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妇女遭受家庭暴力的现状、成因和对策   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
妇女遭受家庭暴力是指家庭中的男性成员经常对女性成员人身自由、肉体、精神、性等方面实施侵害的行为或事实.妇女遭受丈夫暴力是妇女遭受家庭暴力的主要方面.它直接侵害妇女人身权利,损害家庭的和睦、稳定和社会的安宁.妇女成为家庭暴力受害者既有经济根源,又有社会、文化根源;既有法制不健全的原因,又有女性自身的原因.因此,要遏制、消除妇女遭受家庭暴力,必须提高妇女的经济地位和政治地位;必须改善法律制度,加大执法力度,完善执法监督,增强妇女维权意识;必须发挥妇联和社会舆论作用,加强妇女自身修养.  相似文献   

澳大利亚当代小说《莉莲的故事》中充斥着摧残身心的身体暴力、驾驭女性的性暴力和扭曲人性的精神暴力。女权主义批评认为针对妇女儿童的家庭暴力源于大男子主义文化:男权主义思想和厌女情节是导致男主人公实施暴力的主要原因;性暴力是实现男性统治和驾驭女性能力的最后证明。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study is to assess the extent to which intimate partner violence and different forms of child maltreatment occur within and across childhood and adulthood for a high-risk group of women. METHOD: Low-income adult women were interviewed, retrospectively, regarding their experiences with intimate partner violence and child maltreatment in childhood and adulthood, and intra- and intergenerational relationships between multiple forms of family violence were identified. RESULTS: Analyses demonstrated weak to moderate associations between various forms of violence within generations. Only weak support was found for the transmission of violence hypothesis that maltreated children are more likely to grow up to maltreat their own children. Stronger support was found for the theory of learned helplessness, whereby children maltreated or witness to violence during childhood are more likely to be victimized as an adult. CONCLUSION: The results from this study suggest that interventions with children who are identified for one form of victimization should be assessed for other forms of victimization, and interventions should also address learned behaviors or beliefs associated with continued or future victimization.  相似文献   

狭义的家庭暴力,主要是指夫妻之间即婚姻主体对广大妇女所实施的家庭暴力行为。当前,我国存在的家庭暴力问题,使广大妇女成为首当其冲的受害者,严重地侵扰着家庭的安宁,破坏着社会稳定、和谐与发展,已引起了全社会的广泛关注、因此,正确认识我国家庭暴力的现状,深刻分析家庭暴力产生的根源,理性思考预防和制止家庭暴力的途径,对于保障广大妇女的合法权益,建立和睦安宁的家庭关系,构建社会主义和谐社会具有极其重要的意义?  相似文献   

This article features a study that explored the presence of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), including childhood sexual abuse and neglect, among women associated with Partnership for Peace (PfP), the first and only culturally adapted domestic violence diversion program for men in the Eastern Caribbean. Within a multiyear evaluative study that assessed the impact of the PfP intervention in reducing domestic violence in Grenada in the West Indies, life-history interviews were collected from a subsample of women (N = 9) associated with men enrolled in the PfP program between 2009 and 2011. We found that the exposure to sexual abuse and neglect during childhood was evident in the histories of the women. Most perpetrators were trusted family or community members who suffered from a common set of behavioral patterns, most prominently alcohol use. Our findings reflect an evidence-based connection, as one causative factor, of a culture of silence that is related to child sexual abuse and its management. The apparent lasting effects of these traumatic childhood exposures reflect cycles of abuse in the life histories collected during the domestic violence evaluation study. Our study identified three key structural deficiencies (insufficient research, ineffective policy, and lack of public-health interventions) and one embedded cultural norm (the culture of silence) that together “inhibit current attempts to address ACEs as a means of curbing domestic violence in the Caribbean.”  相似文献   

Early childhood exposure to family violence predicts increased risk for psychopathology. However, violence between partners and towards children often co-occur. This complicates efforts to determine how experiences of family violence contribute to early mental health problems. Utilizing mother-report data on harsh parenting and intimate partner violence (IPV) from two large community-based, socioeconomically and ethnically diverse samples of 3–5-year-old children, we illustrate the value of a bifactor method for characterizing a family climate in which verbal and physical violence are more chronic and pervasive among family members. In our Calibration sample (N = 1,179), we demonstrate the fit of a bifactor model with a shared violence factor reflecting violence among partners and towards children and orthogonal factors for physically harsh parenting and IPV. Examination of item distributions along quartiles on the identified factors reveals that violent behaviors are most frequent/chronic in families with high scores on the shared violence factor. Next, we apply this model in Validation (N = 1,316) and lab-visit samples (N = 369). Children’s symptoms and impairment showed relatively strong and consistent associations with the shared factor. Some unique associations with IPV and harsh parenting were also observed. Overall, patterns suggest particularly negative impact when verbal and physical violence are more chronic and pervasive among family members. Finally, evidence supporting the bifactor model’s validity relative to multi-method data from coded interviews about child abuse and IPV and observed parenting is presented. Findings illustrate the value of a bifactor approach for the meaningful characterization of shared and specific features of family violence.  相似文献   

