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时态是逻辑命题中的一个内在成分,是语言结构描述的重要组成部分.在功能语法框架下,传统的时态与言语功能之间的关系被打破.英语广告中时态的选用是外化的、显性的,产生的社会心理效应却是内化的、隐形的.时态同样服务于广告信息传递,影响和劝说信息接收者按广告信息中的要求去采取相应的购买行为.  相似文献   

我国社会逐渐进入商品过剩的市场经济时代,日益显露消费社会的文化症候,消费者心理,逐渐出现由遵从商品拜物教到膜拜广告能指符号的拜物教的转向,广告传播的逻辑出现了新动态。当前消费社会广告传播新逻辑主要具有三大特征:以推销身份和欲望为广告传播动力的逻辑;以制造虚幻的类像为广告传播符号的生产逻辑;以生产能指符号为广告传播编码的逻辑。  相似文献   

广告需要创意,但创意无论多么新奇也不能违反逻辑。但是现今媒体上听到、看到的广告却充斥着大量的逻辑错误,给公众一种误导:似乎广告是可以脱离逻辑的一种特殊语言形式。文章通过分析几个广告案例揭示其中常见的逻辑错误。  相似文献   

在以经济利益为中心的社会结构中,广告的功能从原有的信息传递演变为激发欲望,消费的客体也从使用价值转移为符码价值.在广告大肆提倡消费以获取经济利益的同时,过度消费带来了资源浪费、环境破坏等生态问题.绿色广告本质上是以获取经济利益为目的的绿色营销,它制造生态幻象,误导消费者走入购买商品就是参与环保的逻辑.  相似文献   

恶俗广告通常是指那种在表现手法上虚假、粗陋、毫无智慧、没有才气、空洞而令人厌恶的广告。恶俗广告长盛不衰的原因是:恶俗广告不是决定消费行为的必然要素,恶俗广告提升了广告主的广告投资回报比,恶俗广告模式符合品牌发展的基本逻辑。  相似文献   

余奕 《华章》2012,(23)
在愈来愈激烈的商品市场竞争中,广告作为一种吸引顾客的主要方式目的是为了为顾客提供信息,同时说服他们行动起来.它在商人与客户之间扮演着越来越重要的角色.作为人们的基本必需品,许多商家都希望涉足食品这个产业,于是食品广告也越来越多.本文试图从亚里士多德的三种修辞诉求:人格诉求,情感诉求和逻辑诉求来分析食品广告.通过分析一系列从电视和网络中收集来的例子,本文旨在研究三种修辞诉求是如何应用于食品广告中.  相似文献   

消费者作为广告的受众是广告传播活动的中心。追求广告传播效果的进路最终必然指向消费者自身。在传播学受众研究传统的基础上,建构切合广告受众研究实际需求的逻辑架构,有助于切实地洞悉和把握消费者,谋求广告传播效果的最大化。  相似文献   

语用预设具有单向性、主观性和隐蔽性等特点,在传递广告信息中发挥着重要作用。合理、巧妙地使用语用预设,能够使广告信息更加含蓄化;能够扩大广告信息含量;能够凸显广告的焦点信息。  相似文献   

独特的网络传播渠道,高能的广告性价比,高频率的广告信息接触,全面独占的广告信息时空,精准到位的广告目标投放,恰到好处的广告诉求时机,构成水媒体广告的传播优势。水媒体广告作为一种新的信息传播方式,是当代媒介资源的一个重要补充。  相似文献   

体育明星广告的大众文化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肖永伟  茹虹玮 《文教资料》2006,(15):131-132
体育明星广告是我国现阶段的一个社会热点,它不但是市场经济和体育产业化运作的重要内容,还极大地促进了大众文化的发展。本文采用文献资料法和逻辑分析法,以大众文化为切入点对体育明星广告现象进行探索,指出体育明星广告的火爆是当代大众文化在广告领域中的表现,大众文化是体育明星广告火爆的深层社会原因。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Consumer interest in healthy foods has spurred approval of several health claims for foods and dietary supplements. Although undergraduate and graduate food science curricula address food laws and regulations, nutrition claims may not be fully addressed. We posted a survey on the Internet for 2 mo for food industry professionals and others interested in taking the survey to assess their understanding of laws and regulations pertaining to nutrition labeling for foods and dietary supplements. The purpose of this survey was to measure knowledge in this area so that our university and others could reevaluate their curricula to provide student and lifelong learners with appropriate information about this important topic. Respondents were asked to indicate whether displayed claims were health claims, structure-function claims, or not approved for use on food labels. Respondents ( N = 136) indicated that they gained information about nutrition claims from many sources. Although respondents correctly identified approved health claims and claims that are not approved for foods, some confusion about nutrition claims may exist because not all respondents correctly identified claims in the appropriate category. Issues in educating food scientists include keeping food labeling information current and defining complex topics such as structure-function claims. The findings of this pilot study have been used to incorporate lectures about health claims in courses in addition to the food law class at the Univ. of Maine.  相似文献   

