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Fauconnier & Turner提出的概念整合理论以心理空间为基础,对动态的、创造性的认知活动做出解释,对新奇隐喻的解释很有说服力。小说中包含着许多新奇隐喻,它们常常是解读小说主题的关键。本文以概念整合理论分析海明威的短篇小说《白象似的群山》中的主要隐喻,以说明概念整合理论如何阐释小说独特语境下的新奇隐喻,为解读整部作品提供一条有效的途径。  相似文献   

《了不起的盖茨比》是美国著名作家菲茨杰拉德的著名小说。这部小说的艺术成就在当时引起极大的轰动。其中,隐喻的运用是功不可没的。本文以概念整合理论分析、阐释本部小说在独特语境环境下的新奇隐喻,试图为更好地解读整部作品开辟一条新的路径。  相似文献   

Fauconnier等人提出的概念整合理论作为普遍的认知机制不仅可用于解释概念隐喻、事件整合、概念延伸和假设类推等语言现象,而且为语篇分析和意义构建提供有效的、创新的、不可或缺的认知工具。本文以该理论为依据解读李白的诗歌,试图检验该理论在中国古典诗词语篇分析中的理论价值和应用价值。  相似文献   

Fauconnier等人提出的概念整合理论作为普遍的认知机制不仅可用于解释概念隐喻、事件整合、概念延伸和假设类推等语言现象,而且为语篇分析和意义构建提供有效的、创新的、不可或缺的认知工具。本文以该理论为依据解读李白的诗歌,试图检验该理论在中国古典诗词语篇分析中的理论价值和应用价值。  相似文献   

隐喻研究一直是认知语言学中一个重要的课题,随着概念整合理论的出现和不断发展,利用概念整合理论对隐喻进行研究也已经成为语言学研究的一个重要方面。在利用概念整合理论研究隐喻的文献中,学者们对于突生结构的存在和作用已经给予了高度的关注,但是对于突生结构产生的认知过程及突生结构与隐喻创新意义之间的关联却并未有细节的描述.本文以概念整合理论为支撑.力求解释在隐喻理解过程中.突生结构产生的认知过程及其在概念整合网络中的位置与作用.以及隐喻创新性的问题。  相似文献   

Fauconnier的概念整合理论和Lakoff的概念隐喻理论为研究语言运用背后的认知活动搭起了一个统一的理论框架,成为目前解释隐喻工作机制最有影响力的两大理论。概念隐喻理论的两域模式可以为常规隐喻的工作机制做出合理的阐释,而Fauconnier的概念整合理论的四空间模式却表现出更强大的阐释力,它不但可以解释常规隐喻,而且可以解释虚拟空间、语法结构、谚语、新词、文学与修辞等非常规隐喻的工作机制。  相似文献   

从认知语言学的角度看“time”的隐喻   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从Lakoff和Johnson的概念域映射理论和Turnerr概念整合理论入手,结合英语语料,从实体隐喻、方位隐喻、结构性隐喻三个方面对“time”这一单词产生的隐喻性词语进行分析,探讨“time”隐喻的建构过程及利用概念整合理论解释它的可行性。  相似文献   

罗伯特·弗罗斯特创作的诗歌《火与冰》短小精悍、充满寓意,且诗歌中的隐喻更是意义深远。文章采用概念隐喻和概念整合理论分析《火与冰》中的诗性隐喻,描述了隐喻意义建构的动态过程,展现了概念隐喻和概念整合理论在诗性隐喻生成和解读过程中强大的认知能力和阐释能力。  相似文献   

多模态隐喻研究是隐喻研究的重大发展。本文系统探究了中国新闻漫画网117幅关于"新冠病毒"主题新闻漫画的多模态隐喻现象。研究发现:(1)"新冠病毒"新闻漫画多模态隐喻主要围绕新冠病毒、医护人员、不良社会现象、国家政策与措施四个目标域展开;(2)其多模态隐喻的表征具有认知普遍性:"新冠病毒"多模态隐喻表征反映人类共有的基本认知和体验,同时也受传统历史、文化元素的影响;(3)这些目标域三两结合构成大量隐喻场景和一些新奇隐喻,对其具体漫画的解读是一个动态在线加工过程。本文在概念整合理论框架基础上,选取了典型隐喻场景和新奇隐喻漫画,探讨其在输入空间、类属空间以及合成空间中的意义构建过程,以期通过多模态分析和解读加深人们对社会热点问题的理解。  相似文献   

概念整合理论是认知语言学中的重要理论,它试图解释思维过程的普遍规律。概念整合理论提供了意义结构的普遍模型。本文以概念整合理论为理论框架,试图从意象和隐喻两个视角分析唐朝张继的名诗《枫桥夜泊》,对该语篇的意义构建进行深入探讨。  相似文献   

英语隐喻作为一种比喻的修辞方式,在人们日常交际中广泛存在并被大量使用。从隐喻的结构特点角度辨认隐喻,根据Nida提出的翻译等效原则,探讨Newmark提出的隐喻翻译最主要的三种方式的应用,希望有助于译文能真正体现原文语言中隐喻的那种简洁幽默、生动形象和寓意深长的语意。  相似文献   

韩礼德主要提出概念语法隐喻和人际语法隐喻两种形式。概念语法隐喻指概念元功能的及物性过程可以隐喻成另一个过程(以及名词化),人际语法隐喻则包括情态隐喻和语气隐喻。在《雾都孤儿》原著和简写本的对比分析中,发现情态隐喻和语气隐喻都更多地存在于前者,且对意义表达发挥了其独特的作用。  相似文献   

