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Study objective: To identify the causes and consequences of the growing stratification of universities in terms of the volumes and sources of funding that they have access to as well as in the programs of study that they offer.

Methods: We used statistical and economic analysis to study the outcomes of university activity. We assessed the interrelationships between the resource base of higher education and the production and economic potential of the Russian regions through the application of an econometric model. We also conducted an empirical analysis of the factors that are influencing the increasing public demand for higher education.

Results: We identified trends in how the demand for higher education has structurally changed between 2001 and 2014. We assessed how sources of funding at universities differ from region to region given the transition to the performance-based contract model. We identified the main risks (pitfalls) associated with the structural misalignment of the demand for higher education and the proposed quotas for public scholarship-funded seats in various fields of study. This process is unfolding against a background of increasing regional differentiation, which is contributing to the stratification of Russian universities in terms of the volumes and sources of their financial support and heightened financial obligations caused by raising the salaries of faculty members and leading to a shortage of funds that are available for facilities maintenance as well as supporting the learning process. This latter factor jeopardizes the quality of educational programs.

Findings: We were able to identify trends in how the demand for higher education is structurally changing in Russian higher education on the basis of an empirical analysis that was carried out using an econometric model. We assessed the impact of the global economic crisis and the effective ability of families to pay for higher education. We also identified the risks (pitfalls) that result from the regional differences in university funding .

Practical significance: Specialists may apply the main arguments and conclusions of the article in the field of economics and management when drafting university financial plans and development strategies.  相似文献   

The outbreak of the First World War and the emergence of Russia as Britain’s ‘glorious ally’ swiftly changed public attitudes in Britain, which had been largely, but not entirely, hostile to Russia. The sense that Britain needed to cure its ‘abysmal ignorance’ of Russia, coupled with the strong desire to replace Germany, the enemy, as a trading partner with Russia led to the initiation of the teaching of the language at eight or more university‐standard establishments. The material and intellectual foundation of the nascent departments of Russian was a partnership between commercial‐financial and academic interests. Money from business sources was crucial in the introduction of Russian teaching at several of them. It was, however, only at Nottingham that the commercial sector actively tried (unsuccessfully) to control the behaviour of the college by restricting promised funding. Meanwhile, partnership with technical schools in recruiting teachers was a significant feature of the introduction of Russian to the higher and further education sector. Staff recruited consisted of both British scholars and expatriate Russians (or other Slavs). Russian departments or divisions were often actively supported within the university by specialists in other fields, who were strongly of the opinion that any serious university system should accommodate the study of a society and culture as significant as that of Russia. When it became clear after the October Revolution that Russia would not continue to support Britain, France and America in the war against Germany, the withdrawal of interest external to the universities did not cause the immediate demise of Russian studies in higher education; they were by this time established firmly enough to survive for intellectual reasons alone, and indeed they survive to this day in most of the institutions discussed here. University College, Nottingham, later to become the University of Nottingham, exemplifies in microcosm the principal trends and features of the national situation.  相似文献   

俄罗斯高等教育经费资源的配置问题分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
俄罗斯目前正在建立健全相关的银行、金融、基金、资助、保障和诚信体系,以保证高等教育经费的筹措、借贷、使用、还债等进入良性和有序的状态。高等教育经费资源的优化配置部分地缓解了俄罗斯高等教育经费不足的压力,当然问题也还是存在的。在中国高等教育探索经费来源多样化之际,俄罗斯高等教育经费来源多样化的经验教训对我国有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

何雪莲 《比较教育研究》2012,34(1):18-22,38
自1989年苏东剧变之后,转型国家高等教育实行双重市场化:公立高等教育机构市场化;私立高等教育开始建立。公私立高等教育机构在行为和精神气质方面越来越接近,不少转型国家在财政资助和质量保证方面对公私立高等教育机构也越来越一视同仁,以至于出现了公私莫辨现象,通常区分公私立的标准——所有权归属、资金来源、政府监管力度和机构使命——在转型国家高等教育面前失去了辨别效力。  相似文献   

Governments in Latin America appear to have reached the limits of public subsidy of higher education and they are searching for funding alternatives. Tuition is viewed as one of the means of diversifying support and thereby of reducing the financial pressures on the budgets of these countries. In addition to the economic rationale, advocates of tuition base their arguments on the inequities of public subsidy, on the concept of ‘the ability to pay’, and the need to redirect public subsidy to the elementary and secondary levels. Opposition to tuition is led by the students, with support from faculty and administration in higher education. Opposition is based on the ideology of ‘free’ education, which views higher education as a basic societal obligation and fears the ‘privatization’ of universities if governments do not fulfill their obligations. Tuition is much more than an economic issue and reflects a traditional distrust of government motives within higher education. Without additional sources of funds, however, it is likely that opportunity for higher education will be denied large numbers of students. It is ironic that expansion of opportunity may depend on the implementation of tuition as one method of raising financial support.  相似文献   

