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社会伙伴关系是澳大利亚职业教育领域常采用的一种合作关系,其分为法定社会伙伴关系、社区伙伴关系、协商型伙伴关系。澳大利亚职业教育社会伙伴关系为我国职业教育的发展提供了很好的借鉴经验。  相似文献   

社会共生视域下职业教育社会伙伴关系发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
职业教育社会伙伴关系是职业教育及培训机构、政府、行业(企业)、社会中介组织在"共赢"的基础上,为提升职业教育质量及促进社会、经济和个人发展而自愿建立的合作关系。通过对职业教育社会伙伴关系的特征、建立过程、角色分析,对如何发展职业教育及培训机构、政府、行业(企业)、社会中介组织关系提出建议。  相似文献   

杨丽波在《河北师范大学学报》2012年第1期中,撰文介绍了澳大利亚职业教育社会伙伴关系产生的背景、类型、特点及有效运作的条件,并提出其对我国职业教育发展的启示。作者首先分析了澳大利亚职业教育采用社会伙伴关系的背景。澳大利亚为增加国  相似文献   

2004年6月在南京召开的全国职业教育工作会议上明确提出了针对发展职业教育的“三新”精神:认识要有新高度,工作要上新水平,要努力开拓新局面。会议提出职业院校要树立“办出职业教育的特色、把学生培养成为社会所需要的人才就是最大的成功”的思想,市场和社会需要什么人才就培养什么人才,对市场和社会的需求反应要快,人才培养结构调整要快,市场、社会需求信息要灵,就业渠道要通畅。  相似文献   

职业教育是面向“职业”的教育,因此,职业教育工作者对职业教育与职业及社会分层问题要形成系统认知。研究发现,举办职业本科教育,构建现代职业教育体系有利于拓展毕业生的就业渠道、改善就业品质并提升其社会阶层。因此,把职业教育作为类型教育来建设意义重大,是推动职业教育发展的积极行动;职业教育毕业生以技术和市场渠道获得职业为主流,通过国家考试获取体制内职业则非主流,并且,学生所获职业和社会阶层的地位并不高。因此,急需强化社会支持以推动职业教育发展。基于社会视角提出发展职业教育的策略:完善有利于技术技能人才的政策;改善就业待遇和企业文化;营造良好的舆论氛围;创造更好的支持创业的条件。  相似文献   

随着我国社会经济发展的转型,职业教育重要性日益凸显。如何提升职业教育资源供给质量和数量,保障职业教育的健康快速发展,是中国职业教育改革的需要,也是中国社会转型期人才发展的需要。本文认为,可从社会(市场)、政府、学校、社会团体(企业)和个人五个维度打造一个全方位的多维教育资源供给体系,以满足中国高职教育的健康快速发展需求;这种多维职教资源供给模式,其实也是一种"伙伴关系"的建构,它具有需求的迫切性和实践的必要性,也是发展职业教育良好合作机制的探索。  相似文献   

为适应国际发展及威尔士社会对高质量教育的需求,威尔士不断对职前教师教育进行改革,逐步形成以“伙伴关系”为基础的严格的教师资格获取程序、注重过程性质量“指标”与督查、经济支持等多措并举的质量保障体系。借鉴威尔士职前教师教育质量保障的经验,我国在师范生教育方面,应建立平等伙伴关系,牢固树立合作意识;严把教师资格获取关,强化“研究性”经验;逐渐完善师范类专业认证,强化监督问责机制;构建质量保障“共同体”,共促师范生高质量发展。  相似文献   

美国职业教育部门伙伴关系在《劳动力创新与机会法案》支持下,依托行业企业、政府机构、教育机构、社会组织四元利益主体的共同推动,加强了跨部门的协同联动,实现了公私资源的聚集整合,构筑了共商协调的校企合作新样态。优质的部门伙伴关系通过资源交互、供需均衡的共同目标,层级清晰、制度规范的管理架构,企业驱动、社会支持的合作模式,能力本位、标准导向的评估矩阵来实现,并以健全的法律政策规范、合理的资金配置方式、创新的技术援助形式为保障,完成了伙伴关系的模式变革和转型升级。  相似文献   

