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Campus Club Cupcakes is an in‐class ‘introduction to operations management’ experiential learning exercise which can be used within minutes of starting the course. After reading the one‐page mini case, students are encouraged to meet each other and collaborate to determine if making and selling cupcakes to fellow business students would be a viable fundraising activity for a student club interested in completing a community development project in a developing country. The exercise is a variation and extension of the popular Kristen's Cookie Co. Harvard case which addresses capacity and bottlenecks. Campus Club additionally incorporates supply chain management and risk management concepts while also revealing how operations management integrates with the functional areas of marketing, accounting, and finance.  相似文献   

The article describes a multi‐phase, in‐class simulation that employs problem‐based learning to teach operations and process‐improvement concepts as part of an undergraduate or graduate business course. The simulation is derived from a corporate Lean Six Sigma training activity and has been modified to introduce, demonstrate, and apply a wide range of business concepts relevant to operations and supply chain management, including the use of operational and financial performance measures in decision making. The activity is scalable for small‐ to medium‐size classes with multiple student groups and may be deployed as a stand‐alone, in‐class exercise spread over several class meetings or incorporated into a larger, semester‐long process‐improvement project for multiple student groups. The simulation emphasizes problem‐solving, teamwork, and intra‐firm cooperation in addition to 20–30 other business concepts, tools, and measures that may be incorporated.  相似文献   

This article provides educators in business schools with a new interdisciplinary experiential lab game called Supply Chain—Marketing (SC‐Mark) Shark Tank game, which can be implemented in both Supply Chain Management (SCM) and Marketing courses. The SC‐Mark experiential lab game is a real‐life business environment simulation that explores complexities in advertising industry service supply chains. One hundred sixty‐one undergraduate students participated in the game at two business schools over two semesters. The effectiveness of the game was measured and analyzed, qualitatively and quantitatively, based on text analysis of the feedback received from participating students. The results revealed five themes that helped student teams understand how advertising companies integrate and improve their service supply chains—buyer‐supplier relationships, supply chain functions and operations, consumer focus and orientation, community focus, and overall risk management.  相似文献   

供应链管理信息系统是当前国际企业管理的重要内容,也是我国企业管理的发展方向.本钢是我国特大型钢铁联合企业,其原燃料从采购到消耗涉及的部门多,业务复杂,传统的手工操作存在工作效率低、管理成本高的矛盾.供应链管理信息系统的引入提高了工作效率、降低管理成本.本文介绍了本钢原燃料供应链管理信息系统设计思路与实现方法.  相似文献   

Previous studies of author productivity in business and management education (BME) research have focused on single disciplinary areas, and even single journals. This study is the first to examine the productivity of BME scholars across multiple disciplinary areas (i.e., accounting, economics, finance, information systems, management, marketing, and operations/supply chain management). We analyzed a pool of 17 BME journals with the highest hg‐index, by including the top three journals in the accounting and information systems areas, the top two journals in each of the other disciplinary areas, and an interdisciplinary BME journal. This examination covered a 10‐year period (2005‐2014), 4,464 articles and 9,617 article co‐authors. We identified 7,209 unique authors in this pool and ranked their productivity to create a “Key Authors” list. Each of the top 99 authors had five or more articles in our database. Our findings indicate the potential for cross‐disciplinary dissemination of research ideas and opportunities for scholars to enhance their research profile, because even a small increase in productivity can lead to substantial movement in the BME rankings of authors.  相似文献   

Multiround business simulation games have been gaining popularity in higher education. However, certain aspects of experiential learning of individual students in the game remain unaddressed in research literature. Team assessments, such as team papers, appear a common, “natural” choice given the team‐based nature of the games but may potentially mask individual learning outcomes. In this study we use a qualitative method to glean from individual students’ papers a deeper understanding of the process of learning of individual students in a team‐based, multiround business simulation game. Our findings indicate that individual and timely assessments are necessary to identify cases of not meeting the expected individual learning outcomes for the instructor's corrective intervention. This study contributes to the understanding of the process and outcomes of student learning in a multiround business simulation game, methods of teaching a supply chain and operations class with a simulation, and methods for better aligning course goals and assessments.  相似文献   

