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Opinion summarization can facilitate user’s decision-making by mining the salient review information. However, due to the lack of sufficient annotated data, most of the early works are based on extractive methods, which restricts the performance of opinion summarization. In this work, we aim to improve the informativeness of opinion summarization to provide better guidance to users. We consider the setting with only reviews without corresponding summaries, and propose an aspect-augmented model for unsupervised abstractive opinion summarization, denoted as AsU-OSum. We first employ an aspect-based sentiment analysis system to extract opinion phrases from reviews. Then, we construct a heterogeneous graph consisting of reviews and opinion clusters as nodes, which is used to enhance the Transformer-based encoder–decoder framework. Furthermore, we design a novel cascaded attention mechanism to prompt the decoder to pay more attention to the aspects that are more likely to appear in summary. During training, we introduce a sentiment accuracy reward that further enhances the learning ability of our model. We conduct comprehensive experiments on the Yelp, Amazon, and Rotten Tomatoes datasets. Automatic evaluation results show that our model is competitive and performs better than the state-of-the-art (SOTA) models on some ROUGE metrics. Human evaluation results further verify that our model can generate more informative summaries and reduce redundancy.  相似文献   

Generating news headlines has been one of the predominant problems in Natural Language Processing research. Modern transformer models, if fine-tuned, can present a good headline with attention to all the parts of a disaster-news article. A disaster-news headline generally focuses on the event, its effect, and the major impacts, which a transformer model lacks when generating the headline. The extract-then-abstract based method proposed in this article improves the performance of a state-of-the-art transformer abstractor to generate a good-quality disaster-news headline. In this work, a Deep Neural Network (DNN) based sentence extractor and a transformer-based abstractive summarizer work sequentially to generate a headline. The sentence extraction task is formulated as a binary classification problem where the DNN model is trained to generate two binary labels: one corresponding to the sentence similarity with ground truth headlines and the other corresponding to the presence of disaster and its impact related information in the sentence. The transformer model generates the headline from the sentences extracted by the DNN. ROUGE scores of the headlines generated using the proposed method are found to be better than the scores of the headlines generated directly from the original documents. The highest ROUGE 1, 2, and 3 score improvements are observed in the case of the Text-To-Text Transfer Transformer (T5) model by 17.85%, 38.13%, and 21.01%, respectively. Such improvements suggest that the proposed method can have a high utility for finding effective headlines from disaster related news articles.  相似文献   

A well-known challenge for multi-document summarization (MDS) is that a single best or “gold standard” summary does not exist, i.e. it is often difficult to secure a consensus among reference summaries written by different authors. It therefore motivates us to study what the “important information” is in multiple input documents that will guide different authors in writing a summary. In this paper, we propose the notions of macro- and micro-level information. Macro-level information refers to the salient topics shared among different input documents, while micro-level information consists of different sentences that act as elaborating or provide complementary details for those salient topics. Experimental studies were conducted to examine the influence of macro- and micro-level information on summarization and its evaluation. Results showed that human subjects highly relied on macro-level information when writing a summary. The length allowed for summaries is the leading factor that affects the summary agreement. Meanwhile, our summarization evaluation approach based on the proposed macro- and micro-structure information also suggested that micro-level information offered complementary details for macro-level information. We believe that both levels of information form the “important information” which affects the modeling and evaluation of automatic summarization systems.  相似文献   

Weighted consensus multi-document summarization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Multi-document summarization is a fundamental tool for document understanding and has received much attention recently. Given a collection of documents, a variety of summarization methods based on different strategies have been proposed to extract the most important sentences from the original documents. However, very few studies have been reported on aggregating different summarization methods to possibly generate better summary results. In this paper, we propose a weighted consensus summarization method to combine the results from single summarization systems. We evaluate and compare our proposed weighted consensus method with various baseline combination methods. Experimental results on DUC2002 and DUC2004 data sets demonstrate the performance improvement by aggregating multiple summarization systems, and our proposed weighted consensus summarization method outperforms other combination methods.  相似文献   

