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The present study aimed at assessing Hong Kong young children’s gains in creativity and their teachers’ application of arts education after a one-year artists-teachers collaborative arts education project that involves various art forms (i.e. drama, visual arts and integrated). Participants included 790 young children, 217 parents and 65 teachers in seven kindergartens and nurseries. Measures included the Test for Creative Thinking–Drawing Production, Story-Telling Test (STT), the subscales of parent-rated creativity, communication and motivational characteristics, and the adapted Scale of Application of Arts in the Classroom. Among the three art forms, children in the visual arts group demonstrated highest gains in verbal creativity as evaluated by the STT. Based on parents’ report, there were significant differences in children’s communication characteristics across the three art forms. Significant differences across art forms were also found in teachers’ confidence in teaching arts to 3–4?years old and their perception of arts for arts sake. Both teachers and students take advantage of the professional and artistic input and guidance of practising artists in arts appreciation and production. Implications and limitations were discussed.  相似文献   

Many countries, including Australia, China, the United States, the United Kingdom and New Zealand, have included art subjects in their core curriculum. Using the theory of governmentality as a critical lens to investigate the intricate power–knowledge system in relation to curriculum, arts and pedagogy, this paper makes a comparative document analysis of two contemporary arts curricula for children aged 5–6 years—the Beijing Kindergarten Happiness and Development Curriculum in the arts learning area (upper class in kindergarten), and the Australian Curriculum: The Arts (Foundation level). Curriculum is best understood as a multi-faceted phenomenon and this paper draws from research which categorized curriculum into three phases: the intended (or planned) curriculum, the enacted (or implemented) curriculum and the experienced (the learner experience) curriculum. By focusing on the first phase: the intended curriculum, this paper compares the documents that comprise the planned curriculum from two very different contexts, and thus makes a contribution to cross-cultural understanding of early childhood arts curriculum in ways that may lead to social change.  相似文献   

通识教育是发源于欧洲的一种高等教育思想。英国高校的通识教育在其发展历程中逐步完善,最终形成了以崇尚人文主义传统的教育理念、专业教育通识化的课程设置、师生交互式的个性化教学实践形式为一体的通识教育样式。聚焦于当前我国高等教育的发展现状,通识教育已成为全面提升大学生综合素养不可或缺的一个重要选择。英国高校通识教育对我国的启示是,构建符合我国优秀文化传统的通识教育理念;建立专业教育与通识教育相融合的课程体系;提升高校教师通识教育能力;实行智力训练和能力培养的教育方法。  相似文献   

艺术教育是学校实施美育的基本途径,是素质教育不可或缺的内容。本文通过与纽约州2006—2007学年学校年度艺术教育的对比,对国内外艺术教育课程实施的情况和特点进行比较分析。为我国中小学艺术教育和课程教学带来一些思考。  相似文献   

Visual Art educators are keenly aware of the significant contribution art can make to the growth and development of young children as it provides unique opportunities for personal expression and creativity. However, while it is acknowledged that art contributes to the development of the whole child, the link between thought and practice is often tenuous. Hence the question needs to be asked, what do student teachers really think about art and art education. This longitudinal study aimed at an exploration of student teachers prior experiences, existing knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, perceptions and interest in the visual arts. One hundred and ten B.Ed. (Primary) students enrolled in two compulsory Visual Arts Education units of study were surveyed in March 1999 and then in October 2001 to ascertain how they interpreted the term visual arts; how this related to visual arts education (if, in fact it did); where they would position visual arts amongst the other five key learning areas of the primary curriculum; and ultimately how they felt about the prospect of teaching visual arts in a primary school context. The findings of the research revealed a number of significant differences between the initial data (March 1999) and the final data (October 2001).  相似文献   

Prior research has shown that students from less educated families are less likely to study both science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subjects and arts and humanities subjects. This article used a large representative sample of university students in England to explore the relationship between students’ enjoyment, perception of ability and socio-economic disparities in subject choices. Although these attitudes differed by students’ parents’ education level, and were associated with subject choices, disparities in choices persisted when accounting for these differences. Students with less educated parents were less likely to choose arts and humanities and more likely to study social sciences, law and business, over STEM, even when their enjoyment and perception of ability in subjects were similar. Students whose parents had higher levels of education were more likely to choose STEM over arts and humanities as their enjoyment of STEM increased, suggesting different underlying processes informing student choices by social background.  相似文献   

随着义务教育美术新课程改革的深入发展,缺乏高水平新型小学美术教师的矛盾日益突出,各级各类院校教师教育课程改革就成为当前摆在我们面前的一项重要课题。正是基于此种背景下,结合美术学科自身特点,积极探索和思考教师教育核心课程之一的"美术课程与教学论"教学模式改革,以期真正发挥其在教师教育中更大的价值。  相似文献   

幼儿艺术课程资源的内容包括幼儿园资源、家庭资源以及社区资源等几个层面,其开发要从课程目标、内容和评价等几个方面入手,体现生活化的价值取向。幼儿园和艺术教师及家长要相互配合,持正确的课程资源观,根据农村和城市幼儿园特定的自然环境和人文环境,因地制宜,整合园内外资源,从物力资源、人力资源以及活动资源等方面着手,坚持多渠道、多方式的开发路径。  相似文献   

Due to the importance of education for sustainable heritage preservation, it is imperative to pay attention to how heritage is taught in the education system. As a multicultural country with a rich cultural heritage, Malaysia is home to four world heritage sites. This paper investigates Malaysia's new primary school curriculum to determine to what extent the core curriculum cultivates an awareness of and sense of respect for heritage. The results reveal a focus on Malaysian intangible cultural heritage in some core subjects, such as history, Bahasa Malaysia, art, and music education.  相似文献   