职业教育增强吸引力要综合运用学制、行政、市场与社会四种手段,以分别解决学制互通不畅、校企合作难以推动、教育资源配置手段不活与技能型人才社会地位不高等事关职业教育科学发展的紧迫问题。要重新做好职业教育学制设计,打造人才培养的“立交桥”;要发挥政府主导作用,帮助学校与行业企业构建新型校企合作模式;要发挥市场在教育资源配置中的作用,激发职业教育办学活力;要建立基于社会认同的技能人才评价模式,营造尊重技能劳动的社会价值导向。  相似文献   

职业教育是以培养某种职业,有一定专业理论,有一定技能专长的社会劳动后备军为目标的。它是教育为社会经济服务的结合部。职业教育要实现其目标,也必须将自己的“产品”推向市场,并接受市场的检验。因而认真地研究市场,对市场效应作出正确的分析和判断,直接关系到职业学校的生存与发展。 一、职业教育与市场经济的必然联系。 首先,市场经济对职业教育起着导向作用。  相似文献   

Teachers in the English and Welsh State education system have experienced a changing and turbulent relationship with the State in recent decades. This article adopts a historical analysis and argues that the concept of ‘partnership’ is key to understanding the relationship between teachers and the State in the period since the Second World War. Initially a partnership based on a commitment to welfarist values, professional autonomy and collective bargaining; this has been systematically dismantled and reconstructed as a ‘social partnership’ based on teacher union involvement in workforce reform coupled with a significantly more managerialist conception of professional accountability. Re‐engineering the terms of its partnership with teachers has been central to the State’s restructuring of public education along neo‐liberal lines.  相似文献   

论特殊需要儿童家庭与专业人员合作的几个核心问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
融合教育的教育理念,对特殊需要儿童的家庭教育产生了深远影响。随着融合教育实践的逐步深入,如今很多特殊教育专业人员都已经意识到能否建立和保持与家庭整体积极的合作伙伴关系是特殊需要儿童发展社会适应能力、获得学业成功以及教师实施个别化教育计划的关键。本文对家庭与特殊教育专业人员的合作做了历史回顾,阐述了在合作模式下家庭各成员和特殊教育专业人员的角色转变,为我国特殊教育者与家庭建立积极、平等的合作关系提出了三项策略。  相似文献   

Student–faculty partnership has been researched by contemporary academic developers, particularly its outcomes and challenges. However, theoretical discussions linking it with larger social–educational–political discourses are still lacking. This reflection aims to help fill the gap by analysing how student–faculty partnership might contest the neoliberalisation of higher education. It argues that, by positioning partnership as the basis for learning, student–faculty partnership provides an alternative discourse to contest the marketisation and corporatisation of higher education, the (re)production of learners as competitive and self-interested, and the standardisation and mechanisation of learning.  相似文献   

均衡发展既是义务教育的本质属性,也是现代基础教育的本质要求。依据我国目前的社会经济发展状况、教育管理体制和教育投资体制的现实,以区县为单位推进基础教育的均衡发展,可以更好地结合当地实际,提出更有针对性和可行性的均衡发展政策措施。区域基础教育均衡发展的关键问题,是“政府的政策指导与调节”和“提高教育质量”。本研究是以推进区域基础教育均衡发展为目的的U—D伙伴协作研究,通过建立大学专业人员与5个区县教育实践者之间的伙伴关系,共同面对教育实践本身的复杂性,从中发现、研究并解决教育实践中的各种问题,从而提高区域的教育质量,推进区域基础教育的均衡发展。  相似文献   

Partnership is a dominant theme in education policy and practice in England and in other western countries but remains relatively under-researched, especially with respect to what sustains a partnership. This article draws on a study of partnership working in the field of post-16 learning that revealed the role of dimensions of social capital in supporting and sustaining the case study partnership. The research adopted a grounded approach and used multiple methods of data gathering including observations of partnership meetings, semi-structured interviews and documentary research. The findings reported here focus on aspects of partnership working and facets of social capital that support and sustain partnership, including multiple layers of collaboration, networks and networking, high levels of trust and shared norms and values amongst key participants. The analysis suggests that the contested concept of social capital provides a useful theoretical frame for understanding the basis of sustainability in education partnerships.  相似文献   

