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<正> 光合作用与呼吸作用的知识是高中生物的重点、难点内容,也是高考中的热点之一。尤其是这两方面知识的综合题,在近几年的高考试卷中也频频出现,如2002年上海卷第34题,2003年江苏卷第35题,2003年上海卷第40题,2004年上海卷第40题,2005年江苏卷第8题。此类试题考查的并不是考生的计  相似文献   

张主方 《物理教师》2001,22(9):45-47
2001年物理高考(上海卷)试题的特点可用“三多”来概括:(1)联系实际的应用题多;(2)主观评价的开放题多;(3)考核一般能力的试题多.这“三多”现象也引起广大教师和考生们不同的反响和评议.笔者在与部分阅卷、命题老师交流后,就2001年物理高考(上海卷)试题的特点阐述自己的一些看法和认识.  相似文献   

韩琦 《理科爱好者》2004,(21):71-72
纵观各种资料,对“大众化”的含义理解有所不同;而本文所指的大众化试题是指解题时所应用的数学知识要求不高,有些甚至只需要小学的数学水平就可以了.但在近年来,这种类型的试题却频频出现在各地的高考及高考模拟试卷上,如2004年上海卷的第16题,2001年全国卷第12题,2002年北京卷的第20题等;虽然这类大众化试题所涉及的知识不深,但考生对此类问题却颇感头痛,所得的分数也不多,究其原因,其中一个很重要的方面是因为考生解题时对此类问题的题意不甚了解.本文就这一问题作分类赏析,供大家参考.  相似文献   

历年上海高考历史试卷有“一幅古代到现代高度浓缩的历史画卷”之美誉 ,其“以人为本 ,倡导人文关怀 ,弘扬时代主旋律 ,凸现活的历史教育”“强调学以致用 ,体现研究性学习”的命题理念 ,以及命题的角度与技术乃至于命题的知识载体都起到了引领全国高考与中学历史教育的潮流。纵览 2 0 0 3年全国高考文科综合能力测试卷 ,第 40题 (第二次世界大战第二战场开辟题 )借鉴了 2 0 0 0年上海卷第 42题 (世界大战的形势与中美关系变化题 ) ,特别是第 3 7题 (长城题 )借鉴了2 0 0 1年上海卷 3 7题 (燕王夫人墓题 )和 2 0 0 2年上海卷 2 8题 (秦·砖 …  相似文献   

杨利平 《物理教师》2008,29(3):61-62
近几年全国高考物理试题,欣喜地发现一些创新题型的出现,可见高考创新命题思路已成为了热点.其中2007年高考物理(上海卷)第16题就是一道具有创新立意的试题,下面以此题为例进行剖析.  相似文献   

进入新世纪后 ,图像型试题频频出现在高考历史试卷和文科综合能力测试卷上。如 2 0 0 2年“文综”全国卷第 38题配置了《清明上河图》 ,2 0 0 3年“文综”全国卷第 37题采用了魏晋墓砖壁画 4幅。在这方面 ,上海卷历史试题的步子迈得更大。以 2 0 0 3年上海历史卷为例 ,第 3题有图像 1幅、第 14题有图像 2幅、第 2 8题有图像 3幅、第 30题有历史人物头像 3幅 ,而第 36题 (以世界眼光看中国近现代重大历史事件题 )则配置了 6组 9幅图像。此卷图像之丰富 ,着实令人吃惊。笔者认为 ,图像型试题不仅丰富了试题的表现形式 ,使卷面生动活泼清新 ,而…  相似文献   

去年的全国卷试题的难易适度,已为诸家所认同,社会所首肯,这是比较而言.并非赞同全部照今年的模式考下去。记得去年4月《语文教学通讯》发表了北京八大处中学成岗强先生的《北京上海2004年春季高考语文试卷结构比较与评说》一文,认为上海卷优于北京卷。是的,我很赞同陈先生的观点。去年夏季高考又是一个证明:上海卷不但优于北京卷,也优于全国卷。就拿去年的上海卷来说,除了第15题考默写之外,全部试题由阅读和写作两个板块构成。试题新颖别致,科学实用。  相似文献   

高考全国卷1993年第26题、1994年第25题都是在“实物图上连线”的电学实验题,上海卷1991年第四大题(5)小题也含“连线”问题。从反馈信息看,这三道试题都有考生未识破题设隐蔽条件,错将分压电路连成限流电路而丢分。  相似文献   

刘岳衡 《物理教师》2004,25(8):58-59
分析近几年的高考试题不难发现,有不少试题是由20世纪90年代的高考试题为原型改造而来的,如2002年第30题就是1990年全国高考试题第21题的拓展;2003年第23题就是1996年全国高考试题第17题和1999年全国高考试题第17题的有机结合,等等.这也许是命题专家为了达到既要考查学生的基础知识,又要考查其综合应用能力,还要防止猜题之目的,而采取的明智之举.因此,近几年的试题往往都回避热点问题,而有意识地考查“改造”过的陈题.这应引起广大师生的高度重视.为此,在复习过程中,教师可选择那些往年的典型高考试题给学生做,并对此进行分析、拓展、升华,以达到“陈题不旧,推陈出新”的目的,从而有效地培养学生的发散思维能力.举例分析说明如下.  相似文献   

