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Directions:Read the following passage.Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage and the required words limit. Do you ever feel angry about someone who stands too close,talks too loudly or makes eye contact for too long? For most of us,the answer is probably yes.But have you ever thought,what makes us feel uncomfortable with those "close talkers"? Or with strangers who stand very near to us in a  相似文献   

If a son strike his father,they shall cut off hisfingers. If a man destroy the eye of another man,they shall destroy his eye. If one break a man's bone,they shall break hisbone. If one destroy the eye of a freeman of break thebone of a freeman,he shall pay one mina or silver, If one destroy the eye of a man's slave of breada bone of a man's slave he shall pay one-half hisprice.-The Code of Hammurabi,lines 195-199汉谟拉比法典  相似文献   

The headline plays an important role in news report, which is a guide for readers to have a quick understanding the in?formation of news. The headline is the“eye”of the news and it often has a lot of m...  相似文献   

秦江丽 《海外英语》2015,(6):180-181
The Tell-Tale Heart is a short story by Edgar Allan Poe. The story is first-person narrative of a narrator who murdered an old man with a clouded eye. This paper aims at identifying the speaker"I"as an unreliable narrator through analyzing the motivation, process and confession of the crime. It is found out that the narrator symbolizes man of evil, while, the old man’s vulture eye symbolizes virtue. It’s a story about the conflict between evil and virtue.  相似文献   

A Blind Spot     
It seems to be strange to you there is ablind spot on the eye. Here is an interestingexperiment (实验)that can make somethingdisappear,when one eye is open. Make a card about the size of a postcardand write two English letters L and Ron it.L on the left and R on the right.First,hold the card about 80cm away and you seeboth the letters.Then close your right eye and  相似文献   

We areteen-aged students.Most of us are theonly children in thefamily,so our parents love usas the apple of the eye.They doeverything for us and don’t want usto do any housework.As a result,we tend to live an easy life witheverything provided for us.Is it agood thing or a bad thing for usstudents to live this way?Here'san example.  相似文献   

一、单词拼写根据句意和首写字母提示,写出句中所缺单词的完全形式。1.My grandpa has a h____ of closing his eyes when he tells a magic story. 2.He waited for the a_____ of the result of the competition with bated breath. 3.Following the national news we have the l____ news and weather.  相似文献   

同学们,我们都认识head这个单词。但是你知道吗?它除了可以翻译成"头",还有许多别的含义呢!1.from head to foot从头到脚2.two heads of cabbage两棵卷心菜3.the head of state国家元首4.the head of a delegation代表团团长  相似文献   

Some foreigners feel it hard to utter the 四声 of the Chinese words, Soit is with the Chinese pronouncing noun compounds in English. For example,how do you pronounce"a toy factory" ? "a 'toy factory"or "a toy 'factory"?The same thing can mean different things if the stress is placed on differentelements.  相似文献   

教学要求:1.复习上学期学过的歌曲 I HaveTwo Ears 2.学习并掌握人体十个部位的名称3.能认读十个单词教学重点与难点:人体十个部位的英语名称。head 与 hand 的正确朗读与辨认。教学过程:一、用歌曲引出新课1.集体跟录音唱歌曲 I Have Two Ears 第一段二遍。然后问学生,歌曲中唱的是什么?引出单词 eye和 ear。  相似文献   

Scientists from University of Michigan have created the world's smallest computer system to help treat glaucoma patients.At just one square millimeterin size,the tiny device is a pressure monitor that is implanted in a person's eye.  相似文献   

眼睛很宝贵,因此我们提醒别人“当心!”就说“Mind your eye!”。不仅人和动物有眼睛,很多事物都有“眼”,例如:锚索眼(the eyes of a ship)、针眼(the eye of a  相似文献   

Close your left eye,Keep your right eye looking at the dog and move the bookback and forth[来回地]in front of you.At one point the cat disappears!You have justfound your blind spot.Everyone has one.It is the spot where the optic nerve[视神经]cord[索状组织,神经]leaves your eye,and there are no nerve cells to see the image.If youuse both eyes as you look as the dog,you won’t have a blind spot.The image fromyour left eye will make up for[弥补]the blank[空白] in your right eye.  相似文献   

