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In virtually all the countries of the world, the need for staff‐development programmes for university and other higher education teachers has been recognized. Because the developed countries of Europe and of North America have a head start in the domain, specialists from these countries have frequently been called upon to create and to offer staff‐development programmes in the universities of developing countries. This article discusses the appropriateness of European conceptions of staff‐development for African universities. Concluding that Euro‐centric staff‐developers and pre‐packaged European programmes are not appropriate, that they run the risk of becoming a form of cultural neo‐colonialism, the author considers ways in which European specialists can collaborate with their African colleagues in the structuring of staff‐development programmes that are not only African‐centred but are geared to the real needs of African universities as they are perceived by Africans themselves. If the author's suggestions are accepted, African universities will be able to make use of those aspects of European staff‐development concepts and programmes which have universal value without having to accept European cultural tutelage along with them.  相似文献   

Distance education figures prominently among strategies recently proposed to assist African countries escape from educational crisis. Africa has already made considerable use of distance education to extend access to formal education, although most public institutions have often been severely constrained by lack of finance and manpower. Case studies of Zambia, Kenya and Zimbabwe suggest that critical factors for the effectiveness of distance education are the provision of adequate resources and firm political backing. It is probable that distance education will continue to be used to strengthen formal education by training primary teachers, extending access to secondary education and by providing tertiary education although, so far, few African countries have attempted degree level studies at a distance. In order for all these programmes to be effective, more resources must be forthcoming and integration of distance education with the formal system is desirable. Otherwise distance education may remain at the periphery, its potential under‐used.  相似文献   

Thirty-eight countries in Africa regard homosexuality as punishable by law with South Africa remaining a standout country advancing constitutional equality on the basis of sexual orientation. In the context of homophobic violence, however, concerns have been raised about schools’ potential to improve the educational, moral and social outcomes for young people. In examining how some South African teachers normalize heterosexuality the paper raises questions about moral education in addressing homophobia. By drawing on interviews conducted with teachers across different social contexts, the paper shows how rights are limited by dominant constructions of heterosexual privilege mediated by a range of interlocking social processes including gender, race and culture. The paper argues that attention to the social and cultural influences in teachers’ account of homosexuality must feature in local designs of moral education. The imperative of working with teachers is presented as a way forward to facilitate the broadening of moral education to include an interrogation of heteronormativity which has evaded the focus of South African moral education.  相似文献   

Art educators have been promoting Community‐Based Art Education (CBAE) in schools in order to enhance students’ sense of socio‐cultural identity and contextual learning about local art and culture. It cannot only bridge the gap between the students’ daily lives and the communities and art, but can also enhance their inquiry, discovery and meaning‐making abilities. In China, the community‐based approach plays a significant role in the National Standards for Visual Arts, and Chinese art educators have been applying CBAE in school art education for decades. However, Western art educators are still unfamiliar with the issues, practices and challenges related to CBAE in China owing to language constraints. In light of the above, this article aims to initiate a dialogue between Western and Chinese CBAE researchers through discourse and discussions on the main issues related to CBAE in Chinese art education. It outlines current practices of, and issues related to, CBAE from the perspective of Chinese art education. It also discusses the three major challenges to the implementation of CBAE in China, namely the conflict between indigenous knowledge and official knowledge in the school art curriculum, lack of motivation among teachers, and neglect of context in the practice of local art in schools. It is hoped that this article it will enrich our overall knowledge of CBAE and contribute to the understanding of CBAE from a global perspective.  相似文献   



The main stages of the evolution of biology teaching in Africa, after the independence of the countries, have been a better adaptation of the curriculum contents to the natural and socio‐cultural environment of each country, i.e. to go beyond a simple formal adaptation and to conceive curricula closer to the needs of African societies, in line with their specific values, and fitting with the cultural level of the pupils and with the preoccupations associated with a peculiar economic and social environment; an improvement of the teaching conditions, which remain difficult due to the lack of teaching aids of all kinds; a promotion of educational research, thanks to the creation and the development of administrative bodies responsible for the training of teachers and for the supervision of their activities. African countries have universities, faculties or schools of education and teacher‐training institutes, which are in charge of the training of biology teachers for secondary schools; they also have adapted their programmes to their needs; but such in‐depth adaptation must continue, so that biology teaching responds better to social evolution, to the new conditions of economic and social change and to new ethical situations.

