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In the short span of a half-century the Super Bowl has grown from a modest championship game between two football leagues into an outsized mid-winter holiday co-produced by the National Football League and the combined efforts of the American advertising and television industries. It has grown from a one-day into a two-week festival featuring a vast range of events, parties, and a championship football game. Fifty years on, half of the population of the United States and a worldwide television audience participate in Super Bowl activities and festivities either live or virtually. Television, marketing, and a wide range of media platforms have aided and abetted the growth of this celebration of football and consumption. Although there are many ways to describe the Super Bowl it is the nineteenth century vocabulary of the economist Thorstein Veblen that best captures its essence. In Veblen’s words it is a case of ‘conspicuous consumption’ now running on steroids.  相似文献   

In 1977, the National Soccer League (NSL) became Australia's first national sporting club competition. However, throughout its lifespan until its eventual demise in 2004, it was plagued with turmoil. One major issue faced by the League was the excessive number and range of grounds used for competition matches, including finals. Whilst the code of soccer obviously revolves around these so-called theatres of sport, there has not been any comprehensive study or analysis of the history and development of football stadiums in Australia. Indeed, in the Australian context, the focus of academic writing on the code has largely been on matters relating to ethnicity and governance to the detriment of other worthy areas of research. Against such a historiographical background, this paper provides a unique snapshot of selected former NSL grounds in Sydney, Australia, detailing their growth and development using both primary and secondary sources. The key findings not only highlight a number of contrasts and changes in the evolution and expansion of these football grounds, but also help to contextualise the evolution of the League itself.  相似文献   

Modern Korean sports have been adopted mostly from the West, but now Korea has emerged as a sporting power demanding global attention. The influence of historical and political ideology has been in the cultural background of Korean sports development, and the process of cultural evolution in soccer may be explained in the similar context. What helped the Korean soccer team qualify for the World Cup eight consecutive times – only the sixth country in the world to do so – thus making it the most powerful soccer team in Asia? Soccer initially appeared in Korea during the threat of Japanese invasion, and this backdrop provided the opportunity for soccer to be combined with nationalism and transformed into a cultural product that confronted Japanese imperialism. Since the Korean War, South Korean soccer has become a vehicle for ideological confrontation with North Korea amid the atmosphere of the Cold War, and it thus gave rise to sports nationalism by revealing an ideological superiority and nationalistic disposition. Soccer, which arrived in Korea on a British ship, has become a representative Korean sport and continuously challenges the global stage ahead of Asia's leading economic power. It was against the background of such rapid development that nationalism formed.  相似文献   

在足球反腐风暴下,中国职业足球联赛面临严重的信任危机,球迷远离,俱乐部遭质疑,媒体减少甚至放弃报道,赞助商也在丧失信心,信任危机已经使得联赛的市场开展推广越来越艰难。从品牌营销的视角,分析中国足球职业联赛信任危机产生的原因,信任危机对中国足球职业联赛的影响,提出发展中国足球竞技水平、加强足球联赛职业化程度、提高联赛管理水平、整合足球联赛营销资源等品牌战略以重建联赛品牌,希望对推动中国足球职业联赛的长远发展有所帮助。  相似文献   

“羽毛球超级联赛”已举办过3届,第4届“羽毛球超级联赛”正在紧锣密鼓的进行着。总结前几届“羽毛球超级联赛”的经验、优势,认清羽毛球超级联赛的劣势和机会,更好的举办未来的“羽毛球超级联赛”,进一步提升羽毛球运动的普及率和参与程度。研究总结前三届的经验,从项目本身,体能需求,媒体宣传,和创新3V3羽毛球四个方面挖掘羽毛球运动进一步发展的空间,为实现“羽毛球超级联赛”可持续发展以及推广羽毛球运动建言献策。  相似文献   

The existence of home advantage has been established for all major professional team sports in England and North America. The advantage was found to be greatest in soccer, with the home team currently obtaining about 64% of all points gained in the English Football League. Home advantage has changed very little since the formation of the League in 1888 and there are only small variations between the four Divisions of the League. The advantage is less marked in local derbies, in the FA Cup and in non‐professional competitions. It is greater in the European Cup and increases as the stages of the competition progress. The allocation of three points, instead of two, for a win in the Football League has not changed home advantage, but its effect has been greatly reduced in the GM Vauxhall Conference where an away win gains more points than a home win. The statistical evidence suggests that crowd support and travel fatigue contribute less to home advantage in soccer than do the less easily quantifiable benefits of familiarity with conditions when playing at home. Further possible explanations for the advantage are discussed in the light of findings in other sports.  相似文献   

