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PUBLIC SCHOOLS IN SENEGAL: ANALYSING THE REASONS FOR (NON) ENROLMENT – This study focuses on Senegal, where the education system is split between traditional Koranic schools and purportedly “modern” public schools, which have been compulsory since 1990 but which are currently attended by only two-thirds of children eligible to enrol. The article argues that a number of psychosocial factors need to be studied in order to understand this issue fully. By analysing responses gathered from 20 parent-child units, the authors reveal: (a) how parental identity strategies affect how they choose to school their children, and (b) how children’s attitudes are shaped in different ways depending on whether they attend “traditional” or “modern” schools.  相似文献   

From the 1730s to the 1760s, the Piedmontese state was characterized by an absolutist ideology supported by lawyers and administrators of bourgeois origin. They ruled the state and insisted on the primacy of public administration over private institutions. Gradually a rigid system of selection was set up based on talent and skills (excluding the notions of birth or seniority). The military schools, especially the Schools of Artillery established in 1739, played a very peculiar role as social laboratory. In fact, the whole Piedmontese army was affected by this complex phenomenon of social integration implied by meritocracy. This can even be observed within the institutions which were most concerned with rank prerogatives, such as the Royal Academy. So the military reform of 1775 was the result of a process which had been going on for quite some time in the Army.  相似文献   

This essay sets out to place the transition from youth to adulthood, represented as the process whereby, until recently, the majority of young people entered their full‐time wage‐earning lives soon after leaving school, in some kind of modern historical perspective. An attempt is made to look at the changing relationship of adolescent youth to the world of work, as a result of urbanization and industrialization, with reference to variations in the social mechanics of transition between Germany and Britain. “Critical modernization” and “developmental” theories of transition and occupational choice are assessed but social structure, available opportunities and historical change are still seen as crucial determinants. The transitional process, it is concluded, varies markedly in Europe and elsewhere according to family, class, gender, ethnicity and race, factors which are as important today as in past centuries.



This paper examines the concept of learner dispositions empirically and theoretically based on two related studies: one undertaken in the United Kingdom exploring students learning power, identity and their engagement in learning; and one undertaken in Australia, which explored the relationship between learning power and Dweckian self-theories. Three different measures of dispositions are used. Two of these – learning power and self-theories – approach dispositions as malleable but relatively slow to change attributes, while the third considers dispositions as potentially more contextually responsive. The two studies had the measure of learning power in common, enabling a statistical as well as a theoretical comparison between the two studies’ models of learning dispositions and their contribution to the notion of engagement. The implications of these related studies are that, in order to foster deep engagement in learning, pedagogical attention needs to be paid to the formation of learning identity and the development of learning dispositions in the process of knowledge construction. While the different approaches to conceptualising dispositions were broadly compatible, each provided a different insight into this complex concept and suggests different but related pedagogical strategies for building engagement. The paper concludes with an exploration of the implications for dispositional research of autopoetic theory as an integrating conceptual framework.  相似文献   

The author investigates the educational motifs in the theoretical work of the poet and theorist Gotthold Ephraim Lessing (1729‐1781), such as the development of mankind towards perfection, of education towards critical thinking and towards the creation of a man of genius, the search for truth, the priority of action instead of mere reasoning, the enlightenment of all people, the repressing of emotions in moral education, and happiness as the goal of life. These motifs and the educational practice following from them are reconstructed on the background of Lessing's conception of human nature. The criticism of the enlightenment philosophy by postmodern philosophers is briefly touched upon.  相似文献   


In order to master the social problem of the transient beggars and vagrants, the eighteenth‐century French state promoted the establishment of hôpitaux généraux and dépôts de mendicité. These repressive institutions, bulwarks of the ‘great confinement’, fulfilled various social functions in the regional context. Comparing the findings of recent research on the inmates of these workhouses and asylums the author looks at some promising hypotheses on the nature and functions of these institutions. The numbers, geographical origins and the age and sex structure of the inmates are put into relation with the nature of the local and regional economy. It appears that both the local elites and the begging poor themselves used these institutions differently according to their specific Interests and social conditions.  相似文献   


C'est au XVHIè siècle, et selon des modalités variables que l'accoucheur apparaît dans les pays d'Europe occidentale. Mais c'est en France sans doute que le rôle de l'Etat est le plus déterminant.

Par une campagne de dénigrement systématique, au nom de l'humanité souffrante et de la nécessaire protection des mères et des nouveau‐nés, les administrateurs et les médecins prétendent mettre un terme à l'exercice des accoucheuses traditionnelles, et limiter celui des sages‐femmes. A la routine des matrones, on substitue un corps de doctrine cohérent, et l'on entend faire disparaître les ‘superstitions’ du passé. Le projet serait louable, si le souci humanitaire ne débouchait de fait sur une attaque en règle de la société rurale, dont l'accoucheuse est l'un des supports.

Mais l'ambition des médecins et le souci de l'Etat de préserver les populations ne suffisent pas à expliquer l'importance d'un changement qui d'ailleurs ne s'effectue pas partout au même rythme: villes et campagnes, Europe du nord et du sud s'opposent. De fait, l'évolution des pratiques médicales n'est possible que parce que la demande de soins, le besoin de sécurité commençe alors à l'emporter sur toute autre considération.


