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文章分析了我国少年司法制度的困境,以恢复性司法模式为突破口,探索了我国少年司法制度的改革之路,并从恢复性司法模式的适用保障、程序要求、缺陷救济等方面进行了论证。  相似文献   

“恢复性司法”理论由于其制度理念本身所具有的深厚的“人文主义”色彩而频频被学术界和实务界的专家和学者们予以了广泛关注,成为我们重新思考现行司法制度和理念合理性,重塑刑事司法模式的一个重要借鉴和参考。本文从恢复性司法的基本理论、恢复性司法模式与传统司法模式的比较和恢复性司法在我国的引入几个问题入手,进一步论述恢复性司法的基本理念和在我国司法实践中的运用。  相似文献   

未成年人由于涉世未深,世界观和价值观尚未形成。容易走上犯罪的道路。实践也证明,未成年人犯罪比成年人犯罪存在可矫治的倾向。所以对未成年人犯罪的从轻处罚和非监禁化已成为国际司法发展的趋势,对未成年犯罪可在广泛意义上适用恢复性司法程序。恢复性司法制度是一种在庭外调解刑事案件的方式,他的前提必须是首先其行为构成犯罪,经过恢复性司法调解无效后再公诉法庭。  相似文献   

作为一种替代性刑事司法范式,恢复性司法以"实现修复正义"和"构建和谐司法"的先进理念已成为解决诸多轻罪刑事案件的首选模式。在构建和谐法治社会的背景下,探究恢复性司法的价值机理以及引入我国的可行性和必要性,发挥其积极的社会功效,以期对我国刑事司法制度的健全和完善有所裨益。  相似文献   

恢复性司法的制度和理念具有预防和控制犯罪的刑事政策目的,也是刑事政策的价值取向由“国家本位观”转向“国家——社会双本位观’’以及刑事政策的指导理念由“报应性正义”转向“恢复性正义”的结果。恢复性司法的制度在我国还没有进入立法阶段,对于它的内容的探讨仍然只是理论上的探讨。如果要在我国实施恢复性司法制度,虽然有一些有利条件,也有不少的障碍。因此,在具体实施恢复性司法制度的时候,应当进行一些刑事政策_上的引导和刑事诉讼程序上的限制。  相似文献   

恢复性司法的制度和理念具有预防和控制犯罪的刑事政策目的,也是刑事政策的价值取向由“国家本位观”转向“国家——社会双本位观’’以及刑事政策的指导理念由“报应性正义”转向“恢复性正义”的结果。恢复性司法的制度在我国还没有进入立法阶段,对于它的内容的探讨仍然只是理论上的探讨。如果要在我国实施恢复性司法制度,虽然有一些有利条件,也有不少的障碍。因此,在具体实施恢复性司法制度的时候,应当进行一些刑事政策_上的引导和刑事诉讼程序上的限制。  相似文献   

兼顾被害人利益,促进社会和谐--兼论刑事和解制度   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“复恢性司法”是20世纪70年代在西方国家兴起的犯罪处理模式,作为其中最重要的刑事和解制度发展已日臻完善。追溯刑事和解制度的起源,明晰恢复性司法的基本理念的应有之义,文章主张应植根于中国传统调解的司法制度,充分吸收恢复性司法的合理因素,从创建和谐社会的现实需要出发。积极构建有中国特色的刑事和解制度。  相似文献   

恢复性司法作为一种新的刑事司法模式受到国际社会的普遍关注,其优势与传统刑事司法相比形成较大差异。恢复性司法致力于修复被损害的社会关系,但并非取代传统刑事司法程序,而是将其合理因素融入现行刑事司法程序中。  相似文献   

当下,变动中的刑法不仅表现在刑事司法制度层面的调整与改革,更表现在深层次的观念与理念的更新与创制,恢复性司法理念的引入无疑是最好的诠释。在刑事政策视域内恢复性司法具有其独特品格:实现秩序、正义、自由等价值是恢复性司法的终极目的,实现利益与效率价值是恢复性司法内在不竭动力与外在程序机制。构建刑事和解制度是恢复性司法的具体实现方式之一。刑事和解制度的构建将有利于贯彻宽严相济的刑事政策,实现法律正义与人文关怀,促进社会公平正义,构建和谐社会。  相似文献   