家庭暴力是困扰国内外妇女的重要问题之一,在家庭暴力中受到伤害最多的是妇女。为了防止妇女遭受家庭暴力,必须建立法律、社会、心理各层面的社会支持系统。文章阐述了妇女遭受家庭暴力的内涵,分析了妇女遭受家庭暴力的原因,并探讨了预防妇女遭受家庭暴力的对策。  相似文献   

元代杂剧作家对于已婚妇女有“从一而终”的贞节理想。这主要体现在他们对遇暴妇女结局的不同处理上。元杂剧作品中遇暴妇女的结局一般有两种,一为夫妻团圆,一为夫妻不团圆。团圆或不团圆的标准有两条,一是看遇暴妇女是否反抗,一是看事后妇女是否随顺。一般地说,第一条标准是夫妻团圆的必要条件,但决不是充分条件。第二条标准是夫妻团圆的充分必要条件,但在妇女保全了丈夫的子嗣和在暴力面前丈夫自己先行软弱下来两种情况不也可以有通融的余地。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The aims of this work are to analyze the associations between violence suffered at the hands of fathers and mothers in childhood and adolescence and three outcomes in adulthood--having or not having children, marital status, and occupational status--controlling for the possible impact of partner violence. METHOD: This cross-sectional study examined a sample of 510 women, attending various health care and social services facilities in a Northern Italian city. Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected. RESULTS: Almost one quarter of the respondents reported some kind of abuse by one or both parents, and 18.2% had experienced physical and/or sexual violence by a partner or ex-partner; women abused by parents were more likely to experience partner violence. Irrespective of whether they experienced partner violence, women abused by parents were more likely to be childless, divorced or never married, and in a precarious occupational situation. CONCLUSIONS: This study is the first one carried out in Italy on this subject: results largely confirmed the trends found in studies in other countries. However, two of the associations which emerged, namely between parents' abuse and being divorced or never married and between parents' abuse and being childless, are worth noting, since they could be interpreted as failures or, on the contrary, as active and positive choices made by abused women in a difficult context. Qualitative data from case histories provided insights into the violence some women have suffered and its consequences, but also into women's great resilience and strengths.  相似文献   

我国现阶段有30%的家庭有暴力侵害的问题。由于针对妇女的家庭暴力产生的原因是复杂多样的,因而消除针对妇女的家庭暴力必然是一个系统工程,需要做大量的和多方面的工作,其中最基本的主要有反对家庭暴力、制裁家庭暴力、帮助受害和建设家庭明等。  相似文献   

对于前配偶遭受暴力是否可以纳入家庭暴力防治的范围,在我国立法中是一个灰色地带。大陆立法对家庭暴力的概念和家庭成员的范围没有作出明确的规定,立法的模糊和暧昧在实践中难以把握相应的标准,而且家庭成员的范围过于狭窄。在大多数国家以及我国的台湾和香港地区,都将前配偶纳入到家庭暴力的主体范围。我们也应当适当放宽家庭成员的范围,将前配偶纳入家庭暴力的主体范围,以便对其进行法律保护。  相似文献   

家庭暴力是一个全球性的社会问题和人权问题,我国关于家庭暴力的心理辅导及其相关理论研究起步较晚。研究结果表明:家庭暴力严重影响了妇女的心理健康水平、受虐妇女社会支持总水平较低、社会支持水平的缺乏损害了受虐妇女的心理健康、小组辅导提高了妇女的心理健康水平,具有较显著的治疗功效。  相似文献   

The aim of the current analysis is to elucidate the link between childhood experiences of violence and physical intimate partner violence in young adulthood in a national survey of young Kenyan women. In 2010, we conducted the Violence against Children Survey in Kenya, collecting retrospective reports from 13 to 24 year old males and females (N = 2928). The analysis presented here focused on females aged 18–24 who ever had an intimate partner (n = 566). Young Kenyan women had statistically higher odds of experiencing physical intimate partner violence (IPV) in young adulthood if they had experienced any childhood violence (including sexual, emotional, or physical) [adjusted odds ratio (AOR) = 3.1 CI: 1.2–7.9, p = 0.02)], any childhood sexual violence (AOR = 2.5, CI 1.3–4.9, p = 0.006), or unwanted completed sex (including pressured or forced sex prior to age 18) (AOR = 4.3, CI: 2.3–8.3, p < 0.0001). Exposure to two (AOR = 3.9, CI: 1.2–12.2, p = 0.02) or three (AOR = 5.0, CI: 1.4–18.1, p = 0.01) types of violence in childhood was also associated with a significantly higher odds of experiencing adult physical IPV. Childhood violence is associated with increased odds of adult physical IPV among young women; efforts to prevent violence against children and provide appropriate care and support to adult survivors are critical to interrupt this cycle of violence  相似文献   

