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【意图】诗意语文是自由对话的语文。自由对话,首先要致力于课堂自由文化的建构。自由文化的建构,我们认为有以下一些要义:①师生、生生之间在人格上互相尊重、互相理解;②师生、生生之间养成真  相似文献   

对话教学不同于教学过程中师生间的简单对话.对话教学应该在教师、学生充分理解文本的基础上赋予文本语言以生命,搭建生命体之间对话交流的平台.通过教师、学生、文本三者之间交互式的对话,启迪学生英语思维,理解英语文本的文字信息和文学信息,从而实现对文本文化的建构.  相似文献   

哈贝马斯话语伦理在文化全球化中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在全球化背景下,迎来了文化全球化的潮流,各民族文化由于自身特点不同,政治经济发展的不平衡,使各民族文化之间对话交流陷入困境。哈贝马斯话语伦理提出了可普遍化原则、话语实践伦理原则,以及为实现交往合理性的三条途径:选择恰当的语言进行对话、承认和尊重一定的规范标准、建构良好的对话交往环境。哈贝马斯话语伦理为各民族文化对话交流提供了基本原则和途径,在文化全球化中具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

教学理念陈旧是导致高职德育教学效能偏低的深层原因.在“灌输”理念主导之下,师生之间充斥着权力的关系、交流对话异化为单向传输思想、追求思想复制再现.“对话”体现了一种平等关系、持介入的态度、关注意义的建构生成.实践“对话式”德育要确立自主生成、价值平等、价值引导与自主建构统一的新理念.具体操作应以教师角色转变为起点,以情景建构、鼓励学生表达为突破,以更新评价为动力.  相似文献   

随着后现代主义“对话”的引入,传统师生关系发生了一系列变化,建构一种民主、平等、沟通的现代师生关系已成为教学改革的主旋律。在动态的教学过程中,通过师生之间互为主体的交往沟通,用对话建构现代师生关系,体验他者,认可差异,建构师生之间平等对话的理想师生关系。  相似文献   

对话管理是一种通过对话方式、体现对话精神、激发对话资质的学校管理生活方式,是学校管理发展的必然诉求.本文以中国一所中学行政会上的对话和澳大利亚一所小学行政人员之间进行的对话为例进行比较,分析了两国中小学对话管理的差异,进而提出了建构学校对话管理的几点建议,希望能对我国中小学管理有一定的借鉴作用.  相似文献   

"对话"理论蕴藏着丰富的价值和意义,为课堂文化注入了新的活力。对话型课堂文化的基本特征是什么?如何建构对话型课堂文化?本文将作阐述。  相似文献   

杨艳 《广西教育》2014,(25):28-29
正对话式教学是以师生平等、尊重、民主、信任为前提,以教师、学生、文本三者之间相互对话为主体,以体现教学主体性、人性化、创造性为目标的一种有效教学方法。对话式教学不仅能够全面落实以学生为主体的教学理念,还能够提升学生的语文素养,促进师生共同发展。那么,如何在小学语文教学中实施对话式教学呢?一、自主探究,提升对话式语文教学效果建构主义理论认为,学生是知识意义的主动建构者。对于小学语文教学而言,学生只有亲自体验合作、探究、对话的过程,才能真正完成对语文知识的建构。阅  相似文献   

对话管理是在批判、反思传统工具式管理方式的基础上提出的一种新的学校管理工作方式,它以建构人与人之间平等的主体地位为立足点,以权力共享为权力运作的新取向,以激发参与者管理资质的提升为旨趣。学校对话管理的基本程序包括明确对话管理目标、建立对话管理规则、积极参与对话管理过程并确立合理的评价标准。  相似文献   

基于学习共同体的课堂文化重建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
凸显学习社会性的学习共同体具有共同的对话、规范、认同与归属等文化内涵。课堂场域下学习共同体形成的关键是课堂文化,而学习共同体的文化内涵为课堂文化的建设提供了合理的路径。基于学习共同体的课堂文化建构包含三个相互交织的文化建构过程:对话的场域——时空文化建构、倾听的秩序——规范文化建构、认同与归属——观念文化建构,并分别对应着课堂文化的表层、中层、深层三个层次。  相似文献   

分析传统对话教学在教学方法层面的局限和迷失的基础上,从两个方面探析现代对话教学的内涵发展,一是“对话”的现代意蕴,二是对话教学在现代教学中的定位,特别指出现代对话教学是对话精神与对话方法的整合。立足现代对话教学的发展需要,进一步切实地探讨现代对话教学得以实现的条件,包括对话者应具备主观的对话意识和对话能力,以及教学系统努力创造支持对话的教学争件。  相似文献   

教育只有以本真的方式存在,才能永葆其本质。在中西方文化与教育的源头上,两位教育大师孔子和苏格拉底创造的对话教育之古典范本以原始、质朴和天然的方式呈现了教育的原生态和本真存在方式。教育赖以发生的几种主要形式都是以对话的样式存在的。教育之本真在对话,它以对话而存在,因对话而发展。教育对话本真对教育管理的启示在于:要采用顺应教育对话本真的管理方式,使教育管理更加人性化、科学化和民主化;要用对话重建教育管理的内在关系,形成一种内在的良性互动机制;要用对话促进教育管理去行政化;要用对话解放教育管理人性,释放教育管理内在活力与动力。  相似文献   

