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王翔  李东  后士香 《科研管理》2015,36(7):96-104
尽管商业模式逐步成为企业战略中新的重要分析单元,但商业模式与企业绩效之间的关系仍未揭示清楚,研究成果较少且主要集中讨论商业模式的整体类型特征对企业绩效的影响。本文深入解剖商业模式的结构,将商业模式划分为顾客价值主张、业务活动系统和盈利方式三个构成,并开发出相应的量表,以281家2009-2011年间实现IPO的中国创业板上市公司为样本,运用SPSS软件对顾客价值主张、业务活动系统、盈利方式及它们之间的相互耦合对企业赢利性、增长性、效率性和市场价值四类绩效的影响进行层次回归分析,更全面地解释商业模式对企业绩效造成影响的复杂机理。分析结果表明,商业模式各构成之间的耦合相较于各构成本身的质地而言对企业绩效的影响更为显著。而在商业模式各构成中,顾客价值主张对企业绩效的影响最为显著。另外,商业模式对企业绩效具有不对称性的影响,对盈利性指标和成长性指标的影响最为显著。本文对中国创业企业开展商业模式设计和创新来提升企业绩效和价值具有一定的参考意义,也拓展了商业模式实证研究的分析框架。  相似文献   

For new product development, previous segmentation methods based on demographic, psychographic, and purchase behavior information cannot identify a group of customers with unsatisfied needs. Moreover, segmentation is limited to sales promotions in marketing. Although needs-based segmentation considering customer sentiments on product features can be conducted to develop a new product concept, it cannot identify commonalities among customers owing to their diverse preferences. Therefore, this paper proposes an interpretable machine learning-based approach for customer segmentation for new product development based on the importance of product features from online product reviews. The technical challenges of determining the importance of product features in each review are identifying and interpreting the nonlinear relations between satisfaction with product features and overall customer satisfaction. In this study, interpretable machine learning is used to identify these nonlinear relations with high performance and transparency. A case study on a wearable device is conducted to validate the proposed approach. Customer segmentation using the proposed approach based on importance is compared with that employing a previous approach based on sentiments. The results show that the proposed approach presents a higher clustering performance than the previous approach and offers opportunities to identify new product concepts.  相似文献   

客户细分是企业成功实施客户保持和升级策略的重要前提,而客户关系价值则是客户细分的重要依据。科学界定客户关系价值的内涵,进而从企业角度选取净现值测量方法,分别测出客户的当前价值和潜在价值,并以此为二维维度建立客户细分模型进行客户细分,最后分别针对各类客户提出差异化的关系策略,以期达到客户关系价值的最大化,为企业的持久发展提供不竭动力。  相似文献   

基于客户关系生命周期的CRM理念   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
徐忠海  王玲 《科研管理》2003,24(6):94-102
在竞争激烈的市场中,企业在不断寻求获得新客户、保持现有客户和争取流失客户的新途径以获得和保持竞争优势。客户关系管理正是企业实现上述目标的有效手段。如今有很多人在讨论客户关系管理,但是大家对CRM这一时髦用语的理解并不一致。Irr服务供应商将CRM视为特殊的软件解决方案或新的分析方法,强调销售自动化、计算机辅助销售、数据仓库、数据挖掘、呼叫中心的一体化等。而市场营销理论工作者和管理人员则认为CRM是客户导向和营销基本理念的回归,他们注重需求导向的客户细分、一对一营销、客户终身价值、客户维系和客户关怀等。而本文作者是从客户关系生命周期这一新角度去理解CRM。本文首先提出了客户关系生命周期的模型及其各阶段的特点,简要地介绍了CRM,然后对客户关系生命周期不同阶段的CRM对策和CRM措施的重点进行了深入的探讨。  相似文献   

为了更好地适应全球化竞争的商业环境,中国的制造业企业必须注重开展服务营销,有效运用新媒体技术,搜集信息了解顾客需求,生产满足顾客需求的创新产品,并开展定制化营销;通过提高顾客满意度和更迅速的处理顾客抱怨,获取忠诚顾客;通过强大的数据系统实现体验式营销;塑造品牌形象.  相似文献   

