on real action, collective real-case solutions and reflection. After introducing practical details pertaining to the two projects (in group ‘A’, I worked with members of the HRM department of a bank as co-researchers; for group ‘B’, I invited along HRM professionals from different companies), I need to stress some ‘learning points’. First, I would like to demonstrate how co-researchers explored their own definition of ethics, learned about the ethical diversity of their group and how they probed and re-shaped theories held via action and reflection. Second, I wish to show how collective ‘solutions’ of co-researchers’ own real-time and ethically dilemma-holding cases acted as a bridge between theory and practice – and then see how the process of case resolution developed by the group become an important individual- and group-level learning point.  相似文献   

In this article, I touch upon the complex and largely ignored controversy surrounding the Tibet question. Casting a critical eye on the ‘official’ or dominant stature of the Dalai Lama in the West, I examine the socio-cultural construction of the common view of him. Specifically, I explore the question: what social discourses have contributed to the making of the master narrative about Tibet in the USA? I also discuss the ‘Tibet question’ in education and offer some suggestions for educators to consider.  相似文献   

Children residing in long-term out-of-home care have high rates of clinical-level mental health difficulties. However, the stability of these children’s difficulties throughout their time in care is uncertain. This paper reports estimates of the seven- to nine-year stability of carer-reported scores on the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) and Assessment Checklists for Children (ACC) and Adolescents (ACA) for 85 children in long-term foster or kinship care. Prospective score changes on the CBCL total problems and ACC-ACA shared-item scales were assigned to one of four change groups: ‘sustained mental health’; ‘meaningful improvement’; ‘no meaningful change’; and ‘meaningful deterioration’. On each of the two measures, more than 60% of children manifested either sustained mental health or meaningful improvement in their mental health, while less than a quarter showed meaningful deterioration. Mean mental health scores for the aggregate sample did not change over the 7–9 year period. Findings discount the presence of a uniform, population-wide effect—suggesting instead, that children’s mental health follows several distinct trajectories. Rather than asking whether long-term care is generally therapeutic or harmful for the development of previously maltreated children, future investigations should focus on the questions “…what are the systemic and interpersonal characteristics of care that promote and sustain childrens psychological development throughout childhood, and what characteristics are developmentally harmful?” and “…for which children is care therapeutic, and for which children is it not?”  相似文献   

As an opinionated and often challenging class of year 10 boys, they demonstrated a strong sense of their identity as a group of ‘bright boys’. One of their English teachers described the class as ‘boisterous, but very motivated – they love discussing texts’, but she also recognised their tendency to ‘descend into testosterone fuelled competitiveness’. I became interested in the ways these boys read and responded to literature and in particular how their strong view of themselves as ‘bright boys’ influenced their reading of gender in literature. I examine two lessons with this year 10 class in which they discussed representations of gender in two literary texts. I was interested in the ways they constructed and asserted their masculine identities through class discussions about gender in literature and I found myself wondering: how do these boys read gender, and why do they read gender in these ways?  相似文献   

目的了解三年制高职护理实习生实习前的心理状态,给予相关的对策应对实习前不良心理状态。方法对163名护生以不记名方式进行问卷调查,当场发放问卷并收回,进行统计分析。结果护生对实习没有较好的心理准备,担心临床操作技能欠缺,不适应新环境,害怕与医护人员、患者接触沟通等问题。结论在护生临床实习前,采取进行操作技能强化训练、进行心理辅导、组织经验交流等方式缓解护生临床前的不良心理状态。  相似文献   

彭金玲 《海外英语》2012,(18):165-167
柔石的《为奴隶的母亲》是中国现代文学的一篇佳作。该文拟通过对该小说斯诺和张培基所翻译的两个英译本进行对比研究,从译者对人名、比喻、文化负载词的翻译,分析所采取的翻译策略。研究发现,斯诺译本偏向直译,重保留原作词藻,而张培基译本偏向意译和厚翻译,重增补和诠释。  相似文献   

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