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This study was undertaken to investigate relationships between various forms of creativity, and to determine whether the expression of motor creativity is related to selected motor skills. The tests administered to the 65 fourth grade subjects consisted of creative thinking tests, a motor creativity battery, and motor skill tests. The following conclusions were drawn: (a) the expression of motor creativity through movement is not related to performance on the selected motor skill items; (b) creativity does not appear to be a generalized trait in as much as significant relationships were not found between the various aspects of creativity; (c) a tendency toward generalization of creativity was found for girls but not for boys; (d) a combination of weight, figural fluency and figural originality accounts for a significant amount of the variability in motor creativity for boys, while a combination of figural and verbal creativity factors does the same for girls; (e) boys of this age perform significantly better than girls on skill tests involving strength, while girls excel on balance and agility items.  相似文献   


Basic motor competencies (in German: Motorische Basiskompetenzen; MOBAK) are performance dispositions empowering children to participate in the movement culture. For the diagnosis of basic motor competencies, a test instrument consisting of 15 test items for assessing third graders’ basic motor competencies was developed (MOBAK-LUX-3) and validated empirically. Basic motor competencies were operationalized as test items in the form of basic motor qualifications, which are cultural tools formulated as a minimum standard. Data (MOBAK-LUX-3, age, gender, migration background, weight, height, sport club membership, weekly physical activity) were collected in 2015 amongst third-graders in elementary school in Luxembourg (N = 488; 50.4% female; M age = 8.8 years, SD = .51). A confirmatory factor analysis confirmed a four-factor structure (locomotion, object control, moving in water, object locomotion; CFI = .94; TLI = .92; RMSEA = .036; WRMR = 0.89). Five classes with different competence profiles were determined through latent class analysis. The MOBAK-LUX-3 test instrument satisfies test theory requirements and can be used to determinate motor competence profiles.  相似文献   


Three hundred girls in Georgia ranging from 12 through 18 years of age and enrolled in physical education from the seventh grade through the freshman year in college were given eight motor performance test items to measure running, jumping, throwing, speed, and agility. The study was undertaken to test the hypothesis that girls do not improve in motor performance after the age of 13.5 years, and also to investigate whether significant differences existed in motor skills according to age-grade level. Analysis of variance was used to test the significance of variation on each of the eight test items for the seven age-grade groups. Significance of differences in means for each test for each age-grade group was also calculated. Since ninth-grade girls, with a mean age of 14.4 years, scored highest on two items, tenth-grade girls scored highest on four items, and college girls scored highest on two tests, the hypothesis that girls generally do not evidence improvement in motor skills after the age of 13.5 was rejected.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to develop an easily administered test of motor ability for college men. Expert opinion was used in the validation process and eight factors of motor ability and 29 items measuring those factors were chosen. The selected tests were administered to 222 college men and statistical analysis covered item reliability, objectivity, correlations with the criterion, and intercorrelations. Through use of the Doolittle technique multiple correlations and regression equations were computed for a number of combinations. Two test batteries including one short indoor test were recommended. Scoring tables, norms, score card, profile, and directions for administering are included in a test manual.  相似文献   


Black and white children (N = 553) in kindergarten, grade one, and grade two, as part of a total test battery were tested on items of agility, speed, power, flexibility, and endurance. An ANOVA design was employed for both equal and unequal cell frequencies to determine the effects of grade, sex, and race on gross motor performance. Significant (p < .01) improvements were found at each grade for speed, power, and endurance items; males had significantly better performances (p < .01) than females on all items with the exception of flexibility; black children had significantly (p < .01) lower values than white children in the speed item at each grade level.  相似文献   


This study deals with the development and validation of two written tests of sportsmanship responses. The major steps followed were: selection of test items, development of criterion instruments, refinement and validation of test forms, and establishment of reliabilities between the forms. Validities and reliabilities were satisfactory, and the tests provided nearly normal distributions among responses.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to investigate the factor structure of the sports skill domain of basketball and to identify test items to measure in this skill domain. A theoretical model of the hypothesized dimensions of basketball playing ability was developed based on a review of literature concerning basketball skill testing from 1906 to the present day. These dimensions were: (a) shooting, (b) passing, (c) jumping, (d) movement without the ball and (e) movement with the ball. Twenty-one items, including the nine items in the AAHPER basketball skill test for boys, were selected to sample these hypothesized dimensions. The tests were administered to 70 male junior high and high school students enrolled in the University of Minnesota, Duluth basketball camp during the summer of 1975. The hypothesized dimensions were analyzed by use of the following: (a) alpha factor analysis; (b) canonical factor analysis; (c) image analysis; and (d) principal components analysis. Both oblique and orthogonal rotations were performed with each of the four analyses. The hypothesized model was partially substantiated in that the results confirmed three of the factors: (a) shooting, (b) passing and (c) jumping with the only difference being that the factors of movement with the ball and movement without the ball combined into one. Since the following test items best represented the dimensions, it appeared that a battery comprised of these items would provide a quick and objective measure of basketball skill: (a) jump and reach, (b) dribble, (c) speed pass, and (d) front shot.  相似文献   


