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What Is the Sun?     
May 《初中生》2006,(Z1)
认.t‘~~已一、_、,、~耘 戮estlnis a efock, 讥招衬流庇out漏t一 ,阵“:_二 pound‘呜oin, 匆· le sun isa昌udower, ich断6计。in氏aven匀幽记en. 钱e一赫15们漏而能撬’ In tyoa 8 In】IL DOWI- -卜::一逻一‘ Thesuni,al汪酷, 。:the润如ets击星).‘ 太阳是钟、,叮吁谕洲 滴答地散发着热量。 太阳是硬币, 飞卜 买下了广表的天空。 太阳是向日葵, 生长在天国的花园。 太阳是柠檬, ‘盛在上帝的水果盘里。 太阳是一个蛋, 哺育着无数颖行星。What Is the Sun?@May~~…  相似文献   

Bloch H 《Child development》2000,71(4):857-859
Reconciling the differential perspective with the Piagetian perspective is a very difficult task. The Piagetian perspective admits the existence of interindividual differences but interprets them as noise masking the universal logical succession of structures, whereas the differential perspective views development as consisting of "vicarious processes." As a matter of historical fact, the main aim of the "procedural studies" carried out in Geneva was to introduce concrete microgenesis into the macrogenetic Piagetian model.  相似文献   

Read the dialogues and write the times on the clocks.读下面的对话并在表盘上标上相应的时间。  相似文献   

What is the greatest in your heart? Have you ever thought about this question?Someone will say in confidence: "Man!" Maybe you are not wrong, but I don' t agreewith you.There is a special heavenly body called the earth in the cosmic space. The earth isthe only place suitable for human beings to live on."Do you know where life came from?" "From the earth!" "Right!""Do you know where man was born?" "On the earth!" "Right!"Where is there life without the earth? Where can man exist without the eath?the eath  相似文献   

This study documents the use of the Draw-a-Science-Teacher-Test as diagnostic tool for both preservice teacher beliefs about science teaching and science methods course effectiveness. Direct comparison of pre-course to post-course images from 50 preservice elementary teachers was undertaken using McNemar’s test. Results indicated statistically significant shifts in participants’ mental models of science teaching and learning. Post-course more students portrayed student-centered reform minded practices. The limitations of this analytical approach, the practical significance of this work, and ideas for future research in this arena are discussed.  相似文献   

This article studies the conceptions of the interior of the Earth held by Portuguese elementary school children and senior citizens. Several studies were conducted regarding conceptions related to Earth sciences, such as rocks, minerals, earthquakes geological time, and Earth structure. Most of these studies involved students enrolled in compulsory education, some involved higher education students, several involved teachers, and only a few involved adults. The majority of the results showed that many misconceptions are held by people of all ages. Similar results were found in this study, as both children and senior citizens revealed several misconceptions. The research resorted to a questionnaire based on a drawing task so as to find out the way that children and senior citizens imagine the structure and composition of the interior of our planet. A comparison between children’s and senior citizens’ drawings was made, as well as a comparison between those drawings and the historical models of the internal structure of the Earth. We found that only a small number of children and even a smaller number of senior citizens recognize that the interior of the Earth is organized in concentric layers. They assume that soil and water are a common part of the internal composition of our planet. Similarities between the drawings and the historical models were identified, particularly similarities related to Gautier’s model, which accepts the possibility of the existence of life in the interior of the planet as it happens on its surface.  相似文献   

PROFESSIONJobHOMEType of houseWhere it will beFAMlLYLIFESingle/married/divorced/living with a partnerChildrenVEHICLEVehicle you will ownVehicle you will use most oftenTRAVELThe most interesting place you will travel toWhat you will do thereACHIEVEMENTSWhat you will achieve  相似文献   

The Sphinx was a make-belive animal of long age.It had the head of a person,  相似文献   