There remains a lot to be done in the area of elaboration and evaluation of teaching methods and techniques, bearing in mind the great difficulties of the teachers who lack the necessary minimum educational aids, specially in rural areas.

The UNESCO pilot project for the improvement of biology teaching in Africa (1966‐1972) is part of a series of projects dealing with the improvement of school programmes and sponsored by UNESCO. The teaching aids produced for the English‐speaking countries of Africa were a handbook and a teacher's guide concerning an initiation course of biology for the junior level of high schools, as well as a series of loop films for the classroom. The aids produced for the French‐speaking countries of Africa were for the senior level and included booklets and colour slides, for the teachers’ use and not the pupils'; the topics involved African ecology, plants and soils, introduction to human biology, conservation and preservation of biological resources.

As a contribution to the national endeavours of educational reform, UNESCO published in 1974 and 1975 the English, French and Spanish versions, adapted to Africa, Asia, and Latin America and the Caribbean, of a Teacher's guide on the biology of human populations. This meant to emphasize the necessary adaptation of biology teaching to its social and cultural environment, while presenting the human populations and their relations with their environments. This is a contemporary subject, which also allows the examination of the role of biology and biology teachers’ in the general awareness of environmental problems; a subject which does not need sophisticated equipment or teaching aids, but, rather, appeals to the observation skills of teachers and pupils.

It is true that the African experience has, to some extent, followed a trend which European countries acknowledged several years ago. Adaptation of curriculum content is a long‐term task and is pursued in both kinds of countries. The African experience could certainly be beneficial to European curriculum designers. The production of all kinds of teaching aids, of various degree of complexity, in the national language, as well as the evaluation of relevant teaching methods and techniques, are areas of acute shortage, where bilateral as well as multilateral assistance could be most fruitful.  相似文献   

This article introduces an international and interdisciplinary summer school, ‘Living in the Landscape’ (LiLa) in 2018. LiLa's practices focused on creating dialogue among art education, anthropology and nature science and developing culturally sustainable methods for investigating cultural heritage in the Komi Republic of Russia. The article's research interest is how dialogue and cultural heritage appear in the artistic processes, artworks and final exhibition of the summer school. These are examined through art‐based action research in order to develop international, multidisciplinary and culturally sustainable art education. The four‐field model utilised in the research highlights the multidimensional role of dialogue in both individual and collaborative artistic endeavours.  相似文献   

在中非友好交流进程中,文化的战略性地位日益凸显。然而,中非文化是两种不同的文化型式,由于文化型式间发展的不平衡,它们在交流过程中必然会产生一些困境与障碍。教育是文化交流的重桥梁和纽带,在消解中非文化交流困境中,中国对非教育负有重的使命。  相似文献   

In response to global climate change, loss of biodiversity, and the immense human impact on the carrying capacity of the earth systems, attention has been given to sustainable development worldwide. In this paper, we explore the emerging field of sustainability science within the context of the socio‐cultural milieu of Malawi, a sub‐Saharan African country. Through interviews in vernacular languages and observations in the field, our research explores how traditional agriculture practices of African elders may contribute to the sustainability of the environment and culture in Africa. Findings indicate that traditional farmers and food preservationists choose to practice indigenous ways of living with nature to live sustainably in a globalized economy. Further discussion elucidates how merging worldviews and hybridized knowledge and languages can be leveraged to create a third space for dialogue and curriculum development by connecting indigenous ways of living with Eurocentric science.  相似文献   