[目的]利用向量空间描述语义信息,研究基于词向量包的自动文摘方法;[方法]文摘是文献内容缩短的精确表达;而词向量包可以在同一个向量空间下表示词、短语、句子、段落和篇章,其空间距离用于反映语义相似度。提出一种基于词向量包的自动文摘方法,用词向量包的表示距离衡量句子与整篇文献的语义相似度,将与文献语义相似的句子抽取出来最终形成文摘;[结果]在DUC01数据集上,实验结果表明,该方法能够生成高质量的文摘,结果明显优于其它方法;[结论]实验证明该方法明显提升了自动文摘的性能。  相似文献   

In the context of social media, users usually post relevant information corresponding to the contents of events mentioned in a Web document. This information posses two important values in that (i) it reflects the content of an event and (ii) it shares hidden topics with sentences in the main document. In this paper, we present a novel model to capture the nature of relationships between document sentences and post information (comments or tweets) in sharing hidden topics for summarization of Web documents by utilizing relevant post information. Unlike previous methods which are usually based on hand-crafted features, our approach ranks document sentences and user posts based on their importance to the topics. The sentence-user-post relation is formulated in a share topic matrix, which presents their mutual reinforcement support. Our proposed matrix co-factorization algorithm computes the score of each document sentence and user post and extracts the top ranked document sentences and comments (or tweets) as a summary. We apply the model to the task of summarization on three datasets in two languages, English and Vietnamese, of social context summarization and also on DUC 2004 (a standard corpus of the traditional summarization task). According to the experimental results, our model significantly outperforms the basic matrix factorization and achieves competitive ROUGE-scores with state-of-the-art methods.  相似文献   

Access to information via handheld devices supports decision making away from one’s computer. However, limitations include small screens and constrained wireless bandwidth. We present a summarization method that transforms online content for delivery to small devices. Unlike previous algorithms, ours assumes nothing about document formatting, and induces a hierarchical structure based on the relative importance of sentences within the document. As compared to delivering full documents, the method reduces the bytes transferred by half. An experiment also demonstrates that when given hierarchical summaries, users are no less accurate in answering questions about the documents.  相似文献   

Automatic text summarization attempts to provide an effective solution to today’s unprecedented growth of textual data. This paper proposes an innovative graph-based text summarization framework for generic single and multi document summarization. The summarizer benefits from two well-established text semantic representation techniques; Semantic Role Labelling (SRL) and Explicit Semantic Analysis (ESA) as well as the constantly evolving collective human knowledge in Wikipedia. The SRL is used to achieve sentence semantic parsing whose word tokens are represented as a vector of weighted Wikipedia concepts using ESA method. The essence of the developed framework is to construct a unique concept graph representation underpinned by semantic role-based multi-node (under sentence level) vertices for summarization. We have empirically evaluated the summarization system using the standard publicly available dataset from Document Understanding Conference 2002 (DUC 2002). Experimental results indicate that the proposed summarizer outperforms all state-of-the-art related comparators in the single document summarization based on the ROUGE-1 and ROUGE-2 measures, while also ranking second in the ROUGE-1 and ROUGE-SU4 scores for the multi-document summarization. On the other hand, the testing also demonstrates the scalability of the system, i.e., varying the evaluation data size is shown to have little impact on the summarizer performance, particularly for the single document summarization task. In a nutshell, the findings demonstrate the power of the role-based and vectorial semantic representation when combined with the crowd-sourced knowledge base in Wikipedia.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a topic discovery system aimed to reveal the implicit knowledge present in news streams. This knowledge is expressed as a hierarchy of topic/subtopics, where each topic contains the set of documents that are related to it and a summary extracted from these documents. Summaries so built are useful to browse and select topics of interest from the generated hierarchies. Our proposal consists of a new incremental hierarchical clustering algorithm, which combines both partitional and agglomerative approaches, taking the main benefits from them. Finally, a new summarization method based on Testor Theory has been proposed to build the topic summaries. Experimental results in the TDT2 collection demonstrate its usefulness and effectiveness not only as a topic detection system, but also as a classification and summarization tool.  相似文献   

