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丁淑贞 《池州师专学报》2007,21(1):116-117,122
教育引导班级中非正式群体是中学班主任工作的重要内容。班主任要重视班级中非正式群体的存在,采取目标引导、转移兴趣、“领袖”带头、改造环境和尊重独立等多种方法,加强对非正式群体的教育,从而促进全班学生共同进步。  相似文献   

一个班级内的群体有各种各样的。根据班级内构成的原则与方式以及有无明确的结构关系,可分为正式群体与非正式群体。正式群体是指师生认可,为完成班级所赋予的任务而产生的,有明确的权利与义务,有明确的职责分工的群体,如班委会、团支部。非正式群体,则是基于志趣相投、家庭背景相似、人员性格相近等因素自然形成的群体。在日常的班级管理中,正式群体发挥着重要的作用,因而历来为班主任及科任老师所重视。班级中的非正式群体虽然是一种“民间组织”,但其在班级中的影响也是不可忽视的。一、班级中非正式群体的类型1.志趣相投型这…  相似文献   

对班级中非正式群体的管理和疏导吕绍采班级是学校领导下的学生集体的基层组织,是正式群体,这是学生经常共同学习、生活的地方。作为一个班级的组织者和管理者,班主任往往要花很大精力来作班集体的培育工作。在诸多工作中,对班级非正式群体的管理亦是不可忽视的重要内...  相似文献   

所谓非正式组织,是指不经正式规定而在正式组织内部自然形成的小群体。班级中非正式组织是学生间的友好、结伙、冲突、对立等自发性结成的。在我国学校中,学生间有组织的关系对其自发的关系处于支配的或主导的地位,对学生有较大的救育影响作用。然而,班级中非正式组织(少至  相似文献   

班级中非正式群体是建立在情感基础上的,是由于兴趣、爱好、习惯、志向等方面的一致而自然形成的,其成员之间彼此了解深,心理相容度高,交往频繁,有困难或问题会相互倾诉,所以在对班级的认同上以及对班级的促进作用上,要比正式群体强烈得多。非正式群体对正式群体产生的作用既可能是正向的,也可能是反向的。从某种意义上,  相似文献   

学生管理工作是学校各方面工作正常开展的基础,是关系到学校政治稳定的基础工作。在学生班级里也存在着不同类型的群体,而往往是非正式群体对学生管理工作具有重大影响。本文试图就班级中非正式群体产生的原因以及管理技巧等方面进行论述,以期对学生管理工作者起一定参考作用。  相似文献   

班级是学生人际交往重要的微环境,"非正式群体"是班级人际关系中重要的组成部分。对班级中非正式群体的成因和影响进行分析,能够让教育者正确、清晰地认识非正式小群体及其对于班级人际交往微环境的重要影响,以做出正确的处理。  相似文献   

一个班级内的群体有各种各样的。根据班级内构成的原则与方式以及有无明确的结构关系,可分为正式群体与非正式群体。正式群体是指师生认可,为完成班级所赋予的任务而产生的,有明确的权利与义务,有明确的职责分工的群体,如班委会、团支部。非正式群体,则是基于志趣相投、家庭背景相似、人员性格相近等因素自然形成的群体。在日常的班级管理中,正式群体发挥着重要的作用,因而历来为班主任及科任老师所萤视。班级中的非正式群体虽然是一种“民间组织”,但其在班级中的影响也是不可忽视的。  相似文献   

优化自发群体强化班级建设湖南吴德春自发群体是班级成员在观点、感情、兴趣、爱好等方面基本一致的基础上自发结合起来的群体。其作用是班级正式群体所无法替代的。班级中缺乏自发群体时,同学间的沟通就会受到一定的影响,班级的凝聚力也会因此而减弱;反之,若自发群体...  相似文献   