This research project began as an effort to redesign a learning theory course as transitional space and evolved into an analysis of how unresolved conflict from younger learning selves influence graduate preservice teachers’ acquisition of teacher identity. The study draws upon work by Elizabeth Ellsworth on transitional space and Deborah P. Britzman’s work that deconstructs teacher education development. The data for the study were collected throughout a three‐semester graduate teacher education program and include narrative and formal writing using theoretical discourses. Foucauldian concepts of discourse analysis were used to interpret the initial data set; discourse analysis maps were then employed to further develop data interpretation. Two case study illustrations of preservice teachers resulted from this work. These illustrations demonstrate how transitional space is troubled space and the unevenness of teacher development. The study raises the question, ‘What will teacher education do with uncertainty?’  相似文献   

人文视野中,影视艺术基础教学的价值意义在于培育学生的人文精神,实现更为真实和完整意义上的"人"的自由、和谐发展.影视艺术基础教学应该培养学生必需的影视媒介素养,发展学生的影视语言能力,在透彻解读影视作品的前提下获得时历史、现实、本土、异域等人所处的情境概念的人文认知,在审美情感的共鸣中获得关于人之为人及人如何为人的根本认同.人文化的影视艺术基础教学在手段、模式、规律等方面,应展开对话互动,强化多媒体技术运用以及鼓励创作尝试.  相似文献   

This article examines how broader cultural practices influence teachers teaching the Holocaust in Lithuania. This article uses the concept of the “cultural curriculum” to examine how community “stories” intersect with formal education. It finds that teachers feel they have become responsible for challenging long-standing cultural practices as well now. This is not always welcome because most are uncertain how to engage with community behaviors and preserve their place in the community at the same time.  相似文献   

My purpose in this paper is to look at the work of a number of scholars who have challenged popular and mainstream accounts of Western and pre‐Colombian American history and to assess the implications of their work to art education. There are three of these scholars whose works are pivotal. They are: Cheik Anta Diop, Ivan Van Sertima, and Martin Bernal. What is the substance of their challenge? They assert that Ancient Egypt was an African civilization, whose achievements in science, philosophy, and the arts exerted a powerful formative influence on the ancient world of Greece and pre‐Columbian Middle America. This has been misrepresented in popular and mainstream European accounts of world history. The implications of their work for art education are considerable, especially to art history as it relates to multicultural issues. Indications are that we must move beyond the cultural chauvinisms that persist in texts and curriculum structures if we are to achieve truly democratic situations and these revisionist historians help us to do just that.  相似文献   

Since the period of black enslavement in the Americas, Diaspora people have used their bodies as a canvas on which to articulate their presence as subjects. This propensity to use the body as a key medium of creative and political expression emerged from an amalgam of African retentions and new, grounded syncretisms in the West. It was further influenced by their denial of access to the academies and cultural institutions such as music halls, galleries, theatres, museums and even clubs. But more than an embodied locus of creativity, the black body has been a site of political struggle since the antebellum period. Whether generated by an oppressor who sought to condition the black subject for labour by inflicting pain on his/her body or driven by the conflicts within some black subjects for physiognomic valuation, the body of the diasporic settler has been and remains a key site of political contestation. This paper will explore these two themes through the medium of black hair culture. In the process, it will look at the centrality of hair to diasporic aesthetics and hair as a symbol of black resistance to oppression. In doing so, it offers students and educationalists with an interest in issues‐based enquiry in art and design education a pathway to project development with a focus on hair culture that could be developed in a variety of media, while opening up avenues for dialogue that should enhance understanding.  相似文献   

虽然相较于传统教育,对话教育具有自身的优越性,但是从对话教育实践来看,它导致了虚假对话流行、疏离师生关系等问题。这些问题的产生虽然也有人们对对话教育理解不够透彻的原因,但更为重要的是对话教育过度强调了权利,把师生关系理解为一种平等的权利关系,从而导致权利之间产生冲突。回应不仅是独白和对话辩证发展后所产生的一种新的言说方式,而且它更加重视自我对他者的责任,从而能够消解权利所造成的冲突,因此,回应教育将取代对话教育而成为未来教育发展的方向。  相似文献   

Inclusive education in general, and disability-inclusive education in particular, is a high-level priority for development work in aid-supported countries. This paper presents a bottom-up process of developing disability-inclusive education policy in one country – the Solomon Islands. It is well understood that the promotion of quality in disability-inclusive education requires a clearly stated policy; however, in many developing countries, there has been a history of policy borrowing rather than culturally informed policy development. This paper will critically discuss how policy development occurs in aid-funded development work and then offers an alternative model of Australian aid-supported policy development as an in-depth case study.  相似文献   

