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How girls with disruptive behaviour are responding to a behaviour modification programme at a Kent residential school is described by Stephanie Youell, leader of the special group, and John McGinty, Fairfield House School, Broadstairs  相似文献   

Malcolm C. Jones, principal psychologist and head of the Spastics Society's Beech Tree House, and Margaret Wadsley, now senior teacher, Meldreth Manor School, Hertfordshire, describe an aid to improving classroom behaviour  相似文献   

This paper describes a social skills programme run in one primary school designed to promote children's cooperative skills and anger management. The programme was staffed by Child and Adolescent Mental Health professionals with educational psychologist and school support. Eight children with severe emotional and behavioural problems participated and completed the 20‐week programme. Pre and post data were collected for the children, parents and teachers. Parents were supported by regular meetings and domiciliary visits from an assistant psychologist. Teaching staff met regularly with the team and had frequent supportive contact with the assistant psychologist. Two educational psychologists‐in‐training made an independent qualitative evaluation of the programme, interviewing the children, their parents and teachers, as well as members of the multi‐agency team. After attending the group, the children showed a significant reduction in their anxiety, parents reported a significant reduction in oppositional behaviour and teachers a significant reduction in attention‐deficit hyperactive difficulties type behaviour. All measures showed a significant or positive trend, although there was some disappointment in the level of parent participation in the school‐based parent meetings. Reasons for this are discussed and the case for multi‐agency social skills interventions is made, along with a broader discussion of the role of the educational psychologist.  相似文献   

Sian Ellis, teacher in charge, and Carole Blake, support teacher, Tower Hamlets School Support Team, describe their five-point procedure for reducing the disruptive behaviour of a six-year-old boy in a London primary school. The Tower Hamlets School Support Team, set up in 1979 as part of the Inner London Education Authority's response to disruptive behaviour, consists of 12 teachers, a teacher in charge, an educational psychologist, a senior education welfare officer and a clerical officer. The team uses a theoretical analysis and model of work based on those developed by David Lane and his colleagues at the Islington Educational Guidance Centre.  相似文献   

The present study examined whether school psychologists who serve a single school (“In‐House” group) differed from school psychologists who serve several schools concurrently (“Traditional” group) in the three areas of job satisfaction, burnout, and effectiveness as perceived by the school psychologist. A total of 63 school psychology practitioners were surveyed using a 28‐item questionnaire developed specifically for this study that yielded scores for Job Satisfaction, Burnout, and Perceived Effectiveness. Results of a multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) indicated that the In‐House group reported higher rates of satisfaction and perceived effectiveness and lower rates of burnout than did the traditional group. Items that distinguished between the two groups related to job diversity, caseload, others' familiarity with the school psychologist, the school psychologists' level of integration into school activities, and administrators' knowledge about the school psychologists' capabilities. Suggestions for further research and implications for current practice are discussed. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 40: 237–243, 2003.  相似文献   

A primary school student with severe intellectual disabilities was referred to the Intellectual Disability Research and Training Unit at University College Dublin by his teacher. He was described as exhibiting high levels self‐injury and aggression. An in‐depth functional assessment identified the operant function of these behaviours. This information allowed for the development of an extensive behaviour support plan. The classroom teacher was then trained to implement the support plan and received ongoing consultation from a psychologist regarding her adherence to the behavioural techniques. The intervention resulted in significant decreases in challenging behaviour. Teaching staff were positive about the intervention results and the consultation model used.  相似文献   

School-based support groups for siblings of children with severe learning difficulties are few and far between. Although opinions vary as to the most effective way of supporting siblings the response of brothers and sisters to the group set up at St Bartholomew's School, Sittingbourne, suggests that such a group is successfully meeting a need. Alun Flynn, educational psychologist, Kent Education Department, and Marion Meakin, deputy head at the school, report on the first 12 months of the project.  相似文献   

Carol Giles, coordinator for special needs, Tile Hill Wood School, Coventry, and Scott Dunlop, senior educational psychologist, Coventry Child Guidance Centre, describe the way a 'whole school approach' has been introduced into a girls' comprehensive school with close support from colleagues.  相似文献   

A step by step approach to the teaching of ESN(S) children is described by John Presland, principal educational psychologist and senior adviser for special education, Wiltshire, and Gareth Roberts, headteacher, Exeter House School, Salisbury  相似文献   

Teachers in a south London comprehensive school met regularly with clinic staff from the Maudsley Hospital to find new approaches to children with behaviour problems. Their liaison from 1975 to 1983 is described by Maria Callias, principal clinical psychologist, Maudsley Hospital, and Julia Rickett, psychiatric social worker, now at the Department of Psychological Medicine, University College Hospital, London.  相似文献   

Since 1983, both teachers and medical staff at Patcham House School in East Sussex have been following a policy of integration. Angela Jacklin, formerly class teacher, now lecturer in education, Sussex University, and Jeanne Lacey, senior physiotherapist at the school, describe the way the school's methods of integration developed, and the outcomes of their programme of evaluation and research.  相似文献   

This article describes a three‐year project undertaken at Pear Tree School for children and young people with severe and multiple and profound learning difficulties. Lesley Sullivan, the school's head teacher, believed that much of the value within the work of this outstanding school went unidentified by existing approaches to planning, monitoring and evaluation. Richard Crombie, educational psychologist, was engaged to work on the project. Also involved were Kate Walker and Rebecca Warnock, deputy head teachers, as well as the whole staff, children and some parents. The project takes as its starting point that essential, but very often unnoticed and unconscious, professional practice is rooted in implicit processes learnt experientially. We set ourselves the task of finding meaningful frameworks for identifying and developing that practice. This meant close observation within and outside school coupled with feeding back to staff, and their subsequent engagement with and use of explanatory frameworks.  相似文献   