Item response theory (IRT) has been the focus of intense research and development activity in educational and psychological measurement during the past decade. Because this theory can provide more precise information about test items than other theories usually used in measuring motor behavior, the application of IRT in physical education and exercise science merits investigation. In IRT, the difficulty level of each item (e.g., trial or task) can be estimated and placed on the same scale as the ability of the examinee. Using this information, the test developer can determine the ability levels at which the test functions best. Equating the scores of individuals on two or more items or tests can be handled efficiently by applying IRT. The precision of the identification of performance standards in a mastery test context can be enhanced, as can adaptive testing procedures. In this tutorial, several potential benefits of applying IRT to the measurement of motor behavior were described. An example is provided using bowling data and applying the graded-response form of the Rasch IRT model. The data were calibrated and the goodness of fit was examined. This analysis is described in a step-by-step approach. Limitations to using an IRT model with a test consisting of repeated measures were noted.  相似文献   


Practice plays an important role in skill acquisition, although not all practice is of equal quality. We examined the types of team practice activities in four groups of youth cricket players. The groups were recreational- and elite-children (9 to 12 years of age) and recreational- and elite-adolescent players (13 to 17 years of age). Time motion analysis recorded the duration in two types of practice activities, namely, Training Form and Playing Form. Training Form is mainly drill-type activities, whereas Playing Form is mainly games-based activities. Training Form activity is thought to contain fewer opportunities to develop the perceptual, cognitive and motor skills required for successful performance in competition when compared to Playing Form. Session duration was a mean value of 95, s?=?29?min. All players combined spent 69% of session time in Training Form activity and 19% in Playing Form, with the remaining percentage of time spent in transition between activities. Recreational-children spent around half of their time in Playing Form activity, whereas both elite and adolescent groups spent little or no time in this activity. Findings from this research highlight a gap between research and practice that may not be optimal for skill acquisition.  相似文献   


Attitudes, creativity, self-concept and motor skills were measured to determine the influence of decision-making on elementary children. Three groups of children (N = 208) were tested, one group was taught with the teacher dominating all classroom decisions, another group was encouraged to share in the decision-making, and a third group served as a control. Data were collected immediately before and after an eight-week instructional period. MANCOVA indicated that the two treatment groups had significantly higher scores than did the control group, and the shared decision-making group scored significantly higher than the teacher dominated group on measures of creativity, motor skills and self-concept. A 2 (treatment) × 2 (sex) × 5 (grade) ANOVA revealed significantly more positive attitude scores for children allowed to make decisions regarding their learning. Further, Pearson product-moment correlation showed the tested variables to be independent measures of a child's development.  相似文献   


Validity generalization is a method of establishing the generalizability of the validity of a test by examining the results of all previous validity studies of the test of interest. In this paper, the validity generalization model was described and modified for application to concurrent validity studies of motor behavior. An example was provided using a small data set from selected studies of field tests of cardiorespiratory function. The model is recommended as an approach to clarifying the relationship between a test and a criterion measure in physical education and exercise science.  相似文献   


The ability of 48 college women to adjust hand-eye coordination in a rearranged visual field was compared with ability to learn a new motor skill and with present level of motor ability. The measuring instruments utilized included the Scott motor ability test, Moody's new motor skill learning test, and a variation of the mirror-box test of Held and Gottlieb. Subjects were exposed for one minute to each of four experimental treatments—moving chessmen and throwing a ball performed both while wearing prism-glasses and without wearing these glasses. Subjects received one treatment per day, two days per week; the treatments were repeated in the same order and sequence, making a total of eight experimental sessions. The findings did not justify the conclusion that a relationship exists between motor ability or new motor skill learning and ability to adjust to a rearranged visual field. Wearing prism-glasses did not result in a consistent amount of visual rearrangement with each subject.  相似文献   


