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影视基地具有一定的产业集群特征,其品牌战略既是影视基地集聚化发展战略的核心内容之一,也是传媒业集群品牌战略的重要组成部分。由于影视基地内集群组织架构的特性,决定了影视基地品牌建构的路径有其自身的特点与规律:轴心式影视基地品牌建设依靠基地内大型影视机构的品牌引领,网状结构式影视基地品牌树立依托于众多影视机构竞争力的普遍提升;同时集群品牌的"公共物品"属性也决定了影视基地品牌建设机制中隐含着内在约束因素。为了有效建设影视基地品牌,需要从强化政府对影视基地品牌建设的宏观管理、发挥影视机构在影视基地品牌建设中的主要作用和明确影视基地品牌管理与责任主体等多方面入手。  相似文献   

论影视旅游产业机制与发展策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
影视旅游并非影视与旅游的简单相加,二者的产业融合才能促进影视旅游向纵深发展。影视旅游具有相对独立的存在意义,探索影视旅游的机制十分重要。影视旅游潜存三种机制:发生机制、协同营销机制、影响机制。要实现影视旅游的跨越式发展,必须遵循影视旅游的内在规律,体现民族文化特色和地域特色,促进产业融合,构建影视旅游产业链,开展差异化竞争。  相似文献   

当代影视教育的核心不是"影视艺术教育"或"影视技术教育",而是"影视媒介教育".它的目标是:挖掘影视强大的认知功能,以积极实验的心态,在现代传媒和影视的无缝链接中,培养高素质人才.为此,致力于民族影视核心竞争力锻造的影视教育,要以传媒变革的方向为影视教育的方向,着力于"文化底蕴"的涵养,强化"颖悟力"的孕成,注重"表现力"的获得,由此实现影视教育的全面升位.  相似文献   

影视旅游作为较新颖的深度旅游形式逐渐流行于世界各国。韩国因其发达的影视产业和专业化的影视生产等在这方面拥有明显的优势,而中国影视旅游目前仍处于发展阶段,存在许多诸如影视作品质量差、缺乏文化内涵、对影视资源开发利用不充分等问题。本文首先介绍了中韩两国的影视旅游发展现状,再通过对韩国影视旅游发展情况的分析,指出其影视旅游发展较为成功的原因。结合韩国影视旅游取得成功的原因和发展经验,从影视作品本身和影视旅游的目的地两方面展开分析,指出目前我国影视旅游存在的不足,并据此为我国影视旅游更好的发展提出合理建议,希望能为促进我国影视产业和旅游业的发展出一份力。  相似文献   

赵敏晶  刘宗元 《今传媒》2013,(2):144-146
本文从从生活中影视影响时尚流行的现象谈起并研究分析了影视与时尚的关系,利用传播学理论对影视观众进行受众分析,论述了影视传播对影视观众的心理影响过程,强调了影视推动时尚流行发展对大众传播的促进。  相似文献   

当前,计算机技术发展迅猛,在各个领域都得到了广泛应用,数字技术已经广泛应用到影视后期制作中,使影视后期制作的效果得到提高,特别是在大规模的影视后期制作中,数字技术能够对影视后期制作的流程予以简化和完善,提高影视后期制作的效率和质量,实现了媒体资产的管理。本文分析了不同时期影视后期制作的特点,并按照当前影视后期制作的要求分析影视后期制作系统的革新。  相似文献   

孔祥宇 《东南传播》2021,(11):77-79
作为人类学的分支学科,影视人类学一直着眼于记录和呈现人类学原理,"影视"在其中仅被视作工具,长期未得到学术层面的正名.而作为影视学与人类学的交叉学科,随着影视学学科的日益成熟、影视学学术的日趋繁荣和影视学教育的日渐完善,影视人类学的研究主体、研究内容和研究方法都发生了巨大变化.以影视学的视角重审影视人类学的发展变局,不仅具有鲜明的时代性和充足的合理性,更适应了新全球化趋势、新文科背景和国家新需求.  相似文献   

张琳 《出版广角》2017,(24):43-45
版权融资符合影视产业的特点,不仅迎合了影视产业融资多元化的发展趋势,亦有助于影视产业商业利润的最大化.目前,国内影视版权融资主要包括预售版权融资、版权质押融资以及版权证券化融资.由于法律不健全以及影视产业发展特性等原因,影视版权融资在实践中仍面临较多法律风险,主要集中于权属、完片以及变现三个方面.因此,我们有必要从影视版权预告登记、第三方监理、影视版权评估以及影视版权交易机制的完善出发,对影视版权融资中的法律风险予以防范和应对.  相似文献   

熊晓洁 《出版广角》2013,(10):13-15
影视图书的热销成为一个令人瞩目的现象。影视与图书之间互动营销,形成一个牢不可破的产业链。一系列影视同期书的热销进一步推动了出版社争相出版影视图书的热潮。现代社会已经步入影像传播时代,影视发展成为信息传播的重要载体之一。随着每一个影视剧的热播,影视图书也迎来一股出版热潮。影视图书的出版热潮既是出版行业的热门现象,各大出版社纷纷跟进,使得影视图书更加热门,同时也是大众传播的一个绝佳  相似文献   