There is an ongoing debate over the activities of brands and companies in social media. Some researchers believe social media provide a unique opportunity for brands to foster their relationships with customers, while others believe the contrary. Taking the perspective of the brand community building plus the brand trust and loyalty literatures, our goal is to show how brand communities based on social media influence elements of the customer centric model (i.e., the relationships among focal customer and brand, product, company, and other customers) and brand loyalty. A survey-based empirical study with 441 respondents was conducted. The results of structural equation modeling show that brand communities established on social media have positive effects on customer/product, customer/brand, customer/company and customer/other customers relationships, which in turn have positive effects on brand trust, and trust has positive effects on brand loyalty. We find that brand trust has a fully mediating role in converting the effects of enhanced relationships in brand community to brand loyalty. The implications for marketing practice and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

选择合适的客户并对其推荐合适的产品成为企业提高交叉销售业绩、获得竞争优势的重要方面.本文以某商业银行的18515位个人客户的历史交易数据为研究对象,构建序列模型,利用逻辑回归分析的方法在仅利用银行现有数据的基础上来预测客户下次购买不同产品的概率.实证结果显示,本模型对每种产品的预测准确率达到72%以上,这样不仅能帮助银行提高客户经理在产品推荐时的准确性,而且可以使银行的营销决策更有针对性,从而给银行带来更大的收益.  相似文献   

王莉 《科研管理》2019,40(7):182-191
通过虚拟顾客参与平台(Virtual Customer Environments, VCE)来吸引顾客参与创新、利用顾客大数据、创建顾客中心型组织成为企业的重要策略,但VCE的运行机制并未得到理论界的足够重视。本文以VCE功能为主线,将VCE分为信息展示、需求收集和深度互动三个子平台。基于刺激-机体-反应模型,分析每个子平台的运行机制。具体而言,IT环境和市场环境的发展构成VCE的运行基础,企业和顾客之间的交互关系构成VCE的运行动因,企业吸引行为和顾客参与行为构成VCE的运行过程。进一步运用内容分析法,本文检验了中国500强企业网站中VCE子平台的运行,实证研究结果支持理论模型所提出的运行机制。但同时也发现,大多数中国500强企业尚未充分构建需求收集和深度互动这两个子平台,表现为在实际运行中未能有效吸引顾客参与。本研究不仅推动了VCE理论的发展,对顾客参与理论进行了拓展,并且有助于指导企业完善VCE平台的构建,从信息技术的角度塑造顾客导向型组织,提升创新绩效。  相似文献   

宁连举  孙中原  刘茜 《科研管理》2006,40(12):213-224
作为MSI两次提及的优先研究领域,顾客契合成为当前国际营销科学领域的热点问题之一。研究基于知识图谱理论,利用Citespace软件对Web of Science核心合集上1076篇顾客契合相关文献进行文献计量分析,绘制顾客契合研究文献的共被引知识图谱和共词聚类知识图谱,以探索顾客契合的研究热点和研究趋势。研究发现:顾客契合当前研究热点包括问卷测量开发、顾客契合实证研究和顾客契合在价值创造中的作用;顾客契合的研究趋势包括大数据环境下的顾客契合测量、顾客契合价值的识别与挖掘、在线互动环境中的“游戏化”元素设计研究三个方面。  相似文献   

基于服务化和商业模式理论,构建服务化战略、商业模式创新及企业绩效三者之间的理论模型。以我国236家实施服务化转型的制造企业为样本,进行实证检验。研究结果表明:产品导向的服务化战略对企业绩效具有显著的正向影响,客户导向的服务化战略对企业绩效的影响则呈U型曲线关系;商业模式创新在服务化战略影响企业绩效关系中起部分中介作用。研究从商业模式创新视角揭示了服务化战略对企业绩效的影响路径,拓展了服务化战略与企业绩效的关系理论,并对实施服务化战略的制造企业通过商业模式创新来提升企业绩效提供了理论指导。  相似文献   