Initially an inventory was constructed to measure certain configurations of leisure behavior to include the frequency of participation in 70 commonly practiced leisure time and recreational activities. After pretesting, the inventory was submitted to 120 males who had been randomly selected from the City Directory for Austin, Texas. The 75 responses which were completed and returned were sorted into four major age groups. The responses were subjected to a multiple discriminant analysis procedure to determine whether the groups could be distinguished from each other on the basis of the entire profile. Significant discrimination between the four age groups was demonstrated. Three discriminant functions were obtained and 14 of the 70 inventory items were found to be the highest contributors to the three derived discriminant functions.  相似文献   


One hundred high school girls (N = 20 per group) were initially given 10 trials on the Bachman ladder-climb task; each group was given a different length of lay-off (10 min., or 1 day, or 1 week, or 4 weeks, or 13 weeks) before being retested with another 10 trials. Correlations between individual differences across the lay-off decreased as the length of the lay-off period increased (from r = .89 to r = .69). Correlations between adjacent trials remained relatively constant at r =.90 as practice progressed. As remoteness increased, the relation decreased regularly, from r =.92 to r =.68. Individuals became increasingly different from each other as a result of motor learning; intraindividual variance did not change appreciably.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare the validity and reliability of three short physical activity self-report instruments to determine their potential for use with university student populations. The participants (N = 155; 44.5% male; 22.9 ± 5.13 years) wore an accelerometer for 9 consecutive days and completed a single-item measure, the a brief two item measure and the International Physical Activity Questionnaire—Short Form questionnaires on day 1 and 9. Correlations between self-reported and accelerometer derived moderate-to-vigorous physical activity levels were moderate for the International Physical Activity Questionnaire—Short Form, while poor for the single-item measure and the a brief two item measure. The agreement level was high with the International Physical Activity Questionnaire—Short Form (77.4%) and moderate for both the single-item measure (45.2 %) and a brief two item measure (44.5 %). The intraclass correlations between the two administrations were moderate to strong across all measures (0.52–0.70) in 133 participants. The International Physical Activity Questionnaire—Short Form is the most suitable of these three self-report instruments for use with this population due to higher correlations and levels of agreement with accelerometry.  相似文献   


Three anthropometric and eight physical performance measures selected by the author were related by correlational methods to the performance of 87 secondary school boys in the running hop, step, and jump. All variables showed a significant relationship with the criterion beyond the .05 level of confidence. The criterion could be employed as a measure of motor ability since three of the highest single-variable correlations with the criterion were measures that are known predictors of motor ability: the running broad jump (r = .859), 50-yd. dash (r = .815), and standing broad jump (r = .778). Three selected combinations of measures yielded multiple correlations with the criterion which were significant beyond the .01 level of confidence. A regression equation developed from the optimal set of variables that was considered to be feasible for administration in school systems consisted of two items from the Youth Fitness Test Manual: the standing broad jump and the 50-yd. dash.  相似文献   


The problem under investigation was to determine if were distinguishing personality traits when women who compete in team sports were compared to women who compete in individual sports. The subjects were chosen from a selected group of 156 women AAU athletes and the 1964 United States Olympic team. Those women who agreed to take part in the study were sent a copy of Form A of the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire, which was the instrument used to measure selected personality factors. Differences between groups were analyzed by means of the t test.

The results indicated that women athletes who compete in individual sports rated higher on the personality factors of dominance, adventurousness, sensitivity, introversion, radicalism, and self-sufficiency and lower on the factor of sophistication when compared to women athletes who compete in team sports. No differences were found in the factors of sociability, intelligence, stability, surgency, conscientiousness, suspecting, guilt-proneness, high self-sentiment, or high ergic tension.  相似文献   


The study was designed to determine the relationships between achievement in reading and achievement in selected motor skills for children in grades 1, 3, 5. The Iowa tests of basic skills were used to determine reading achievement and the Johnson motor achievement battery was employed to measure achievement in selected motor skills. The Pearson product-moment coefficient of correlation was applied to compute the relationships between the reading and motor achievement variables. The subjects were divided into three reading achievement levels and Scheffe's method of comparing pairs of means from a two-way analysis of variance table was employed to determine if the achievement differences in the motor skills tests were significant. The following conclusions were drawn: a) Highly significant correlations were found to exist between achievement in reading and the throw and catch test and achievement in reading and the zig-zag run test; b) Little or no consistent relationship existed between achievement in reading and the kicking test or the jump and reach test; c) Significant differences among the selected reading levels were found for the throw and catch test and the zig-zag run test; d) Few significant differences among the selected reading levels were found for the kicking test and for the jump and reach test.  相似文献   

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