随着社会环境和企业运作模式的转变,采购管理工作已经告别了以往如何花钱买东西的时代,而进入采购供应链、战略采购的新阶段。传统高职教育的教学模式已经难以适应时代的新要求,通过教学实践探索,针对采购与供应链管理课程教学过程中存在的问题,提出案例教学法、任务驱动教学法、情景教学法、模拟实验教学法等若干教学改革思路,旨在培养学生分析问题与解决问题的实际能力,提高教学实效,实现人才培养目标。  相似文献   

This teaching brief explores how and why location analytics should be taught in business schools using three objectives. First, an explanation is provided for the importance of including location analytics in the standard business school curriculum—especially in the field of supply chain management. Second, a lack of GIS-based location analytics methods in business school curricula is demonstrated. Third, a three-part location analytics exercise is introduced to contribute to the supply chain management curriculum. The proposed exercise utilizes the output of a GIS-based location analytics software (namely, Esri's ArcGIS Online) as the input for a location set covering problem that can be solved using an integer programming solver. The exercise can also be used as a stand-alone example of GIS in a supply chain management course. This teaching brief aims to (1) develop a new method to use in teaching location analytics in supply chain management and analytics courses and (2) bridge an important gap between supply chain management practice and curriculum.  相似文献   

This teaching brief describes a three‐echelon supply chain simulation that involves complex decision making in a dynamic environment. Using a team‐based logistics simulation operating on a live commercial‐software application (SAP ERP) as a foundation, a supplemental exercise is proposed for deeper learning of transportation and logistics aspects of supply chain management. Sales and operations planning is used during four simulated months to develop detailed procurement strategies and logistics plans to enhance the baseline supply chain management (SCM) concepts of inventory control and forecasting in a distribution network. Transportation planning and scheduling complexity is introduced as students manage freight to conform to motor carrier weight regulations. The combination of commercial software and extensive real‐world planning allows students to assimilate numerous SCM concepts in a realistic environment. Student opinion survey data shows that students are highly engaged by the detailed nature of the simulation, which they concluded aided their conceptual learning. Additionally, the inclusion of the SAP ERP commercial software becomes a competitive advantage during collegiate recruiting by potential employers.  相似文献   

核心竞争力是每一个企业的致胜之基,现代流通业已步入供应链竞争时代,商品核算信息的质量对零售企业提升供应链水平具有决定性作用。运用现代信息技术,实施商品核算制度的创新,是现代零售业培植核心竞争优势的重要内容。本围绕品类核算这一新型商品核算技术及其对提升零售业供应链竞争水平的影响展开讨论,提出现代零售企业应当建立以商品“品类”为具体对象,以适应消费需求导向的商品经营需要,围绕基于商品品类所产生的经营信息进行核算和管理,引进作业成本原理,对品类在采购、配送、销售等经营过程进行实时监控,以提升零售企业的信息化水平,培养核心竞争力。  相似文献   

杨剑锋 《现代教育技术》2010,20(10):138-140
《供应链管理》是一门实践性很强的课程,课程教学中存在着忽视实践教学。ERP沙盘模拟是新型的体验式教学模式,能够使学生把理论知识与实际相结合,让学生亲身了解并掌握供应链管理的知识和技能。文章阐述了ERP沙盘模拟对供应链管理实践教学的积极作用、运用模式及所需条件,并就其实施提出了建议。  相似文献   

实现供应链的有效管理是每个企业的梦想,然而,在当今市场需求突变、经营模式发生变化的情况下,传统的业务流程管理模式则显现出很大的不适应性。文章论述了供应链管理环境下,企业业务流程再造与企业供应链管理的关系;供应链管理环境下进行企业业务流程再造的原则、方式以及企业业务流程再造对供应链管理产生的影响和促进作用。  相似文献   

Rather than providing all the required information as classroom exercises typically do, this international purchase and intermodal transportation competitive in‐class exercise intentionally holds back selected supply chain details. This inquiry‐based learning (IBL) approach simulates a real‐world Distribution Requirements Planning scenario by requiring students to identify what information they need and seek out those details from the instructor while competing with fellow student groups. In this 20‐30 minute exercise students are challenged to identify the all the necessary supply chain activities required to effectively ship patio swings from a supplier in China to a national retail chain in time for a spring sale. Generating the benefits of improved critical thinking in a fraction of the time required for traditional IBL, the approach is best described as a Partial Information Exercise. A student survey (n = 310) found that students strongly supported the inquiry approach, it generated significantly increased interest in global supply chain management roles and responsibilities, and over 91% of participants recommended the exercise continue to be part of the introductory operations and supply chain management course.  相似文献   

