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老舍是一个悲观的人 ,但为什么老舍没有写出伟大的悲剧 ,反而成了一名以幽默风格著称的作家呢 ?这里从老舍的家庭、生活环境、人生经历、以及他复杂的情感体验对他的影响等方面论述了老舍幽默风格形成的原因 ,希望能帮助我们更好地理解老舍的幽默艺术。  相似文献   

一、主题活动的生成我班的学生已升入四年级,在上学期学过《趵突泉》《猫》《养花》等一系列老舍先生的作品后,学生对老舍先生及其作品产生了浓厚的兴趣,希望了解更多有关老舍的知识。为此,学生曾经几次向我提出想深入了解老舍先生的愿望。在学生的要求下,我以四年级下学期老舍先生的又一篇散文《草原》为切入点,设计生成了以网络学习为主要形式的课程资源——语文主题探究活动“走近老舍”。二、活动重、难点活动重点:通过网上资料的搜集与整理,深入了解老舍先生的生平、作品等情况。活动难点:通过网上资料的搜集与整理,制作出演示文稿,汇…  相似文献   

老舍是一个悲观的人,但为什么老舍没有写出伟大的悲剧,反而成了一名以幽默风格称的作家呢?这里从老舍的家庭、生活环境、人生经历,以及他复杂的情感体验对他的影响等方面论述了老舍幽默风格形成的原因,希望能帮助我们更好地理解老舍的幽默艺术。  相似文献   

有感于现实社会普遍的道德失范风气,老舍以高超的艺术手法塑造出欧阳天风、小赵等一批邪恶人物。对"恶"的书写和对"恶"的摧毁不仅彰显出老舍爱憎分明的道德判断,更承载着老舍拯救国民灵魂的社会使命感。  相似文献   

在中国新文学史上,老舍既是一位杰书的小说家,又是一位优秀的剧作家。作为小说家的老舍,他的《骆驼祥子》、《四世同堂》等反映都市市民社会生活的小说,以出色的人物塑造和世态风物描写在文学史上享有盛誉。作为剧作家的老舍,他的话剧主要创作于两个时期:一是抗日战争时期(1939-1943),共创作《残雾》等剧本9部,一是新中国成立后(1950-1961),共创作《方珍珠》等剧本15部。老舍的戏剧创作的主要成就是以《龙须沟》、《茶馆》为代表。因《龙须沟》的成功,老舍获得了"人民艺术家"的光荣称号,而《茶馆》更成为中国话剧的享有世界声誉的经典。  相似文献   

1993年,山东文艺出版社推出了石兴泽先生独撰的首部老舍研究专著《老舍文学思想的生成与发展》,该书从文本分析出发,以现当代文学思潮及历史波澜为背景,在动态中全面而细致地阐述了老舍文学思想的演进轨迹及文化心理嬗变的复杂形态,从而奠定了他在老舍研究界的学术地位。在此后的十几年间,石兴泽先生笔耕不辍,先后有《老舍研究:六十五年沧桑路》、《人民艺术家——老舍》、《〈骆驼祥子〉解读》等专著陆续问世,宏观而细致地梳理了老舍研究的历史和现状,不断地为老舍开拓新的研究空间。2005年5月,石兴泽先生的老舍研究专著由人民文学出版社出版。在论著的整体框架中,作者将老舍研究置于整个二十世纪中国文学与文化发展历程的宏大坐标中,对老舍文本的艺术内涵、形象类型解读、创作理论形态、作家思想意识结构(包括文艺思想建构及知识分子心态变构)等方面进行了全面审视与阐释,并试图勾勒以上几个方面在二十世纪中国历史风云变幻中的形态变化及相互影响的复杂图景。从某种意义说,此书所做的种种描述与阐释的努力是时隔12年之后,对《老舍文学思想的生成与发展》论述思维的承继、呼应与开拓。因此,用“十年一剑”来形容,并非虚辞。  相似文献   

老舍的文学创作与桐城派有着深厚的渊源关系,桐城派所倡导的“义理、考据、辞章”文章要素在老舍的创作中都有所体现。老舍在继承并发扬了桐城派优秀传统的同时,还有意识地避免桐城派浮躁凌厉、机械僵化等毛病。在文学语言方面,老舍谙熟于桐城派的“质朴自然”、“格律声色”形式要求,创造性地提出了文学语言的生活化、口语化以及“清浅简练”、“音乐美”等主张。继承中有创造,这是老舍对待传统文化的根本态度。  相似文献   

