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This presentation compares how lectures are being performed in different technological contexts: that of the studio, for taping of videotapes, or in front of a camera for the purpose of videoconferencing, or, for a live presentation. The different contexts will be described according to the communication theory of the German sociologist Niklas Luhmann, and contrasted with findings from contemporary research on lecturing and teacher–student interaction. The comparison between the videotaped lecture and the live lecture reveals important differences as to style of communication. The taped lectures are more stringent and content-oriented, while the live-lectures are time-consuming and more focused on establishing dialogues with students. Videoconference-lecturing contains features that place it between the live- and videotaped lecture. This paper concludes that videoconferencing is problematic with serious problems to handle for students and teachers alike.  相似文献   

Lecturing is an important aspect of the culture of science education. Perhaps because of the negative associations constructivist educators make with lecturing, little research has been done concerning the generally invisible aspects of the (embodied, lived) work that is required. Traditional research on science lectures focuses on ideas and (mental) concepts that somehow are “gotten across”; and it is interested in identifying verbal content and visual representations science teachers provide. The purpose of this study is to explicitly describe and theorize the living work of lecturing that produces in a societal arena everything from which students can learn. We use two case studies from the chemistry lectures in a tenth-grade Singapore classroom to exemplify the central role of the performative aspects of lecturing. We articulate and exemplify assertions that (a) corporeal performances differentiate and coordinate the contents of lecturing with its pitch, rhythm, and speech volume, and thereby orient students to specific discourse features of chemistry; and (b) corporeal performances differentiate and coordinate layers of talk with prosody, gestures, and body orientation, and thereby make analogies available to students. We conclude that what is visible in lectures (e.g., scientific discourse, analogies) is always the outcome of the (generally unattended to) corporeal labor including gestures, body orientation, and prosodic features (e.g., shifts in pitch) and that this outcome | labor pair constitutes an appropriate unit of understanding lecturing as societal phenomenon.  相似文献   

F.克莱茵和D.希尔伯特是遐迩闻名的两位数学大师,他们对现代数学的发展作出了杰出贡献。两人的学术演讲不仅在内容方面对数学界产生深远的影响,而且演讲的方式与风格也给人留下深刻印象。师资问题是教学中的重要问题,讲课是教师的重要工作之一,数学教师可以从大师们成功的演讲中得到启发,这对提高教学质量具有现实意义。  相似文献   

This article discusses an alternative approach to lecturing: the interactive lecture. In the literature, interactive teaching is forwarded as a means to increase the effectiveness of lectures. Members of lecturing staff still seem, however, reluctant to incorporate interactive teaching in their classes,as interaction reduces the time they can devote to explaining subject matter. Lecturers often voice the concern that they will not get enough material across in interactive lectures and that this consequently will negatively affect student learning. In order to establish whether or not the concerns of lecturers could be empirically verified, an experimental study was conducted. This study examined the effects of interactive teaching in lectures, using an interactive voting system and peer instruction, on: the attainment of learning objectives; student motivation; and student perception of the instruction offered. From the results a complex picture emerges. Results suggest that students may learn as much in interactive lectures compared with traditional lectures, but a traditional lecture may also result in active student involvement. The study indicated that interactive teaching will not automatically result in students who are more activated, and provided additional insight into conditions for successful interactive teaching. Finally, interactive teaching was shown to influence positively student motivation.  相似文献   

要提高高师化学教学论中讲授课的效果,具有符合课程要求的教学内容是讲好课的前提,教师良好的知识素养和驾驭教材(备课)的能力是讲好课的关键,运用符合教学要求的语言是讲好课的工具,而渗透研究性学习思想的启发式讲授是上好讲授课的最好方法。教学中,教师要变讲台为师生平等、互动和交互学习的平台,充分利用教学情境、问题教学和教例,结合学生已有知识、经验与需要,与学生共同对学习内容进行研究。  相似文献   

近二十年我国随班就读教师培养研究回顾与反思   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文主要从随班就读教师培养培训的角度,对二十年来我国随班就读教师问题研究现状进行了回顾与反思,总结了研究特点,分析了研究中的不足,希望能对随班就读教师问题未来的研究,提供意见。  相似文献   

Perceptions of male and female academics within a teaching context   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
One hundred and sixty male and female undergraduates were exposed to one of four videotaped lectures that differed on two dimensions: sex of lecturer (male or female), and style of presentation (affiliative or instrumental). Analyses revealed that students' perceptions of lecturers are dependent largely on lecturing style. In general, all students preferred an affiliative style of lecturing. Affiliative lecturers were seen as more effective lecturers as well as more confident, professional, and approachable. Students also indicated that they would be more likely to approach lecturers presenting affiliatively to discuss content issues. Although the findings do not distinguish between male and female lecturers except as gender relates to lecturing style, they do support earlier research and indicate a highly responsive environment for male and female lecturers conducive to the development of high self-efficacy within a teaching context. Implications for female lecturers, for whom it is argued that an equally responsive research environment does not exist, are discussed in terms of differential career paths.  相似文献   