你知道apple of the eye是什么意思吗? “apple of the eye”一词本来是文雅地用来比喻“瞳孔”(pupil)。因为古时候的西方人认为瞳孔的形状与苹果相似,瞳孔是人体中最重要、最宝贵的东西,是视觉的核心。所以“apple of the eye”的真正意思就是“掌上明珠,心肝宝贝”! 知道了吧?再看看下面的例子:  相似文献   

1. see eye to eye (with) 意见一致,见解一致注解:这条习语源自《圣经·以赛亚书》第五十 二章第八节。to是close to (接近)的省略。此语的另一种表达方式为:see in the same light. A: Do you always see eye to eye with her? B: Not always. But we’re still best friends. A: Do you never quarrel with each other because of the different opinions?  相似文献   

邱菊 《海外英语》2015,(6):227-228
The headline plays an important role in news report, which is a guide for readers to have a quick understanding the information of news. The headline is the"eye"of the news and it often has a lot of metaphors. The traditional theory of metaphor holds that as a rhetorical means, metaphor is mainly employed in literary works, while the theory of cognitive metaphor holds that metaphor is pervasive in our thought, action and language. The paper will discuss and analyze the characteristics of metaphors in headlines by analyzing a large number of English news examples. From the perspective of cognitive linguistics, this paper attempts to help readers to better understand the use of metaphors in headlines.  相似文献   

<正>Eye,本义——眼睛,是大家所熟知的字眼.但对于由它所构成的众多的习语,人们就未必详知了.如美国有一套电视片,英文片名为“The Final Eye”,有人把它译为《最后的眼睛》,则颇令人莫名其妙.其实“eye”在这儿的意思不是眼睛,而是私人侦探,故中文译名应为《最后的一位私家侦探》.又如bright in the eye照字面意思是眼里的光.其实不然.brig in the是“喝得酩酊大醉”,如The sailor fell on the ground,because he was bright in the eye.(那个水手倒在地上,因为他已酩酊大醉).a black eye则是“挫折”;“耻辱”;“丑事”,如The insult gave his pride a black eye.(这污辱极大地挫伤了他的自尊心).He is a blackeye to our family.(他是我家的耻辱).而wipe sb’s eye指(用手段)“占某的人便宜);“把某的眼睛打青”,如You shoot first;I’ll stand by and wipe your eye.(你先开枪,我等你打不中时再来结果它).He wiped the eye of the armed burglar.(他把那个手持开器的窃贼  相似文献   

1IntroductionSerpentine used as inorganic material inindustry hasbeeninvestigated for many years[1-3].But there are noreports on serpentine cat’s eye owing to its rarity.During our recent field investigation in Sichuan Prov-ince,southwest of China,for the first ti me we discov-ered the rare serpentine cat’s eye with well-growntex-ture and,if properly polished,a vivid cat eye effect(see Fig.1).Weng,et al.[4]also reported the newdiscovery of nephrite cat’s eyes inthis region.Serpen-tine can…  相似文献   

方雪华 《海外英语》2011,(11):241-243
TV violence is the violence mediated through TV.Nowadays,there is an extensive coverage of violence on television.Many of the violent actions in the popular series Prison Break,are glamorized,sanitized or trivialized.In addition,TV violence may bring more risks based on the way it is portrayed.As a viewer,we need to take a critical eye to Prison Break.  相似文献   

The Gaze Theory     
谢瑜娟 《海外英语》2012,(11):274-277
Gaze describes the relationship of the subject with the power and desire to look and awareness that one can be viewed.The gaze can be motivated by the subject’ s desire to control the object it sees,and an object that can likewise capture and hold the subject’ s eye.The term ’ gaze’ is often defined as looking long and intently with affection at a subject.A person who determines a sense of themselves as an individual element in the world makes up the idea of the gaze.The concept of the gaze is also a central part of theories looking within modernity.  相似文献   

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