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I never wanted to be anything but a broadcaster, a talker. And for 40 years, I've been doing just that. To me, the ability to talk well is one of the great pleasures in life and can bring with it some of life's greatest rewards, I'm not saying it's always easy. The vast majority of people would rather jump out of an airplane without a parachute than sit next to someone they've never met at a dinner party. But the more you work at it, the easier it will be. To get you started, here are my five basic ingredients for learning how to talk to anyone, anytime, anywhere.  相似文献   

公鸡来报晓,催人起得早。谁要睡懒觉,脑子不开窍。早睡又早起,有个好身体。早起又早睡,  相似文献   

根据江泽民总书记“三个代表”的重要思想,阐述新时期如何发挥思想政治教育的优势,使这项工作做到入情入理,情理融合,达到良好效果。思考与探究的要点是情与理的同一性、差异性与辩证性。  相似文献   

我省是一个科技教育大省,我省经济社会发展战略一是科教兴省战略,二是人才强省战略,三是工业强省战略,四是可持续发展战略.从我省发展战略来看教育问题,教育如何为这些战略服务?前两个战略要求教育为全省经济社会发展做出贡献,后两个战略也是以教育为基础的.高水平大学、农村基础教育、职业教育是三大教育战略.我省职业教育和我省发达的高等教育来比,和我们重视的基础教育来比,是一条短腿.全省整个教育结构是不合理的,是严重失衡的.陕西的职业教育到了非抓不可的时候了,我们应该加大力气,把职业教育推上去.  相似文献   

就如何改进历史课堂教学,如何培养提高学生的历史素质进行了论述,认为应先从教师自身进行改革、历史课教学在加强历史素质教育的同时应教出历史学科的学科特点,尤其应大力加强历史人文素质的教育,以提高学生人文素养.  相似文献   

Recent technological advancements in data storage and processing have changed how companies conduct their business. An increasing number of firms have started putting their efforts in extracting information from their databases to improve profitability and reduce costs using quantitative approaches. Thus, the job market has been experiencing a rapidly growing demand for business analytics (BA) practitioners, and universities across the globe are increasingly responding to this newly emerged field by offering both undergraduate and graduate level degrees as well as certificate programs. Thus, this research aims to provide a framework for academic institutions to develop a state‐of‐the‐art master's in business analytics (MSBA) curriculum by identifying concepts, skills, knowledge, and tools (CSKT) that industry seeks in BA practitioners. Our data‐driven methodology utilizes peer institution analysis, indeed.com web scraping, and focus group analysis with mid‐ and senior‐level analytics leaders from major companies. Our contribution to the literature and recommendations to institutions developing MSBA programs are offered at the end.  相似文献   

《Educational Assessment》2013,18(2):191-202
In their response to my article, "Item Response Theory, Vertical Scaling, and Something's Awry in the State of Test Mark," Yen, Burket, and Fitzpatrick (this issue) question the validity of my field observations. I present evidence that validates those observations. They claim that my simulation was unrealistic. I present evidence (convincing, I believe) that they are simply misinformed. They argue that Thurstone scaling has several weaknesses. I present information that should enable them to understand the procedure better and that reveals that the supposed weaknesses do not, in fact, exist. They say they are very "up front" about not being able to measure students at the extremes accurately but claim the vast majority of students are assessed well, thus implying that my use of data for students at the 2nd and 98th percentiles led to conclusions that would not be found if other segments of the score distribution were examined. I duplicated the analyses at the 15th and 85th percentile points and demonstrated that they were wrong. Yen et al. seem to be convinced that the variance of performance decreases (they use the term "homogenization") as learning progresses. Using their published data for 7 on-grade tests administered at the beginning and end of each school year, when the same on-grade test form was used-thus eliminating any confounding introduced by scaling—I show that in 67 of 77 instances the variance increased. This should serve as convincing evidence to the most doubtful person that the variance of performance increases as learning progresses. Given that there is a serious problem, as clearly illustrated in Figure 2, I suggest some avenues that research could take to address it.  相似文献   