冯兵  罗新星  周永生 《预测》2006,25(6):39-44
由于没有契约或伙伴关系的约束,非契约型客户关系呈现出了一些特殊的性质。在管理非契约型客户关系时,不能简单地沿用目前的CRM理论。本文从客户关系的本质内涵出发,通过构建客户关系演变的动态博弈模型,揭示了不同市场竞争程度下企业收益的变化规律,从经济学角度证明了非契约型长期客户关系并不能带来高的企业利润,并运用动态博弈模型的结论,以零售企业为例,提出了非契约型客户关系的细分方法和相应的管理策略。  相似文献   

惠娟  谭清美  王磊 《科技管理研究》2020,40(20):204-211
从客户价值主张、关键资源、盈利模式、关键流程四要素入手,探讨制造业服务化转型趋势如何影响企业商业模式变革,分析制造业企业新型商业模式运行机制;在此基础上,以企业服务化综合水平测度为基础,定量设计企业新型商业模式选择基准;最后,以江苏3家无人机制造企业为例,分析服务化转型背景下新型商业模式选择,从而检验新型商业模式构建及选择的合理性。研究发现:(1)制造业服务化转型促进企业商业模式发生变革,客户价值主张以客户为导向,由产品需求向服务需求转变;关键资源由产品、产品质量向服务、服务质量转变;盈利模式由产品利润向服务利润转变;关键流程由产品售出为终结向产品全生命周期服务转变。(2)企业服务化水平、商业模式组成要素特征不同,衍生出服务配套、服务均衡和服务主导的3类新型商业模式,受外界因素影响,企业新商业模式四要素之间的交互作用更加敏感、高效;根据测算结果,企业服务化综合水平属于[0.75,1]的应选择服务主导商业模式,属于[0.50,0.75)的应选择服务均衡商业模式,属于[0,0.50)的应选择服务配套商业模式。(3)案例分析表明,案例企业分别依据其服务化综合水平测度结果选择的商业模式符合企业实际发展需求,新型商业模式及选择基准的合理性得以验证。  相似文献   

关于顾客不满意调研的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代市场营销理论的发展与优秀企业的营销管理实践表明,顾客不满是一种有效的机制,悉心听取并妥善处理顾客不满是提升服务品质和改善顾客关系的有效途径.然而,顾客满意度测评和顾客抱怨管理在获取顾客不满意信息方面都存在很大局限性.结合服务营销的特殊性探讨了顾客不满意调研的几个相关问题.  相似文献   

Company social networks have become an important means for the socialized marketing of a company, forming a new challenge to companies on how to attract customers. Based on such theories as customer engagement, value co-creation, and relationship marketing, this paper presents a model of the influence of customer engagement on stickiness. Data collected from 260 valid questionnaires from Sina’s enterprise microblog users were analyzed by structural equation modeling. Empirical results show that customer engagement has a direct and positive influence on customer stickiness as well as an indirect influence through customer value creation. This study enriches previous researches on existing theories of customer engagement, value co-creation, and stickiness, and gives practical guidance for companies to encourage customer engagement and enhance the stickiness of company social networks.  相似文献   

Supply chain management (SCM) is concerned with a complex business relations network that contains interrelationships between various entities, such as suppliers, manufacturers, distribution centers and customers. SCM integrates these entities and manages their interrelationships through the use of information technology to meet customer expectations (i.e., higher product variety and quality, lower costs and faster responses) effectively along the entire value chain. Thus, one of the vital issues in supply chain management is the design of the value chain network. In this paper, a fuzzy linear programming model for the optimization of the multi-stage supply chain model with triangular and trapezoidal membership functions is presented. The model determines the fuzzy capacities of the facilities (plants or distribution centers (DCs)) and the design of the network configuration with a minimum total cost. The total cost involves the shipping cost from suppliers; transportation costs between plants and DCs; distribution costs between DCs and customer zones; and opportunity costs from not having the material at the right time. The developed model is solved by a professional software package (LINDO), and the computational results are discussed.  相似文献   

