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ANewParameterEstimationAlgorithmofMultivariableTimeSeriesModelZengPeng(曾鹏)WangShaodi(王绍棣)(NanjingUniversityofPostsandTelecomm...  相似文献   

对于具有线性偏好结构,决策者常常只具备不完整的有关各目标权重信息的多目标决策问题,本文提出了一类基于评价准则的交互式决策方法.在此过程中还提出了获取评价偏差测度某上界的方法,调整评价以使偏差测度较小的方法,和利用具有一定偏差测度的评价准则获取准最优目标集的方法.  相似文献   

This study compared the use of interactive decision guides to traditional process flowcharts. A within‐subjects design with two conditions was carried out to determine if there is a statistically significant difference between the job aids on the outcomes of perceived cognitive load, perceived satisfaction, and performance with regard to time‐on‐task and diagnostic accuracy. Participants consisted of call center agents who work in customer service roles at a large telecommunications company. Participants found the interactive decision guides less cognitively demanding than the traditional process flowcharts. Second, participants' perceptions of satisfaction towards the interactive decision guides were more positive than the traditional process flowcharts. It took participants the same average amount of time in seconds to diagnose problems using the interactive decision guide as it did the traditional process flowchart. Finally, there was no significant relationship between job aid design and diagnostic accuracy.  相似文献   

对于多目标决策问题,基于决策方案与理想点的相对贴近度,结合目标函数满意度,提出一种交互式多目标决策方法。这种方法既克服了单纯用相对贴近度或仅仅使用目标函数满意度求解多目标决策问题的缺陷,同时又继承了相对贴近度法与目标函数满意度法的优点,从而使这种方法所获得的满意解与理想解尽可能地接近;各目标的目标满意度较好,最后通过一个算例说明该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

分析隐性目标决策问题的三个特点:一是存在着难以数量化、结构化表示的隐性(定性)指标;二是决策者偏好随着决策过程的进行可以调整改变;三是可行解空间大、可行方案数目多,不能直接进行穷举比较决策方案的优劣。对隐性目标决策问题进行了数学描述和分类,并对其求解方法——交互式进化计算的研究成果进行了分类归纳,为实际隐性目标决策问题求解提供参考。  相似文献   

从被试的决策行为来划分,经济实验可以分为独立决策和互动决策两大类。现有关于实验经济学方法论的研究都是针对互动类决策经济实验的,而对独立决策类经济实验(又称“调查类经济实验”)的规范研究相对较少,对这一领域的学术研究产生了不利影响。因此,应针对独立决策类经济实验的特点,总结这类经济实验应遵循的原则,为这类经济实验的研究和发展打下良好的基础。  相似文献   

混合身份共同犯罪指的是有特定身份者与无特定身份者利用有身份者的特定身份实施的,仅由有身份者才能构成的犯罪。混合身份共同犯罪的核心问题是其定性问题。这一问题一直在学界存在较大的争议,学者们提出了主犯罪质决定说、实行犯罪质决定说、分别定罪说、身份犯罪质决定说等四种学说。这四种有关定性的学说都存在不可避免的缺点,很难较为完美的解决混合身份共同犯罪的定性问题。笔者提出了以实行行为为混合身份共同犯罪的定性标准,较为妥当的解决了混合身份共同犯罪的定性问题。  相似文献   

生物多媒体实验室已经在全国大多中学已经构建起来,但是目前仅是有显微镜,投影仪等硬件部分,各个设备之间分散没有联系,教学资源没有有效整合,教师和学生之间依然是孤立的进行实验,教师根据显微镜画面的讲解和与学生交流受到很大的限制,本系统旨在建立一个基于计算机网络及DirectShow技术,互动式的多媒体实验室。实现了生物实验室的资源整合,更大程度的利用教学资源。  相似文献   

A general common sense model of interactive teacher decisions is presented. The model assumes that the teacher wishes to choose actions that are appropriate to the situation and to the goals of her teaching. The decision process is thought to include perception, judgement and choice of behaviour from the teacher's behavioural repertoire, but as a result of the immediacy of classroom situations and the teacher's limited information processing capacity, the process may be partly unconscious and the decisions seem spontaneous. The process is affected, consciously or unconsciously, by knowledge variables and emotional variables. Interactive teaching is viewed as consisting of a series of such situations. Research on teacher decision‐making in simulated classroom situations is recommended. It is suggested that teacher education should include discussion of classroom situations and training in interactive decision‐making and the value of such programmes should be studied.  相似文献   

MOOCs是一场学习革命,是具有交互功能、开放式的在线学习方式,促进了知识传播方式、学习方式和教学组织形式的不断变革。本文以大学英语课程的设置为研究对象,通过对学习者学习需求的分析,探究大学英语课程的设置模式,使课程设置符合当下学生的学习特点,突出个性化学习和自主化学习。  相似文献   

