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创意阅读和创意写作作为创造性处理文本的不同方式,是一个共生的过程。两者之间存在各种文本互动,包括创意阅读将写作纳入到一个互文圈中,为写作提供文本动力,建构写作中的"隐含读者"和"理想读者"形象。同样创意写作也逆向作用于创意阅读,并对创意阅读提出了更高的要求。  相似文献   

2017高考语文新课标全国卷实用类文本阅读部分由选考改为必考,这一变化影响着整份试卷的试题结构,该部分的考查功能也随之改变。重新认识定位实用类文本阅读的考查功能,对基础年段的阅读教学和高三年的备考方向尤其重要。2017高考语文新课标全国Ⅰ卷显示,实用类文本阅读部分以"非连续性文本"作为阅读文本,注重考查对信息的筛选、分析综合能力。  相似文献   

文本的个性解读是文本阅读的必然结果。文本意义的形成是文本中的"隐在读者"和"召唤结构"共同作用的结果,没有个性介入的文本阅读本身是不存在的。但阅读教学不同于一般意义上的阅读,其目的更多的应该是培养学生自觉发现"隐在读者"和"召唤结构"的能力,而不应该将意义的获得作为教学的最终目标。  相似文献   

<正>"多元解读"中的"多元",一是指解读主体的多元。进入文本阅读的读者都可以称为主体,具体到语文教学之中,"多元"指的是教师、学生、作者,他们都以自己的阅读经验对文本进行"仁者见仁,智者见智"的解读。二是指文本的意义的多元。文本并非是语言形式本身而是审美主体在阅读文本时,产生于知觉经验中的整体的形象,文本作为一种"图式化外观",读者通过阅读活  相似文献   

<正>"多元解读"中的"多元",一是指解读主体的多元。进入文本阅读的读者都可以称为主体,具体到语文教学之中,"多元"指的是教师、学生、作者,他们都以自己的阅读经验对文本进行"仁者见仁,智者见智"的解读。二是指文本的意义的多元。文本并非是语言形式本身而是审美主体在阅读文本时,产生于知觉经验中的整体形象,文本作为一种"图式化外观",读者通过阅读活  相似文献   

<正>文本解读从"一元解读"到"多元解读"、从"普适阅读"到"个性化解读"、从"他者解读"到"自我解读"、从"认知性解读"到"体验性解读",阅读教学从教师独白到师生对话、从教师讲解到学生体验、从教师预设到互动生成、从注重倾听到自由言说、从结构性教学到后结构教学,这里凸显几个关键词:文本解读、动态生成、语文素养、学生成长,这几个词,冲击着我的思想,叩击着我的心灵。为着培养学生的阅读方法和能力,解读文本应该实现立德树人,即是阅读立人。一、解读文本的关键是直面文本,走进文本,深入主题  相似文献   

接受美学认为 ,作家完成的文本还只是一堆印刷符号 ,它是一个多层面的未完成的图式结构 ,有着不确定性。文本意义的实现必须靠读者通过阅读对它具体化 ,以读者自己的感觉和经验去填充文本描写的空白处 ,把作品结构组织起来 ,从而使文本的不确定性得以消除 ,这才有可能达到阅读的目的。它认为文学作为一种活动存在于从创作活动到阅读活动的全过程 ,存在于从作家→作品→读者这个动态流程之中。我们把接受美学应用于阅读教学中 ,就会发现 ,阅读活动就其实质而言是一种寻求理解和自我理解的活动 ,是读者 (学生 )与作品(课文 )的对话和交流活动…  相似文献   

<正>"多元解读"中的"多元",一是指解读主体的多元。进入文本阅读的读者都可以称为主体,具体到语文教学之中,"多元"指的是教师、学生、作者,他们都以自己的阅读经验对文本进行"仁者见仁,智者见智"的解读。二是指文本的意义的多元。文本并非是语言形式本身而是审美主体在阅读文本时,产生于知觉经验中的整体的形象,文本作为一种"图式化外观",读者通过阅读活动将其意义现实化和集体化。多元解读是新课程提  相似文献   