This pilot study used a quasiexperimental design to evaluate the Whole Inclusive School Empowerment (WISE) project providing educational psychology services to kindergartens to support students with diverse learning needs. There were eight intervention kindergartens that received WISE educational psychology services and eight control kindergartens without the service. The intervention kindergartens were provided with a 0.125 educational psychologist and 0.7 teacher coordinator. In January and June 2017, teachers in intervention and control kindergartens completed questionnaires assessing student behavior, school readiness, and their own teaching efficacy. Focus group sessions involving teachers and school principals were conducted in July 2017. The results indicated a greater improvement in prosocial behavior and school readiness in intervention kindergartens compared with control kindergartens. Teachers and principals reported that they were better equipped in supporting diverse learning needs. The results provided initial evidence supporting the effectiveness of educational psychology services for kindergartens in improving student outcomes.  相似文献   

为切实保障职前教师教育质量,英国采取了“内外兼修、双管齐下”的保障措施;但外部保障的最终成效取决于内部保障措施的有效落实。基于此,本文以英国第二大教育学院——爱丁堡大学教育学院为例,分析了其在职前教师教育内部保障方面所采取的四个主要有效措施:遵守上级部门颁布的相关职前教师教育规定、设置学院质量保障与提升委员会、监测课程与专业以及实施教学项目评估并有针对性地回应评估结果等。同时,本文也探讨了爱丁堡大学教育学院在职前教师教育内部质量保障上存在的两点不足:相关教师的质量意识欠缺和对师范生的评价与反馈有待加强等。最后,本文就职前教师教育质量内部保障提出三点思考。  相似文献   

A positive school climate impacts students by promoting positive relations among students, staff and faculty of the school. The current study used latent class analysis and multinomial regression with R3STEP to analyse patterns of negative behaviours in schools and test the association of these patterns with structural variables like school size, demographics, and location using data from the 2008 School Survey on Crime and Safety, (n = 2560). The results indicated five classes of frequencies of negative behaviours. By using the lowest frequency of behaviour class as a reference, the classes with the highest frequencies of bullying, teacher disrespect, and sexual assault were more likely to be found in high crime areas and have larger campuses serving over 1000 students. Implications include the need to serve subgroups of schools based on measurable variables and the need to educate future teachers, administrators, and school psychologists about school climate and positive behaviour support systems.  相似文献   

Michele Klein, formerly assistant psychologist, and Malcolm Jones, currently senior research psychologist at Meldreth Manor School, Cambridgeshire, describe how case conferences have developed at their school  相似文献   

Teachers interviewed in special schools 'did not feel they were provided with clear guidance on curriculum' and appeared to get little advice from other professionals except physiotherapists and speech therapists. Nigel Carden, teacher at Wedgewood School, Bradford, previously psychologist at Anson House Pre-school Project, and Professor Colin Robson, Huddersfield Polytechnic, report their findings  相似文献   

Social cohesion in school is reflected in social discrimination processes and the complementary social roles of teachers, pupils, other staff and pupils' relatives. School social cohesion varies in level from high, characterised by prosocial interactions, to low, characterised by antisocial or violent interactions. Antisocial behaviour is usually embedded in specific interaction patterns between different social actors and is based on specific motives or stereotypes that elicit or justify this behaviour. Comprehensive study of these patterns is enabled by information and communication technology (ICT). The aim of this study is to use ICT to investigate social interaction patterns between personal and school characteristics of secondary school teachers and their curricular and disciplinary characteristics and experience of violence, including the motives they perceive when they are the victim, perpetrator or witness of six types of violence, differentiated according to the complementary roles of pupils, other teachers, other school staff and pupils' relatives. Three questionnaires were developed and used in a nationwide Internet‐based survey in Dutch secondary schools. This school safety monitor was completed in 2006 by 5148 teachers, 80,770 pupils, 1749 educational support staff and 629 school managers. Data were checked for reliability, scale homogeneity and representativeness. Pearson correlation analysis was used to examine the social interaction patterns in teachers' data. The results reveal violence‐specific social behaviour and social‐mirroring processes between teachers and pupils in particular. Furthermore, teachers who are younger, female or working in low‐attainment educational settings apply more curricular differentiation and collaborate more with pupils on disciplinary matters than their respective counterparts. Teachers who work in low‐attainment schools, who work in cities, who are homosexual/lesbian or who do not feel most at home in The Netherlands experience more violent behaviour as a victim or witness than their respective counterparts. In particular, teachers attribute the following motives to violence: physical appearance, behaviour, level of school achievement, a handicap, being religious, gender, sexual preference and ways of dealing with non‐conforming behaviour or punishments. Compared to teachers, pupils gave a broad array of motives for every type of violence. The conclusion is that Internet‐based data‐collection procedures provide a more comprehensive and systematic picture of social discrimination and violence motive patterns in schools than has hitherto been customary.  相似文献   

Physically handicapped children in Oxfordshire are being integrated into a primary school and comprehensive school with promising results, report, Neville Jones, principal educational psychologist, Oxfordshire, and Tim Southgate, head, Ormerod School, Oxford  相似文献   

Mel Ainscow, headteacher of Castle School, a day ESN(M) school in Walsall, and David Tweddle, educational psychologist in Walsall's Psychological Services, discuss the educational psychologist's role in the ESN(M) school  相似文献   

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