反对家庭暴力的重要任务之一是探讨家庭暴力产生的原因。本文采用多层次系统分析法,从社会文化规范、现行法律机制、男性与女性个体因素、情景因素几方面对我国女性遭受家庭暴力的原因进行了论述。  相似文献   

对妇女的家庭暴力是一个严重的丰十会问题,其越来越严重地阻碍了妇女身心健康、妇女地位的提高和社会的全面发展。值得重视的是,现阶段中国农村妇女所面临的家庭暴力呈现出了复杂性和较普遍性。本研究在对中国农村妇女遭受家庭暴力现状分析的基础上,运用社会性别理论挖掘其深层原因,进而探索预防乃至消除针对中国农村妇女家庭暴力的对策。  相似文献   


Native women and girls suffer sexual violence at the highest rate of any demographic in the United States—primarily perpetrated by non-Native assailants. In this essay, we explore how dominant Euro-American discourses regarding trauma, sexual violence, and indigenous peoples complicate this epidemic. These discourses individualize trauma, assign it an unrealistic linear timeline that presupposes a stable subject position, and ignore the experiences of women of color. Such rhetoric renders Native bodies as disposable and disguises structural oppression by blaming women for the sexual violence committed against them. Ultimately, we argue that rhetoric of survivance, which combines survival, endurance, and resistance to assert Native presence over historical absence and perceived oblivion, creates a space in which communities disproportionately affected by violence can simultaneously practice collective coping methods while also challenging dominant discourses. To advance this argument we conduct a rhetorical analysis of the illustrated handbook, What to Do When You’re Raped: An ABC Handbook for Native Girls, which was produced by a Native American women’s organization to address sexual violence. We explore how four central characteristics of survivance—infinitive temporality, storytelling, collective agency, and structural critique—assert Native presence and make visible the problem of sexual violence against Native women.  相似文献   

Research on fraternity men focuses almost exclusively on problematic behaviors such as homophobia and sexism, alcohol abuse, violence against women, sexual promiscuity, and the overrepresentation of members among campus judicial offenders. Consequently, little is known about those who perform masculinities in healthy and productive ways. Presented in this article are findings from a qualitative study of productive masculinities and behaviors among 50 undergraduate fraternity men from 44 chapters across the US and Canada. Findings offer insights into participants’ steadfast commitments to the fraternity’s espoused values; their acceptance and appreciation of members from a range of diverse backgrounds; strategies they employed to address bad behaviors (including sexism, racism, and homophobia) among chapter brothers; and the conditions that enabled them to behave in ways that contradict stereotypes concerning men in collegiate fraternities.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study examines the relationship between two explanatory factors connected to the phenomena of runaways and the homeless among adolescents: behavioral problems of youths and parental violence to which they are subjected. The study demonstrates that these two factors are independently related to the different categories of homeless and runaway adolescents. METHODOLOGY: The data was collected from 130 adolescents (12 to 17 years of age) who were runaways for short periods on a recurring basis. Two subgroups were formed: Group A consisted of 79 adolescents who did not exhibit behavioral problems; Group B consisted of the other 51 who did exhibit them. The two groups had certain similar family characteristics (income levels, parents' occupations, structure and stability of the family). RESULTS: The bivariate analyses reveal significant differences between the two groups of runaways relating to: (1) gender, (2) a diagnosed conduct disorder, (3) affiliations with deviant peers, and (4) experiences of parental violence. The discriminant analysis demonstrates that these four variables clearly differentiate the two groups of runaways and predict the appropriate group membership for 84% of the cases. Therefore, the members of Group B have a higher probability of being diagnosed as having a conduct disorder, being male, and associating with delinquent peers. This group had not experienced a higher level of parental violence. The opposite is true for the members of Group A. CONCLUSION: Our study demonstrates that parental violence and behavioral problems are variables that are independently related to the defined categories of runaways. Therefore, these variables do not constitute, as some thinkers have claimed, the components of a unique dynamic able to explain the phenomenon of the runaway. Our results vitiate the doubts sometimes expressed by researchers about the importance of parental violence to the phenomenon of adolescent runaways.  相似文献   

This article shows how the dialogic approach adopted by some schools in Spain generates a shift in approaches to gender violence, an issue still not explored in the literature. The shift is from an approach determined mainly by female experts to a dialogic one in which all women, including teachers, mothers, students, sisters, stepsisters, friends, and volunteers, are involved in designing and implementing programmes to prevent gender violence. An analysis of data obtained from six primary schools in Spain shows how the voices of all women are relevant to identify situations of gender violence that girl pupils are experiencing, as well as in the design of school‐based processes to prevent violence that affects these girls.  相似文献   

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