<正>一、创新阅读理念从阅读本身来看,传统的文本解读力求忠于原作思想,有效的阅读是再现文本当时价值。但时代在进步,文化在延续,阅读文本"当时"与"现在"的时空间隔,使文本价值愈发丰富。因此在初中语文阅读教学中,不仅要提倡有效阅读,还应引领创新阅读,在阅读教学理念层面实现创新,给文本解读带来新时代的活力,这是从有效阅读走向创新阅读的关键。"一千个观众就有一千个哈姆雷特",阅读就是读者在阅读文本的过程中所理解到的意义的过程,因此对于阅读本身而言,作品与作者是次要的,读者的理解  相似文献   

阅读是从文字材料中获取有效信息的过程。通过对文本的阅读,个体在这个过程中得到感悟和体验、从而构建自己的理解。阅读是可以根据阅读者不同目的来进行调控的,所谓"一千个读者心中有一千个哈姆雷特"。因而一个文本所含的意义往往需要阅读者去挖掘,而由于每个读者的人生经历和价值观不完全相同,读者在品味文本的过程中也就有了不同的感悟。现在的语文教学中,由于上述原因,学生对课文的理解也就"仁者见仁,智者见智"了。高中语文课标注重学生个性化的阅读,要达到这个要求,教师就要充分调动学生的积极性,使学生在阅读时既能够把握文学作品的基本框架和作者表达的思想,又能够对文本作出自己的分  相似文献   

分析了大学英语文本阅读的特点,认为单纯句子层面的浅层次阅读难以实现对文章的完整理解。把顶层结构理论应用于英语文本阅读,并结合构思图示理论,提出英语阅读应采取“自上而下”模式,注重文本内容的结构分析和文本语用分析。结合实例详细阐述了顶层结构分析在英语阅读教学中的实际应用。  相似文献   

Reliable access to syntactic information beyond its use in first-pass reading was probed using a task labeled syntactic reading task. This task draws on an orthographic marker for syntactic structure, the capitalization of nouns in German. Subjects read written text strings containing a unit that could be taken as a noun or as a verb. The strings were disambiguated by the unit being capitalized or not. Thus subjects could interpret the text only when taking the capitalization marker into account. Data were collected from 231 German-speaking secondary school students. The results show that even subjects who were capable of reliably using capitalization markers in writing varied considerably in their use of these markers to identify syntactic structure in reading. High-achieving subjects profited more than others in situations where they could tie syntactic information to a prominent capitalization marker. This suggests that focus on syntactic form alone does not guarantee reliable access to syntactic information.  相似文献   

The present study investigated whether text structure inference skill (i.e., the ability to infer overall text structure) has unique predictive value for expository text comprehension on top of the variance accounted for by sentence reading fluency, linguistic knowledge and metacognitive knowledge. Furthermore, it was examined whether the unique predictive value of text structure inference skill differs between monolingual and bilingual Dutch students or students who vary in reading proficiency, reading fluency or linguistic knowledge levels. One hundred fifty-one eighth graders took tests that tapped into their expository text comprehension, sentence reading fluency, linguistic knowledge, metacognitive knowledge, and text structure inference skill. Multilevel regression analyses revealed that text structure inference skill has no unique predictive value for eighth graders’ expository text comprehension controlling for reading fluency, linguistic knowledge and metacognitive knowledge. However, text structure inference skill has unique predictive value for expository text comprehension in models that do not include both knowledge of connectives and metacognitive knowledge as control variables, stressing the importance of these two cognitions for text structure inference skill. Moreover, the predictive value of text structure inference skill does not depend on readers’ language backgrounds or on their reading proficiency, reading fluency or vocabulary knowledge levels. We conclude our paper with the limitations of our study as well as the research and practical implications.  相似文献   