老舍先生是驾驭语言的大师,尤善在小说中使用破折号。老舍小说中破折号的巧妙运用不仅增强了小说语言本身的表现力,也有助于作者展现人物性格、表达情感。此外,老舍先生在不违背汉语语言习惯的基础上,运用破折号巧妙整合欧化句式复杂的结构,以表达丰富的语意。  相似文献   

老舍是新文学阵营中为数不多的可以把雅俗融合在一起的作家之一,他在新小说的写作中并不刻意避俗,俗中有雅,大雅近俗。雅俗共赏是老舍的文学魅力之一,《四世同堂》是老舍最满意的一部长篇小说。文章以《四世同堂》为例,分析老舍在民间立场下的平民意识和贵族气质。  相似文献   

老舍的创作面及作品数量,老舍的传统性与现代性相矛盾的集中表现;生活创作经历、与其他类型作家的比较、老舍创造的人物形象;老舍在中国现当代文学中的独特性的进一步挖掘等三个大部分的综合,彰显了老舍在中国现当代文学中的独特性。  相似文献   

In this article, Bateson's idea of human beings thinking with metaphors and learning through stories is examined as it played out within accumulated educational research studies. Five storied metaphors illuminating knowing, doing and being are highlighted from five investigations involving different research teams. In the cross-case analysis, the importance of narrative exemplars emerges, along with the significance of metaphors serving as proxies for teachers' experiences. The plotlines of the metaphors, the morals of the metaphors and the truths of the metaphors are also discussed. In the end result, the value of metaphors in surfacing teachers' embedded, embodied knowledge of experience is affirmed as well as the deftness of the narrative inquiry research method in metaphorically capturing pre-service and inservice teachers' storied experiences.  相似文献   

人类的生活中存在着大量的隐喻,它作为一种重要的认知方式,在不同的语言中,必然兼有共性和个性。莱考夫根据隐喻的概念系统,把隐喻分为结构隐喻、方位(空间)隐喻、本体隐喻三类。认知语言学界普遍认为,在所有隐喻中,空间隐喻对人类的概念形成具有特殊的、重要的意义,因为多数抽象概念都是通过空间概念来表达和理解的。本文从认知的角度,通过描写与解释相结合以及对比分析的研究方法对汉英语里大量存在的空间隐喻进行对比分析,来考察汉英两种语言在空间关系的选择和表达形式方面以圾对状态、时间、数量、社会关系等方面的空间隐喻化认知的异同,深人分析隐藏在其后的原因,以对期研究语义引申和第二语言习得教学中母语干扰问题有一定的启发。  相似文献   

叶航  冷园 《海外英语》2012,(3):170-175
Metaphors have been described as a central role of our cognitive apparatus. It is central to our understanding of how language, thought and discourse are structured. Animal metaphors as an important part of metaphors take advantage of the animals’ characteristics to describe a person or a thing vividly and chiefly. Sometimes animal metaphors will give people a humorous and novel picture. In linguistics, it can fill in the vacancy in languages, and make the expression exact and visually. Metaphor is kind of figure of speech. The thesis analyzes the function and style of metaphor and discusses the metaphors’ structure in grammar. How we understand the animal’s meaning is the key to translate the animal metaphors. All the animal words have both denotative meanings and connotative meanings. In most cases, the animals connotative meanings are the same or similar. People usually have the same idea about the animals; therefore, even the people who do not know English can understand some animal metaphors However, due to his tory, religion, phonetics, geography, life style, aesthetics and social psychology, the animals’ connotative meanings are different or even con trary. Facing these problems, how we translate the animal metaphors. I find four methods: adaptation, simile with explanation, paraphrase, and annotation. Adaptation is very efficient for the animal metaphors, which have counterpart in Chinese. Simile-with-explanation is the commonest method to translate animal metaphors, which are similar across the cultures easy to comprehend. Paraphrase is the last method to translate animal metaphors, and especially it can deal with any case that the animal metaphors are profound. Annotation is used to trans late animal metaphors in context, particularly in written English. Using the four methods, we can translate animal metaphors successfully. And while we are doing translation, we should understand English animals’ name very well, and pay attention to the Chinese animals’ meaning to make sure our readers understand the author’s in tended meanings. The thesis consists of five parts. The first part of the thesis states the significance and necessity of topic, problems to be solved in the thesis, and the framework of the thesis. The second part is literature review. The third part analyzes the animal vocabulary’s meanings. The fourth part gives four methods to do the animal metaphors translation. The conclusion part reviews the whole thesis and points out the weakness to be improved.  相似文献   

