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The role of emotions, although central to social work practice, has been relatively neglected in the process of teaching and learning social work. This article explores how social work educators can incorporate an understanding of the role of emotions in both the teaching and practice of social work. Attention is drawn toward evolutionary and developmental perspectives, emotional regulation, and the current treatment of emotions in the educational context. Further, the article explores the role of optimal emotional arousal in the learning and retention of social work curriculum and its concurrent relational implications for practice.  相似文献   

Although relationships biulding is at the core of direct practice in social work, the methodical instruction of relationship skills has done little to integrate the native expiernce of the social work student. In so far as the cardinal values of social work stress the uniqueness of persons and their inherent worth, much crucial personal experience is lost at the expense of learning by routinized methods. Utilization of personal experience is vital in developing relational skills relevant for practice. With this in mind, we have attempted to incorporate certain postmodern practice methods that emphasize the lived experience of clients in problem-solving into the instruction of clinical social work skills. Personal experience is used as a foundation for value and skill integration. A qualitative study was conducted using relational techniques as teaching tools. Results are offered suggesting fruitful application of such methods as preparation for practice. This work builds on published research by the second author.  相似文献   

Technical approaches suggesting that systematically produced, generalized, and scientific knowledge are the most solid foundations for practice present significant challenges for the social work profession, in which the decisions faced often are not technical but rather moral, requiring the application of ethically based and intuitive skills. Meanwhile, the command, control, and measurement of outcomes in social work practice also present significant conundrums for the delivery of relational person-centered social work and social care. With a focus too often on efficiency rather than on effectiveness, this managerialistic approach frequently fails to acknowledge the complexity inherent in the act of caring. In this context and framework, teaching therapeutic practice with children draws a balance between traditional systematic teaching methods and use of creative media including art, play, and music. This article outlines the positive contribution to professional social work practice that the teaching of therapeutic approaches to child care can make.  相似文献   

Social workers practice in rapidly changing and complex environments where they encounter challenges that include increasing evidence-based practice requirements, a shifting information landscape, and diminishing workplace resources. To address these challenges, social workers need to engage in lifelong learning. The purpose of this article is to explore conceptual elements and assumptions underlying lifelong learning; propose social work specific approaches to lifelong learning; present a conceptual model to orient social work educators to the possibilities inherent in lifelong learning for practice, with inclusion of suggested practice behavior; and offer a research agenda for practice.  相似文献   

Problem-based learning (PBL) constitutes a promising way of integrating academia and social work practice because PBL fosters engagement with real-life problems and enhances important skills needed in social work practice. However, little attention has been given to social work students’ experiences of PBL. In this article we address this gap by exploring experiences of learning and learning preferences among master’s-level students in a Danish social work education setting where extensive problem-based project work is used. We find a discrepancy between students’ preferred learning and when they experience learning the most. Possible reasons for this discrepancy, and implications for teaching, are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on dualities in both the process and outcomes of participation in work. Firstly, the process of participation in work activities and interactions draws on contributions of both individuals and the social world in ways that are variably interdependent, that is, relational. The affordances of workplaces shape the array of experiences individuals are able to access and, they in turn, elect how they engage, construe and construct what is afforded them. Both the social and individual contributions are exercisable with different degrees of intensity, focus and intentionality, thereby making the process of participation in work a relational one. Secondly, and consistent with these processes, the outcomes of workplace participation also comprise dualities. These are individuals’ learning or change, on one hand, and the remaking and transformation of cultural practice that comprises work, on the other. In illuminating and elaborating these concepts, this paper draws upon the initial findings of an inquiry that is mapping the working lives of groups of three workers in each of four workplaces. The aim is to understand how these relational interdependences shape the participation, learning and remaking of work practices in these workplaces. Further, the paper identifies the exercise of both affordances and engagement for each participant within their workplaces. The findings emphasise the distinctive bases by which the groups of workers engage with their work and construct meaning and remake practice as a result of that engagement.  相似文献   

高职教育教学观念要与时俱进,符合社会进步的要求,明确高职教育教学的定位、目标、特点、结合高职院校实际,才能为地方经济建设培养大批"实用型"技术人才.深化高职教学改革,培养学生自主学习、科学学习、创造性学习的能力.  相似文献   

