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周鹏 《出国与就业》2011,(24):79-80
小学教育本科专业推动我国基础教育师资结构的改善和教师专业化水平提升,小学教育专业学生就业曾经是一路飘红,但随着小学教育专业学生规模迅速发展,师范生整体就业形势的寒流,已经渗透到小学教育专业.文章从小学教育专业学生就业问题产生主客观因素分析了就业难的原因,并从政府、高校和学生自身三方面提出解决小学教育专业学生就业问题的对...  相似文献   

小学教育本科专业承担着为基础教育培养高素质小学教育师资的任务,在基础教育课程改革和教师教育专业化背景下,小学教育本科专业必须根据自身专业特点加强学生专业技能培养。本文对小学教育本科专业技能培养的特点、内容体系、基本要求、训练模式进行探讨。  相似文献   

高校教师教育如何适应基础教育课程改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基础教育是整个教育体系的基础,高校教师教育主要承担培养基础教育师资的任务。随着基础教育课程改革的开展,高校的教师教育专业必须做出相应的调整,才能使它培养的大学生毕业后能适应基础教育的教学要求。为此,我们必须认真研究基础教育课程改革的特点,并根据它对教师的新要求,来改进高校的教师教育的教学工作,使高校教师教育真正为基础教育课改与发展服务。  相似文献   

结合我国基础教育课程的改革,通过调查我省小学《科学》课教师的科学素养现状,就高师小教专业如何培养适应小学《科学》教育的师资进行了相关研究,力求促进高师小教专业加快改革的步伐,为我国基础教育做出贡献.  相似文献   

"跨世纪园丁工程"和"国培计划"实施以来,我国中小学教师培训工作取得丰硕成果,但在培训中也存在诸多问题,其中以师资问题最为根本。高校基础教育师资培训者队伍建设中的主要问题有:部分师资因对基础教育不了解使其授课缺少针对性;高校尚未形成鼓励教师承担培训任务的有效机制;高校与中小学合作机制不健全;培训师资专业发展激励机制不健全;师资选聘过程中存在授课不到位的情况。为此,建议高师院校积极鼓励教师走向基础教育实践的田野:将"为基础教育服务"作为办学方向,引导教师走向基础教育一线实践;以教师教育一体化顶层设计统摄基础教育师资培训者队伍建设;以理论与实践二元需求视角凝聚中小学师资培训团队;以培养、培训、研究一体化机制促进中小学师资培训团队建设;以高端项目拉动中小学师资培训团队建设。  相似文献   

教育质量的发展,教师是关键,而教师素养的提升,师资培养是关键。因此,培养基础教育师资的小学教育专业也逐渐地走进人们的视野并日益得到研究者的广泛关注。由于我国小教专业的探索与  相似文献   

杨征 《学苑教育》2023,(17):74-76
当前,我国小学科学教育过程中存在着师资力量不足,课程内容滞后以及教学方式亟待改进的问题,针对这些问题,教育部门高度重视对小学科学教师的培养。通过师资队伍建设,可以培养一批高素质专业化的小学科学教师,更适应新课程改革背景的需要,也能有效的提升我国基础教育中科学教育的水平,促进教师的专业成长。  相似文献   

通过对湘西地区16所小学科学教育情况进行问卷调查,发现当地小学科学教育存在科学专职教师较少,科学素质较低;学生学习科学的意识不强,学习兴趣不高;学校不够重视科学教育,教学资源贫乏等问题。为解决这些问题,结合已有研究成果与湘西地区的特点,提出强化管理和引导,提高小学科学教师职业认同感;调整"小升初"评价指标,探索科学评价体系;重视小学科学教师继续教育与专业发展;依托师范高校,培养高素质的科学教育师资等针对性措施,促进湘西地区的科学教育改革。  相似文献   

高校地理科学专业的培养目标是为中等学校培养优秀的专业化的地理师资。教育类课程是促进培养目标实现、充分体现师范特色的重要专业课程。然而,多数师范院校地理科学专业教育类课程设置仍然存在所占学分比例偏低、重理论轻实践、与基础教育地理课程改革衔接不够等状况。根据教育部制定的《教师教育课程标准(试行)》的要求,结合河南大学的实践,探讨了地理科学专业教育类课程设置优化的依据和原则,并提出了地理科学专业教育类课程设置的优化方案,以期对其他高校的教育类课程设置提供参考。  相似文献   

我国师范大学教育学院现有的本科专业基本上是在传统的“混合式”教师培养模式下以培养大中专院校教育学科师资为目标而设置的,主要包括教育学、公共事业(教育)管理、心理学、学前教育等专业。这种专业设置存在与基础教育阶段各级学校层次不相吻合、教学科目不相匹配的弊病,难以适应新时期基础教育发展的需要,最终会导致教育学院所培养的本科生与基础教育阶段学校所需的人才相脱节问题。在强化专业化教师的“分离式”教师培养模式下,师范大学教育学院本科专业的设置应逐步进行调整,主要转向以培养基础教育阶段各学科师资为目标,根据不同的教育层次和中小学教学科目设置学前(幼儿)教育、小学教育、中学教育、教育技术、心理学等不同专业。  相似文献   

A survey study examined how attitudes about professional development (PD) vary among teachers of different subjects. Elementary teachers were more supportive of PD than health and physical education, social studies, and science teachers; special education teachers were more supportive of PD than social studies and science teachers; and five teacher groups (elementary, special education, math, English, and art and music) were more supportive of PD than science teachers. The results show the need for the design, implementation, and evaluation of program innovations aimed to improve both program effectiveness and teachers’ attitudes about PD.  相似文献   