欧洲大学的科学研究对欧洲创新体系的持续发展具有重要意义。随着欧洲各国公共管理体制的改革.加上国家公共资金的有限性,欧洲各大学在科研经费上也必须面对日益激烈的竞争。近几年欧洲大学加强了科研经费管理的变革,许多大学积极寻找其他的研究经费来源,通过与企业合作补充科研经费、积极承担国际研究项目等方式,使得欧洲大学研究经费的来源日益多样化。而在经费上向基础研究倾斜、鼓励跨学科和跨机构研究,重视科研经费管理专业化等措施,则大大提高了欧洲大学科研经费管理的有效性和透明度。  相似文献   

Globalization or Glocalization? Higher Education Reforms in Singapore   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Globalization and the evolution of the knowledge‐based economy have caused dramatic changes to the character and functions of higher education in most countries around the world. However, the impacts of globalization on universities are not uniform though business‐like practices have been adopted to cope with competition in the global marketplace. The pressure for restructuring and reforming higher education is mainly derived from growing expectations and demands of different stakeholders in society. In recent years, widespread concerns over widened access, funding, accountability, quality, and managerial efficiency are perceived as the prominent global trends related to university education. Because of the divergent political, social, economic, cultural and historical backgrounds, national/local governments may adopt similar strategies in response to pressures generated from globalization. Nonetheless, through a close scrutiny of the ways that national policies are made, we may find that governments around the globe, particularly in East Asia, have tried to make use of the globalization discourse to address/justify the local policy/political agendas. This paper aims to examine the latest higher education reform initiatives proposed by the Singapore Government, with particular reference to reflect upon how the Singapore Government reforms its university systems in the context of globalization. It is argued that the latest comprehensive review of public university governance and funding brings about a changing role of the government in the regulation, finance and provision of higher education in Singapore and eventually alters the state‐university relationship.  相似文献   

Several European countries were unable to match student numbers with labour market demand during the nineteenth century. The causes of this mismatch may be found in the organisation of higher education and the funding of students. Drawing on a variety of sources, this paper compares financial support available to Reformed and Catholic theology students in The Netherlands, to examine how differences in student funding affected enrolment and labour-market patterns. While low tuition fees increased access to the public universities, generous student financing provided by numerous parties caused a structural oversupply of Protestant theology students. The private Catholic colleges instead selected students and applied grants specifically to encourage graduation, consequently balancing students more closely with labour-market demand. This relative success of regional colleges over national universities mirrors the primary education history literature on the benefits of local coordination and resource allocation.  相似文献   

全球化和国际化是当今世界高等教育改革与发展的潮流和趋势,它们引发教育体系的新变化,影响大学在社会中的地位和作用,也意味着全球性人才互动进入一个新阶段。在世界经济、科技发展趋向一体化形势下,俄罗斯的高等教育也迈上了国际化轨道。本文以世界范围内的人才流动为主要分析对象,揭示了俄罗斯在教育全球化和国际化形势下对外教育新动向。  相似文献   

Switzerland spends about 6% of its GDP on education. In the past few years, there have been carrying out important reforms in the educational field, for example introducing a vocational high school diploma and creating specialized higher vocational institution (hautes écoles). What is the extent of educational research in this context? There are very little data on this subject. To meet the need of information, we carried out a study examining expenditure on Swiss educational research from 1998 to 2000 and the link between sources of funding and research centres. The results of the above-mentioned study show that expenditure on educational research is modest compared with the overall cost of the educational system. It also reveals a distinct distribution of tasks amongst the institutions directly dependent on state educational administrations and universities. Although there are also other sources of funds, educational research relies mainly on public funding. This is disconcerting, as public budgets have been facing cuts in recent years, and new requirements for research needs will arise (future research is likely to involve such activities as evaluating reforms and participating in international survey). We conclude new funding strategies have to be found and researchers need to communicate their results more effectively.  相似文献   

The article discusses and tries to reconcile two phenomena; that, on one hand, in France, higher education is seriously underfunded, and that, on the other hand, public and private sector enterprises are experiencing shortages in the availability of highly qualified senior staff. At the same time, the need to obtain funding for higher education from sources other than the public authorities is recognized. Ways in which business may contribute to the funding of higher education are discussed, stress being laid on the use of the so‐called apprenticeship tax collected from enterprises and used to support higher education in given areas of training. The functioning and the receipts of this tax are analysed from a neo‐liberal perspective in terms of regional economic development, the types of institutions and programmes which receive subsidies from it, and amount per student. One obvious conclusion is that enterprises are loathe to contribute to the financing of initial education. On the other hand, since they are increasingly willing to finance specific and specialized training, universities, as distinct from other types of higher educations institutions in France, but having the necessary facilities and teaching staff, have been able to seize opportunities offered them to create special further training courses of use to enterprises. Hence, universities receive the largest share of the receipts of the apprenticeship tax.  相似文献   