The question addressed in this paper is: what does a knowledge claim consist of in the context of the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)? The research comprises a case study of RPL applicants' entry into a postgraduate diploma (a fourth-year programme) in project management. The focus is on the knowledge claims made as part of the RPL application by experienced project managers and leaders. Three different aspects of the knowledge claims are analysed: what the knowledge claim consists of; what the academic interpretation of the claims is; and how the interpretation of the claims impacts on the RPL approach. The findings deal with the knowledge of the project management cycle prior to entry into higher education. It is found that knowledge claims not only consist of theoretical knowledge but also mainly situational knowledge, ability and attitude. In addition, the knowledge claims made in the RPL application based on the relevant and substantial knowledge are acknowledged by the academic institution in question. The RPL approach that results from the interpretation of the knowledge claims does conform to one RPL approach, within the paradigm of project management.  相似文献   

Several recent, highly influential comparative studies have made strong statistical claims that improvements on global learning assessments such as PISA will lead to higher GDP growth rates. These claims have provided the primary source of legitimation for policy reforms championed by leading international organisations, most notably the World Bank and OECD. To date there have been several critiques but these have been too limited to challenge the validity of the claims. The consequence is continued utilisation and citation of these strong claims, resulting in a growing aura of scientific truth and concrete policy reforms. In this piece we report findings from two original studies that invalidate these statistical claims. Our intent is to contribute to a more rigorous global discussion on education policy, as well as call attention to the fact that the new global policy regime is founded on flawed statistics.  相似文献   

This study discusses the phenomenon of making claims of excellence by universities, which we interpret as a response, inter alia, to the hitherto unfamiliar context of scarce and diminishing resources. The main objective is to understand how claims of excellence are mobilised by higher education institutions to achieve “competitive advantage”. The paper argues that most claims of excellence do not derive from evidence and are a misrepresentation of reality geared at attracting resources. It is further argued that by making claims of excellence universities take advantage of the experiential nature of their goods and services, and the phenomenon of information asymmetry. Those targeted by these claims only discover the true excellence of the university’s goods and services after consuming them and of course, providing resources.  相似文献   

作者研究了汽车保险中的一类相依多险种风险模型,将汽车事故时引起其他险种要求索赔的概率看作是一个与时间相关的函数,用对非齐次Poisson过程的稀疏与分解将该模型转化为独立多险种风险模型,证明了转化的合理,l生,进而给出破产概率的上界估计,该结论更具有实用性和一般性.  相似文献   

正确理解和认识施工索赔的实质与内涵有助于索赔权的论证和取得索赔成功,本文通过对施工索赔的根源与实质的探讨以及对常见施工索赔的类型分析,为合同风险责任划分和认定以及承包商索赔权的论证提供帮助。  相似文献   

We draw on recent accounts of social epistemology to present a novel account of epistemic cognition that is ‘socialised’. In developing this account we foreground the: normative and pragmatic nature of knowledge claims; functional role that ‘to know’ plays when agents say they ‘know x’; the social context in which such claims occur at a macro level, including disciplinary and cultural context; and the communicative context in which such claims occur, the ways in which individuals and small groups express and construct (or co-construct) their knowledge claims. We frame prior research in terms of this new approach to provide an exemplification of its application. Practical implications for research and learning contexts are highlighted, suggesting a re-focussing of analysis on the collective level, and the ways knowledge-standards emerge from group-activity, as a communicative property of that activity.  相似文献   

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall once argued that informed opinion would oppose the death penalty for all but those who support it for retributive reasons. We examine the validity of these claims with data from a series of one‐group pre‐test–post‐test designs which stem from a formalized learning outcomes assessment for several courses on the death penalty. Results show solid, but imperfect, support for these claims. The analysis then proceeds by profiling those who changed their opinions consistent with these claims, those who did not change their opinions, and those whose opinions changed in a manner opposite to these claims.  相似文献   

Several prominent scientists, philosophers, and scientific institutions have argued that science cannot test supernatural worldviews on the grounds that (1) science presupposes a naturalistic worldview (Naturalism) or that (2) claims involving supernatural phenomena are inherently beyond the scope of scientific investigation. The present paper argues that these assumptions are questionable and that indeed science can test supernatural claims. While scientific evidence may ultimately support a naturalistic worldview, science does not presuppose Naturalism as an a priori commitment, and supernatural claims are amenable to scientific evaluation. This conclusion challenges the rationale behind a recent judicial ruling in the United States concerning the teaching of “Intelligent Design” in public schools as an alternative to evolution and the official statements of two major scientific institutions that exert a substantial influence on science educational policies in the United States. Given that science does have implications concerning the probable truth of supernatural worldviews, claims should not be excluded a priori from science education simply because they might be characterized as supernatural, paranormal, or religious. Rather, claims should be excluded from science education when the evidence does not support them, regardless of whether they are designated as ‘natural’ or ‘supernatural’.  相似文献   

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