中国甲A足球联赛无形资产类产品的供求分析   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
以微观经济学和公共部门经济学理论为指导,分析了中国甲A足球联赛中无形资产类产品的供求关系。认为,培育适合产品特性的市场,是中国甲A足球联赛真正实现市场化的重要对策。  相似文献   


In the contemporary US, the Super Bowl creates the largest ‘shared experience’ in the nation. More people tune into these spectacles than attend worship services, vote in elections, or celebrate traditional holidays. Super Bowls have become such powerful elements in US national culture that television corporations and the National Football League have sought to export them to the rest of the world. Indeed, executives in the television and football industries tout potential worldwide audiences in the billions and speculate that the Super Bowl might muscle its way into the realm of the Olympics and World Cup soccer tournaments as global mega-events. In spite of corporate bluster, the Super Bowl has not become a truly international event and has not garnered widespread international passion. American pundits have speculated ceaselessly about why the Super Bowl lags behind other US cultural products in terms of global influence and fretted about how the rest of the world sees the game. Their analyses reveal more about American perceptions of the world than they do about the world’s views of the United States.  相似文献   

李状 《体育科研》2017,(6):22-28
英国作为现代足球的发源地,一直是世界足球强国。英超联盟是英国足球产业的中流砥柱,在英国体育事业中发挥着举足轻重的作用。通过对英超联盟的组织结构、产权框架与经营手段的研究,反思中国职业足球存在的“管办不分”“产权不清”以及“管理混乱”等问题,体现在中超联赛上就是组织结构的不完善与商业开发能力的严重不足。为了解决这些问题,结合中国自身实际,提出从加强联赛理事会建设与促进中超公司发展这两个角度寻找一条适合中国足球发展的道路。  相似文献   

随着我国竞技体育职业化进程的推进,特别是在当前"反赌"风暴告一段落、中国男足项目竞技水平急需提升的现状下,中超联赛管办分离的改革力度正在逐渐加大,联赛公司化、市场化运作机制的发展速度正在加快,其利益相关者中的控制性股东(大股东)与非控制性股东(中、小股东)间的利益博弈将会随着中超联赛市场化的深入而进一步增强。因此大股东对中、小股东利益进行侵害的机率也会提高。本文基于对超控制权收益的理论认识,解构中超联赛控制性股东的收益结构,明晰与界定控制权收益,为防范控制性股东获取超控制权收益而影响我国男足项目职业化进程的发展提供理论依据,以促使中超联赛经济收益分配机制的进一步完善与合理化。  相似文献   

中国职业足球超级联赛作为中国足球的顶级赛事,联赛的优劣直接关系到整个中国足球产业的整体发展。然而在其17年的发展中,却发现其问题频出,"假球"、"黑哨"、"赌球"等一系列新的代名词灌入职业联赛,其发展前景令人担忧。本文借用超循环理论去分析如何使中国足球职业联赛制度文化内各子系统实现有机循环,进而提出一些有助于中超联赛实现良好发展的建议和对策。  相似文献   

中国足球超级联赛体制改革研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
运用文献资料法、调查法和专家访谈法对中国足球超级联赛的现状和存在问题进行研究和分析。问题的本质在于联赛体制不合理,一是联赛产权不明,二是“政”产不分,管办不分。提出了中国足球超级联赛体制改革的对策和建议,即在明确联赛产权的基础之上,成立中国足球超级联赛公司,将联赛的经营权、管理权和监督权交还公司,明确中国足球协会的性质和权限,完善多元化的纠纷救济体制,以及加强联赛的法制建设等。  相似文献   

采用录像观察法。对中超和欧洲五大联赛主、客场攻守数据进行了对比分析,指出竞技能力才是影响比赛结果的关键要素。研究认为:(1)与欧洲联赛相比,五大联赛各队之间竞争较均衡,中超各队之间竞争不均衡,实力相差悬殊,中超的整体技战术水平和运动员个人技术的全面性都不如五大联赛。中超各队还缺少鲜明的特点和风格;(2)西甲各队的技战术水平比较成熟,主、客场进攻与防守能力较为平衡;(3)西甲在主、客场胜负率上没有显著性差异,证明其不愧为是世界上最强的职业联赛;(4)中超及五大联赛在主、客场进球数上均没有显著性差异,表明客场不利因素的影响在减小;(5)德甲在主、客场失球上有显著性差异,是防守能力不足的表现。  相似文献   