Ignorance was one of the major blames put upon the medieval clergy by the Protestant Reformation. The new Protestant ministers were supposed to be experts of the Divine Word and had to be able to explain it eloquently. Normally this requisite would have put the theological faculties at the forefront of ecclesiastical policy. But in the Northern Netherlands, the Reformed Church remained cautious, even suspicious, towards a too powerful impact of university training. It refused the monopoly of university examinations for the recruitment to the ministry. The author explains the reasons for this aloofness and shows how it brought about a clear distinction between formal training and individual qualities, the latter being the decisive factor in the admission procedure. This distinction may have contributed to the ideology of merit.  相似文献   

À Annie, Virginie et Nadine, N'Jilan, Yeleen et Aliyah, la gent féminine de la famille!

The most widespread opinion about the education of the Congolese woman and her participation in modern life throughout the colonial era is a fairly negative one. In this article the author would like to grasp the philosophy and mechanisms of schooling and education for indigenous women. In the evolutions that are highlighted he would also like to distinguish between the elements that remained constant on the one hand and the really significant progress on the other.

The colonisation of Congolese society marginalised women. The specificity of female schooling was situated in the cultivation of this marginalisation and its maintenance enabled by use of ideology. At the same time, schooling also claimed to integrate women into modernity as it was defined by the civilisation project of colonisation. The weakness of the results in this domain was a consequence of two converging factors: the inherent logic of colonialism and the Belgian model of conservative Catholicism. In fact, Belgian colonisation installed a structure that could not but smother female development. It sustained a fundamental contradiction, at the same time wanting to reach a certain goal but creating the conditions for its opposite. Nevertheless, during the last decade of colonisation a proper dynamic was introduced that wouldprogressively free Congolese girls from the entirely utilitarian concept of education and schooling in which they were trapped, and that would open up new educational and social perspectives.  相似文献   

The outstanding events of the years 1988 and 1989 in the field of historical research were the bicentenary of the death of the “enlightened monarch”, Charles III of Spain and that of the French Revolution. Those years were devoted mainly to the Enlightenment ("La llustración” in Spain) and the first phase of revolutionary liberalism, the reform movement and the final death throes of the “ancien régime”, the rise of a new liberal social and political order, with diverse viewpoints certainly as far as the placing of the reform movement within a historical perspective is concerned. Differences exist between those who lay the emphasis on the changes and innovations and those who bring out the weaknesses and limitations of the Enlightenment. Compared to the 70s during which the main priority was given to university reform, the work recently carried out has stressed primary and mass education together with the new educational establishments of the Enlightenment era and the reforms undertaken in the fields of secondary, professional and technical education as well as the new scientific institutions and scientific activity in general.  相似文献   

The anarchist‐inspired pedagogy of Henri Roorda van Eysinga (1870‐1925) had an important, and critical, influence on the contemporary theory of “education libertaire” ‐ a theory Inextricable from practice, and illuminated in the experience of the ‘Ecole Ferrer de Lausanne”, with which he was associated.. Roorda's role in promoting the “modern school’ principles of Francisco Ferrer is generally acknowledged. His reputation as “the soundest revolutionary of our age’ on the education of children, however, is largely unknown or forgotten.

Dutch by birth, Roorda grew up and remained in the “Suisse romande”, where his early exposure to the revolutionary intellectual idealism of post‐Commune exiles like Kropotkin and (notably) Elisée Reclus had lasting consequences. Cited in “libertarian” and “new” education circles alike, his writing effectively addressed the twin “scientific” and “revolutionary” facets of Rousseau's pedagogical‐critical discourse. The dichotomies engendered by this Juxtaposition of a child‐centred ‘education intégrate” with a revolutionary‐fraternal ‘mentalité anarchiste” richly nuanced his contribution to the pedagogy and the idiom of “education libertaire”.  相似文献   

