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以人为本,全面、协调、可持续发展,建构和谐社会,是当今中国社会生活的主题,也是学校教育的主题。而当今学校教育中普遍存在的压抑人性,压制人的积极性、创造性的制度因素及其效用与此主题是极不协调的,这种不协调突出地表现在日下盛行的教育考核评比体系上。反思教育考核评比操作中的问题,克服追求教育“GDP”而导致的教育过程的“去人化”、“材料化”倾向,对在学校教育中贯彻落实科学发展观意义重大。  相似文献   

杨静 《今日教育》2006,(10S):14-14
沐浴着灿烂的阳光.谢家湾小学校园处处洋溢着快乐、健康、和谐。“知荣辱,见行动”主题教育活动的实施在该校师生中引发了积极反响。 一、学习“荣辱观”,争创“红梅花” 学校在学习“社会主义荣辱观”主题教育活动中加大了活动的执行力度:通过红领巾广播站、学校朵朵电视台、红梅花评比栏等途径大力宣扬学习社会主义荣辱观要从自己做起、从身边做起。在狠抓养成教育期间,通过“红梅花儿开.朵朵放光彩”评比栏.从学生养成教育的八个方面,  相似文献   

北京教育学院顿继安认为,教育科研已经成为对教师进行考核、评比、评价的一个重要指标,学校之间也会在这方面进行攀比,这就在无形中为教育科研涂上了一层功利的色彩。据调查,在北京市的中学教师中,有49.5%的人做研究是为参加评选或者为评职称。这种研究基本上是“临时抱佛脚”的产物。这一现象同样存在于学校与专业研究团体合作的正式立项课题研究中。为附会学校“科研兴校”的指导思想,教师要“临时抱佛脚”拿出一些所谓的“研究课”来应景。这样的研究非但不能为教师的专业发展服务,而且会给教师增加不少负担。  相似文献   

学校是价值教育的事件、活动、课程、要素的集结点,价值教育校本化是社会核心价值观教育的生效之道。中小学价值教育校本化的三重内涵是:让价值教育在学校生活母体中孕育,在学校文化场景中生长,在学校课程群落中呈现。价值教育校本化的核心理念是在价值教育实践中落实"四本",即以学校人、学校事、学校情、学校景为学生价值教育之"本"。价值教育校本化的四条路径是:搭建价值教育的学校共同体,改变学生的学校生活经历,发掘学校价值教育的特色资源,雕琢学校价值教育的主题景观。  相似文献   

孔子教育思想对当代和谐教育的启示   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
孔子深得和谐教育的真谛,提倡“仁”、“智”、“勇”全面协调来达到教育内容的和谐共振,并为教育开拓了两种境界:一是师生在“亦师亦友”中融洽共进,一是人与社会、人与自然在互感互化中“赞天地之化育”。  相似文献   

实施素质教育 ,必须造就一支高素质的教师队伍 ,而教师职业道德素质的提高又显得尤为重要。我校从实践找不足 ,从挫折中找教训 ,从摸索中找规律 ,从而使全校师德师风发生了根本转变 ,教师素质得到了全面提高。一、用丰富的活动激励人我校以开展活动为载体 ,不断丰富师德教育的内涵 ,拓展师德教育的空间 ,使师德教育常抓不懈。一是开展了“一学二谈三查四承诺五讲”德育系列活动。二是开展了以“四心”为主题的师德教育活动。三是开展了教师思想政治、职业道德目标管理考核活动。四是开展了岗位明星评比活动。通过这些活动 ,极大地调动了广大…  相似文献   

百年大计,教育为本;教育大计,教师为本。打造一流的教师队伍是教育工作的重要环节,也是学校可持续发展的关键因素。但是,当前的教师考核工作中,仍然沿袭传统的“评比”模式,“评优评先”、“名师工程”几乎左右和引领了教师所有的价值追求。“评比”真的就能够打造一支师德高尚、业务精湛、结构合理、充满活力的一流的教师团队吗?对此,我持怀疑态度。原因之一:“评比”未必能产生真正的“名师”。  相似文献   

周玲 《山东教育》2009,(12):14-15
“生命因爱而精彩”是我们的.特色教育理念。确立“真爱教育”为特色学校建设思路,是对学校前期特色课题“主题活动化教育研究”的继承和发扬。我们将原来的十大主题提升为“真爱”,保留“活动化”的组织风格,同时将原来单一的综合实践活动,拓展为如今的三条实施途径:课堂教学、校本课程、生活活动。  相似文献   

教育是一种人的养成活动,其关乎人的生命成长和美好人生。作为教育的一种空间形态,学校教育的重要性毋庸置疑。其中,“培养什么样的人”和“怎样培养人”构成了学校教育的永恒主题。我们在谈及学校教育要“培养什么样的人”和“怎样培养人”两大主题时,实际上指涉了我们对于教育的美好期许。教育关涉我们的生命,是一种为己之学的活动。我们期待着通过接受学校教育使得自己由一种状态转向另一种更好的状态,显现出生命的应有气象和本真样态,达至生命的妥帖地安顿。而在现实中,有知识而无文化的人的培养,是人们对于教育的一种不满和抱怨。为此,对于教育中人的培养问题,无疑需要我们重新回到教育的永恒话题——教育是什么,我们究竟需要什么样的学校教育?同时,随着人们对优质学校教育的现实欲求日渐提升,回到学校教育自身,思考“什么是好的学校教育”,“好的学校教育如何可能”则显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

近年来,江苏省盐城市广大教育工作者以“办人民满意教育、办人民满意学校”为宗旨,大力实施“教育均衡化、多元化、法制化、国际化、协调化”五大战略和“推进教育均衡、实施素质教育、落实人才强教、加快教育现代化建设、提升教育形象”五大工程,实现了教育事业科学发展、持续发展、健康发展。  相似文献   

