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第三世界的许多国家都经历了殖民主义的统治,由此殖民主义也渗透到现代的教育体系中。加勒比海地区的多元文化在某些方面不同于其他地区的很多社会。其教育制度经历了许多的变化和挑战。作者在本文中着重阐述了独立后教育制度的部分变化和挑战。  相似文献   

随着全球化和后殖民时代的到来,以及西方后殖民主义理论在世界范围的蔓延,对比较教育研究中的借鉴问题提出了质疑和挑战.我国比较教育研究不能以保护自己的文化免于西方侵犯为由,拒绝借鉴,借鉴仍是我国当前比较教育研究的首要目的.在后殖民主义的影响下,借鉴的主体、内容、对象、方式等应有所变化.  相似文献   

借鉴在比较教育研究中历来具有重要的地位,其作为当前中国比较教育研究的首要目的也无可厚非,但随着全球后殖民时代的到来,以及西方后殖民主义在全球范围的蔓延,后殖民主义的浪潮对第三世界国家比较教育研究中的借鉴问题提出了严峻的挑战。反思中国当前比较教育研究中的借鉴问题关系到中国教育发展的前景,因此通过对后殖民主义理论的探讨来反思中国比较教育研究中的借鉴问题就显得尤为迫切。  相似文献   

新殖民主义寿终正寝了吗?──评冷战后殖民主义的新特征宇杰东西方两极对立的冷战格局结束以后,国际政治关系出现了许多重大变化,表现出许”’斯的特点。总的来说,国际局势趋于缓和,但霸权主义和强权政治依然存在。尤其是近一}时期以来,新殖民主义向后殖民主义的嬗...  相似文献   

在当前第三次世界反帝、反殖、反霸斗争日益发展的形势下,联合国教科文组织第十九届大会于一九七六年十月在肯尼亚首都内罗毕举行。联合国教科文组织大会首次在非洲大陆召开,标志着非洲和所有第三世界国家在国际事务中起着越来越大的作用。许多来自第三世界国家的代表在会上谴责帝国主义和新老殖民主义在教育、科学和文化方面对第三世界国家的侵略和渗透,强调自力更生发展民族文化和教育。莫桑比克代表谴责帝国主义和殖民主义对非洲、亚洲和拉丁美洲各国人民进行的最粗暴的文化侵略。西南非洲人民组织代表、对外关系副书记希赫波在会上指出,在殖民主义和种族歧视的桎梏下,“我们决不可能对适合于纳米比亚人民利益的教育制度作出充分的自决”。  相似文献   

当前,国际、国内形势正经历着复杂而深刻的变化,这给我们的思想政治工作带来了严峻的挑战。然而,由于种种原因,在思想教育中出现了许多不真实的现象,一定程度上影响了新形势下思想政治教育效能的发挥,弱化了思想政治教育的功能。究其原因,主要是忽视或轻视了“真”在思想政治教育中的地位和作用。  相似文献   

随着旧殖民主义的破产,法国为了保持其在非洲的传统利益,不断调整其对非政策。从戴高乐的新殖民主义到密特朗的“非洲干预政策”,最后到希拉克的“不干涉”政策,期间经历了一个复杂而漫长的过程。2004年11月的科特迪瓦事件再次引起了国际社会的关注,也对法国目前的非洲政策形成了挑战。  相似文献   

新中国诞生后,中学思想政治课(以下简称政治课)至今已经历了整整40个年头了。政治课作为我国教育肌体的有机组成部分,对于青少年的健康成长发挥了重要作用。 新中国诞生之后,在党的领导下,经过社会主义革命和建设的实践,逐步创立了具有中国特色的社会主义教育制度。这种教育制度与资本主义教育制度有着本质区别。体现这种区别的一个显著标志就是确立了马克思主义政治理论教育在学校中的重要地位。但是,政治课的发展道路是不平坦的。与共和国一起经历了许多风风雨雨。其中有许多经验值得总结,也有许多教训值得记取。  相似文献   

随着国际局势的风云变化以及国内改革和建设中出现的许多新情况、新问题,给思想政治教育带来了许多挑战。高校思想政治教育必须面对这些挑战,多渠道、多形式的加强思想政治工作,努力提高思想政治教育的实效。本文对高校思想政治教育面临的挑战进行了分析。  相似文献   

当前中国社会正在经历着思想观念上剧烈、广泛、深刻的变化.这种变化给中职学校德育课程课带来诸多挑战--自我意识挑战集体主义;平等自由挑战权威说教;功利取向挑战道德价值;价值现多元挑战渗透教育.这样的现念变化,既表现为教育对象的特征,也表现为教育者和教育环境的特征.  相似文献   

In the past two decades Latin American governments have carried out dramatic social and economic transformations. The application of different programs of structural adjustment and decentralization has promoted deep changes, not only in the economic and social arenas, but also within the educational systems. The dominant tendency is to look for all the answers to educational problems in the realm of the "free market". However, contrary to what this situation may suggest, practitioners of "popular education" in the region have not lost all their vitality. This paper explores the challenges and possibilities of popular education by examining the educational field after the application of structural adjustment programs, presenting a critique of Gramsci's model of the organic intellectual as understood by many within popular education, and offering the specific example of a popular education workshop in Argentina.  相似文献   