Existing unsupervised keyphrase extraction methods typically emphasize the importance of the candidate keyphrase itself, ignoring other important factors such as the influence of uninformative sentences. We hypothesize that the salient sentences of a document are particularly important as they are most likely to contain keyphrases, especially for long documents. To our knowledge, our work is the first attempt to exploit sentence salience for unsupervised keyphrase extraction by modeling hierarchical multi-granularity features. Specifically, we propose a novel position-aware graph-based unsupervised keyphrase extraction model, which includes two model variants. The pipeline model first extracts salient sentences from the document, followed by keyphrase extraction from the extracted salient sentences. In contrast to the pipeline model which models multi-granularity features in a two-stage paradigm, the joint model accounts for both sentence and phrase representations of the source document simultaneously via hierarchical graphs. Concretely, the sentence nodes are introduced as an inductive bias, injecting sentence-level information for determining the importance of candidate keyphrases. We compare our model against strong baselines on three benchmark datasets including Inspec, DUC 2001, and SemEval 2010. Experimental results show that the simple pipeline-based approach achieves promising results, indicating that keyphrase extraction task benefits from the salient sentence extraction task. The joint model, which mitigates the potential accumulated error of the pipeline model, gives the best performance and achieves new state-of-the-art results while generalizing better on data from different domains and with different lengths. In particular, for the SemEval 2010 dataset consisting of long documents, our joint model outperforms the strongest baseline UKERank by 3.48%, 3.69% and 4.84% in terms of F1@5, F1@10 and F1@15, respectively. We also conduct qualitative experiments to validate the effectiveness of our model components.  相似文献   

In this paper, a document summarization framework for storytelling is proposed to extract essential sentences from a document by exploiting the mutual effects between terms, sentences and clusters. There are three phrases in the framework: document modeling, sentence clustering and sentence ranking. The story document is modeled by a weighted graph with vertexes that represent sentences of the document. The sentences are clustered into different groups to find the latent topics in the story. To alleviate the influence of unrelated sentences in clustering, an embedding process is employed to optimize the document model. The sentences are then ranked according to the mutual effect between terms, sentence as well as clusters, and high-ranked sentences are selected to comprise the summarization of the document. The experimental results on the Document Understanding Conference (DUC) data sets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method in document summarization. The results also show that the embedding process for sentence clustering render the system more robust with respect to different cluster numbers.  相似文献   

A bottom-up approach to sentence ordering for multi-document summarization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ordering information is a difficult but important task for applications generating natural language texts such as multi-document summarization, question answering, and concept-to-text generation. In multi-document summarization, information is selected from a set of source documents. However, improper ordering of information in a summary can confuse the reader and deteriorate the readability of the summary. Therefore, it is vital to properly order the information in multi-document summarization. We present a bottom-up approach to arrange sentences extracted for multi-document summarization. To capture the association and order of two textual segments (e.g. sentences), we define four criteria: chronology, topical-closeness, precedence, and succession. These criteria are integrated into a criterion by a supervised learning approach. We repeatedly concatenate two textual segments into one segment based on the criterion, until we obtain the overall segment with all sentences arranged. We evaluate the sentence orderings produced by the proposed method and numerous baselines using subjective gradings as well as automatic evaluation measures. We introduce the average continuity, an automatic evaluation measure of sentence ordering in a summary, and investigate its appropriateness for this task.  相似文献   

A new approach to narrative abstractive summarization (NATSUM) is presented in this paper. NATSUM is centered on generating a narrative chronologically ordered summary about a target entity from several news documents related to the same topic. To achieve this, first, our system creates a cross-document timeline where a time point contains all the event mentions that refer to the same event. This timeline is enriched with all the arguments of the events that are extracted from different documents. Secondly, using natural language generation techniques, one sentence for each event is produced using the arguments involved in the event. Specifically, a hybrid surface realization approach is used, based on over-generation and ranking techniques. The evaluation demonstrates that NATSUM performed better than extractive summarization approaches and competitive abstractive baselines, improving the F1-measure at least by 50%, when a real scenario is simulated.  相似文献   

Access to the vast body of research literature that is now available on biomedicine and related fields can be improved with automatic summarization. This paper describes a summarization system for the biomedical domain that represents documents as graphs formed from concepts and relations in the UMLS Metathesaurus. This system has to deal with the ambiguities that occur in biomedical documents. We describe a variety of strategies that make use of MetaMap and Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) to accurately map biomedical documents onto UMLS Metathesaurus concepts. Evaluation is carried out using a collection of 150 biomedical scientific articles from the BioMed Central corpus. We find that using WSD improves the quality of the summaries generated.  相似文献   

