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A persistent concern of those involved with planning, delivering, and evaluating training as well as of managers is whether training “works.” Addressing that question, this paper proposes that training must be integrated into other aspects of the organization if it is to achieve lasting results. In other words, training must be viewed within its organizational context rather than as a stand‐alone activity. Viewing training contextually raises both training implementation and training evaluation issues. From the implementation perspective, issues abound concerning the best way to link training with other parts of the organization to enhance its effectiveness. From the perspective of evaluation, the difficult issue of accountability arises: Training cannot take responsibility for things beyond its control, but it also cannot abdicate responsibility. How does shared responsibility for results work within an organization? This paper explores these issues by reviewing literature related to training in context, presenting a model for understanding training within an organizational context, and presenting practice implications for trainers.  相似文献   

The international practice of transferring educational structures, curricula and best practice, shortly summarized under the term ??policies??, from Germany to many other countries has taken place since more than 40 years. In this article we will first explain the theoretical framework for the analysis of policy transfer. In the second part the model of work culture as a developmental approach and extended theoretical framework that can be used for the analysis of context factors in the policy transfer process will be introduced. This model is applied to the analysis of policy transfer in vocational education and training in China and Turkey and used to explain context, actors and goals as well as transfer attainments.  相似文献   

Leaders work at all levels in organizations, but few of them are truly empowered. Why don't organizations do a better job of empowering them? Four factors obstruct organizations' efforts. Most leadership development programs (a) are offered out of context of other organizational development efforts; (b) are generic and not specific to organizations' needs for change; (c) do not last long enough; and (d) are based on either a skill development model or a personal development model, instead of personal development interweaved with skills development. An effective program to empower leaders might overcome these obstacles by drawing on initial and continuing support from top management; implementing an articulated plan including training, reward systems to encourage leaders to develop others, appropriate process and outcome performance appraisal objectives, and regular channels for feedback among individuals across many organizational levels; linking process goals (e. g., building community, envisioning) to organizational outcome goals; developing mechanisms to institutionalize long–term leadership and organizational development goals; and ensuring that training addresses skill and personal areas of development as much in concert as possible.  相似文献   

Experiential education may be viewed as a process of enculturation; a student explores the work culture in depth and learns how to develop the personality characteristics prized by the culture. Implications of a cultural viewpoint for selection, training, and evaluation of students in an undergraduate internship in a psychiatric residential treatment center for adolescents are examined. One ritual of enculturation, the peer evaluation meeting, is discussed and recommended for its benefits to experiential education as a tool for training, providing staff identity and psychological support, and affirmation of the values of the institution.  相似文献   

A general common sense model of interactive teacher decisions is presented. The model assumes that the teacher wishes to choose actions that are appropriate to the situation and to the goals of her teaching. The decision process is thought to include perception, judgement and choice of behaviour from the teacher's behavioural repertoire, but as a result of the immediacy of classroom situations and the teacher's limited information processing capacity, the process may be partly unconscious and the decisions seem spontaneous. The process is affected, consciously or unconsciously, by knowledge variables and emotional variables. Interactive teaching is viewed as consisting of a series of such situations. Research on teacher decision‐making in simulated classroom situations is recommended. It is suggested that teacher education should include discussion of classroom situations and training in interactive decision‐making and the value of such programmes should be studied.  相似文献   

Participatory Health Research is a collective term adopted globally for participatory action research in a health context. As an approach to research, it challenges current ways used within the health sciences to measure research impact as research, learning and action are integrated throughout the research process and dependent on context and participation. The literature on participatory evaluation is explored to see if it can offer some insights into how best to articulate impact. Similar debates are taking place particularly concerning the relationship between degree of participation and impact, how impact should be defined and the role of wider social forces on the evaluation process. A focus on core values, such as social justice, differentiates transformative evaluation from more pragmatic participatory evaluation, but this is poorly conceptualised in evaluation models.  相似文献   