The development of meaningful partnerships with communities is a shared concern of many higher education institutions. However, the building of significant partnerships between universities and communities is still a complex task, which generates multiple tensions. Based on a qualitative study that examined the lived experiences of participants in an innovative university-community partnership in Israel, the article analyzes the concept of partnership from a social constructivist theoretical perspective. The study focused on four research areas: the experience of partnership; the perception of partnership; the barriers to partnership-building, and the impact of participation on participants. Findings challenge essentialist views of partnership and highlight the constructed and discursive nature of the concept. The article found several crucial factors to be acknowledged in the process of partnership management: role perspectives, group affiliation, institutional context, power relations, the organizational culture of the partnership, and the societal perceptions of social problems addressed by the partnership. It concludes with some recommendations for the management of more meaningful university-community partnerships.  相似文献   

The relationship between a parent and their child who has SEN is one that, by necessity, is shared with a larger than usual group of professionals. It is perhaps inevitable, then, that this relationship has been an occasionally precarious one, with a potential for conflict due to differing perspectives and priorities. Although the ideal of partnership between parent and professional was originally defined in the Warnock Report in 1978 as a preference for equality, the constitution of partnership has continued to be viewed with a degree of caution. The contribution of parents in the education of their child has been a long‐standing yet somewhat relegated feature of policy reform, where limited investigation of parents’ views has perpetuated the consensus that multiple perspectives are rarely obtained. This paper explores the premise of partnership in Northern Ireland, with reference to parents’ relationships with the cross‐section of professionals who constitute an inevitable by‐product of having a child with SEN. Specifically, it will refer to their perceived status as partners within procedural infrastructures, and identification of those factors that have challenged the premise of partnership. The paper will present some findings from a phenomenological study involving 20 parents. This represented the third and final stage of a large scale research study involving quantitative and qualitative data collection. In Northern Ireland, the dual prerogatives of special education and inclusion have acquired commensurate currency as part of an ongoing process of social reform and education rationalisation. This meant that much of the research was undertaken against a backdrop of emerging educational policy and legislation for SEN, disability and inclusion. It is a timely opportunity, then, to review existing challenges and to consider possible alternatives for future partnerships  相似文献   

This paper traces the trajectory of New Labour education policy since the formation of the first New Labour government in 1997. During that time the policy discourse has moved from a position of individualized school improvement through competition, to one where there is an emphasis on ‘partnership’ and ‘collaboration’ as key mechanisms for improvement. We note, however, that ‘specialism’, ‘diversity’ and ‘choice’ are still key components of policy and that ‘partnership’ often denotes a deficit model, with more successful schools supporting (or in some cases taking over) less successful ones. Although there are the beginnings of a recognition that social class and social deprivation are factors which make achievement at school more problematic, generally New Labour policy has not attempted to alleviate the tendency to social polarization which has emerged as a result of school choice policies.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a project designed to increase parents' and carers' involvement in learning in a multiply deprived inner city community. The project was part of a broader evaluation of a social inclusion partnership funded under the Single Regeneration Budget. The analysis shows how learner identities are created and cannot just be assumed. Drawing on a community development model, a community worker was able to engage with women through routine encounters in their own social space. The project involved a partnership with schools. Other research has suggested that many school/parent partnerships are based on models of resourceful middle-class femininity. This study found that community education worked through engagement with the social realities of women's lives to foster learning identities. Participants were encouraged to gain accreditation based on developing their own knowledge and skills, and to develop learner identities, which allowed them to access other learning. The paper concludes with the importance of working within the ‘habitus’, and that the association of cultural and social capital with education, which policy makers assume, is not universal.  相似文献   

Set against the backdrop of a STEM-based (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) activity in a teacher education science methods class, the author examines the need for ethics education to be partnered with STEM education. To make the case, the origin of the STEM initiative, undertaken and strongly supported by both US government and corporate sources, is briefly recounted. The STSE initiative (science, technology, society and environment) is posited as a counterpoint to STEM. Also considered are: (a) an historical perspective of science and technology as these impact difficult individual and social decision making; (b) STEM knowledge generation considered through the lens of Habermas’ threefold knowledge typology; and (c) the experiences of the teacher candidates working through the STEM activity when an ethical challenge is posed. The author demonstrates the need for a moral component for science education and makes the case for a partnership between STEM and ethics education. Further, such a partnership has been shown to increase student enjoyment and motivation for their science studies. Three possible ethical frameworks are examined for their theoretical and practical utility in a science classroom.  相似文献   

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