This paper describes a case study focusing on the subject matter knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, and beliefs about science teaching of student teachers in Turkey at the start of their university education. The topic of interest was that of teaching chemical reactions in secondary chemistry education. A written test was developed which used the research literature on potential student misconceptions with regard to different aspects of chemical reactions. Thirty beginning science student teachers were tested, with an additional eight interviews from the student teachers in the same sample. The interviews focused on student teachers’ views about how to best teach chemical reactions in lower secondary chemistry classes. The results revealed deficits in the subject matter knowledge of the student teachers. It also became obvious that the teachers in this sample held very traditional and teacher-centred beliefs when it came to chemistry teaching at the secondary level. Their teaching attitudes were geared mainly towards the acquisition of facts by pupils, and often ignored the development of process-oriented skills. Implications for science teacher education are discussed.  相似文献   

Sex education, especially in the southeastern USA, remains steeped in an Abstinence-Only-Until-Marriage (AOUM) approach, which sets up barriers to the education of sexually active students. Research confirms that science education has the potential to facilitate discussion of controversial topics, including sex education. Science teachers in the USA, however, may face legislative challenges influenced by the local political and social climate. This study aims to understand how science teachers address and construct curriculum related to sex education topics in AOUM environments. A Foucauldian lens is used to examine how teachers’ discourses influence decision-making concerning sex education. Findings from the study suggest that the AOUM curriculum influences the ways in which science teachers make decisions about the curriculum and taboo subjects such as homosexuality and abortion. The study also suggests that students learn about sex and sexuality in ways directly related to their personal experiences. Finally, study findings suggest that personal controversies, such as those relating to sexual health, can be integrated into science education through forms of teacher education and professional development attuned to the different ways that AOUM policies affect science teaching practices.  相似文献   

职业人文教育是高等职业教育的灵魂,高等职业教育在大发展的过程中,凸显的一个紧迫问题,即人文教育边缘化的状况急需改变,迫切要求科学教育与人文教育实现融合.高等职业院校要树立科学教育与人文教育融合的办学理念,旗帜鲜明地倡导和支持职业人文教育,要发动广大教师参与人文教育,采取措施努力提高教师融合科学教育与人文教育的能力.  相似文献   

周琴 《教育学报》2007,3(2):67-71
20世纪80年代后,国际上兴起第二次基础科学教育改革浪潮。此次改革中,各国均以培养科学素养为目标,不约而同采取了一些共同的措施以推动基础科学教育改革。这些共识之举包括:1.理论先行,为科学教育改革提供理念指导;2.颁布科学教育政策文件,制定科学教育标准;3.围绕科学教育目标,全面推行课程改革;4.改革科学教师培养、培训模式,明确科学教师标准;5.整合校内外资源,提供科学教育资源保障。  相似文献   

我国小学科学教师主要由科学教育专业和小学教育专业科学方向培养,在专业挂靠院系、课程设置、教材使用等层次上呈多样化态势,这是全民科学素养问题受到重视的体现,也是高等教育改革和小学科学课程实施现状的必然产物。针对目前小学科学教师培养呈多样化的客观现实,从不同层面入手,提出了培养高质量小学科学教师的建议。  相似文献   

论技术教育的重要性   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
现代科学教育已发展成为科技教育,科学教育与技术教育是不可分割的,技术教育对培养学生的创新、科学探究能力有重要作用,是发展学生科学精神、形成科学素养和科学态度、掌握科学方法、了解科学过程的载体。我国应加强基础教育中的技术教育,注重在中小学开设的技术课程中培养学生设计理念与技术应用能力;同时对科学课程各学科内容进行改革,将科学知识与技术手段教育相结合,将技术因素渗透在理科教材中,并且重视培养技术教育方面的师资。  相似文献   

科学教育与人文艺术教育相融合是当今世界教育发展的一种趋势,结合专业课程教学进行人文艺术教育,是深化大学生文化素质教育的重要手段,是实施人文、艺术教育与科学教育融合的重要渠道。在物理教学中把科学教育与人文、艺术教育相融合,充分发掘科学教育的人文艺术价值,使学生在融会贯通中汲取智慧,获得心智训练和提升,是物理教师的神圣使命。  相似文献   

In the first part of the paper, different models of teacher education are presented and analysed: the pre‐technocratic model or the model of training master craftsmen; the technocratic model or the model of applied science; and the post‐technocratic model or the reflexive model. In the second part of the paper, the results of the empirical research are presented. The aim of the empirical research was to determine the influence of undergraduate teacher education on teachers’ perceptions of learning and teaching and, consequently, on teachers’ actions. In Slovenia, teachers’ education was carried out following two main models: the pre‐technocratic model or model of training master craftsmen, which was typical for the Academy of Education, and the technocratic model or the so‐called model of applied science, which is used at the education faculties nowadays. Because of this dualism in teachers’ education models, there exist differences between teachers and their perception and actions as well.  相似文献   

This study examined changes in personal science teaching self-efficacy (PSTE), outcome expectancy (STOE), and science conceptual understanding and relationships among these in preservice teachers. Seventy preservice teachers enrolled in science teaching methods courses participated in this study. PSTE, STOE, and science conceptual understanding increased significantly during participation in the course. The study established that novice learners with minimal prior knowledge could not be expected to understand and employ core concepts in their learning schema without extensive guidance. The relationship between science learning confidence and science teaching confidence has not been theoretically delineated in the area of science teacher education. Findings suggest there may be important connections between the 2 for preservice teachers that would be fruitful areas for future research.  相似文献   

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