随着我国远程教育的蓬勃发展,有关远程教育的质量问题引起了社会的广泛关注。远程教育在快速发展的同时却在一定程度上陷入了质量困境之中。远程教育质量不仅具有多样性,而且具有同一性,两者是辩证统一的。新型远程教育质量观的树立,对指导远程教育的持续、健康发展具有重要的实践意义。  相似文献   

In countries with a governance structure in which responsibility for the quality of education is shared between government and school boards, the past decades school self-evaluation has been stimulated as a way to encourage continuous quality improvement. However, working on the goals of quality assurance and school improvement at the same time is a challenge in general. To make a valuable contribution to both goals, the self-evaluation effort has to be of sufficient quality itself. In this article, we present a research-based framework for school self-evaluation (SSE) composed of both content and process factors that allows to evaluate the quality of self-evaluation in schools. We then used this model to evaluate the experiences in a comprehensive self-evaluation project that has been designed and used to help Dutch secondary schools promote the quality of student care. Our sample encompassed 79 Dutch secondary schools involved in this project. The findings show that the quality of SSE depends on the quality of the instruments (content) and process factors. However, to make a valuable contribution to school improvement and thereby the quality of education in The Netherlands more attention is needed for a balance between internal and external supervision and the role of school managers in the process of SSE.For future research more insight is needed in the challenges of meeting the content and process conditions of school self-evaluations, the governance and supervision issue at the level of schoolboards, the competence of change management in schools and the effects of SSE on the quality of education.  相似文献   

抽象行政行为就其本质属性而言 ,具有可诉性 ;抽象行政行为违宪、违法 ,较具体行政行为更具有危险性和破坏性。唯有开放抽象行政行为诉讼 ,才能更为及时且切实有效地维护相对人的合法权益  相似文献   

论比较视野中的高校教学质量监控   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,国内外高校普遍重视教学质量管理,教学质量监控与保障成为高校管理的中心工作。从比较的角度看,我国高校构建教学质量监控体系有自己的特色,如更重视教学质量管理的制度化建设,在价值取向上,既重视满足社会发展需要,又强调学生个体发展的需要;但从形成时间、背景和主要内容上看,与发达国家的高校相比,不足之处也相当明显。  相似文献   

Student diversity has increased within Australian universities. This has changed the teaching and learning needs of students. The implementation of quality was aimed at enhancing the quality of the higher educational product. However, the policy, while providing an accountability framework at the institution level, failed to provide the structural mechanisms needed to achieve quality in the teaching and learning the students receive, that is the sub‐faculty level. Other factors, such as the potential growth of non‐government resources in the form of more international students have perhaps a greater chance of improving the quality of teaching and learning within the faculties, because they provide both the funds and an incentive for more funds as a reward for implementing quality assurance within the teaching and learning function of universities.  相似文献   

Although the effectiveness of peer review has been examined, few have tested the joint benefits of providing and receiving feedback features and quality in L2 contexts. The present study investigated variation in key features and quality of feedback provided and received by high and low L2 proficiency students and its benefits on revision in the authentic setting of students experiencing both roles of providing and receiving peer feedback in English academic writing. Analyses on two drafts from 50 students, 1356 idea units of anonymous implementable peer feedback and back-evaluation ratings revealed that the combined effect of providing and receiving feedback on revision was prominent for all students. But the bilateral benefits of providing and receiving feedback features were more significant for high proficiency students, while providing feedback features and quality benefited low proficiency students more. The study implies that students need more bilateral training with both providing and receiving feedback.  相似文献   

随着现代远程教育的迅速发展,教育质量引发全社会的关注。教学模式的改变需要教学与管理改革,建立和完善相关的政策法规和科学有效的检查评估机制。加强学校内部管理机制,保证教学环节的落实。整合教学资源充分发挥教学平台的作用是主要措施。保证现代远程教育质量,必须从外部(教育行政部门)和内部(学校)两个方面加强质量保证体系建设。  相似文献   

A major priority for the post-apartheid government in South Africa is the provision of a universal quality education. This article examines quality in the context of education reform, attempts to conceptualise quality, and critically reviews both the discourse and practice of quality interventions in South Africa from the late 1980s to the present. It is argued that work on quality has been influenced by the modernising agenda, and that this has led to two differing research strands. It is also suggested that the work on quality has been affected by the way in which education change is viewed. Three arguments are made in relation to change: that change must be viewed as a process rather than an event; that positive mandated change at the policy and legislation level has not necessarily led to change at the school level; and that education change has emphasised structure and putting systems in place rather than pedagogy and the processes of teaching and learning. The paper concludes by identifying the gaps in policy and research on quality. It calls for more qualitative and empirical school and classroom research, and suggests strategic areas for quality enhancement at the school level.  相似文献   

我国研究生教育层次结构现状及问题分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在我国研究生招生规模和在校生数量大幅上升的同时,研究生的培养质量是否能够得到有效保障,已成为我国政府和社会各界日益关注的热门话题。因此,分析我国研究生教育层次结构现状及其问题并提出解决问题的一些思路,对于了解我国研究生整体规模、数量大幅增长与研究生培养质量之间的关系具有重要的理论价值和实践意义。  相似文献   

从战略角度看,期银业务合作可以带来双赢格局,且有巨大合作潜力,银行与期货业通过人力、网点网络、技术、客户等资源的共享与互补,不仅降低了经营成本,而且拓展了各自的经营领域的广度与深度,也能够促进创新,提供更多的风险管理方法,使双方客户都能享受到更全面、更深入的金融服务,从而提升双方服务质量,增强竞争力。从法规层面和技术手段上,也具备了合作的条件。  相似文献   

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