Complex cultural and historical forces are often neglected when the development of inclusive education in international comparative research projects are discussed. The purpose of this study was to analyse teachers’ attitudes towards inclusive education by examining the ways in which cultural-historical factors in South Africa and Finland may impact on teachers’ attitudes. Data collection methods included the analysis of education policy documents and other relevant documents in countries, an open-ended question on teachers’ own definition of inclusive education and the results of the initial study on teachers’ attitudes to and concerns about inclusive education. A sample of 310 South African and 833 Finnish primary and secondary education teachers in mainstream and special education settings took part. An analysis of the data within a cultural-historical framework indicated that each country’s historical commitment to inclusive education and its attendant legacies about diversity in education have clearly mediated teachers’ views in both countries. As a result, we have been able to develop a deeper understanding of the complex local conditions, and the similarities and differences across national contexts in which inclusive education is implemented that could benefit both countries.  相似文献   

在校本课程中融合多民族文化,使当地民间美术资源与美术教育融为一体具有重要意义。而广西壮族的图腾文化是我国独特的少数民族文化资源,拥有丰富的文化价值,能帮助学生提高审美素质。因此,开发与应用民族传统资源是美术校本课程中必不可少的一环。  相似文献   

20世纪30年代"巡回画派"的批判现实主义适应了当时中国思想文化需要,成为中国美术创作的思想基础;新中国成立后,苏联美术教育对我国油画创作和教学体系的建立和发展产生了深刻的影响,为我国美术创作和教学培养了大批人才;1989年两国恢复友好关系,中俄美术交流在新的形势下走向平等对话.在艺术多元化今天,实事求是地看待俄罗斯美术,有助于中国油画创作与教学.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on a British Council funded Higher Education Link project involving three institutions—Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) in the UK and two South African institutions, the University of South Africa (UNISA) and Rhodes University. The link is a research and development project that has three main research strands: contextual profiling that will establish the applicability of a European teacher education project to the South African context, evaluative materials development and piloting predicated on a respect for indigenous and contextual knowledge, and impact analysis that will examine the role of multidirectional intergenerational mentoring in disseminating messages about sustainable lifestyles. The project is strongly influenced by the South African Revised National Curriculum statements pertaining to environment and an analysis of the impact that these materials have had on promoting whole school approaches to environmental education in South Africa. The link's initial purpose is to develop advanced certificate in education (ACE) course materials that will promote whole school approaches to environmental education, based on developing concepts of collaboration, pupil participation, educational process and action in schools in South Africa. Materials from the MMU‐based, European Commission funded Sustainability Education in European Primary Schools (SEEPS) Project will be adapted for use in South Africa by UNISA and Rhodes.

This paper reports on the development of the project and explores some of its activities and results to date. It documents how the project team approached the integrating redevelopment of SEEPS ideas and materials to use these resources in the design of continuing professional development (CPD) activities for ACE courses in environmental education at UNISA and Rhodes. The second section is written in semi‐dialogue form to try to reflect the nature of the discussions that occurred between the partners in the link during meetings in the UK. This dialogue outlines the conceptual and philosophical background to the SEEPS Project before examining continuities and tensions that arose in clarifying and situating guiding perspectives for CPD and whole school approaches in and for South African school contexts through the medium of teacher education. The paper also reviews how the South African team are interacting with ideas and materials from SEEPS to clarify whole school approaches to environmental education in South Africa and discusses the contexts within which the outcomes of the link will unfold.  相似文献   

长时间以来,我国的农村美术教育受传统观念禁锢,教学管理意识薄弱,师资力量不足,教学设备落后,直接影响到国民素质的提高和社会经济的健康发展。为此,我国必须通过重塑农村美术教育新观念,加强硬件投入,加大美术师资力量培养与革新美术教育手段来走出困境,为当今创新型人才培养服务。  相似文献   

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