R Kail 《Child development》1988,59(4):1154-1157
In this article, I show that many of Stigler et al.'s criticisms of my 1986 article are incorrect or based on assumptions that are implausible. I agree with their conclusion, however, that theories of cognitive development must include both domain-specific and general processes.  相似文献   

如果说,基督教对于上帝的信仰来源于犹太教的神的启示,那么,这种信仰的说服力则来自于古希腊哲学对终极实在的理性探索。从巴门尼德的“存在”概念、柏拉图的“理念”、亚里士多德的“形式”,最终发展为“上帝”的观念,不仅是历史的必然,更是理论的必然。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国职业教育事业取得了长足进展.职业教育师资队伍建设工作取得了显著成绩,主要体现在以下几方而: 1.教师数量迅速扩大,教师素质逐步提高,队伍结构不断改善 一是教师数量有较大增长。2003年我国各类中等职业学校专任教师共计71.29万人,其中普通中专17.04万人、职业高中25.8万人、成人中专7.53万人、技工学校15.3万人、调整后中等职业学校2.81万人、其他机构2.81万人。与1985年相比,普通中专专任教师增长了33%,职业高中增长了124%。二是学历结构不断改善。具有本科及以上学历专任教师的比例,普通中专由1985年的48.1%提  相似文献   

蜱虫简介   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文简要介绍了蜱虫的形态与分布、生活史、生态与习性、传播途径、与疾病的关系、蜱虫叮咬的临床特点、蜱虫引起的传染病的防治原则及最新研究进展。  相似文献   

本着遵循高职办学规律,坚持教育改革、创新,努力办出特色的办学方针,武汉职业技术学院经过三年多的艰苦创业,积极转变教育观念和运行管理机制,加大学院建设力度,深化教育教学改革,努力提高办学水平,在人才培养目标、教学计划设计、教学方式、管理模式等方面,已基本形成了自己的办学特色。  相似文献   

中国一汽教育培训中心,是由1953年创建的一汽职工大学、一汽党校和企业内高等、中等职业教育学校整合而成的教育集团,由一汽出资主办,集高等、中等职业教育于一身,聚职业教育和职业培训于一体。其主要功能有两个:一是从事国家高等、中等职业学历教育:二是为一汽员工做职业培训。其中,长春汽车工业高等专科学校既是培养高等职业人才的学校,又是从事企业员工工程技术培训的实体。  相似文献   

Problems in validly determining reasons for withdrawal from college are reviewed. This study examines the reasons given by several different subgroups of withdrawals, hopefully circumventing some of these problems. Questionnaires were sent to 1135 students (and to their parents) who had withdrawn from three liberal-arts colleges. Different subgroups of withdrawals reported quite different reasons for leaving. Academic dismissals reported more severe problems (both academic and personal) than did voluntary withdrawals (who ranked second) and transfers (who had fewest problems). Students who withdrew during a semester did so for very different reasons than did end-of-the-year withdrawals. Few differences were associated with class standing (i.e., freshman, sophomore, etc.) at the time of withdrawal. Implications of the results are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

根据新课标,人教版《历史·必修1》第6单元安排了“古代希腊民主政治”和“罗马法的起源与发展”这两课,突出了希腊罗马政治文明的特点及其对后世的影响作用,根本目的在于使同学们认识和了解民主与法制建设对人类文明发展的重要意义。“罗马法的起源与发展”一课对于教师和学生都有一定的难度,因为罗马法属于远离我们的古代政治文明的范畴,以往的高中历史教科书从未涉及过这个问题。然而令人欣喜的是,南京市宁海中学的陈红老师进行了有益的探索,她不仅设计出有新意的教学案例,而且在实际操作中取得了较为理想的教学效果。笔者认为,陈红老师…  相似文献   

Believe that the findings and recommendations of the Elton Committee have much to offer schools for children with emotional and behavioural difficulties, as well as mainstream schools. They outline the way they have introduced 'assertive discipline' into behaviour management policy of the school.  相似文献   

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