对高职专业课双语教学的探索与思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了探索高职专业课双语教学的经验 ,我院于 2 0 0 2年 3月在 2 0 0 1级高中后三年制高职财会专业进行了专业课双语教学试点工作 ,试点所选专业课程为《基础会计》课 (AccountingFundamentals)。在概括《基础会计》课双语教学试点经验的基础上 ,作为阶段性成果 ,本文提出了高职专业课实施双语教学的基本要求 ,分析了高职专业课实施双语教学所面临的困难 ,总结了一系列由实践证明行之有效的、能够保证双语教学质量的有力措施 ,最后进一步思考了与目前高职专业课双语教学实施有关的深层问题  相似文献   

This article examines the differing learning styles found in western lecturers and Omani students in science lectures in the Sultanate of Oman. Oman is a country which modernized very recently, and students there were encountering western lecturers and lecturing methods for the first time. The western lecturers found the Omani approach to science, which they characterized as memorization deficient and wished to introduce a problem-solving approach. However, it is argued that some memorization occurs in all learning of science everywhere, that the Omani approach has its merits, and that a major problem in these lectures was the lack of knowledge of Omani and Arabic culture in the lecturers. It is argued that all learning takes place by matching new knowledge and methods with previous ones, and that to successfully lecture to the Omani students the lecturers would need to research further into ways in which their approach could have built on, rather than replaced entirely, the Omani approach. The article is based on interviews with the lecturers and extracts from the lectures, which were recorded and transcribed by the writer.  相似文献   

The current experiment examined the potential effects of the method of propositional manipulation (MPM) as a lecturing method on motivation to learn and conceptual understanding of statistics. MPM aims to help students develop conceptual understanding by guiding them into self-explanation at two different stages: First, at the stage of propositions (statements referring to single statistical concepts and ideas), and subsequently, at the stage of more complex problems that comprise a set of relevant propositions. A total of 71 bachelor students in psychology who were preparing for the re-sit of their inferential statistics exam participated in one of two possible lectures. Topic, content, lecturer, and duration of both lectures were the same, and in both lectures five true/false hypotheses were presented. Students in the first lecture (control group) discussed interactively the truth or falsity of each hypothesis. In the second lecture (MPM group), this interactive discussion was structured by presenting a number of short open-ended questions along with each hypothesis. Conceptual understanding was measured by means of a twelve items multiple choice test. Further, the intrinsic motivation inventory was administered to examine motivation to learn. The results indicate that MPM does not lead to enhanced motivation to learn but can facilitate conceptual understanding development among students.  相似文献   

政治经济学教学方法的改革与创新不是去寻求一种最佳的教学方法,而是要在坚持和改进讲授法这一基本教学方法的同时,还要适当运用其它教学方法,如:课堂讨论,课堂辩论,社会调查,多媒体教学等等,把讲授和其它教学方法有机结合起来,不断提高政治经济学的教学效果。  相似文献   

In this article, an alternative for Tinto’s integration theory of student persistence is proposed and tested. In the proposed theory, time available for individual study is considered a major determinant of both study duration and graduation rate of students in a particular curriculum. In this view, other activities in the curriculum, in particular lectures, constrain self-study time and therefore must have a negative impact on persistence. To test this theory, we collected study duration and graduation rate information of all—almost 14,000 students—enrolling in eight Dutch medical schools between 1989 and 1998. In addition, information was gathered regarding the timetables of each of these curricula in the particular period: lectures hours, hours spent in small-group tutorials, practicals, and time available for self-study. Structural equation modeling was used to study relations among these variables. In line with our predictions, time available for self-study was the only determinant of graduation rate and study duration. Lectures were negatively related to self-study time, negatively related to graduation rate, and positively related to study duration. The results suggest that extensive lecturing may be detrimental in higher education. However, in the curricula employing limited lecturing considerable energy was spent in supporting self-study activities of students and preventing postponement of learning. Given our findings, both activities will likely have large pay offs, in particular in curricula with low graduation rates.  相似文献   

This paper argues for interaction in lectures, interaction which allows learners time to reflect and discuss. This proposition has a staff development dimension both for lecturers in engineering who do not have (or do not value) the skill of interactive lecturing and for those who do, and who wish to find out more. Examples of these techniques are provided in this paper, in the context of construction management. Our intention is to provide practical help for those seeking innovative methods of teaching. We also hope to advance current debates on whether or not interactive lectures are appropriate for engineering subjects in general and for management subjects in particular. The staff developer in this case has observed an apprehension among staff that interactive teaching is more time consuming: does it take longer to plan (than lectures)? Initially, it may do, as the lecturer develops a repertoire of techniques. In this paper, we try to reduce that time by giving an exemplar, saving others from ‘reinventing the wheel’. However, since adapting teaching is a complex process, we show the process of developing a teaching method to suit educational objectives. Finally, we conclude with ‘hints and tips’, based on the literature, for interactive teaching.  相似文献   