网络学习环境中学习反思行为的交互分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
反思能力是一种涉及批判性思维、选择决策和自我管理等多方面的综合性能力。通过试验研究,根据各类交互言论的编码方式,对网络学习过程中的交互语料进行编码统计分析,研究网络学习中的反思行为,以更好剖析网络学习过程,实现高阶学习目标,为构建适宜的网络学习环境提供研究依据。  相似文献   

The Supreme Court decision in Brown vs. Board of Education has received considerable attention in this twentieth anniversary year. We are reprinting the decision because we think it deserves as much attention today as in 1954. Reading it over I wondered would it have made any difference if the suit had been brought in behalf of white as well as black children who also suffer the psychological effect of segregated schools.  相似文献   

大学课程决策要呈现更多的民主化、科学化、制度化色彩,一个重要的路径就是构建有效的决策空间,它是一个组织平台、运行机制和公共理念的复合体,藉此更多的利益相关者可以就大学课程的各个方面进行民主对话、互动交流和博弈协调。构建大学课程的决策空间需要建构参与型决策文化、优化决策主体构成和完善课程决策运行机制等等。  相似文献   

以实际物流仓储系统为基础,提出了一个基于虚拟现实技术的交互式物流仓储系统方案,系统采用了改进的MVC构架的软件设计模式,利用UG和Pro/E对虚拟环境模型和物流仓储三维模型进行了构建,库存管理方面,采用数据库技术实现了对系统入库、出库等操作.此外,通过Java3D克服了VRML在交互方面的不足,解决了交互式物流仓储系统中一些关键问题,具有一定的实用价值和广阔的应用前景.  相似文献   

Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is a chronic illness that can impact learning and often requires medical management in the school setting. School psychologists must therefore be knowledgeable of special service eligibility criteria associated with T1DM, the health‐related services often required of such students, and what health‐related services schools are obliged to provide. Although federal regulations speak to special service eligibility criteria to consider for children with T1DM, such codes do not outline what health services schools are expected to provide. One way to glean this information is by examining published case decisions involving diabetes health‐related services in the schools. Themes and examples in five decision categories provide vital information for school psychologists regarding school service planning for T1DM. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Process-product research is conceptually truncated because it ignores that teachers are cognitive beings whose behavior is mediated by decision making. This study sought to develop inservice teachers’ interactive decision making (IDM)–their ability to “think on their feet” during instruction. An experimental group of teachers was engaged in a nine-week treatment of reflection and role-taking activities focusing on their IDM. A control group read information about IDM. Both groups then conducted lessons in the natural classroom setting and data on their IDM were collected in stimulated-recall interviews. Content analyses of the protocols produced frequency distributions on four measures of IDM. One-way analyses of variance indicated a significant difference on each measure, and effect sizes were well beyond the 80th percentile of the control group.  相似文献   

合理的教学决策是有效教学的前提。不同专业发展阶段的教师在教学计划决策、互动性教学决策和反思性教学决策三方面存在着决策维度、决策焦点和决策模式的差异。现有研究表明,新手教师成长为卓越教师,除了教学经验的不断丰富之外,更重要的是要增强教师的课程意识和课程决策能力,提高教师对教学决策的反思批判水平。对这一问题的后续研究需要增加有经验教师和专家教师的教学决策比较,实现从认知理性到生态理性的研究转换,以更好地指导教师专业发展的实践。  相似文献   

浅论高校公共突发事件应急决策的逻辑生成路径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在高校公共突发事件应急决策过程中,由于决策环境的非确定性、约束条件的非常态化和决策过程的非程序性等方面的影响,高校公共突发事件的应急决策复杂而多变,这给决策者带来极大的挑战与风险。为了最大程度地保证应急决策方案的良好效果,提高应急决策的科学性,决策主体需要从正确的逻辑起点、科学的逻辑方法、有效的逻辑策略和综合的逻辑过程等逻辑生成角度构建明确的应急决策目标指向、合理的应急决策评估机制、动态的应急决策调整方案和积极的应急决策情境交互思维,掌握高校公共突发事件的演化规律并对其进行科学认知,形成科学判断,提高应急决策的生态理性。  相似文献   

浅议数据挖掘技术在旅游市场细分中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数据挖掘是一种从大量的数据中挖掘有用的知识、用以支持决策的技术,从旅游行业需要入手,简要分析了数据挖掘技术在旅游市场细分中的作用,并重点论述了决策树和聚类两种挖掘工具的应用。  相似文献   

This article explores empowerment as a performance technology intervention in general, and as a decision making strategy in particular. Typical managers are apprehensive that empowerment will force them to relinquish their decision making authority. The use of a framegame provides a high touch approach to fair, open, and interactive decision making. This article describes a framegame called Elephant Grope for facilitating cross–group decision making. The requirements and rules for playing Elephant Grope are discussed in detail. Sample applications for conducting Elephant Grope in various organizational settings to achieve various performance outcomes are described. Suitable follow–up activities are suggested to enhance both the process and the product of decision making.  相似文献   

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