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In schools of social work, policy courses are frequently taught assuming debates occur along a liberal–conservative ideological continuum in which liberals favor equitable distribution of societal benefits and burdens, whereas conservatives emphasize individual political and property rights and personal responsibility. This dichotomous approach often results in conflict being situated primarily outside the classroom and profession while ignoring contentious debates that have occurred within social work. The authors argue for reconceptualizing policy courses to provide an historical conflict-based approach and include specific suggestions for course design. This approach will better train students with critical skills and prepare them for future practice.  相似文献   

Human Behavior in the Social Environment (HBSE) is an ideal location in which graduate social work students can enhance their critical reflection and writing skills while integrating social work theories with practice, research, and policy. A writing-intensive, learner-centered model using specific strategies is described via a framework of critical pedagogy. In addition to its application within HBSE, this model can be adapted across the social work curriculum. The article is situated within ongoing debates concerning the relevance of social constructionism and postmodernism to social work.  相似文献   

马克思恩格斯社会公正思想及其当代价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
马克思、恩格斯社会公正思想以唯物史观为逻辑起点,显示了其独特的理论视域,并蕴涵着丰富的内容,是唯物史观在社会公正问题上的具体运用,它科学地解释了社会公正问题,这是指导我国构建和谐社会促进社会公正的科学的世界观与方法论。因而,马克思、恩格斯社会公正思想具有重大的现实与理论意义。  相似文献   

Spatial thinking, which is taught and practiced in many of the social sciences, is a skill that is often overlooked in the social work curriculum. Spatial thought increases perception, logic, and organized cognition of goals and therefore holds promise for social work practice. Developing skills in spatial thought offers social workers additional tools for problem solving at all practice levels. Finally, thinking spatially raises awareness of problem-solving techniques in relation to environmental resources, a key aspect of systems theory. Fortunately, spatial thinking can be easily integrated into a variety of social work classes helping students master the skill and understand its importance. This article defines and describes spatial thinking, explores its fit in various areas of the social work curriculum, and discusses ways its use can be encouraged.  相似文献   

从个人效用与社会效益的新视角分析了经济学发展的历史沿革,找出了各个思想理论之间的逻辑联系,并且得出富有效率的经济运行机制在于个人效用与社会效益正相关;然后,通过对我国经济建设实践分析验证这个结论;最后,指出经济学发展趋势是对经济和社会组织的机制设计。  相似文献   

The benefits of literature are countless. Social workers, however, are usually not inclined to count the teaching and practice of social work among its beneficiaries. We believe that literature is one of the ways to enrich vital components of social work knowledge, attitudes, and skills. In this article, we begin by calling attention to a historical precedent for the use of literature in social work education and practice. We then examine recent research on the impact of literature on human behavior, empathy, and critical thinking and consider its epistemological roots. Next, we review evidence from social work journals on the use of literature in teaching and practice. Having examined the relationships of literature to professional knowledge and practice, we devote most of the article to illustrating how, as social work educators, we are and can be using literature effectively in the teaching of social work.  相似文献   

It is widely assumed that most entering MSW students exhibit a primary interest in individual clinical practice but minimal understanding of or interest in welfare policy knowledge. However, this assumption is mostly based on attitudes before and at the beginning of encountering social welfare courses. Using a mixed-methods approach of both qualitative and quantitative methods, we studied the impact of a social welfare history and policy course on MSW students' perspectives and interests. We found that the course impacted students' understanding of and approach to their professional roles as well as to their own lives as citizens. These findings hold implications for social work education curriculum designs as well as for future research in social work teaching and education.  相似文献   

孔孟创建的儒家文化中蕴含着丰富的安民保障的思想,该思想的逻辑基础也就是孔孟学说的核心价值观——仁政爱民学说,在这一理论的指导下形成了丰富的安民保障内容,构成了现在社会保障的雏形。虽然孔孟的保障思想有着时代的烙印,但其理论精华仍然具有现实意义,为现代社会保障提供借鉴。  相似文献   


This article presents an evaluation of an innovative, three-year graduate program to prepare workers from educationally disadvan-taged backgrounds for professional careers in social work in an urban health care system. It analyzes the contributions to the Social Work Health Careers Opportunity Program (SWHCOP) of a course designed to provide: an overview of health care issues and policies; beginning knowledge, values and skills for social work practice in health care; and an opportunity to acquire or strengthen skills for graduate education, including oral and written communications, problem-solving, and critical thinking. This article considers the practice, policy and teaching implications of such an educational program for increasing access to professional careers in social work for members of educationally disadvantaged communities.  相似文献   


This paper explores how African American literature can enrich the analysis of social policy in social work graduate courses. The historic debate between Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois about black progress, and its reflection in subsequent works by Richard Wright, Ralph Ellison, Shelby Steele, and Cornel West, illustrate that the debate remains present in contemporary affirmative action and welfare reform policies. Using ethnic narratives can expand adult students' ability to analyze the purposes, consequences, and values underlying social policies and help social workers formulate, document and buttress new policy positions. Such abilities are especially critical for social policies in which race remains a critical influence.  相似文献   


