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人物通讯中的比较手法除直露性对比外,还存在着另一种形式的对比,姑且称它为“隐性”对比。隐性对比表现方法的特殊性人物通讯中的隐性对比与直露性对比的目的是一致的,都是通过对比显现出新闻人物的与众不同之  相似文献   

对比报道中的对比,并非竖比,而是横比,即:这一个单位和那一个单位对比,这里若干单位和那里若干单位对比,这一个部门和那一个部门对比,这个人和那个人对比,这几个人和那几个人对比。  相似文献   

本文从历年课题指南项目数对比、获准立项项目数对比、获得资金资助量对比、承担单位对比、成果对比等方面,对档案学与图书馆学、情报学的地位与作用,作了对比性阐述.  相似文献   

本文从历年课题指南项目数对比、获准立项项目数对比、获得资金资助量对比、承担单位对比、成果对比等方面 ,对档案学与图书馆学、情报学的地位与作用 ,作了对比性阐述。  相似文献   

石伟 《新闻天地》2002,(6):41-41
报纸版面要富有变化,有变化,版面才能避免单调、呆板,才能生动活泼,丰富而有层次感。在版面设计中,对比的运用则是为了变化,因为人们对事物的识别,主要是靠对比实现的。虚实、大小、动静三大对比关系的运用是对比在版面设计中最常用的重要手段。一、虚实对比虚实对比,是一切构图艺术中都必须精心处理的一对基本矛盾,例如中国技法,就非常强调"疏可跑马,密不透风",讲的就  相似文献   

新闻的对比手法,有着增大新闻价值、增强新闻力度的重要功能。首先,对比可调适受众心理,增大新闻接受价值;第二、对比可增强新闻力度。因为,对比将历史与现状相比、周围其它事物与自身相比,新闻事实才能立起来,置于周围事物之中,才不受孤立,可使受众心悦诚服;第三,对比可显示出个体特征。通过对比的方法,才能使此事物区别于彼事物,特别是人物新闻尤其重要,以防千人一面、千篇一律。  相似文献   

对比是人们认识客观事物的一种方法,也是文学艺术常用的表现形式。中国古代画论里,早就有“计白当以黑”之说,提出了“非黑无以显其白,非白无以显其黑”的辩征关系。对比,作为摄影表现手法,主要包括形式对比和内容对比。形式对比,如体积的大小,色彩的浓淡,光线的明暗,空间的虚实,线条的曲直,节奏的快慢;内容对比,如心灵的美丑,人品的优劣,事业的兴衰,发明的成败;表现在摄影技巧上还有繁与简,动与静、藏与露,刚与柔,张与弛、疏与密的对比等等。  相似文献   

运用对比语言有这样几种方法: 一,词的对比 就是在一两句话之内,运用两种或者几种具有对比性质的词,来说明事物的本质。 1、反义词的类比 如,上下、左右、前后、远近、黑白……这些极具对比特色的反义词,其对比的意思是一目了然。但是,运用这些词语来说明事物的意义,却不是一件容易的事情。可是,如果运用得好,语言极具深刻哲理的内涵。  相似文献   

浅谈深度报道中的比较思维   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
比较思维就是用对比的方法引导读者思考问题,以达到最佳宣传效果。一则消息,因篇幅有限,对比事实往往只能点到为止,难以展开,所以在消息的写作中,对比的用武之地很有限。但在深度报道中,对比就有施展的空间了。将两个反差很大的同类事物放在一起,做深层次剖析,进行深入对比,往往能表现出很强的说服力。将后进与先进对比,是最常用的写作手法。要取得好的对比效果,关键是要选好典型事件,让读者无论从哪个角度看,事件的可比性都很强。邯郸日报1995年发表过一组在全市引起很大反响的深度报道,总栏目叫《跳出邯郸看邯郸》。该…  相似文献   

对比法则是人们认识自然、了解社会、掌握规律的有效手段。广播节目中对比法则的研究,既是对广播自身发展变化规律的研究,也是以人为本、满足受众心理需求的研究。对比法则是推进广播节目创新与发展的有效手段。  相似文献   

王丽 《编辑学报》2015,27(5):503-505
在中国知网数据库中检索医药卫生类2011年1月1日至2014年8月31日下载与被引频次排位前100名的文章并对其进行分析,发现下载排名前100篇文章中这2类合计占56.7%,被引排名前100篇文章中述评类和规范类合计占55.2%,两者重叠的23篇中,规范类和述评类合计占69.6%.认为规范类和述评类文献具有较高的权威性、参考价值大,是能够产生较高下载和较高被引的文献类型,应是期刊组稿的重要方向之一.观察下载次数与被引次数发现,两者没有明显的相关性,无规律可循.认为单纯以一两个数据库的下载、被引数据来做定量分析是不科学的,仅可作为定性参考之用.在研究的100篇文献中,有4篇为一稿多发,均属于规范类文章.认为这类文章承担着行业指导性任务,传播理应更广泛,故应与一般意义上的一稿多投、一稿多发的学术不端行为相区别.  相似文献   

This paper examined the citation impact of Chinese- and English-language articles in Chinese-English bilingual journals indexed by Scopus and Web of Science (WoS). Two findings were obtained from comparative analysis: (1) Chinese-language articles were not biased in citations compared with English-language articles, since they received a large number of citations from Chinese scientists; (2) a Chinese-language community was found in Scopus, in which Chinese-language articles mainly received citations from Chinese-language articles, but it was not found in WoS whose coverage of Chinese-language articles is only one-tenth of Scopus. The findings suggest some implications for academic evaluation of journals including Chinese-language articles in Scopus and WoS.  相似文献   