Saliency and coverage are two of the most important issues in document summarization. In most summarization methods, the saliency issue is usually of top priority. Many studies are conducted to develop better sentence ranking methods to identify the salient sentences for summarization. It is also well acknowledged that sentence selection strategies are very important, which mainly aim at reducing the redundancy among the selected sentences to enable them to cover more concepts. In this paper, we propose a novel sentence selection strategy that follows a progressive way to select the summary sentences. We intend to ensure the coverage of the summary first by an intuitive idea, i.e., considering the uncovered concepts only when measuring the saliency of the sentences. Moreover, we consider the subsuming relationship between sentences to define a conditional saliency measure of the sentences instead of the general saliency measures used in most existing methods. Based on these ideas, a progressive sentence selection strategy is developed to discover the “novel and salient” sentences. Compared with traditional methods, the saliency and coverage issues are more integrated in the proposed method. Experimental studies conducted on the DUC data sets demonstrate the advantages of the progressive sentence selection strategy.  相似文献   

Distant supervision (DS) has the advantage of automatically generating large amounts of labelled training data and has been widely used for relation extraction. However, there are usually many wrong labels in the automatically labelled data in distant supervision (Riedel, Yao, & McCallum, 2010). This paper presents a novel method to reduce the wrong labels. The proposed method uses the semantic Jaccard with word embedding to measure the semantic similarity between the relation phrase in the knowledge base and the dependency phrases between two entities in a sentence to filter the wrong labels. In the process of reducing wrong labels, the semantic Jaccard algorithm selects a core dependency phrase to represent the candidate relation in a sentence, which can capture features for relation classification and avoid the negative impact from irrelevant term sequences that previous neural network models of relation extraction often suffer. In the process of relation classification, the core dependency phrases are also used as the input of a convolutional neural network (CNN) for relation classification. The experimental results show that compared with the methods using original DS data, the methods using filtered DS data performed much better in relation extraction. It indicates that the semantic similarity based method is effective in reducing wrong labels. The relation extraction performance of the CNN model using the core dependency phrases as input is the best of all, which indicates that using the core dependency phrases as input of CNN is enough to capture the features for relation classification and could avoid negative impact from irrelevant terms.  相似文献   

Automatic text summarization has been an active field of research for many years. Several approaches have been proposed, ranging from simple position and word-frequency methods, to learning and graph based algorithms. The advent of human-generated knowledge bases like Wikipedia offer a further possibility in text summarization – they can be used to understand the input text in terms of salient concepts from the knowledge base. In this paper, we study a novel approach that leverages Wikipedia in conjunction with graph-based ranking. Our approach is to first construct a bipartite sentence–concept graph, and then rank the input sentences using iterative updates on this graph. We consider several models for the bipartite graph, and derive convergence properties under each model. Then, we take up personalized and query-focused summarization, where the sentence ranks additionally depend on user interests and queries, respectively. Finally, we present a Wikipedia-based multi-document summarization algorithm. An important feature of the proposed algorithms is that they enable real-time incremental summarization – users can first view an initial summary, and then request additional content if interested. We evaluate the performance of our proposed summarizer using the ROUGE metric, and the results show that leveraging Wikipedia can significantly improve summary quality. We also present results from a user study, which suggests that using incremental summarization can help in better understanding news articles.  相似文献   

Information extraction is one of the important tasks in the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP). Most of the existing methods focus on general texts and little attention is paid to information extraction in specialized domains such as legal texts. This paper explores the task of information extraction in the legal field, which aims to extract evidence information from court record documents (CRDs). In the general domain, entities and relations are mostly words and phrases, indicating that they do not span multiple sentences. In contrast, evidence information in CRDs may span multiple sentences, while existing models cannot handle this situation. To address this issue, we first add a classification task in addition to the extraction task. We then formulate the two tasks as a multi-task learning problem and present a novel end-to-end model to jointly address the two tasks. The joint model adopts a shared encoder followed by separate decoders for the two tasks. The experimental results on the dataset show the effectiveness of the proposed model, which can obtain 72.36% F1 score, outperforming previous methods and strong baselines by a large margin.  相似文献   

李念峰 《现代情报》2007,27(11):161-163
介绍一种网络情报收集系统的组成及体系结构,并结合这种体系结构分析系统实现过程中的关键技术及实现方法,提供生成自动摘要的流程.给出自动摘要生成过程中关键词及摘要句提取算法,分析摘要质量评价方法,提供了保障系统安全运行的措施,  相似文献   

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