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《Chinese Education & Society》2013,46(3-4):182-187
In continuously perfecting the socialist revolution on the economic, political, and ideological fronts simultaneously, the step-by-step realization of the technological and cultural revolutions is the primary focal point of the general line of socialist construction in our country. Launching criticism of bourgeois academic thought is a link in the technological and cultural revolutions that cannot be ignored; it is only by thoroughly criticizing the academic thought of the specialists and scholars that the proletariat at large and the young intellectuals can rid themselves of their superstitions, completely liberate their creative energies, and develop the lofty communist traits of thinking, speaking, and disagreeing fearlessly. This kind of criticism of the bourgeois intellectuals will be a more thorough revolution of the self than criticisms of ideology on several occasions in the past have been.  相似文献   

Recent studies show that many college instructors still believe that Latino students lack the “school smarts” for academic success. This essay challenges the notion of school smarts in order to highlight Latino students’ numerous strengths. I share my model for a mentorship program that facilitates better student–faculty communication and deepens a student-centered learning environment in a large general education course. Establishing the program led me to reflect on how the enduring belief in school smarts affected my own academic training. Directly challenging deficit thinking, I argue that Latino students contribute to a transformative educational process in which faculty are also learners.  相似文献   

本文首次阐述了邓演达提出的“我们的使命是代表民众谋利益”的光辉思想, 并科学地深刻地分析了这一思想提出的理论基础。作者认为, 这一思想的提出, 是他树立正确的世界观、人生观和价值观的重要标志; 他一生为革命英勇而献身的实践活动, 是他确立全心全意为人民服务崇高理想的具体体现。据此, 作者推翻了长期以来学术界确认邓演达是一位小资产阶级革命家的结论, 认为他是全心全意为人民服务、为民众谋利益奋斗终生的伟大的、杰出的民主主义革命家。  相似文献   

Teacher educators are expected to help their student teachers learn how to teach. How teacher educators do this depends on their beliefs, particularly on how they think about teacher learning. Earlier in my work as a teacher educator I thought of teacher learning as a psychological process or phenomenon and this view guided my work with my student teachers. Subsequently, I have been drawn to pragmatist and sociocultural views that portray human thinking and acting as intimately linked to the physical, social and cultural environment. Adopting such views helped me to see teacher learning in a new light, less as a mental issue and more as a social and cultural issue. Here I reconstruct my transformation of coming to see learning to teach as situated.  相似文献   

Conclusion In this paper, I have presented a model with very few nuances. My object has been to explore the most typical differences between the social classes and, therefore, I have not commented upon the situation of the lower-middle classes; nor have I given much attention to boys in bourgeois categories. My reason for this is that this special category has very often been the focus of socialization research. Rather I have tried to throw some light upon the socialization of working-class girls, where the concept of familism and of solidarity has been important in my analysis.However, the insights and thought patterns of boys and men in bourgeois categories must, in the same way as those of other social groups, be understood as a consequence of capitalism as a social system — and also be understood within a dialectical frame of reference. In other words, while boys in bourgeois categories are socialized in a way which often makes it possible for them to gain the most sought-after positions in society, they have to suffer certain disadvantages that may be costly for themselves as individuals and for society as a whole.My intention has been to discuss some relationships between socialization and the societal model of production. In a capitalist society, there is a need for some boys to be socialized into the elite and for some girls to be socialized into the reserve army of workers. The cause of women's liberation (as well as men's liberation) may be served in many ways and on many different levels. To me it seems especially important to understand the underlying societal forces that shape the roles of working-class girls and women.  相似文献   

试论毛泽东政治文明思想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
毛泽东所致力的中国革命与建设凸显了民主、自由、平等与民本思想等价值特征,体现了政治文明的本质。以毛泽东为代表的中共第一代领导集体在社会主义革命与建设中关于民主政治建设的理论贡献和具体实践共同构建了毛泽东政治文明思想。这一思想涵盖了我国社会主义民主政治的基本制度、民本思想的本质内涵,以及党内民主与监督和反腐倡廉思想。它是当今发展社会主义民主政治,建设社会主义政治文明的理论基石和行动指南。  相似文献   

I should like to talk to you about a matter which was a great concern to Ruth Wong, as it is to me – the question of what ‘education’, in the brod sense, can or should do to alleviate the plight of the many millions of the world's children, who, for one reason or another, are unlikely to live full, healthy, productive and happy lives as their more fortunate fellows. ‘Disadvantage’ has been interpreted in many ways. Indeed, each of us has his or her own concept of what constitutes the term, just as each of us has personal ideas about ways of eliminating or minimizing its effects. What I have to say represents my own feelings and opinions. I hope you will forgive me if I begin with some general ideas, one or two of which may seem a little academic, but I think it is important to be clear as a great deal of damage has been done because of confusion of thinking.  相似文献   