This study examined whether children’s reading rate, comprehension, and recall are affected by computer presentation of text. Participants were 60 grade five students, who each read two expository texts, one in a traditional print format and the other from a computer monitor, which used a common scrolling text interface. After reading each text, participants were asked to recall as much as they could from what they had read and then answered questions that measured text recall and comprehension. Children took more time to read the passage and recalled more of the text material that they had read from the computer monitor. The benefit of computer presentation disappeared when efficiency variables, which take time into account, were examined. Children were, however, more efficient at comprehending text when reading from paper. The results suggest that children may take more time to read text on computer screens and that they are more efficient when reading text on paper.  相似文献   

缺乏对篇章结构的认识是目前大学英语阅读教学的一个主要问题。由于传统教学偏重对词和句法的讲解,阅读教学缺乏对篇章的宏观处理,因而制约了学生阅读理解水平的提高。篇章结构作为文本重要的内在特征对提高阅读理解的正确性和效率有着积极作用,采用正确的阅读教学策略,传授篇章结构知识,从长远来看可以大幅提高阅读教学的效率。  相似文献   

宏观结构是语篇的高层次语义结构,它抽象地体现了语篇的整体意义框架。由微观结构向宏观结构的转化是语篇解读中从浅读到深读的转换,可以运用宏观规则实现微观结构向宏观结构的转化。事实证明,运用宏观结构理论对语篇的解读是很有帮助的。  相似文献   

Direct instruction of reading strategies, such as the ‘structure strategy’, is demonstrated to be effective for the development of more mature and skilled reading processes in struggling readers. This instructional intervention approach, aimed at directly improving reading ability, can be used in combination with text simplification. Text simplification is the modification of the text in order to make it more understandable or readable for target groups of readers. In this article, we discuss a theoretically-driven text simplification approach, inspired by cognitive models of reading comprehension. Differently from classical approaches to linguistic text simplification, the aim of cognitive text simplification is not simply to reduce the linguistic complexity of the text, but to improve text coherence and the structure of information in the text. This can be achieved by using rhetorical devices, like signaling or discourse markers, which specify relationships among ideas at a global level (macrostructural) and work as processing instructions for the reader, scaffolding reading comprehension. The goal of this paper is to discuss, in light of the literature, the effectiveness of these adaptations for improving struggling readers’ understanding and learning from informational texts.  相似文献   

This study was conducted in the province of Québec, Canada, among French-speaking Grade 6 students (n?=?175) in the context of a school curriculum that does not clearly address text structure and main idea instruction. It aims to understand whether these students can identify informative text structures and main ideas in isolated paragraphs, comprehend main ideas and text structure in an informative text, and write a short structured informative text. It also describes relationships between these knowledge and skills coming from different reading and writing tasks. Three assessments relative to informative text structures were administered: a multiple-choice test on text structure knowledge and identification of main ideas, a reading comprehension test, and a short writing task. Results revealed that students performed better in the multiple-choice assessment compared to other assessments. Correlations between variables stemming from the three assessments were significant but their effect sizes were low to moderate. A hypothesized model was investigated via a path analysis suggesting that structure knowledge and main idea identification influence reading comprehension, which then influence writing.  相似文献   

Investigations of the actual reading process and of the structure of a mathematical text are important for elaborating didactical methods for teaching reading a mathematical text. The article reports on a broader project concerning the structure of a mathematical text. The structure of several hundred texts has been analyzed. Academic textbooks and mathematical monographs (especially in Polish) written by mathematicians have been used as a source. Characteristic features of proof construction, that may influence the course of the reading process, have been isolated. For instance, transmission means have been investigated such as text segmentation which uses delimiters and so called procedure schemes.  相似文献   


The authors outline results of 3 studies conducted to examine the structure of disciplinary knowledge from reading measured through proximity data. In Study 1, 168 third-grade students were asked to read a science text and rate the relationships of keywords from the passage. From these ratings, comprehension scores were calculated that related well to a free-recall measure of science reading comprehension and differentiated poor and proficient readers. In Study 2, 176 third-grade students were given the proximity data measure on science text along with measures of prior knowledge, questioning, and text searching. In Study 3, 160 ninth-grade students were given the proximity data measure after reading a social studies text that varied on the presence of text signals and familiarity. The findings of this study extend the literature on the cognitive processing that contributes to higher order comprehension of information text among elementary and secondary students.  相似文献   

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