Nous présentons ici la reconstruction de l’histoire de l’École Consolidée Miguel Dávila Carson, qui s’est déroulée entre 1953 et 1973. Il s’agit d’une expérience éducative développée par un groupe de professeurs dans un quartier périphérique de Santiago du Chili. Cette initiative s’inscrit dans le cadre d’un mouvement syndical, social et pédagogique, le Mouvement de Consolidation de l’Éducation Publique. L’article a pour objet de visibiliser la constitution de la catégorie ‘sujet enseignant’ dans cette expérience particulière. L’origine du mouvement se situe dans les principes définis par un mouvement éducatif des premières décades du XXème siècle. L’expérience a été reconnue et valorisée, sous certains aspects, par la politique expérimentale du Ministère de l’Éducation de la République du Chili. La proposition éducative dont rend compte cette expérience a réussi à s’insérer dans un processus social de transformations plus globales: des enfants et adolescents qui vivaient dans des conditions de vulnérabilité ont accédé peu à peu au système scolaire, parvenant même, dans certains cas, à s’incorporer à l’éducation supérieure. Pour reconstruire les évènements historiques, on a eu recours à l’histoire orale, à travers des entretiens avec cinq professeurs protagonistes de cette expérience. L’analyse de l’expérience permet de montrer que la catégorie ‘sujet enseignant’ émerge de l’articulation de quatre dimensions interdépendantes, à savoir: la communauté, la politique éducative, les pairs et la salle de classe. On en conclut que, dans des conjonctures historiques déterminées, les ‘sujets enseignants’ créent de nouvelles pratiques dans tous ces domaines, qui transforment le système éducatif. La possibilité se manifeste alors de construire un système éducatif comptant sur la participation de la communauté éducative, incorporant la culture locale et cohérente à un projet de transformation sociale nationale. Cet article a été écrit dans le cadre du projet financé par le Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico, sous le titre: “Ser docente en Chile: tensiones históricas y perspectivas a través del enfoque biográfico y etnográfico (1923–2011)”, projet FONDECYT N° 1090692. Aussi fait reconnaissance du projet FONDECYT N°1080414 qui fournit des renseignements essentiels pour la redaction de l’article.  相似文献   


Maurice Rouvroy (Hornu, 1879–Saint‐Hubert, 1954) obtained his teacher's degree in 1898, after which he taught for several years at a primary school. Late 1913, Rouvroy was appointed director of the newly founded “Centraal Observa‐tiegesticht” (Central Observation Institution) in Moll in the Province of Antwerp. In the “Centraal Observatiegesticht”, delinquent boys were examined for two to three months to enable the juvenile court to take adequate measures.

The pillars of the operation of the “Centraal Observatiegesticht’–which was directed by Rouvroy from 1913 to 1945–were three: continuous and detailed observation, formulation of hypotheses and proposals, and experimental research to supplement the information obtained. The organization of the “Centraal Observatiegesticht” was strongly child‐oriented. Rouvroy introduced the pavilion system, which was marked by a familial character and by a certain form of self‐management. The “Centraal Observatiegesticht’ was constructed like a city with streets, houses and a store. In his conceptions of delinquency, education, and re‐education and in his programme for the care of children with psycho‐social problems, Rouvroy was influenced by experimental pedology and by the New School Movement.  相似文献   

Studies on the efficacity of educational interventions among disadvantaged groups are contradictory. This article is part of the continuing debate on this topic. It reports the results of an empirical study of 1,567 pupils from the first and sixth grades, attending 20 primary schools in disadvantaged areas of Montréal, Canada. The aim of the study was to assess the effects of using "teachers as resource persons". The results indicate that intervention by "teachers as resource persons" has a positive effect on pupils' achievements. Furthermore, financial input is also positively linked with pupils' performance. The article interprets the main results of the study and comes to a positive conclusion about the usefulness of "teachers as resource persons" in disadvantaged urban areas.  相似文献   


Aging involves concomitant and interrelated changes in sensory, motor, and cognitive function. There is a decrease in psychomotor skills—such as balance, spatial orientation, mobility, and motor coordination—visible in increased difficulties performing daily instrumental activities (e.g., self care and domestic activities). The absence of valid psychomotor instruments for the elderly population to be used by psychomotor therapists can be identified as one of the reasons why there is a scarce research in this area. Currently, in Portugal, psychomotor therapists do not have any specific, validated scale within the psychomotor domain built and/or adapted to guide psychomotor interventions with the elderly population. Therefore, the aim of this study was the translation, adaptation, and validation of the Portuguese version of the Éxamen Geronto-Psychomoteur (P-EGP) in a population of 497 elders, aged between 60 and 99 years, with and without dementia. Results of the study are presented and discussed in terms of the reliability and validity of P-EGP. The results demonstrate that P-EGP appears to be a valid and reliable assessment of psychomotor skills for the elderly population in Portugal. Practical implications and future directions of research are also discussed.  相似文献   

This article addresses first of all the question why nowadays evaluation is so intensively promoted. It then goes on to analyse the reasons why there is currently a resistance to evaluation among teachers. It refers especially to the situation in Greece, where evaluation has been absent since 1981, whereas before that date it was applied in an oppressive manner, more resembling discipline and punishment than the personal development of the teachers. The authors refer particularly to the work of Michel Foucault but also to that of J. F. Lyotard. They point out that it is the teachers' fear of evaluation of their personal identity rather than their professional competence that lies behind the resistance to evaluation. Emphasis is placed on the necessity to support teachers in their personal and professional development. The use of action research, termed "critical active research" in Greek, is advocated as a basic strategy for the development of the teacher as well as of the curriculum and of society in general.  相似文献   

This article is based on research into the procedures of competitive examinations for the enrolment of chancellery assistants in Milan, Venice and Bologna in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The growing success of candidats from the middle classes was the result of attempts to improve the quality of the office administration as well as to reduce the influence of the aristocracy. Quality, however, was only used as a selection criterion in the beginning of the candidates’ career; not when it came to promotion. So merit and political patronage were very closely related in this kind of “mixed system”. They were not only the main characteristics of the new Italian administrative machine, but also conditioned its subsequent development.  相似文献   

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