This inquiry research builds on the theory of presence in teaching (Rodgers and Raider-Roth 2006) adding nuanced understandings of how school contexts play into teachers’ abilities to support students’ learning. Findings are drawn from multiple interviews with five veteran middle school teachers, teachers’ written work, and field observations. Illustrating these findings is the compelling story of an exemplary teacher’s negotiations of her practice in response to the school’s relational environment. Our findings point to the teacher’s sense of isolation and vulnerability–indicators of the relational context in the school as a threat to undermining her presence. They also create a compelling argument for the importance of a healthy relational context to support teachers’ most powerful teaching, hence students’ learning.  相似文献   

高职院校的特殊性要求德育工作者不仅要从课堂教学、党团工作、师德、学校管理、育人环境、社会实践、自我完善、网络阵地等方面加强德育工作,而且更要注重在优良的教风中、在实训或顶岗实习中进行思想与道德教育。  相似文献   

The paper presents a holistic view of educational leadership that is based on relational learning, collaboration, connectedness and commitment to self, to others and to community. The context of the study is a community high school where teacher-leaders are responsible for the governance, the daily administration and the teaching in the school. The interconnectedness of teaching, learning and leading are acknowledged by teacher-leaders whose work is based in an understanding that the intellectual, emotional, social, moral, spiritual and aesthetic dimensions of human beings are inextricably interconnected. The focus for school leaders is on working to co-create a learning environment which emphasizes authentic self-expression, the development of relationships, and the development of the whole person within the school, the local and global communities. Two major themes are used to explicate and discuss the enactment of these issues and to outline the boundaries and obstacles encountered in the realities of everyday practice. These themes are: (a) the development of an authentic voice and identity: supportive relationships, dialogue and shared governance; (b) learning from and with others: creating a culture of collaboration, connectedness and commitment to community.  相似文献   

从David Nunan的和谐教育理论谈英语教学的有效性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本课题从高职院校英语教学被动的实际出发,分析原因,提出英语教学要适应社会发展的要求,从培养学生学习兴趣出发,转变学生习惯于传统教学学习观念,以学生为主体的和谐教学模式来解决“哑巴英语”和“高分低能”的英语教学弊端,变被动为主动,积极参与课堂教学,掌握“学会”本领,教会学生学习方法,培养终生学习观念,以提高学生综合能力,为社会培育新一代综合型实用人才。  相似文献   

This article begins with a brief summary of the findings of a recent research project that surveyed the content of the art curriculum in a selection of English secondary schools. The research findings suggest a particular construction of pedagogised subjects and objects rooted in ideas of technical ability and skill underpinned by a transmission model of teaching and learning. Drawing upon psychoanalytic and social theory reasons for passionate attachments to such curriculum identities are proposed, when in the wider world of art practice such identities were abandoned long ago. Working with the notion of the subordination of teaching to learning and the difficulties of initiating curriculum practices within increasingly complex social contexts, the article argues for learning through art to be viewed as a productive practice of meaning‐making within the life‐worlds of students. The term, ‘encounters of learning’ is employed to sketch a pedagogical quest in which an ethics of learning remains faithful to the truth of the learning event for the student.  相似文献   

Gaining access to the inherent relational complexity of teaching/learning situations is essential to learning to teach. As teacher educators our work with prospective teachers indicates that opportunities to develop the capacity for relational knowing are increasingly being denied and dismissed. Specifically, we are concerned with what we perceive to be a flight from the experience of relational complexities, demanding constant discernment in the concrete situated dimensions of teaching and learning, into representative certainty and singularity in ways of seeing, thinking, and doing in classrooms. This paper documents this concern and explores the consequences of such disregard.  相似文献   

高校思想政治理论课社会实践经费使用的效益   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高校思想政治理论课社会实践是高校思想政治理论课教学必不可少的方式和重要环节,既是深化思想政治理论课教学的重点,也是深化高校教学改革的需要,对于提高大学生社会实践能力,培养社会需求的高素质创新人才有着重要的意义。思想政治理论课社会实践经费,是深化高校思想政治理论课教学改革,增强高校思想政治理论课教学实效性,有效地开展社会实践,提高大学生社会实践的质量和效果的重要前提和保障。因此,加大高校思想政治理论课社会实践经费的投入和管理,并充分发挥其使用效益,已成为摆在我们面前的一项重要课题。  相似文献   