In facing up to the challenges and impacts of globalization, high technology, economic transformation, international competitions and local developments in the new century, there have been numerous educational reforms and initiatives in many countries in the Asia-Pacific Region (Cheng, 2005a, A new paradigm for re-engineering education : Globalization, localization and individulization. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer). Unfortunately, many of these educational reforms with good intentions and huge resources investment have been found ineffective and unsustainable if not totally failed. One of the major reasons for this is lack of a comprehensive knowledge base for policy development and implementation supported by sophisticated and relevant educational research. From the waves and trends of educational reforms in the Asia-Pacific Region, this article aims to draw implications for future developments of educational research in supporting paradigm shifts, policy formulation, and practice of educational reforms in the Region and other parts of the world in an era of globalization and transformation. This article was adapted from the president address at the International Conference of Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association held on 28–30 November 2006, Hong Kong.  相似文献   

在高等师范学院地理科学专业中中国地理课程占有重要地位,但它面临着地理科学的变化、外部环境的冲击及自身存在的问题的挑战;中国地理课程建设要更新教育观念、体现地理科学的综合性特点,面向实际问题,加强研究现代教学手段和教学方法,合理继承和发展原有内容,组建区域地理课程群;中国地理课程内容应突出基础(地理结构)、重点(地理过程)、应用(区域可持续发展);教学方法上应使用计算机辅助教学、参与式教学和强化实践教学相结合;建立科学的考核体系,全面考核学生的综合学习能力。  相似文献   

论我国的教育传统及其变革与发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国是教育大国,教育传统积淀深厚。全球多元化、科学技术以及信息网络等社会变化对现代教育提出新的需求和挑战,促使教育传统的变革与发展。教育传统是教育变革的基础,变革则能促进传统的再发展,传统与变革二者是统一的。我国教育传统的现代性变革要反对民族虚无主义和民族中心主义,一要吸收教育传统中符合现代社会与教育要求的内容;二要摒弃教育传统精神中与传统的自然经济、专制主义和宗法制度相依存的诸如功利主义、精英主义、权威主义等有悖于现代教育精神和要求的观念和思想;还要梳理教育传统中有价值的要素,并使之与现代化需要的要素整合,对教育传统文化进行创造性的转化。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the unprecedented challenges and possible directions in which the field of educational assessment is going after the outbreak of COVID-19. Though the pandemic leads to a lot of pressure related to instruction, learning, and assessment, it also provides opportunities that are likely to require changes to the current theories and practices as well as the assumptions that are no longer justified. It is hoped that the challenges will motivate our field and the instructional experts to work closely together with the learning and instruction process so that assessment will be better integrated and can provide data-driven insights related to the sequence and content of instruction based on the diagnosis of students' strengths and weaknesses from assessment data. We expect that the integration of assessment in learning and instruction will definitely exert significant positive impact on learning outcomes. We believe the field will become aware of the assessment issues that teaching at a distance presents and will come up with innovative solutions to the many emerging problems when the world of instruction and learning undergoes significant changes from social distancing. This paper provides comments, and predictions about what the challenges and directions in educational assessment will be.  相似文献   

Special educational provision in the Republic of Ireland has experienced significant changes in the past decade. A combination of interrelated factors including litigation, legislation, parental advocacy and international developments has radically altered the landscape of special education. As a result of these changes the move towards establishing inclusive learning environments appears irreversible though many critical issues remain to be addressed at this time of transition. This study examines how key stakeholders in primary education perceive the challenge of responding appropriately to increased diversity. The results indicate that many barriers remain in the development of inclusive learning environments. The conceptual understanding of special educational needs (SEN) was seriously deficient and this affected the coherence of policy and service delivery. The system lacked strategic leadership, according to participants, and this restricted the capacity to support schools. School capacity to deliver quality education for children with SEN was constrained by the serious shortfall in the range and level of skills required and opportunities for professional development available. There was strong support for the principle of inclusion into mainstream though this was principally perceived in terms of the development of socialisation skills. It was concluded that in this transition phase schools required strategic leadership from policy‐makers to address the many challenges that remain in the establishment of inclusive learning environments.  相似文献   

Drastic immigration policies and economic conditions have resulted in unparalleled return rates to Mexico. Deported parents are faced with the difficult choice of leaving US-born children behind or taking them to their country of origin, where many face significant educational, cultural, and linguistic barriers. This study focuses on six families and the challenges they have faced living with undocumented status in the US, re-adjusting to life in Mexico, and the educational challenges faced by their children in both countries.  相似文献   


Colorado, the USA and Scotland are alike in many ways. Both have a relatively small population (3.3 and 5 million respectively) and, though Colorado is bigger than even the entire United Kingdom, both are largely rural, with most people living in the central area. The educational challenges which they face are, as in most advanced nations today, determined by considerations of economy as well as of philosophy and these pressures have led to changes in the delivery of special educational services, the way teachers are certified and the content of their training. This article examines these changes and concludes that Colorado has been more radical in the reorganization of its service delivery and certification of teachers, with changes in the schools being the stimulus to change in the state administration of education and thus the training provided by the universities. In Scotland, on the other hand, change in schools has been more gradual, but the education authorities and the colleges have had a greater hand in the process.  相似文献   

在自媒体环境下成长的“90中”高职学生,其思维方式、信息化方式和生活方式较之以前的大学生发生了巨大的变化,思想和行为上呈现出一系列新特点,从而凸显出一系列新问题,给教育管理和教学工作带来了新的挑战。文章从三个方面,运用定性和定量相结合的方式,归纳课题研究的系列调查报告,总结出自媒体环境下“90中”高职学生思维方式、信息化方式和生活方式等的新特点,目的是找到有针对性的教育教学方法。  相似文献   

全球化已成为世界经济和社会发展不可抗拒的潮流,它所带来的教育变革也是深刻的。在此背景下,教师在身份、权威与自由方面都面临着新的挑战。要应对这些挑战,不仅需要教育政策与制度方面的支持,而且有赖于教师角色的积极转变。  相似文献   

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