钱钟书与朱自清都是运用修辞艺术的高手,普通的比喻艺术在他们的笔下表现出一种强烈的美感,然而他们的比喻风格各有千秋.钱钟书的比喻机智、巧妙、幽默、风趣,富有哲理性,是一种智慧与哲思的语言.朱自清的比喻形象、贴切,联想丰富,新颖别致,是作者敏感的心灵与大自然的和谐与共鸣.  相似文献   

In this article, a parallel is drawn between Steven Hawking’s use of common and novel metaphors in his evolving explanation of the theory of the universe and the similar use of common and novel metaphors by educators in four school contexts attempting to illuminate their experiences of school reform storied and restoried over time. The epistemic role of novel metaphors is unpacked through examining the plotlines of the metaphors, the morals of the metaphors, the freedom of the metaphors and the teacher knowledge implications resident in the live metaphorical utterances. Through the use of self‐selected novel metaphors, both Hawking and the educators merged propositional and non‐propositional knowledge that was bound up in persons—and communicated across people—in deceptively simple, though infinitely complex, ways.  相似文献   

对《达洛维夫人》,评论家们一直认为其中丰富的意象描绘含有矛盾性、悖论性。作为现代主义作家的先驱,弗吉尼亚.伍尔芙在她的作品中早已采用了矛盾写作手法。因为小说充满悖论性的诗意隐喻,往往造成阅读的困难,本文试从《达洛维夫人》中的隐喻研究入手,探索伍尔芙对现代生活的理解。其中,窗户的意象、钟声的意象和起伏运动意象作为本文主要探讨的三个具有悖论性的意象隐喻,将有助于揭示伍尔芙的现代主义写作手法和她在这部小说中表现出的对现代生活矛盾性的理解。  相似文献   

钱钟书《围城》是语言艺术的精品,《围城》通过积极修辞,形成了大量典型修辞话语。《围城》多用看似寻常实则新奇的明喻,还常常围绕同一叙述埘象,博依譬喻。此外,《围城》还运用了幽默睿智的仿拟、得体的夸张、对比、折绕、用典等积极修辞方式。这些积极修辞方式所形成的典型修辞话语脍炙人口,大大增强了《围城》的可接受度。  相似文献   

叶航  冷园 《海外英语》2012,(3):170-175
Metaphors have been described as a central role of our cognitive apparatus. It is central to our understanding of how language, thought and discourse are structured. Animal metaphors as an important part of metaphors take advantage of the animals’ characteristics to describe a person or a thing vividly and chiefly. Sometimes animal metaphors will give people a humorous and novel picture. In linguistics, it can fill in the vacancy in languages, and make the expression exact and visually. Metaphor is kind of figure of speech. The thesis analyzes the function and style of metaphor and discusses the metaphors’ structure in grammar. How we understand the animal’s meaning is the key to translate the animal metaphors. All the animal words have both denotative meanings and connotative meanings. In most cases, the animals connotative meanings are the same or similar. People usually have the same idea about the animals; therefore, even the people who do not know English can understand some animal metaphors However, due to his tory, religion, phonetics, geography, life style, aesthetics and social psychology, the animals’ connotative meanings are different or even con trary. Facing these problems, how we translate the animal metaphors. I find four methods: adaptation, simile with explanation, paraphrase, and annotation. Adaptation is very efficient for the animal metaphors, which have counterpart in Chinese. Simile-with-explanation is the commonest method to translate animal metaphors, which are similar across the cultures easy to comprehend. Paraphrase is the last method to translate animal metaphors, and especially it can deal with any case that the animal metaphors are profound. Annotation is used to trans late animal metaphors in context, particularly in written English. Using the four methods, we can translate animal metaphors successfully. And while we are doing translation, we should understand English animals’ name very well, and pay attention to the Chinese animals’ meaning to make sure our readers understand the author’s in tended meanings. The thesis consists of five parts. The first part of the thesis states the significance and necessity of topic, problems to be solved in the thesis, and the framework of the thesis. The second part is literature review. The third part analyzes the animal vocabulary’s meanings. The fourth part gives four methods to do the animal metaphors translation. The conclusion part reviews the whole thesis and points out the weakness to be improved.  相似文献   

<围城>使用了大多的隐喻,种类繁多.本文将它们区分为文化隐喻和文化外隐喻两大类.而文化外隐喻又可区分为普遍隐喻和个性隐喻.并在此基础上考察了译者所采用的翻译策略.  相似文献   

Why are spatial metaphors, like the use of “high” to describe a musical pitch, so common? This study tested one hundred and fifty-four 3- to 5-year-old English-learning children on their ability to learn a novel adjective in the domain of space or pitch and to extend this adjective to the untrained dimension. Children were more proficient at learning the word when it described a spatial attribute compared to pitch. However, once children learned the word, they extended it to the untrained dimension without feedback. Thus, children leveraged preexisting associations between space and pitch to spontaneously understand new metaphors. These results suggest that spatial metaphors may be common across languages in part because they scaffold children’s acquisition of word meanings that are otherwise difficult to learn.  相似文献   

在哈代的小说中,视象被巧妙地安排在小说的整体结构中,以喻指人物关系,暗示人物命运,构造出严密有效的隐喻体系。《还乡》中,哈代借助视点、位置、角度等要素,充分调动了视觉隐喻的功能,这对于塑造人物形象、烘托小说主题有重大意义。  相似文献   

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