党支持司法制度是党法关系本土化的积极探索,具有重要研究价值,但“支持司法”的实质内涵及其实践发展尚缺乏系统研究。党领导司法的组织体系是党支持司法制度产生的组织基础。党支持司法的关键在于把握党的领导与人民法院依照法律规定独立行使审判权的限度,既要坚持党对司法工作的绝对领导,又要尊重司法运行的基本规律。党政体制从司法主体的人格塑造、对司法政策的方向指引、对司法干预的打击排除三个维度塑造党支持司法制度。由于实践中领导干部借支持司法的名义实施干预司法活动的现象还比较突出,执政党可以从平衡执政党的资源配置、以司法公开倒逼审判独立、培养领导干部的法治思维三个方面予以改善,确保党支持司法持续释放制度红利。  相似文献   

As educators, we recognize that students often come to the classroom with preconceived notions about the criminal justice system that shape their subsequent learning. One such notion revolves around the effectiveness of the “war on crime” model of the criminal justice system. Many students feel that this model is the best way to achieve “justice.” Teaching peacemaking represents an opportunity to introduce the students to a new way of thinking about the criminal justice system. This paper explores how experiential learning strategies can facilitate students’ learning of peacemaking. Suggestions also are made about how peacemaking can be implemented into the pedagogy of criminal justice professors.  相似文献   

Authoritarianism has been an influential concept in social science research. Furthermore, researchers have long been concerned about the potential dangers of authoritarianism within the criminal justice system. The current study uses Altemeyer’s RWA Scale to measure and compare levels of authoritarianism between criminal justice majors and non‐criminal justice majors in a sample of undergraduate students. Results indicate that criminal justice majors, males, and lower‐division students have higher mean RWA scores than non‐criminal justice majors, females, and upper‐division students. However, it is male criminal justice majors who demonstrate the highest levels of authoritarianism. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Criminal justice is often criticized for lacking theoretical grounding. This article argues that the introductory criminal justice course should be reconceptualized in such a way that permits a critical assessment of theoretical bases underlying crime, law and justice. Doing so would better prepare students to understand key questions in the study of criminal justice and would also help give criminal justice greater credibility as a stand‐alone academic discipline. In addition to presenting the benefits of a theory‐driven introductory course, possible content and pedagogy are described.  相似文献   

Criminal justice education promotes interdisciplinary learning, critical thinking skills, and ethical decision making. A course on wrongful convictions falls squarely within that paradigm, as it draws upon criminology, criminal justice, law, psychology, and forensic science to examine basic assumptions about the criminal justice system and the actors within it. In a wrongful convictions course, students learn to think critically about the criminal justice system, and what happens when it fails to function as it should. Students identify practice and policy reforms that improve the accuracy and reliability of the system. This article first considers the broad objectives of criminal justice education. It next situates the subject of wrongful convictions squarely within criminal justice education curricula. Finally, this article provides a comprehensive overview of an effective undergraduate course in wrongful convictions. It sets out clear goals, learning units, and potential resources for members of the academy who might be interested in developing such a course.  相似文献   

Although they use the term “justice” for purposes of self-definition, undergraduate criminal justice courses rarely examine the concept of justice in a systematic way. This paper documents justice’s status as a curricular afterthought in criminal justice course offerings. It also proposes ways to remedy the deficiency it identifies.  相似文献   

To examine attitudes towards gays and lesbians in an undergraduate criminal justice sample and to test previous research suggesting that law enforcement students hold higher levels of homophobia, we surveyed 453 undergraduates. Results indicated higher levels of anti-gay attitudes in criminal justice majors compared to a small sample of non-criminal justice majors and similar levels of anti-gay attitudes between law enforcement and other criminal justice students. Gender, race, religion, gay/lesbian friends, patriarchal attitudes, and completing a social science minor outside of criminal justice were found to be significant predictors of attitudes toward gays and lesbians; while the number of courses in which homosexuality issues were included in discussion was not. These findings are discussed and we offer suggestions for criminal justice curriculum that may assist our students in maintaining and upholding a fair and just criminal justice system.  相似文献   

从英国、美国、日本的几种典型刑事审判制度中,能够总结刑事审判民主化的认定标准,即过程面对社会公众的开放性、制度设计的平等性和民众参与的有效性.对这些标准的认识和借鉴将对我国刑事审判民主化大有裨益.  相似文献   

Responses to breaches in cybersecurity are increasingly reliant on criminal justice practitioners. However, while the demand for criminal justice participation in cybersecurity increases daily, most universities are lagging in their educational and training opportunities for students entering criminal justice agencies. This paper discusses the need for cybersecurity programs in criminal justice, and examines how the evolution of this “new crime” has become an issue for criminal justice professionals in addition to computer science experts. A review of existing cybersecurity programs in Texas suggests that most four-year universities have yet to develop courses/programs in criminal justice. Course recommendations, sample syllabi for cybersecurity courses in criminal justice, and recommendations for development of these programs are included.  相似文献   

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