采用录像观察法。对中超和欧洲五大联赛主、客场攻守数据进行了对比分析,指出竞技能力才是影响比赛结果的关键要素。研究认为:(1)与欧洲联赛相比,五大联赛各队之间竞争较均衡,中超各队之间竞争不均衡,实力相差悬殊,中超的整体技战术水平和运动员个人技术的全面性都不如五大联赛。中超各队还缺少鲜明的特点和风格;(2)西甲各队的技战术水平比较成熟,主、客场进攻与防守能力较为平衡;(3)西甲在主、客场胜负率上没有显著性差异,证明其不愧为是世界上最强的职业联赛;(4)中超及五大联赛在主、客场进球数上均没有显著性差异,表明客场不利因素的影响在减小;(5)德甲在主、客场失球上有显著性差异,是防守能力不足的表现。  相似文献   


A closer look at football illuminates some important truths in the Can-Am experience. Central to this discovery is the notion of the Grey Cup as Canada’s anti-Super Bowl. Complete with folksy traditions and understated pageantry, the Grey Cup is emblematically Canadian and has historically served as a sharp rebuke to American cultural imperialism and excess, represented so perfectly by the Super Bowl. Like many aspects of Can-Am relations, however, the Super Bowl experience is not a simple narrative. Many Canadians have not only integrated the Super Bowl into their sporting calendars but prefer it to the domestic product. The growing cultural influence of the Super Bowl north of the border made national headlines in 2015 when ratings revealed that more Canadians, per capita, watched the Super Bowl than Americans. Traditionally the attitudes reflected in Canadian media demonstrate a clear bias that favoured the Grey Cup over the Super Bowl. The Super Bowl’s prominence in Canada was written by Canadian sports scribes as regrettable and undeserved while the virtuous Grey Cup, they asserted, went under-appreciated, not just globally but increasingly domestically. This chauvinistic rhetoric supports and adds to the existing research that focuses on Canadian reaction to American mass culture.  相似文献   


The aim of the current study was to objectively identify position-specific key performance indicators in professional football that predict out-field players league status. The sample consisted of 966 out-field players who completed the full 90 minutes in a match during the 2008/09 or 2009/10 season in the Football League Championship. Players were assigned to one of three categories (0, 1 and 2) based on where they completed most of their match time in the following season, and then split based on five playing positions. 340 performance, biographical and esteem variables were analysed using a Stepwise Artificial Neural Network approach. The models correctly predicted between 72.7% and 100% of test cases (Mean prediction of models = 85.9%), the test error ranged from 1.0% to 9.8% (Mean test error of models = 6.3%). Variables related to passing, shooting, regaining possession and international appearances were key factors in the predictive models. This is highly significant as objective position-specific predictors of players league status have not previously been published. The method could be used to aid the identification and comparison of transfer targets as part of the due diligence process in professional football.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、专家访谈法,结合心理学、社会学对中超赛场球迷越轨行为的成因进行深入分析,并对球迷越轨行为提出了针对性的预防对策。  相似文献   

Wray Vamplew 《国际体育史杂志》2017,34(17-18):1807-1818

This paper outlines the development of the English Premier League association football competition and in doing so analyzes the consequences of collective decisions made by the constituent clubs on matters such as revenue sharing, salary caps and broadcasting rights, as well as the legacy effects of not fully breaking away from an existing organization. It concludes with a consideration of what Asian soccer might learn from the experiences of the English organization.  相似文献   

散打是武术的重要组成部分,经过30多年不断的改革和发展已经取得了举世注目的成就,在竞赛规则、教学、训练等方面已经成为较为系统的体系,文章对散打发展现状进行分析研究,指出其发展过程中存在的问题与不足,并提出一些发展对策,为散打运动向着更加科学化的方向发展提供参考。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法,基于群体动力理论,对中超联赛球迷群体文化的特点进行阐述,剖析了对中超联赛球迷群体文化产生作用的因素,探寻中超联赛球迷文化培育的路径,提出要通过提升群体士气、增强群体凝聚力、建立群体规范、释放群体压力、优化群体环境与提高群体自身素质等多方面共同努力,培育中超联赛的球迷文化。  相似文献   

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