吕文君  杨颖 《重庆师专学报》2008,27(2):77-79,88
文章从中西文化对比的角度研究英汉词语隐喻。首先介绍了隐喻发展史及其基本特征;继而探讨了认知隐喻在文化比较中的积极作用;然后重点分析了英汉词语隐喻文化的异同;最后结论认为外语学习者要深入学习隐喻背后的文化内涵,只有这样才能掌握地道的英语和准确地理解隐喻的真正涵义,以达到更好地交流。  相似文献   

从认知语言学视角看英汉隐喻的翻译   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
传统翻译理论对隐喻的研究多以修辞为取向,把隐喻的翻译视为修辞层面的语际转换.认知语言学认为隐喻不仅是一种语言现象而且是人类重要的认知方式,这无疑给隐喻的翻译研究提供了一个新的视角.在分析隐喻认知的基础上,探讨英、汉隐喻翻译的策略.  相似文献   

当代英文流行歌曲是一种流行程度高,能够引导大众审美的艺术形式。其歌词是一种语言艺术。三种概念隐喻在歌词中有充足的体现,通过概念整合理论来分析歌词中的隐喻能清楚展现其形成的动态过程。同时。歌词隐喻中丰富的语义结构也为歌曲的流行和广泛传播有很大的推动作用。  相似文献   

隐喻分为方位隐喻、本体隐喻和结构隐喻,以China Daily商业新闻标题为语料,探索人们在经济领域的认知规律.研究结果表明:在英语商业新闻领域中,结构隐喻运用范围最广,是人们理解商业领域概念的重要手段.方位隐喻包括up-down隐喻;本体隐喻包括容器隐喻和人体隐喻;结构隐喻则包含战争隐喻、交通隐喻、天气隐喻、医疗隐喻和饮食隐喻.在同类型隐喻中,“up”隐喻、“eye”隐喻和“war”隐喻分别占据主导地位,突显商业领域中人们更关注“向上”趋势,时刻保持“敏锐的洞察力”以及“商场如战场”的竞争理念.  相似文献   

Metaphors as blueprints of thinking about teaching and learning   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This study analyses the metaphorical conceptions of learning based on the reflections of 50 experienced teachers in an evening course on instructional psychology. The metaphors were achieved by collaboration in small groups. “Co-reflection” of group members was well suited to promote metaphorical reconstructions of teachers’ tacit theories about learning. The results show that the majority of these teachers shares traditional metaphors depicting teaching and learning as transmission of knowledge, followed by a smaller group of teachers expressing constructivist metaphors. Only a minority seems to conceive of teaching and learning as a social process. These results are compared with metaphors formulated by 38 prospective teachers without classroom experience participating in a course on curriculum design. In further collaborations these metaphors should serve as stepping stones to broader and more profound conceptions of the nature of teaching and learning.  相似文献   

隐喻是一种常见的语言现象,也是人类的一种认知方式。采用主体自洽原则对一类特殊隐喻的构建和解读进行分析,发现施喻者对主体性的把握在这类隐喻的构建和解读中起着至关重要的作用。同时,这类隐喻的目标域也是隐匿的。主体自洽原则为此类隐喻机制的解读提供了恰当的视角。  相似文献   

The identification of personal teaching metaphors is a potentially effective means of assisting pre-service teachers to become reflective teachers. However, although metaphors are often viewed as a way to facilitate self-reflection, teacher education programmes have shed little light on effective communication and collaboration that are essential to enhancing and mediating the construction of metaphors by pre-service teachers. Drawing on cultural historical activity theory (CHAT), this study explores ways of using information and communication technology (ICT) tools in pre-service teacher education to enhance and mediate the construction of metaphors of teaching and learning. Data included Singaporean pre-service teachers’ ICT-mediated teaching metaphors and online messages. Qualitative analysis revealed that ICT-mediated metaphors provided a unique opportunity for pre-service teachers to interact with teacher educators and peers and it empowered them to reflect on the teaching and learning process critically.  相似文献   

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