基于中文网络客户评论的消费者行为分析方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
邱云飞  王雪  邵良杉 《现代情报》2012,32(1):8-11,15
网络上针对商品的评论中含有消费者的消费习惯、消费体验和消费偏好等颇有价值的信息,这为观察和分析消费者的行为提供了很好的资料。文中设计了一个网络环境下的消费者行为分析方法。首先,在收集的客户评论中提取产品特征、消费者信息和消费者对具体产品特征的情感倾向;其次,按消费者信息进行消费者群体划分,进而探讨不同消费群体对不同产品的喜好。企业可通过该方法及时获取消费人群对产品的反馈数据并制定正确的市场营销策略。  相似文献   

建设银行拓展优质客户的对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗云华 《现代情报》2007,27(3):207-208,211
面对资产业务市场日益激烈的同业竞争,中国建设银行必须充分挖掘自身优势,丰富营销手段,把握市场的有效切入点,加大营销力度拓展优质客户,提高赢利能力。本文从建设银行所处的现状入手,具体分析了目前建设银行拓展优质客户群体时存在的问题,就当前新的市场环境下,建设银行应该如何对优质客户进行有效的市场营销进行了探讨,并提出对策建议。  相似文献   

何跃  何正林  周欣胤 《软科学》2012,(1):128-131
应用C5.0决策树算法、CART决策树算法、RBF神经网络建立某固网运营商客户的收入流失预警模型,然后运用GMDH方法建立了客户的收入流失组合预警模型。研究表明:模型提高了预警的准确率和覆盖率,模型能够帮助运营商找出收入有可能流失的客户,使其能对这些客户开展提前、有效的挽回营销工作,最大程度减少客户流失。  相似文献   

At present, the focus of marketing research is mostly on the influencing factors, composition, and measurement of brand equity. The meta-combined brand equity analysis is based on two main research perspectives: financial perspective and customer perspective. While the financial perspective is based on the incremental discounted future cash flows that would result from a branded product's revenue over the revenue of an unbranded product, the brand equity from the customer's perspective is the consumer's reaction to brand marketing behavior, the impact on brand knowledge. The decision-making of marketing behaviors often faces choices related to ethics. Therefore, once the moral value of a company through marketing behavior is recognized by consumers, the ethical behavior presented in this article through marketing behavior will make consumers feel more about the brand. How does the brand equity of your customer's products affect you? In this experiment, shopping groups with the same shopping experience were selected. During the survey process, all customers in different periods and the same time were selected as far as possible based on the practicability of the survey. The study survey covered 4 main aspects; customer satisfaction, overall overview of customer satisfaction; the advantages and disadvantages of marketing strategies through quantitative analysis and to put forward reasonable marketing strategy improvement opinions and suggestions to improve customer satisfaction. Using the technique of parameter prediction of the financial industry, the experiment proved that the non-standard promotion behavior, the integrity of the enterprise and the social responsibility are three aspects (P<0.05) that have an impact on the customer's brand equity among the corporate marketing components. It was a detailed study of the current state of brand marketing strategies and customer satisfaction, found key indicators of brands that could improve customer satisfaction, and presented corresponding suggestions for optimizing marketing strategies. It shows that. It has the importance of good guidance and references to improve customer satisfaction in the industry.  相似文献   

Although some researches had submitted the hierarchical model of customer value, there are still questions remaining in the model. How to achieve a more effective method for obtaining and analyzing data from customers concerning their expectations is still lacking. Therefore, this research first applied the modification of the means-end chain (MEC) to construct a hierarchy framework of customer value to allow product attributes to be linked. Next, this research combined fuzzy analytic network process (FANP) in exploring customer preference to catch the multiple needs of customers. Meanwhile, in the measurement of customer preference, fuzzy logic and linguistic variables are utilized to overcome human subjective and imprecise thinking. Overall, this research proposes the hierarchy framework of customer value including the causal relationships of attributes–consequence–value to fill previous model's gap, and identified the factors which could enhance the value of bundle, in contrast to the many monetary research treatments of product bundles. Finally, this research presented the value implications of cosmetics bundles and implication for management and marketing.  相似文献   

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