Ihavealwaysbeeninterestedinmakingthings.WhenIwasachild,enjoyedpainting,butIalsolikedmakingthingsoutofclay.Iwonarize(奖)foroneofmypaintingswhenIwasfour鄄en.ThatmaybewhyIwenttoanartschoolandudiedthereforfouryears.ButIstudiedpaintingfirst,notpottery(陶器制造).IlikebeingaotterbecauseIliketoworkwithmyhandsandeltheclay.I蒺mhappyworkingbymyselfandbe鄄gnearmyhome.Idon蒺tlikemass鄄producedings,fortheyaremadebymachinesandareallesame.Ithinkcrafts(手工艺)areveryimportantdcraftspeoplemakethingscleverly…  相似文献   

Aboywaswalkingalongthestreet.Suddenlyhestoppedandlookedupintothesky.Ayoungmanpassedbyhim.Whenhesawtheboy,hefeltcuriousandlookedup,too.Justthenagirlcameupandsawthem.“Istheresomethinginterestinginthesky?”shethoughtandlookedup,too.Suddenlytheboyasked,“Hey,whatareallofyoulookingupat?”“Thatswhatweregoingtoaskyou,”saidtheyoungman.“Youwanttoaskme?ButIwasntlookingatanything,”saidtheboy,“Iraisedmyheadupwardbecausemynosebled.”What’s in the Sky?@程炜…  相似文献   

In this study, we identified the code-related (decoding, fluency) and language comprehension (vocabulary, listening comprehension) demands of the CBM-Maze test, a formative assessment, and compared them to those of the Gates–MacGinitie test, a standardized summative assessment. The demands of these reading comprehension tests and their developmental patterns were examined with multigroup structural regression models in a sample of 274 children in Grades 4, 7, and 9. The results showed that the CBM-Maze test relied more on code-related than on language comprehension skills when compared to the Gates–MacGinitie test. These demands were relatively stable across grades.  相似文献   

Foucaults pendulum exhibition in 1851 occurred in an era now known by development of the theorems of Coriolis and the formulation of dynamical meteorology by Ferrel. Yet today the behavior of the pendulum is often misunderstood. The existence of a horizontal component of Newtonian gravitation is essential for understanding the behavior with respect to the stars. Two simple mechanical principles describe why the path of oscillation is fixed only at the poles; the principle of centripetal acceleration and the principle of conservation of angular momentum. A sky map is used to describe the elegant path among the stars produced by these principles.  相似文献   

Whileworkingonacruiseship熏amagicianperformedthesametrickseachweeksincehealwayshadanewaudience.一个魔术师在一艘观光船上工作,因为每周有不同的观众,他总是表演着同样的魔术。Problemwas熏thecaptainhadaparrotwhosaweachshowandhadfiguredouthowthemagiciandidhistricks.问题是船长有一只鹦鹉,它看了每一场表演,也看明白了魔术师是怎么表演魔术的。Theyfloatedfordayswithoututteringaworduntilfinallytheparrotturnedtothemagician.“Okay.Igiveup.”Itsaid.“Whatdidyoudowiththeship芽”他们一起漂流了好几天都没说一句话,最…  相似文献   

This study focuses on exploring teacher learning in terms of teachers’ professional agency embedded in the classroom. Teachers’ sense of professional agency is related to perceiving instruction as a bidirectional process, use of students as a resource for professional learning and continuous reflection on teaching practices. Accordingly, the capacity to cross the boundaries in teacher learning contributes active professional agency and, consequently to work-related well-being. Hence, the interrelations between teachers’ sense of professional agency and the burnout they experienced were also analysed. Altogether 2310 Finnish comprehensive school teachers, including primary, subject and special education teachers, completed the study survey. The results indicated that active professional agency, promoting both learning and well-being, requires not just reflecting and adapting but also efforts to learn at work. Moreover this requires not just self-directed and active professional practice but also learning at the boundaries and creating new professional knowledge together with students and colleagues.  相似文献   

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