课堂教学:让学生诗意地存在   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
课堂是学生意义生成的场所。学生在课堂中与教师、文本、环境等共同构成了一种关系存在。但在现实的教育实践中,仍然存在着课堂教学本真意义失却的现象:"科学知识观"贬抑了课堂教学中的人文知识,泛功利化的思想扭曲了学习的外在意义,机械化的教学方法漠视了人的价值,沉重的课业负担使课堂失去了应有的活力。因此,让学生在课堂教学中诗意地存在,就成为教育理论与实践研究者的普遍心向。  相似文献   

远程教育的实践教学是指学习者在远程开放学习过程中,在教师指导下以实际操作为主,获得感性知识和基本技能,提高综合素质的一系列教学环节的组合。远程开放教育集中实践教学,不但要注重传统教育所强调的专业能力培养,强调理论与实际结合的能力培养,更重要的是注重学生自主学习能力与综合素质的锻炼,注重培养学生在现代教育技术环境下提高自己适应时代和社会发展所要求的不断学习的能力,即终身学习的能力。然而,由于观念、条件、环境、教学对象、管理等诸多因素的影响,能体现现代远程教育特点的网上集中实践教学成为远程教学过程中的一个难点。应根据学生素质和学生的从业情况改进集中实践教学活动存在的具体问题,推动远程开放教育的网上集中实践教学活动。  相似文献   

Immersion learning is one form of experiential education and has great utility in social work education. However, there is limited research on student learning outcomes from immersion learning courses in social work education. This ethnographic research describes an immersion learning course offered to BSW students (N = 9) and the learning outcomes gained. This semester-long course focused on macrolevel practice with people experiencing poverty, homelessness, and the sexual exploitation of women. As part of this course, students went on a weeklong immersion trip, where they visited a dozen human service organizations and interacted with people experiencing poverty and homelessness. Qualitative analysis produced three findings. First, students reported that these interactions helped them realize their biases and impacted their understanding of poverty. Second, students reported enhanced social work practice skills, such as cultural competency, self-awareness, and interpersonal expertise. They also gained a better appreciation for macrolevel practice. Third, students reported a better understanding of how to deploy classroom knowledge in practice and how to apply what they learned back in the classroom. These findings have implications for undergraduate social work education and how immersion learning programs can be a tool for enriching both knowledge and practice skills.  相似文献   

Two artists involved in ‘socially engaged art’ practice were invited to work with art education teacher candidates and instructors in an effort to rethink notions of teaching, learning and art. We initiated this residency, which we called ‘The Summerhill Residency’, to examine how learning encounters might create environments for meaningful exchanges between the ways in which artists and secondary art education teacher candidates learn to think about pedagogy and the nature of artistic learning. Drawing upon Bourriaud's theory of relational aesthetics, we consider, yet trouble, the relational aspects of the processes and products of the artist residency, and examine the crisis of imagination that permeated teacher candidates' experiences. Throughout the project, a/r/tography offered a rich form of living enquiry that opened up possibilities for learning within a community of enquirers.  相似文献   

Many social work educators have endorsed an andragogical appraoch to instruction as a means to reach the diverse student population of today's classroom, without recognizing the larger debate and concerns voiced by adult education detractors. Andrgogical methods provide practical experience-related learning opportunities where self-directed learning is emphasized. Although these methods are effective and have improved social work instruction over the past two decades, there is sufficient research to support the importance of and rationale for belnding pedagogical and andrgogical techniques. This paper will highlight innovative teaching strategies and evaluation components that were used in an advanced social work practice course that blended pedgogical and andrgogical teaching methods.  相似文献   


Migration across national borders has resulted in demographic changes in the United States, causing the country to become more multi-ethnic. This presents considerable challenges for graduate level educators who need to be responsive to the unique academic needs of diverse populations by considering students' previous experiences, values, and beliefs. This change requires educators to incorporate various teaching styles and to create a classroom atmosphere where security, trust, and openness can be achieved. Developing cultural competence and creating a transformative learning environment is essential for social work educators teaching in multicultural environments in the 21st century. This article provides a brief overview of Burchum's (2002) Evolutionary Perspectives that will help to assist readers in obtaining a clear understanding of cultural competence. It also presents Blunt's Model of Cultural Competence for Transformative Education, which can promote both transformative learning and assist social work educators in fostering a transformative learning environment.  相似文献   

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