Although dialogue is a common word in educational theory, its full significance is diluted if it is seen as a matter of exchange or negotiation of prior intellectual positions. In fact, the dia‐ of dialogue indicates through: dialogue moves through participants and they through it. Dialogue allows participants to have thoughts they could not have had on their own, yet to recognise these thoughts as developments of their own thinking. On this understanding of dialogue, education is a transformative rather than simply accumulative process. Similarly, team teaching is often thought to involve no more than the summative logic of sharing loads and adding perspectives. In dialogic pedagogy, however, team teaching refers to the way that the supportive relationship between teachers opens opportunities for students to join the team as teachers. Although teachers and students have different responsibilities, all learn through a collective dialogue. The article draws on our practice of dialogic team teaching large first‐year classes.  相似文献   

The emerging methodology of ethnocinema fuses techniques from its ethnographic origins with its co-constitutive methods, and invites collaborators to creatively come together for mutual education and cultural transformation. Education as a site of the enactment and “politics of identity construction” continues to confront notions of authenticity/fallacy, hybridity/purity and a media-driven “fictive unity” in the ways we enact and teach culture (Souter, in Hall). Collaborative methods in educational practice, like ethnocinema, suggest that as notions of culture are changing so too must educational practices, both in classrooms and in research contexts. As global mobilities muddy the waters of articulable cultural values and identities, educational practices present an urgent imperative to engage in more dialogic teaching and learning – and more collaboratively generated research – to reduce alienation, generalisation and increase pedagogical border crossing. This article addresses the im/possibility and implications of moving beyond cultural identities in intercultural co-educational dialogue.  相似文献   

This chapter is a dialogue between two scholars — one Chinese and one North American. Each from her own perspective draws on field research and professional experience to analyze practices of teacher collaboration in China. The chapter considers how Chinese teachers work together as a matter of both formal organization and informal relations. The underlying cultural assumptions which support these practices are also discussed. Much of what is perceived to be dichotomous in the West (such as group vs. individual, hierarchy vs. equality, and control vs. commitment) is perceived to be reconciled within the complex historical, cultural, and political patterns which embed Chinese thinking and practice.  相似文献   

Written submissions are traditionally used in the assessment of applications for Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy, with dialogue offering an alternative approach. Quite why individuals elect for dialogue has received little attention. Using a mixed methods approach, data were gathered from two Universities offering dialogic and written routes in their Fellowship schemes. Most individuals elected for dialogue, although this decision varied between Fellowship categories. Reasons for the choice were highly individual. This study demonstrates that dialogic approaches are popular with staff. However, we argue the importance of choice in Fellowship assessment options and recommend this to other academic developers.  相似文献   

This article explores the relationship between ontological assumptions and studies of educational dialogue through a focus on Bakhtin's ‘dialogic’. The term dialogic is frequently appropriated to a modernist framework of assumptions, in particular the neo‐Vygotskian or sociocultural tradition. However, Vygotsky's theory of education is dialectic, not dialogic. From a dialogic perspective the difference between voices in dialogue is constitutive of meaning in such a way that it makes no sense to imagine ‘overcoming’ this difference. By contrast, due to the implicit assumption that meaning is ultimately grounded on identity rather than upon difference, the dialectic perspective applied by Vygotsky interprets differences as ‘contradictions’ that need to be overcome or transcended. A case study of research on exploratory talk is used to illustrate the potential for a fruitful relationship between ‘high level’ theory and research that is relevant to classroom practice.  相似文献   

在全球信息化时代,对话、交流、合作逐渐成为人们生活与学习的重要方式。那么,对教学中对话教学的内涵、特征及其所具有的现实意义,我们有必要进行重新认识。对话教学是建立在平等、理解、信任和民主关系下的师生、生生间在思想、情感和精神上发生的交流与沟通,以及师生与文本间开放的、动态的生成过程。对话教学的实践过程,反映出对话教学具有平等民主的师生观、师生合作探究的教育观和师生共同生成的知识观等特征。  相似文献   

This paper develops a dialogic theory of thinking and of learning to think that has implications for education. The theory is offered as a contrast to theories that are based on both Piaget and Vygotsky. The paper proceeds by unpacking and interweaving three key concepts: dialogue, thinking and learning in order to argue that learning to think can be understood as a shift in self-identification towards becoming dialogue. This theory is then applied to the context of primary classrooms through the analysis of three short episodes of interaction. These analyses offer evidence that a dialogic theory of learning to think can offer new and valuable insights into classroom interaction with the potential to inform pedagogy.  相似文献   

This article reviews the existing literature on the relationship between dialogue and pedagogy, examining the concepts of dialogic instruction, dialogic enquiry and dialogic teaching. It submits these concepts to critical scrutiny and explores questions which remain to be resolved in the field. It is argued that a dialogic mode of engagement with learners has the potential to bring about a narrowing of the gap in educational outcomes. The structural conditions of schooling and current assessment policy are seen as constraints on the development of a dialogical pedagogy. The article identifies the affective conditions for learning created by different patterns of teacher–student interaction as a neglected line of enquiry, which future research could profitably pursue.  相似文献   

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