文雯  王嵩迪  常伶颖 《复旦教育论坛》2023,21(1):112-120;128
生存环境恶化、公共卫生危机频发、地缘政治动荡以及逆全球化趋势等一系列人类共同面临的世界性难题给各国高等教育国际化进程带来考验。在此背景下,高等教育在全球、国家、高校等多个空间场域中被各种主体力量塑造,高等教育国际化的行动场变得愈发复杂。然而,过去十年来的全球趋势是国家的作用愈发凸显,越来越多的国家将高等教育国际化与外交战略、科技创新、经济发展和人才规划等方面统筹谋划,以立法、战略规划、资金支持等形式将高等教育国际化纳入国家战略,与世纪之交时以高校为主体主导国际化发展的偶发性、碎片化、边缘化特征有较大区别。本研究从国家战略的利益相关者、动因和实施路径三个维度比较了近十年来美国、英国、澳大利亚、德国、俄罗斯、日本、马来西亚、印度、土耳其等九国高等教育国际化的特点与发展趋势。研究发现:高等教育国际化的趋同性特点包括高等教育国际化作为国家战略与科技、人才战略成为一揽子战略方案,战略制定动因由“国际贡献”向“国家贡献”倾斜,世界一流大学建设成为战略行动新趋势等;各国政府在高等教育国际化战略中的功能、动因、行动路线上存在差异。研究对我国谋划高等教育国际化的国家战略具有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

The paper discusses the experience in practising the video‐based distance education in Russia initiated jointly by the IACEE and the Bauman State Technical University. The structure of the East‐West Distance Education Project has been incorporated into the system of continuing education that existed in the former Soviet Union. The thirteen regional centres have been established in the universities and institutions of the Russian Federation and four other countries of CIS to train specialists needed for emerging market economy. Six video‐based courses of Western universities have been adapted and tested in the CIS educational environment and proved to be effective during the pilot phase of the project.  相似文献   

The last decade has seen considerable changes in patterns of financing higher education in both industrialized and developing countries. Financial stringency affecting public budgets, rapid growth in student numbers, and concern for both efficiency and equity have resulted in changes both in systems of financial support for students and mechanisms for funding higher education institutions. This article reviews recent changes in sources and methods of financing higher education in OECD countries, including Australia, France, Germany, Japan, Netherlands, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States. It examines attempts to shift some of the financial burdens, for higher education from public to private sources, through the introduction of tuition fees and student loans, not only in industrialized countries, but also in developing ones in Africa and Asia.  相似文献   

Privatization refers to the changing funding base for public higher education. Beginning in the late 1970s, state governments slowly but steadily decreased the level of support for higher education. As the state support declined, student tuition rose, both in absolute terms and as a percentage of the support for the Education and General budgets of public colleges and universities. At the same time, the rationale for higher education changed, from viewing it as a public benefit—with the major share of the cost borne by the public—to describing it as a private benefit—with the students paying the major share of the cost. A public policy issue of this magnitude requires the involvement of the public in an informed discussion before change occurs.  相似文献   

试析我国高等教育投入制度的改革方向   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
中国高等教育投入实行以财政拨款为主、其他多种渠道筹措经费为辅的体制。近年来,政府拨款总量快速上涨,但其在高等学校总收入中的相对份额却不断下降。今后增加经费的重点是除学费外的其他社会投入。研究型大学要努力增加科研收入、地方高校要多开展社会服务活动,努力使捐赠成为大学经费来源的一个重要增长点。在继续发挥政府财政拨款主渠道作用方面,需要进一步改革高等教育拨款模式,加强对中央财政专项经费的绩效管理,积极推动省级财政按有关生均标准对地方高校进行拨款;在有效调整高等学校自身吸引社会投入的政策方面,高校要树立成本意识,同时,大力发展民办教育以增加高等教育的投入。  相似文献   


University mergers are a common practice in higher education systems around the world. Merger-related aspects such as the transformation of organizational and administrative structures, the impact on the internal funding allocation mechanisms, or changes in academic strategies and profiles, are well researched. However, the role of students in university mergers and their understanding of these processes are hardly investigated. The aim of this study was to identify how students are affected by merger processes. Through the conceptual framework, integrating university organizational identity theory and studies of the human side of mergers and acquisitions, this article encompasses six institutional cases in Russian higher education. These cases were selected to illustrate different scenarios of university mergers and accordingly to analyze the variety of student experience in changing universities. The project’s data included the results of document analysis, analysis of the merged universities’ representation in the public space, interviews and focus-groups with university administrators and with students who studied during the process of university merger. It highlights such perceived effects of mergers as anxiety and perceived unfairness due to post-merger changes, activization of we-they opposition between the students of merged universities, loss or transformation of organizational identity, and clash of university cultures.


Higher education policies related to quality assurance are implemented in many countries. The purposes of such policies are to ensure the provision for high-quality education, university accountability and transparency in the use of public funding and meeting the needs of the diverse stakeholders. The current Australian Higher Education Quality Assurance Framework was implemented in the year 2000. It can be described that the framework has been enjoyed by universities, academics and other providers in Australia. This paper provides a brief history of quality assurance, its evolution in higher education in Australia and current changes and trends in quality assurance in other developed countries. It then provides an analysis of the success and deficiencies of the current framework used in Australia and suggestions which may be helpful in the development of the new framework. The analysis includes the thoughts of the three authors based on their experience in managing quality and reviews in seven different institutions and the views of more than 40 participants who are staff members from 25 Australian universities.  相似文献   

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