Recent advances made by medicine and psychiatry in the development of practice guidelines and evidence-based interventions are spreading to social work and other helping professions. As the movement toward evidence-based practice grows, more demands for the use of tested interventions will be placed on practitioners. In this paper, we argue that social work practice education must change to respond to this demand. Specifically, evidence-based interventions must be incorporated into the teaching of the middle phase of social work practice more than it is now. Social work training has traditionally relied on untested interventions that have come from the tacit knowledge of accumulated practice wisdom. Although tacit knowledge has an important place in social work practice, instructing students about evidence-based, empirically derived interventions provides them with critical knowledge and skills they will need to enter the competitive world of social work practice. Moreover, this approach amplifies the importance of launching practitioners with skills of evidence-based thinking; that is, the identification, evaluation, and selection of interventions with demonstrated effectiveness.  相似文献   

社会工作在我国属于新兴学科,自开始招生至今仅20余年。这期间,社会工作教育者们从未停止对社会工作实务教学的探索,但至今依然是教学难点,社会工作的教师身兼督导和教学双重任务往往会顾此失彼。基于此,找到一个适合于目前社会工作实务教学的场所和模式便十分重要。本文将高校作为社会工作实务教学的场所,社会工作专业学生的实务课程在教师的指导下展开,提供适当的社会工作服务以解决学生群体中存在的诸多问题,同时实现实务教学的要求。在高校实施社会工作实务教学,"网格化"是一种比较理想的模式。  相似文献   

基变社会工作是20世纪70年在社会工作领域和学术领域内兴起较为引入注意的观点。它相对传统的社会工作而言是一种新型的方法途径。通过梳理基变社会工作的发展历程,对于推动社会工作再认识及进一步了解社会的发展脉胳,提供了清晰的视野和反思。  相似文献   

社会实践能够较好地消除大学生的接受心理障碍,使之接受思想政治教育;社会实践作为联系大学生与现实社会的重要纽带,是增强大学生对社会主义核心价值观念情感认同的重要手段;社会实践作为价值活动,是增强大学生对确立社会主义核心价值观念与自己利益一致性认识的重要途径;社会实践作为行为规范训练,可以为大学生确立社会主义核心价值观念奠定重要前提和基础。目前高校大学生社会实践存在一些明显的问题。因此,我们重视大学生社会实践,一方面要坚持正确的指导原则,另一方面要建立科学合理的实施方法体系。  相似文献   

Critical reflection is important to vital process issues within social work practice; thus, it warrants attention in teaching and supervisory contexts. Autoethnography is a newer qualitative research methodology that uses the experiences of the author/researcher to extend social science understanding (Sparkes, 2000). In this article, the authors use autoethnography to frame critical reflection as a process of exploring social work knowledge and its potential implications, given that such knowledge is situated within fragmented and diverse selves and identities. Thus, good autoethnography is a unique way of accessing knowledge within intersubjective realities, which simultaneously generates a form of critical reflection (the comparison and assessment of emergent knowledge situated within selves and identities). Purposely incorporating an autoethnographic strategy, the authors draw from their experiences to show how personal narratives, the core of autoethnography, might be used to infuse critical reflection into social work education and practice.  相似文献   

全纳教育的理念要求我们对特殊儿童提供预防、教育、康复、职业训练等领域的综合服务,社会工作成为其重要的专业支持。基于英美国家以及港台地区的经验分析,我们发现社会工作在特殊儿童的筛选评估、专业服务、团队沟通以及政策倡导等方面都发挥着重要作用。我国特教体系中社会工作支持服务的拓展需要进一步完善特教政策,促进专业融合,拓展实务模式以及加强社会宣传。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、行动研究法、个案研究法,对社会体育专业实习实训基地的建设问题进行了研究,通过对实习实训基地建设研究现状、构建实习实训基地建设理论基础和实践能力的构建原则、依托环节培养台阶和措施分析,进一步讨论了实习实训基地建设对高校教师教育人才培养模式的具体影响因素以及高等院校与基层建构新型校际合作关系的途径,为高校社会体育专业实习实训基地的建设提供理论依据和有益的参考.  相似文献   

The practice of critical policy analysis often emphasizes the importance of historicizing the present. However, there is very little guidance for critical policy analysts on the methodical production of histories. In this paper, I meet this need by arguing for the use of methodologies embedded in the production of both cultural histories and microhistories. I show how the historical narratives that are produced by critical policy analysts must be able to reveal patterns of long-term social interactions and domination, while simultaneously showing how people on a smaller temporal scale still disrupt and bend these social structures to their needs. Most importantly, I argue that using such methodologies allows critical policy analysts to practice a form of historicizing that explicitly adheres to an epistemological stance that emphasizes the social construction of knowledge through power relationships.  相似文献   

通过对赵秉文《滏水集》中政治思想材料的整理,运用历史文献分析法以及相关理论对赵秉文政治思想的核心——仁政思想进行了分析,认为赵秉文的仁政思想具体表现为政治实践,理论基础是其儒释道互补的理学思想。赵秉文的仁政思想主要有4个方面:畏天爱民,正心修己;明辨是非,任贤用能;以史为鉴,春秋为法;安不忘危,因时制宜。赵秉文仁政思想的本质是以君主为核心的"精英管理"模式,有其历史局限性。但就历史发展的脉络来看,有助于促进社会的稳定与经济发展。赵秉文的仁政思想有明显的意识形态倾向。  相似文献   

社会工作实务教学中存在着实务课程缺乏、督导指导不足等问题,而陶行知强调实践的作用和强调外来教育思想的“本土化”等理念为社会工作实务教学提供了重要帮助。将陶行知教育思想引入社会工作实务教学,有助于社会工作实务教育任务的明确和理性对待书本知识,更有利于社会工作实务中的“教学做合一”和教法的选择。  相似文献   

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