试论班级群体对大学生成长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
朱云 《教育与职业》2004,(28):65-66
高校始终以培养学生的社会实践能力和社会创造精神为其使命。大学校园为大学生成长提供了多元文化的空间。在这里,每个个体与群体中不同成员之间产生互动,班级群体对个体在世界观、人生观、价值观等方面产生影响;班级群体的气氛和风气对群体内成员起着潜移默化的作用;高校应充分认识到党、团、班级组织在班级群体中的作用以及优秀学生干部队伍在创建优良班级群体中的核心作用,从而因势利导、充分发挥群体的榜样、示范功能。  相似文献   

Using a case-study approach, the structures, interactions and cultures in four teaching groups at a New Zealand university are explored. The aim of the research is to better understand the potential of teaching groups for assisting academic development. To contextualize this work, the case-study outcomes are compared to research on microcultures. Similarities between strong teaching groups and strong microcultures are found, pointing to the potential of drawing on findings from microculture research. In particular, the use of social commons as a theoretical framework seems indicated, presenting teaching quality as a group and not just individual concern. Differences between the contexts stem from the sole focus of teaching groups on teaching compared to the combined research and teaching mandate of microcultures. As research often dominates teaching, the suggestion is made that teaching groups provide more suitable contexts for addressing teaching issues. The research recommends that organizational units in higher education should identify and analyse teaching groups and build on those groups in addressing teaching quality.  相似文献   

We examined the impact of members' implicit theories of ability on group learning and the mediating role of several group process variables, such as goal-setting, effort attributions, and efficacy beliefs. Comparisons were between 15 groups with a strong incremental view on ability (high incremental theory groups), and 15 groups with a weak incremental view on ability (low incremental theory groups). Groups worked on a computer-based management simulation. The task required the groups to learn the underlying structure of the simulation to be able to control the system effectively. High incremental theory groups set more challenging group goals, attributed their performance more to effort, developed stronger group efficacy, and displayed steeper learning trajectories than low incremental theory groups. Group goals mediated the impact of group members' implicit theories on group learning. Exploratory analyses of the group communication process revealed that members of the high incremental theory groups communicated more openly about the task and maintained a stronger task focus compared with members of the low incremental theory groups. Research on group learning benefits from a stronger individual differences perspective that incooperates variables such as implicit theories of ability as determinants of emerging group processes and outcomes.  相似文献   

转型时期俄罗斯利益集团的政治参与成为俄罗斯政治中的一个重要现象。俄罗斯利益集团在利益的驱动下成为国家政治生活的重要参与主体,对俄罗斯的政治转型产生了深远的双重影响。其积极影响有:对政治参与扩大和政治社会化进程的促进;对政治权力的分立与制约;对政治体制改革的推动和探索;推进俄罗斯外交决策的转变;其消极影响有:消解中央政府的权威,形成寡头政治;利益集团的游说和俘获成为俄官员腐败的重要外因之一;地方利益集团的兴起造成地方分离主义和诸侯割据的局面;寡头政治参与使得转型时期的俄罗斯政局更加动荡;阻扰俄罗斯的立法公正和重大决策;充分认识其双重影响,对于积极治理利益集团,处理好政府和利益集团的关系具有重大意义。  相似文献   

目前已被识别的我国56个民族中有36个跨界民族。多数跨界民族的形成与近代我国疆界的变迁密切相关。在已有研究基础上,进一步梳理我国跨界民族的基本状况和成因,客观处理相关问题,对和平解决边界遗留问题,建设友好睦邻的边疆局面,具有积极意义。  相似文献   

The aim of the article is to explore educational use of student-managed Facebook groups in upper secondary education (in Denmark). Much research on educational potentials of Facebook has studied groups managed by teachers. However, there is a lack of in-depth research on Facebook groups managed by students and without participation from teachers. As this study shows, students’ use of student-managed groups differs from their use of teacher-managed tools such as learning management systems (LMSs). The article presents an empirical study based partly on a content analysis of 3139 posts and 15,018 replies within five Facebook groups, and partly on a questionnaire answered by 1463 students and 148 teachers. The results of the study show that whereas LMSs were seen by students primarily as institutional systems of the teacher, Facebook groups have an educational potential to be used by students for peer-to-peer learning.  相似文献   