高职教育现阶段基本上还是以课程教育为主,在具体的课程教学过程中,尤其是林机课程的教学,还存在着不少需要改进的地方。本文通过对该课程教学现状的分析,提出了相应的解决措施,希望能够对高等职业教育的课程教学改革及应用型人才的培养目标有所启发。  相似文献   

Conclusion In this work a method has been developed to evaluate the quantity and quality of students' notes during lectures in any particular context. Because of enormous differences in context from lecture to lecture (including lecturing style and the nature of the subject matter) it does not seem sensible to pursue quantitative estimates which might be claimed to be generalisable to all lectures and all lecturers. However further work along the lines described here may well allow some generalisable conclusions concerning factors that influence the quantity and quality of students' notes, the sense that students can make of their notes in the short and long term, and the potential usefulness of notes for future learning.  相似文献   

Institutes of higher learning are tending to reduce the amount of face-to-face teaching that they offer, and particularly through the traditional pedagogical method of lecturing. There is ongoing debate about the educational value of lectures as a teaching approach, in terms of both whether they facilitate understanding of subject material and whether they augment the student educational experience. In this study, student evaluation of teaching scores plus academic outcome (percentage of students who fail) was assessed for 236 course units offered by a science faculty at an Australian university over the course of one year. These measures were related to the degree to which lectures and other face-to-face teaching were used in these units, controlling for factors such as class size, school and year level. An information-theoretic model selection approach was employed to identify the best models and predictors of student assessments and fail rates. All the top models of student feedback included a measure reflecting amount of face-to-face teaching, with the evaluation of quality of teaching being higher in units with higher proportions of lectures. However, these models explained only 12–20% of the variation in student evaluation scores, suggesting that many other factors come into play. By contrast, units with fewer lectures have lower failure rates. These results suggest that moving away from lectures and face-to-face teaching may not harm, and indeed may improve the number of students who pass the subject, but that this may be incurred at the expense of greater dissatisfaction in students' learning experience.  相似文献   

The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) organizes institution-wide surveys of all its undergraduate and postgraduate taught-course offerings. Students taking each course are requested to assess various teaching modes (lecturing, small-group teaching, and seminar teaching), as relevant to the particular teachers involved in the respective course. One finding of these studies is that certain individual teachers, even within the same teaching mode (say, lecturing), are evaluated more highly in some courses than in others. The article uses LSE's data-base on student course-evaluation to examine reasons for this. The data analysis focuses on two principal issues: Do those teachers assessed differently for the same teaching mode across different courses have distinctive personal characteristics to distinguish them from other teachers not differently assessed? Do courses that are assessed especially discrepantly for a particular teacher have certain distinguishingfeatures? The findings on the first question are generally negative. On the other hand, such course-level characteristics as the number of student enrolments, the number of other lecturers involved in the course and students' general feelings of satisfaction with various aspects of the course do affect how a lecturer is assessed on that course in relation to his or her overall level of assessed lecturing competence.  相似文献   

Many factors contribute to the way a lecture is conceptualized and delivered. These include one's philosophy and beliefs about teaching, knowledge of pedagogical principles, availability of resources, and the realities surrounding the instructional situation. In this paper three types of lecturing styles are described and their differences are highlighted in the context of current conceptions of teaching and pedagogical principles. The three lectures are subsequently characterized as content-driven, context-driven, and pedagogy-driven. Evaluation data suggest that the more pedagogically oriented the lecture, the higher it is rated by students.  相似文献   

教育技术学的快速发展,全新的教育理论和学习模式的探索、研究和实践,多媒体技术、网络技术和信息技术的支撑,促进了教育的第三次飞跃,存在不少弱点的课堂讲授模式将发生重大变革。贵州教育学院学员在《现代教育技术》课程学习中的探讨和实践,对此发展方向给予了肯定和支持。  相似文献   

邓小平理论和"三个代表"重要思想概论课程是电大的一门公共必修基础理论课。鉴于学生人数多、课程内容多的特点,广东电大2003年启动了课程教学模式改革,采取讲座的教学形式,将课程划分为5个专题讲座,分别由5位教师讲授。专题讲座注重"6个相结合",即历史性和现实性相结合;理论性和实践性相结合;知识性和趣味性相结合;研究性和传授性相结合;逻辑性和对比性相结合;统一性和多样性相结合。多年的教学实践给予我们几点启示:专题讲座形式是以课程为单元组织教学的细化;不同的课程应有不同的教学模式;面对不同类型的学生也要采取不同的教学模式。  相似文献   

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