Some sort of reportorial process is necessary for evaluation of undergraduate laboratory work. A variety of methods currently employed are not entirely satisfactory. Ideally, such a process should accomplish its purpose with a minimum expenditure of time and effort and, wherever possible, enhance the educational efficiency of the laboratory. Under certain conditions, verbal communication may be employed to these ends. In addition to more efficient use of time, other results include: more accurate evaluation, increased effectiveness of laboratory problems as teaching devices, and useful training in the use of verbal communication. In other terms, the communication channel between instructor and student may be given greater capacity, less noise, and changed more nearly into a closed loop.  相似文献   

为了分析影响放射科住院医师影像诊断报告评核结果的相关因素,为完善住院医师培训体系和加强住院医师日常管理提供重要依据,通过回顾性分析日常工作时间段完成的放射科诊断报告,分析检查类别、报告提交时间、患者来源、撰写报告的住院医师级别与报告评核结果的相关性,结果发现,上/下午前、后半段X线平片报告评核不合格率的差异存在统计学意...  相似文献   

Within the restructuring of the public sector there is a complex process involving challenges to professional practice. This paper seeks to describe and understand this through analysing the integration of commercial contracting into the professional practice and status of headteachers. It is argued that a key feature of this process is training and this is the context in which a critical evaluation of the National Standards for Headteachers combined with the National Professional Qualification for Headteachers (NPQH) is located. Commercial contracting is being overlain on top of democratic notions and practices of the social contract, and centrist determined NPQH training and assessment is being overlain on top of pluralist professional development opportunities. Aspiring and in‐post headteachers are being presented with a model of contractual leadership which is in tension with educational values and it is argued that as a consequence alternative and more humane traditions are being marginalised  相似文献   

Current Practice in the Allocation of Academic Workloads   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Significant factors within UK higher education include explicit competition, regulatory demands and pressures to maintain student numbers despite tuition fee increases. Universities have responded by more actively managing finances and quality but seemingly not staff time. This paper sets out findings on the processes and practices surrounding academic workload allocation (WLA) in universities, based on 59 detailed interviews from a cross section of staff. The main findings from this research are that there are a huge variety of different practices surrounding WLA and much potential for improvement. The approaches observed can be seen to work in a continuum from informal to partial, to the more comprehensive. Although many felt the disciplinary context to be very important to the process chosen, the findings of the research reveal that this is not the case.  相似文献   

The authors of this paper are engaged in designing and developing telematic learning environments to assist in programmes of initial teacher training. Two aspects have been supported by European Union (EU) funded programmes: the Telematics for Teacher Training (T3) and Reflect projects. Telematics is a term describing the combined use of information technology and telecommunications. The authors are not searching for a pedagogy of telematics but are seeking ways in which telematics can assist pedagogy. Their work specifically addresses the question of whether it is possible to design such environments in a social constructivist paradigm and the evaluation of their work regularly returns to the theoretical model of learning central to their training programmes. The authors will show that whereas the aspect of video-conferencing keeps faith with their view of the nature of learning, the design of the website is raising some issues that have, as yet, to be resolved  相似文献   

In multinational corporations, new models of learning are developing. A particular model with direct applications for challenges facing distributed workforces is one that combines the strengths of formal and informal learning while focusing on participants’ work‐based tasks. An operationalisation of this model in the context of the ongoing professional development of the engineers, geologists, and other technical specialists in a multinational oil company (Shell EP) is described. Important for the quality control and continual improvement of the implementation of the model is a set of criteria for the design and evaluation of courses reflecting its work‐based learning approach. Merrill's First Principles of Instruction (2002) form a starting point for such a model, but need to be expanded to reflect the particular needs of the Shell EP context. This article presents the expansion of Merrill's First Principles as the Merrill+design and evaluation criteria for courses with work‐based activities for technical professionals and demonstrates how the criteria can be applied through a selection of some results of evaluations of more than 60 of the Shell EP courses using a course‐scan methodology based on the Merrill+ criteria. Implications of use of the Merrill+ criteria for design and evaluation are discussed.  相似文献   