The effect of group size in problem-based learning(PBL) on the problem-solving skill, self-directedness,and technical knowledge of 72 students in a dentaleducation program was examined. Pretest measures onself-directedness and technical knowledge wereadministered to the 72 students. Equal numbers ofstudents with low, medium, and high levels ofself-directedness were randomly assigned to small,medium, and large PBL groups. Students thenparticipated in a three-week PBL experience, whichinvolved analyzing a patient case. After PBL wascompleted, posttest measures on self-directedness,technical knowledge, and problem-solving skill wereassessed. Students' reactions to the PBL experiencewere also measured. Analysis of the data found thatthe development of self-directedness varied with groupsize. Students' self-directedness increased in smalland medium size groups, but decreased in large groups. A significant difference was found between the mediumand large groups on this measure. Furthermore,students in small groups rated 5 of 12 aspects of PBLsignificantly higher than did those in large groups,and students in medium size groups rated 10 of 12aspects of PBL significantly higher than did those inlarge groups. Implications of these findings forinstructional design theory, practice, and researchare discussed.  相似文献   

随着网络和信息技术的发展,网上青年自组织发展呈现蓬勃之势,对社会的影响也越来越大。网上青年自组织的兴起和发展,从形成背景上分析,是经济社会发展和文明进步的成果,也是青年文化多元化发展的必然要求;其形成基础则可以从社会学、经济学、传播学、组织学和心理学、行为学六个视角予以观照。探讨网上青年自组织的形成基础并利用这些理论来制定相关的政策和措施,可以减少网上青年自组织对大学生的负面影响。  相似文献   

我国近十年高等职业教育专业群研究综述   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过对近十年有关专业群的研究文章的梳理分析,专业群的研究主要集中在专业群概念、专业群的意义、专业群构建的原则和方法以及专业群建设内容等方面,并根据分析指出了研究的不足,为专业群研究的进一步完善提供方向。  相似文献   

Scotland is a small country with a dominant white majority and relatively small, varied and dispersed minority ethnic groups. This paper draws on a review of educational research relating to minority ethnic groups at all stages of education in Scotland, conducted in 1998. The review aimed to evaluate research conducted in the areas of: access to educational opportunities, learning and teaching, attainment and staff. We found that existing educational research relevant to minority groups in Scotland is scarce, fragmented and on too small a scale to contribute significantly to policy. In this paper, we put forward various arguments to explain the lack of policy and consequent practice likely to enhance the education of minority groups and draw attention to significant developments in Scotland since 1998 that are likely to affect educational research concerning minority ethnic groups. How can small countries where minority groups comprise a tiny proportion of the overall population ensure that the interests, educational needs and aspirations of these groups are addressed?  相似文献   

Self-formed out-of-class study groups may benefit student learning; however, few researchers have quantified the relationship between study group use and achievement or described changes in study group usage patterns over a semester. We related study group use to performance on content exams, explored patterns of study group use, and qualitatively described student perceptions of study groups. A pre- and posttest were used to measure student content knowledge. Internet-based surveys were used to collect quantitative data on exam performance and qualitative data on study group usage trends and student perceptions of study groups. No relationship was found between gains in content knowledge and study group use. Students who participated in study groups did, however, believe they were beneficial. Four patterns of study group use were identified: students either always (14%) or never (55%) used study groups, tried but quit using them (22%), or utilized study groups only late in the semester (9%). Thematic analysis revealed preconceptions and in-class experiences influence student decisions to utilize study groups. We conclude that students require guidance in the successful use of study groups. Instructors can help students maximize study group success by making students aware of potential group composition problems, helping students choose group members who are compatible, and providing students materials on which to focus their study efforts.  相似文献   

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