综述了电子商务供应链管理的研究和应用现状,在分析了电子商务与供应链管理之间关系的基础上,提出了供应链管理的矩阵分析模型。  相似文献   

大学商务英语课程设计与学生商务英语语言能力的培养息息相关。本文在分析大学商务英语课程教学目标的基础上,提出课程设计要基于需求分析,选用真实的教学材料与学习任务,以有连贯关系的商务情景为主线,重视过程学习,促进学生任务型操练。  相似文献   

Service‐learning (SL) is a pedagogical approach in which students are assigned a course‐related project in a not‐for‐profit organization, and are tasked to apply course content to execute the project. While the benefits are multifarious, only recently have supply chain management (SCM) courses adapted this innovative teaching methodology. The present article aims to popularize this pedagogical concept by providing a detailed overview of the background, development, implementation, and success of an SL project in an undergraduate SCM course; this serves as a “how to” guide for instructors interested in implementing the approach. Compelling evidence for the value of SL is provided by data assessing the students’ learning experiences, and benefits for participating organizations are demonstrated. Caveats and challenges are noted, and ensuing best practices for SL are presented.  相似文献   

为巩固在全球代工地位的优势,珠三角代工企业正思考和建立全球运筹管理之竞争策略和模式,重新整合供应链中的各零散资源,发挥整体效应,使产销体系中的各成员皆能获得最大的利益。本文针对各代工模式,运用供应链管理机制,提出策略性流程分析,并就企业在不同转型策略状态下,试着探讨可供企业实施的综合性代工模式信息流程应用。  相似文献   

Instructors look for ways to explain to students how supply chains can be constructed so that competing suppliers can work together to improve inventory management performance (i.e., a phenomenon known as co‐opetition). An Excel spreadsheet‐driven simulation is presented that models a complete multilevel supply chain system—customer, retailer, wholesaler, distributor, and manufacturer—for up to six competing products. Students are provided the opportunity to compare the inventory cost and other key performance metrics of the alternative multilevel supply chain structures. This article explains the simulation model, describes the instructional approach, and presents assessment results from students in an introductory operations management course. Students find that the simulation is easy to use and helps them understand the performance impact of strategic supplier collaborations on supply chain operating performance.  相似文献   

Operations and Supply Chain Management (OSCM) courses may cover supply chain strategies, supply chain classification, and supply chain performance. Familiarity with various manufacturing and logistics firms would help students to better understand such topics. Information on the Dow Jones Industrial Average indexed firms and top 50 supply chain firms by Gartner is easily accessible and typically covers a variety of industries from chemical, food/beverage, high‐tech to retail, to name a few. Instructors of OSCM courses can take advantage of this kind of information to discuss industry characteristics and supply chain classification. We present how to collect financial data, calculate supply chain metrics (e.g., inventory turns, profit margin, and cash‐to‐cash cycle) by building a spreadsheet model and creating an earns‐turns matrix, which prescribes supply chain classification. We also show how to analyze supply chain performance and describe industry characteristics based on the earns‐turns matrix. We provide vital questions and takeaways for instructors to lead and wrap‐up discussions. Students claim that they appreciated learning about industry characteristics and different supply chain strategies through the earns‐turns matrix analysis.  相似文献   

This paper describes a 4-year undergraduate course which covers mechanical/manufacturing engineering and management functions. At the start of the course the emphasis is on technology but in later years management/business studies predominate. The factor which is common to both technology and management functions is problem-solving. This is practised within a variety of projects undertaken throughout the 4-years. Most of the projects deal with problems being experienced by local (usually small) companies. They range from product improvement, to new products, to marketing strategy and business plans for future developments. The exercises involve: problem identification and strategy formulation through techniques suck as brainstorming, information gathering and analysis, familiarisation with previously unknown technologies, design of ad hoc tests and analysis of results, report preparation and verbal submission of solutions to the problem owners (the company directors). Because they work close to company executives, students have yardsticks with which to measure their own capabilities. The excitement generated by problem-solving exercises and the confidence gained through working one-to-one with company managers leads the aspirations of many of the undergraduates towards careers with strong management functions. Currently the most popular job area is management consultancy, followed by manufacturing engineering. The path of true entrepreneurship, exemplified by setting up a business, is being taken by an increasing number of students.  相似文献   

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