在我国福利政策和福利行政体系不完善的情况下,通过分析我国中央和地方流动儿童政策的现状,分析影响流动儿童福利政策制定、执行等环节的因素,了解到流动儿童福利在我国尚未得到社会及政府足够重视,国家缺乏专门的流动儿童福利机制。因而,要从影响流动儿童福利的家庭、学校、社区和立法因素出发,从流动儿童中、长期发展的战略高度致力于对流动儿童福利政策的顶层设计,对人力资本的投资、就业支持和人文关怀的具体政策设计,努力构建有利于流动儿童发展的社会福利政策新模式。  相似文献   

This article describes the application of the Research and Development in Organisations (RADIO) model to five action research projects carried out in schools around transition processes. The RADIO model is mapped onto all five studies, and adapting the model in order to include greater stakeholder participation is suggested. Reflections are made on the focus group methodology used in these schools within the RADIO model. An evaluation of the factors influencing the effectiveness of these five studies in bringing about positive change suggests that the preparation and context for carrying out action research using the RADIO model are key.  相似文献   

构建环境适应型英语学习评价模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
评价作为一种价值判断过程,势必涉及环境因素,包括社会环境、学校环境和学习者环境。环境在评价中的作用要求英语学习评价必须采用环境适应型评价模型,根据价值主体的需求设置评价标准,设计评价过程;根据环境的具体需求调整评价结构、选择评价方式;遵循学习规律,适应学习者的多元需求,采用真实性评价方式。同时,为了保证评价的效度,必须对评价的结构、过程、结果和反馈进行元评价。  相似文献   

Within the human resource development model, there is an emphasis on operationalizing and developing the counselor's physical, intellectual, and emotional skills necessary to deliver an effective helping process. Until recently, there has been little discussion of physical functioning. However, within this model physical fitness is viewed as a key factor of counselor functioning. A review of the literature reveals that fitness is related to several physical, intellectual, and emotional factors that can have a bearing on counselor and client functioning. The review also relates the development of fitness to the development of other intellectual and emotional factors. Implications for the training of counselors on fitness and for the importance of physical programs as they relate to the helping process are explored.  相似文献   

本文重点讨论语用为纲在教师培训环节“怎么做”的问题。作为语言学习四大环节之一。教师培训和教学活动是保证语用大纲、课程和教材中所包含的理念落到实处的关键。如何把抽象变具体,把隐性变显性,关键在提供一个可操作的模型,本文介绍的特别课型“语言文化实习课”是这方面的尝试。主要观点包括:(1)在理念上,确认语言结构为手段,语言运用为目的;(2)在教学过程中,确保语用为纲的原则贯穿语言学习的全过程;(3)在实际操作中,不断探索、验证并最后确认行之有效的模式,把语用为纲的原则落到实处。这是在华语二语教学中继测试、课程设置这两个环节之后又一个落实语用为纲理念的操作模式。  相似文献   

A major priority for the post-apartheid government in South Africa is the provision of a universal quality education. This article examines quality in the context of education reform, attempts to conceptualise quality, and critically reviews both the discourse and practice of quality interventions in South Africa from the late 1980s to the present. It is argued that work on quality has been influenced by the modernising agenda, and that this has led to two differing research strands. It is also suggested that the work on quality has been affected by the way in which education change is viewed. Three arguments are made in relation to change: that change must be viewed as a process rather than an event; that positive mandated change at the policy and legislation level has not necessarily led to change at the school level; and that education change has emphasised structure and putting systems in place rather than pedagogy and the processes of teaching and learning. The paper concludes by identifying the gaps in policy and research on quality. It calls for more qualitative and empirical school and classroom research, and suggests strategic areas for quality enhancement at the school level.  相似文献   

构建远程教育教学质量评价和保证体系的思考   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
基于不同的培养目标、不同的教育对象以及远程教育的特点,远程教育教学质量评价指标体系应有别于普通高校的相关评价标准。评价的核心应针对影响教学质量的六大模块十一个基本要素,即培养目标与规格、教师与学生、课程资源(包括字教材、多媒体资源)、教学实施(包括教学过程和教学评价)、学习支持服务(包括设施服务、管理服务、学习服务)、反馈与控制及与此相应的影响因子进行,并以此构建教学质量评价体系的框架。  相似文献   

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