Over the past decades, many art advocates have argued for the intrinsic value of learning in the arts. Nevertheless, the arts continue to struggle to find a secure place within the school curriculum. Concerned about the arts’ impact on classroom practice, this paper aims to cast light on diverse realities constructed by art teachers as insiders in marginal contexts. This will be done by reviewing a critical cultural inquiry into art education practice in South Korea. Two interpretive analyses of individual teachers’ life stories have disclosed the practitioners’ relationships to established power dynamics between the dominant practice and a developing alternative practice network within the system. The discussion focuses on the inherent contradictions and opportunities identified within the context of Korean education. This paper provides cultural resources for conscious professional transformation of practitioners and contributes to broader discussions on the socio-educational status of art in education.  相似文献   

美术治疗及其在特殊儿童教育中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作为一种重要的艺术疗法,美术治疗鼓励、引导当事人通过绘画、雕塑等美术活动表达出难以言表的情感,并围绕创作过程和作品与治疗师开展互动,以达到协调、整合其身心的治疗目的。目前,美术治疗在欧美已广泛用于特殊儿童的康复和教育,这对我国的特教实践具有重要的借鉴意义。将美术治疗应用于特殊儿童时,需注意以下几点:构建安全的环境,提供合适的材料;给予无条件的支持与接纳,建立相互信任的关系;通过游戏引导美术创作活动;鼓励并尊重儿童自己对作品的解释。  相似文献   

Education increasingly operates in neoliberal terms; privatisation, marketisation and competition have become key drivers for schools in England. This article explores the findings from an ethnography that points to how arts education practices are being used to ‘art‐wash’ schools resulting in parents with the requisite economic, social and cultural capitals ensuring that their children benefit the most from a creative education. Whilst most of the narratives on artwashing have so far focused on arts institutions and global capital, this article questions how some of the specific processes of gentrification may be extended to the current education system in England and ask if schools and arts organisations may increasingly be ‘art‐washing education’.  相似文献   

民族民间艺术教育的价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民族民间艺术是艺术的母体,更是宝贵的艺术教育资源。长期以来,艺术教育是以西方艺术教育模式为主导的,表现为对自身艺术资源的漠视。中国特色艺术教育体系的建立,应以文化自觉为前提。缺乏对民族民间艺术尊重,艺术教育将是失去使命感与精神性的肤浅的教育。  相似文献   

随着新课标的不断实施,对高校美术教育专业的教学提出了更高的要求,高校想要提高教学质量,为社会培养优秀的中小学美术教师,首先就应该改变过去传统的教育模式,不断鼓励高校美术专业的教育工作者完善和改革教学方法,针对存在的教学问题进行认真的查找和分析,并寻找出解决的对策,只有这样才可以全面提高高校美术教育专业的教学效率,为各地中小学学校培养出高素质的美术教育人才。  相似文献   

美术教学是学前教育专业的重要组成部分,陈旧的美术教学已经不能适应学前教育专业的高速发展,时代需要开放式的美术教育理念。高职院校学前教育专业开放式的美术教学在注重对学生专业技能训练的同时,更应注重对专业能力的培养;在教育原则上,应以学生为本和实践导向为指导思想;在教育实施过程中,应明确知识技能培养目标,采取多样结合的教育形式,制定客观、反思的教育评价机制。  相似文献   

美术课程改革为美术教学呈现了全新的教育理念,构建了崭新的课程体系,促生了新的教学策略。美术课堂教学策略要保证新课程“三维课程目标”的实现,必须在新课程理念下,从美术课堂教学设计、教学实施、学生评价三个维度进行创新,构建中学美术课堂教学策略,提升教学水平和质量。  相似文献   

How can artist residencies for preservice teachers plant seeds for future classrooms? Teacher educators and a teaching artist describe a two-tiered residency in an early childhood and special education program that transformed preservice teachers' attitudes toward visual art and arts integration. Findings are based on teaching artist and instructor reflections as well as a qualitative analysis of student journal entries. Preservice teachers who had no prior art training and were resistant toward abstract painting began to enjoy it and appreciate the value of art for children's learning. They came to recognize visual art as a tool to support social development and children with special needs, understood the importance of process in children's art experiences, and considered ways to integrate art throughout the curriculum. We urge teacher educators and teaching artists to incorporate artist residencies into teacher education programs to prepare future teachers to integrate the arts into the classrooms of tomorrow.  相似文献   

科学教育与人文艺术教育相融合是当今世界教育发展的一种趋势,结合专业课程教学进行人文艺术教育,是深化大学生文化素质教育的重要手段,是实施人文、艺术教育与科学教育融合的重要渠道。在物理教学中把科学教育与人文、艺术教育相融合,充分发掘科学教育的人文艺术价值,使学生在融会贯通中汲取智慧,获得心智训练和提升,是物理教师的神圣使命。  相似文献   

教师是一种最大的资源,美术课程资源需要美术教师去组织、去开发、去利用。在农村小学美术教育教学过程中,经常会遇到家庭教育环境和学校教学设备等因素给学生学习美术课程带来困扰。首先要提高认识,取得家长对学生学习关术课程的支持;其次要克服困难,不断充实农村小学美术教育教学设备。只有解决好阻扰学生学习美术课程的矛盾,才能使美术课程教学资源从真正意义上得到调控和优化。  相似文献   

论乡土美术在学校美术教育中的意义与价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乡土美术是本土文化形态,在人类社会发展历史中,有着几千年的传承史。当前学术界已经对乡土美术教育展开了深入的探讨,并且乡土美术也成为学校美术教育中的重要学科之一,深入研究乡土美术在学校美术教育中的意义与价值,对于推动学校美术教育的进一步发展,具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

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