以高等数学为背景的高考试题,背景比较新颖,对能力的要求较高,能有效地考查学生的思维能力和继续学习数学的潜能,因而成为近几年高考命题的“宠儿”.例如,2006年四川省数学高考理科试题第16题的背景是群论,2006年北京市数学高考试题第15题的背景是定积分,2007年四川省数学高考理科试题第21题的背景是牛顿切线法,2007年山东省数学高考试题第21题的背景是泰勒级数,2007年广东省数学高考试题第21题的背景是牛顿迭代法,等等.  相似文献   

The present study tested whether the paradoxical technique of positive reframing, presented in the form of test instructions, could be used to reduce the cognitive experience of worry and thereby improve the arithmetic test performance of highly test anxious third-and fourth-grade children. Thirty high test anxious and thirty low test anxious children were assigned randomly to receive one of three types of instructions prior to taking an arithmetic word problem test: neutral instructions, reassuring instructions, and positive-reframing instructions, which encouraged the children to view worry as a positive attribute. The results indicated that the type of instructions given had no significant effect upon subsequent test performance. However, both high and low test anxious children who received positive reframing scored significantly higher on a state anxiety measure given post test. These findings suggest that, although positive reframing may have an emotional impact, it is ineffective in improving the arithmetic test performance of highly test anxious children.  相似文献   

In order to clarify the concurrent validity of the Peabody Individual Achievement Test (PIAT) and the Metropolitan Achievement Test (MAT), product-moment correlations were computed for all subscores and total scores for 26 normal-range public school third-grade girls and boys. The reading comprehension subtests correlated.81, spelling.88, and PIAT Mathematics with MAT Total Math.64. Correlations were computed for the Otis-Lennon Mental Ability Test and the PIAT General Information subtest as.77, and the Otis-Lennon and the PIAT Total Test scores as.79. Concurrent validity of the PIAT with both tests is tentatively considered adequate except in the area of mathematics, in which the PIAT, relative to the MAT, appears to be reflecting ability to handle math concepts (.68) more accurately than math computation (.41) or math problem solving (.56). Correlations with IQ partialed out suggest the PIAT Total Test, and PIAT and MAT reading and spelling measures, are relatively uninfluenced by IQ variations, whereas with IQ held constant, the weak positive correlations between the PIAT and MAT math subtests became essentially random relationships.  相似文献   

The present study investigated whether fear appeals used prior to a test increased self-reported test anxiety and had a detrimental effect on test scores. Forty primary school pupils were instructed for one week under a low threat condition under which no fear appeals were made and another week under a high threat condition in which fear appeals were made salient. An end-of-week test was given in both conditions. Pupils reported an increase in test anxiety related worrisome thoughts and autonomic reactions under the high threat condition, but not in off-task behaviours. Test scores were lower under the high threat condition, but were not attributable to the increases in test anxiety related thoughts and autonomic reactions. This study adds weight to the argument that fear appeals are a damaging classroom strategy, but the mechanism by which fear appeals are reducing test scores is not yet clear.  相似文献   

目前大多数题库系统都是Word格式,实际上这有两个弊端:一是不能同步印刷厂的排版操作过程,绝大多数印刷厂均使用方正书版系统,二是Word生成的试卷不美观,不能实现psp的发排过程。该文从实用角度出发,指出了能够完全同步印刷出版行业的标准需要的题库平台制作关键,借助该平台就可以实现多学科试题库的建立及组卷系统的完成。  相似文献   

Thirty-seven Title I elementary school children were administered the Arithmetic subtest of the Wide Range Achievement Test and the KeyMath Diagnostic Arithmetic Test. One year later, the Metropolitan Achievement Test was administered. While correlations between the Wide Range and the Metropolitan did not reach significance (r =.17), the KeyMath demonstrated a substantial relationship (r -.63). Reasons for such differences in correlations are discussed. It is suggested that the reliability and predictive validity of the KeyMath be extended to different ages and populations.  相似文献   

There is a need for accurate, efficient assessment of children's readiness, to provide information concerning strengths and weaknesses of children and to identify those children who may be at risk for school failure. This necessitates determining the relative usefulness of instruments in predicting later school achievement. This study examined the efficacy of the McCarthy Screening Test (MST) and Metropolitan Readiness Test (MRT) to predict academic readiness at the end of kindergarten and achievement at the end of first grade. Eighty-eight children were screened upon entering kindergarten, using the MST. As a measurement of academic readiness, the MRT was administered at the end of kindergarten, and the Scott and Foresman Achievement Test (SFAT) was administered at the end of first grade as a measure of achievement. Regression analyses indicated that the MST significantly predicted children's scores on the MRT and SFAT. Additionally, the MRT was a significant predictor of the SFAT.  相似文献   

作为科学思维的核心要素,科学推理能力在生物学学科核心素养的培养与考查中具有重要地位。本文以试题中考查的科学推理能力为切入点,对2020年高考全国Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ卷以及浙江、天津、江苏、山东自主命题试卷中的生物学试题进行了定量分析。  相似文献   

陈卫东 《生物学教学》2006,31(11):61-62
选择题作为一种客观题型,能较好地考查学生的生物学基础知识、基本技能及生物学能力。不同的命制方式,一方面体现了命题的考查意图,另一方面也能调控试题的难易程度。以下是笔者在教学实践中归纳的几种命制选择题的方式。  相似文献   

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