利用综述文献选择科技论文审稿专家   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
在描述综述型论文特点的基础上,指出综述对于编辑学习学科专业知识、选择审稿专家的作用。认为:利用综述文献选择审稿专家,一是从参考文献中寻找合适的审稿专家,二是编辑利用综述学习专业知识,确定合适的审稿专家。具体讲述编辑如何利用综述学习学科专业知识并整理专业知识脉络的方法以及收集综述文献的方法。  相似文献   

We performed a citation analysis on the Web of Science publications consisting of more than 63 million articles and over a billion citations on 254 subjects from 1981 to 2020. We proposed the Article’s Scientific Prestige (ASP) metric and compared this metric to number of citations (#Cit) and journal grade in measuring the scientific impact of individual articles in the large-scale hierarchical and multi-disciplined citation network. In contrast to #Cit, ASP, that is computed based on the eigenvector centrality, considers both direct and indirect citations, and provides steady-state evaluation cross different disciplines. We found that ASP and #Cit are not aligned for most articles, with a growing mismatch amongst the less cited articles. While both metrics are reliable for evaluating the prestige of articles such as Nobel Prize winning articles, ASP tends to provide more persuasive rankings than #Cit when the articles are not highly cited. The journal grade, that is eventually determined by a few highly cited articles, is unable to properly reflect the scientific impact of individual articles. The number of references and coauthors are less relevant to scientific impact, but subjects do make a difference.  相似文献   

This study focused on how serials information for journal articles is presented based on a sampling of institutional repository platforms at a variety of institutions. Since metadata on journal articles in institutional repositories can often be incomplete and haphazard, not only due to the difficulty of entering the metadata in the first place, but due to the difficulty of adapting existing metadata schemes to represent a journal article accurately, how can libraries increase the discoverability of these individual articles from a wide variety of journals? By examining existing metadata schemes and how they are used to represent articles currently in institutional repositories, libraries can look for a way forward to better represent articles though adapting schemas, exploring possibilities for standardization of metadata for articles, and promoting good practices.  相似文献   

《抱经堂文集》汇集了乾隆间著名学者卢文弨的各类文章395篇,此外不少文章已经散佚,近年来有学者先后辑得11篇。今另辑得《祁阳陈氏重修宗谱序》《关中金石记叙》《休宁厚田吴氏宗谱序》《石研斋诗集序》《注颜氏家训序》《傍山亭诗草叙》等6篇序文。  相似文献   

对国内少儿图书馆从业人员在1979—2007年间发表的专业期刊论文进行分析,发现以下特点:①内容丰富,实用性强,但对学科前沿关注较弱;②人均发文量显著增长,但核心作者人才流失严重,合作研究少;③单位和个体的发文状况关系密切;④论文发表期刊的选择趋向成熟。  相似文献   

Microsoft Academic is a free academic search engine and citation index that is similar to Google Scholar but can be automatically queried. Its data is potentially useful for bibliometric analysis if it is possible to search effectively for individual journal articles. This article compares different methods to find journal articles in its index by searching for a combination of title, authors, publication year and journal name and uses the results for the widest published correlation analysis of Microsoft Academic citation counts for journal articles so far. Based on 126,312 articles from 323 Scopus subfields in 2012, the optimal strategy to find articles with DOIs is to search for them by title and filter out those with incorrect DOIs. This finds 90% of journal articles. For articles without DOIs, the optimal strategy is to search for them by title and then filter out matches with dissimilar metadata. This finds 89% of journal articles, with an additional 1% incorrect matches. The remaining articles seem to be mainly not indexed by Microsoft Academic or indexed with a different language version of their title. From the matches, Scopus citation counts and Microsoft Academic counts have an average Spearman correlation of 0.95, with the lowest for any single field being 0.63. Thus, Microsoft Academic citation counts are almost universally equivalent to Scopus citation counts for articles that are not recent but there are national biases in the results.  相似文献   

研究医学期刊评论性文章摘要的添加对期刊被引频次的影响。以某杂志为研究对象。该杂志2006年为评论性文章添加了中英文摘要。研究结果显示,与2005年相比,该杂志2006年所发各类文章的总体被引频次及篇均被引频次均下降,尤以论著类文章明显,评论性文章变化不大,不能明确评论性文章摘要的添加对期刊被引频次是否有影响。  相似文献   

The paper presents a statistical and subjective review of the journal articles on various aspects of library and information services in Pakistan. Only the articles published in the journals outside Pakistan are included. Articles are selected from four abstracting services, i.e. LISA, ISA, LSA, and ERIC. Authorship characteristics of 97 articles are analysed and compared with the previous studies of LIS periodicals. Authorship details include collaboration, occupation, affiliation, and the author's country. Other publication details of the articles include year, language, journal, and the country of publication. The findings show that library science teachers write more than the other professionals and the most popular subject is the library and information science education. Library science faculty at Karachi University contributes more articles in international journals. The articles are mostly published in English language journals and in English speaking countries, i.e. UK and USA.International Information and Library Reviewpublished more articles on this topic. Problems in library research in Pakistan are discussed and recommendations are made. A brief review of the articles is given according to 16 major subjects. A bibliography of the articles reviewed is also compiled.  相似文献   

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