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1.(错)This is the village where I lived intwo years ago. (正)This is the village which I lived in twoyears ago. (正)This is the viilage—whe—re I lived twoYears ago. 分析:live为不及物动词,当与介词in搭配  相似文献   

Hello, everyone! My name is Li Yanqin. I am a girl of fourteen years old. I study in Yaoxia Middle School. I live in a small village not far from the town.  相似文献   

Our village     
This is a photograph of our village. Our village is in a valley. It is betweenn two hills. The village is on a river. Here is another photograph of the village. My sister and I are walking along the banks of the river. We are on the left. There is a boy i…  相似文献   

City PK Village     
【话题】Nature Park【教材链接】PEP 5 Unit 6 B Let’s talk/Read and write【重点运用语言】1.There is/are…in my city/village.2.Is there a…in the city/village?Yes,there is./No,there isn’t.3.Are there any…in the city/village?Yes,there are./No,there aren’t.【拓展语言】1.The sky/air/buildings…is/are…2.I can…in my city/village.3  相似文献   

My parents work in town. They can‘t go home every day. Now I‘m living with my grandmother in my hometown—a small village called Shentun.  相似文献   

1. Why Do You Never Phone Me?Mrs Harris lives in a small village. Her husband is dead, but she has one son. He is twenty-one and his name is Geoff. He once worked in a shop in the village and lived with his mother, but then he got a job in a town and lived there. Its name is Greensea. It is quite a long way from his mother's village, and she was not happy about this, but Geoff said,“There isn't a good job for me in the country, Mother, and I can get a lot of money in Greensea and send you some every week.”  相似文献   

Hello, boys and girls! Summer vacation is coming. Do you have any plans for the vacation? I plan to live in the village. My uncle lives there. He has a vegetable garden and a very big vineyard. I can help my uncle work in the garden. I think I will have a good time there. What is your summer vacation plan?  相似文献   

Hi! I'm Kate, a little girl of twelve years old. I live in a small building in a village. The building is not large and has only three floors. My parents live on the third floor; I live on the second floor and my grandparents live at the other. I like my home very much. When I am at home, I can see green grass and beautiful flowers outside.  相似文献   

My Village     
I live in a small and quiet village in the eastern part of Jiangsu Province. It stands beside the wide river called the Huaihe River. There are many small hills around our village. On the hills there are many kinds of trees and flowers.Before liberation itwas a poor,dirty place.Only a few rich peoplelived in good houses.M any poorpeople had no land and they had to workhard for the landlords all the year round.Of course they couldn t getenough to eat.They couldn t send theirchildren to scho…  相似文献   

段翔 《中学生英语》2004,(12):26-27
“May I ... ?” Nobody could imagine how happy and how proud I felt when I was the first one in our little village to become a junior school student! I knew it was not easy for a girl from a moun-tainous area like me to enter a middle school. In the eyes of every villager, I was no longer a little girl with short pigtails but a “a big fish in a  相似文献   

论鲁迅《野草·希望》的思想倾向性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鲁迅散文诗《野草.希望》的思想倾向性,是鲁迅研究界长期争议不休的一个重要问题。有人认为,《希望》中“虚无”的暗影遮住了希望。其实,如果看到诗人对虚无感的自觉抗拒,以及“我”这个艺术形象审美光辉对虚无感的客观抗拒,就会发现,《野草.希望》中“虚无”的暗影并没有遮住“希望”。  相似文献   

夜幕已笼罩着乡间。一轮红月正从树林后面冉冉升起,天上几乎看不到星星。在这苍茫的夜色中,寒气与露水降下来了。我坐在敞开的窗前欣赏着这夜色,耳边只听到那夏天的风声。大树的阴影像黑色的大船停泊在波浪起伏的茫茫草海上。虽然我见不到红色和蓝色的花朵,但我知道它们在那儿。在远处的草地上,银色的查尔斯河闪闪发光。木桥那边传来了踢哒踢哒的马蹄声。接着,一片寂静,留下的只有夏夜不断的风声。有时,我根本辨别不出它究竞是风声,还是邻近的海涛声。村子里的时钟敲起来了,于是我觉得并不孤独。  相似文献   

从《哀郢》一文的地名考究中,可以看到屈原的一段流放的行程:出郢都、江夏,便过夏首;由夏首沿江向西南漂,又折向东下到洞庭;经过洞庭沿江东去到夏浦;过夏浦东流,最后到达陵阳。  相似文献   

匈牙利首都布达佩斯是全国政治、经济和文化中心,也是欧洲著名的古城。它风光秀丽、景色如画,被人们誉为“多瑙河畔的明珠”,它是大诗人裴多菲、音乐家李斯特以及翻云覆雨的金融巨鳄索罗斯的故乡,还是茜茜公主爱恋的土地。那么,今天就让我们一起随着作者来感受这座曼妙的城市吧。  相似文献   

阿黑是我家的宠物狗。我们全家都非常喜欢它。今天早上我们突然发现阿黑不见了,全家人都出去找它。这时。邻居阿牛告诉我:“昨天夜里我在村口的小木桥上被绊倒了。我掉进河里全身湿透了。我爬起来,从口袋里掏出火柴划亮一看。原来是阿黑把我绊倒了。”  相似文献   

在中国古代文学作品中,有一个庞大的诗歌群落缘于"等待"这一情境。这些在精神实质或情境构势上具有"等候"这一核心内涵的文学作品可以被纳入一个全新的母题模式——候人母题中进行重新研究。在候人母题中,不论是人的情感追求还是人生价值的追求常常通过期待主体等待或期待某一个人或某一类人的情境模式表现出来,抒发着处于这种情境构势中的复杂情感和矛盾心态。候人母题在动态的发展变化中逐渐形成了情感层面的等待、人生价值层面的期待和社会理想期待三种大的类型。而且每一种类型都具有丰富的文化蕴含。  相似文献   

主体性文艺学的相关理论提出之后,该理论引起了文学界广泛、热烈的讨论,有人予以肯定,有人予以否定,本文就当前理论界的现状谈了一些我个人的观点,并就主体性文艺学之现实与理论基础以及"文艺是现实生活的反映"等观点进行了探讨。  相似文献   

冬日里我夜里起床,借着昏黄的烛光穿衣裳。夏日里可不一样,我不得不白日里就睡觉上床。小鸟儿仍在树上蹦蹦跳跳,  相似文献   

When I was nine years old there was nothing I loved more than being chased by grown ups. Nothing equaled the excitement of it. During the long summer holidays from school I went out the front door of our semi-detached two storey house, hoping to see some of my mates on the road outside. What did I see only our next door neighbour Mr Hickey high up on his ladder painting the frame of his bedroom window. Here, I thought,was a good chance of a chase because Mr Higgins's hot temper was known everywhere in the neighbourhood. Over the garden wall I climbed and stood at the foot of the ladder and started shaking it.  相似文献   

一年一度的圣诞节来了又去了。节前热闹的商店里现在变得冷冷清清的,偶尔见到几个寻找减价商品的人。昨天,当我心满意足地提着减价商品走过购物中心时,一家名的巧克力店映人眼帘,嗯,我的好朋友珊蒂自暑假起,就在这家店打工,真希望能遇到她。走近小店。突然看见一个熟悉的身影,正在上上下下地擦橱窗,我开心地笑起来。一边喊着珊蒂的名字一边快步地穿过了马路。  相似文献   

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