刘薇 《新闻爱好者》2010,(8):172-173
影视语言是文本结构和音画系统的构成统一,是所有影视作品的叙说工具。作为年轻的艺术门类,影视艺术的叙说是在各种艺术的交叉点上分离出来的,具有天生的综合性,当然也和各种艺术门类具有比较性。其中,影视艺术从文学艺术的分离过程是最纠缠又最生动的.影视语言和文学语言的比较与转化一直是影视艺术发展的轨迹,而这一比较与转化的过程几乎也是影视语言、影视艺术以及影视美学的发展历程。  相似文献   

随着三网融合进程的加快,图书馆应借助三网融合的技术条件,建设电视图书馆,让用户通过电视借阅图书馆的书籍、获取图书馆提供的信息资源,从而扩大图书馆的服务范围。分析了目前我国电视图书馆的发展现状,对三网融合背景下电视图书馆的建设进行了探讨。  相似文献   


Children from ages 4 to 9 watched segments from Sesame Street and answered questions about television reality. Factor analysis produced three reality dimensions: (a) Sesame Street really exists, (b) television characters can see and hear us, and (c) what you see is inside the television set. For preschoolers, age was the most important variable in regard to television reality. There were other background variables for older children: Children from working‐class backgrounds were more apt to believe that television characters can see and hear us and that they reside inside the television set than their middle‐ and upper‐class age peers.  相似文献   

The authors show that although there is increasing competition between cable television, broadcast television, and radio, broadcast television remains a strong competitor and has not yet been displaced by cable television in the advertising market. Radio still remains competitive, but not to the degree of broadcast television. The authors suggest that cable television will not rapidly overwhelm and push broadcast industries out of the market.  相似文献   

In this study, I replicate recent research conducted in Germany (Peiser, 1996) on differential effects of television on birth cohorts' media use in the first 2 decades after the diffusion of television. Cohort analyses of television viewing, attitude toward television, and newspaper reading were conducted using secondary data from the corresponding decades in the United States. Unlike in Germany, the American television generation apparently developed a closer relation with television than the preceding cohorts. As in Germany, newspaper reading was lower among the younger cohorts. The study's results point to a displacement process in the United States, and they suggest that the effects of growing up with television may depend on a country's television system.  相似文献   

In France, book information disseminated on television reaches large numbers of potential purchasers and increases sales of the books featured, despite a ban on advertising. There is a clear relationship between television appearances and bestsellerdom. The ability of television to influence sales affects the behavior of book purchasers (who focus on a small number of rapidly changing titles), publishers (who devote advertising and production budgets to mediagenic titles), and book-sellers (who devote more shelf space to titles promoted on television). This article analyzes the impact of television on the book market and on trends in production and editorial decision making. Translated by Beth Luey.  相似文献   

构建广播电视新闻学专业实践教学新体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
崔春泽 《新闻界》2008,(5):186-187
本文在充分考察全国高校同类专业实践教学体系的基础上。结合黑龙江省对广播电视新闻学人才的需求模式和要求,从全新的角度和视野认识和梳理了广播电视新闻学专业实践教学的思路,并最终确立了我校广播电视新闻学专业的实践教学模式。  相似文献   

Over the last few years, the number of television dating shows has increased exponentially from 2 to over 28 during the period of 2000 to 2002. The purpose of this study was to examine demographic variables, personality characteristics, and attachment styles of individuals who view television dating shows. Furthermore, motives for viewing television dating shows and viewers' responses to the content were examined. A convenience sample of 601 participants, including 413 who watch television dating shows, were solicited to complete the Internet-mediated study. Results revealed significant demographic differences between the two groups and demographic variables were associated with specific television viewing practices. An exploratory factor analysis revealed three motives for viewing television dating shows: excitability, social learning, and escape. Sensation-seeking, attachment style, and motives for watching television dating shows were predictive of viewing practices. These findings suggest that viewing television programming such as dating shows may be a viable source of arousal for sensation seekers. Both theoretical and applied implications of these findings are explored.  相似文献   

There is no doubting the influence and impact of (Lord) John Reith on the shape of British broadcasting, both radio and television. As one cultural historian argues: ‘he occupies an important place in the social and cultural history of twentieth-century Britain.’ The most commonly-accepted view in television histories is that John Reith disliked television, would have nothing to do with the medium, viewed those involved with establishing and running the BBC's television service with contempt, and refused to watch television programmes. However, drawing on both archival and secondary resources, together with Trine Syvertsen's notion of ‘media resistance’, I argue that Reith's relationship with television was far more complex than has been understood thus far and that his attitude towards the new technology was shaped by a combination of personal and professional factors.  相似文献   

Contextualized in television program viewing, the current study seeks to develop a new scale that captures individuals' feelings of being connected to others via media consumption. Literature on general human motivation and media consumption motivation sheds light on social relatedness in television experiences. Data suggest a three-factor structure of the focal concept of feeling connected via television viewing (FCTV): (1) a perception of shared viewing among one's immediate social circle and anticipation of subsequent communication as aided by television programs, (2) a sense of global community enhanced by shared television experiences, and (3) communication with distant unknown others. A stronger sense of FCTV predicts a greater tendency for an individual to watch a program when it is first released, and to watch it together with one's friends, as well as a higher level of general involvement with television. Further, we differentiate the focal concept of feeling connected to other television viewers via television viewing from the related concept of parasocial interaction with television characters. Relative to parasocial interaction, FCTV better predicts collective viewing and first-run viewing.  相似文献   

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