After my article entitled "How I Corrected Discrimination Against Workers' Children" was published in Chung-kuo fu-nu [Chinese Women] and Kuang-ming jih-pao [Kuang-ming Daily], I heard some comrades say: "The reason Yao P'ei-k'uan could do this is that she comes from a good family." I reflected seriously on the comment and found that it was only partly true. I have not always been lucky. As a matter of fact, I have had deviations and have learned my lessons. Now let me begin this article with why I chose to be a teacher.  相似文献   

1980年我调到中央教育科学研究所从事教育史研究,至今已经整整40年。回顾我的求学与治学之路,有很多东西值得咀嚼。在克服困难、推进学术上我主要有以下几点体会:一是教育史研究者要打好基础,重视资料建设;二是教育史研究者要虚怀若谷,崇尚独立思考;三是教育史研究者要反躬自省,坚守学术底线。  相似文献   

胡适与20世纪的中国词学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡适对词学研究的介入,给20世纪新词学的建设以深远的影响。他对王国维思想的发展和对“清末四大家”的批评,在20世纪二三十年代的词学界产生了巨大的反响,有反对,亦有拥护,从而形成了现代词学史上的“体制内派”和“体制外派”。在20世纪五六十年代以后作为资产阶级学术思想的权威,胡适成为人们进行思想批判的对象和目标,但是他的思想却借助胡云翼的《宋词选》得以深入人心,直到八十年代以后这一局面才有所改变,胡适思想的影响才得到真正的清算。不管胡适的“角色”是怎样的变化,他的词学思想的价值已经超越了自身,而成为20世纪词学思想变化的“风向标”。  相似文献   

作为党的第一代领导核心的毛泽东同志,在带领全党和全国各族人民进行社会主义革命和社会主义建设的伟大历史过程中。一直在思考、践行马克思主义的群众观点。总览其一生著述,这种群众观点贯穿始终且着墨较多。其群众观的丰富内涵是:群众是推动历史前进的真正动力;群众的利益高于一切;牢记全心全意为人民服务的宗旨;坚持“从群众中来,到群众中去”的工作方法。  相似文献   


This article is drawn from my research work, where I have interviewed students on a combined women's studies course through the 3 years of their degrees. I worked with 14 students in total, mainly non‐traditional entrants. The women combined their women's studies programmes with a range of other subjects (including literature, law, sociology, health studies, psychology and more), so giving me good comparisons between a range of academic subjects. My research has indicated that although it is not always recognised as academic study, the women have found the use of personal experience both challenging and exciting in developing the tools needed for theoretical and critical analytical approaches. I will conclude by suggesting that to take account of gender issues, as well as considering other marginalised groups, subject areas need to develop approaches to learning and teaching which encourage the use of personal experience in enabling students to engage in theoretical and analytical approaches in their study.  相似文献   

中国共产党诞生90多年来,对辛亥革命的纪念与评价在不同的历史时期呈现出不同的政治特点和文化特色。党的几代领导集体中的主要领导者,也在不同的历史时期,发表了许多重要讲话。20世纪20年代首次提出辛亥革命既成功又失败了的观点,首次界定辛亥革命的资产阶级民主主义革命的性质。这些结论一直延续到20世纪80年代。从20世纪80年代至今,不再提资产阶级革命的性质,但是有比较完全意义上的民主主义革命和完全意义上的民族民主革命的称谓变化。中国共产党也一直将自己所从事的革命和建设事业,看做是辛亥革命的继续和发展;也一直根据国共关系的变化和政治斗争的需要,不断更新对辛亥革命现实意义的解读。  相似文献   

In this article, we promote the use of autobiography in the social foundations of education classroom as a means of connecting education to real life experiences, history, and fostering epistemological development of college students. Autobiography involves students' awareness of the relation between theory and lived experience. As a form of reflective knowing, autobiography may help students understand complex terms such as "learning," "knowledge," and "education" by exploring various contexts that influence such understandings. Reflective knowing explores some of the experiential and purposive contexts that influence knowledge creation. Intellectual maturity and self-awareness may arise from circumstances that can lead students to be more confident critical thinkers and problem solvers. We describe how we have used autobiography in our social foundations of education classrooms and explore how influencing the pedagogy of teacher education critiques traditional epistemologies toward a redefinition of education for a democratic society.

Now reflecting on my educational history, I realize that everything I have learned in the past has taught me something about myself. Whether I was aware of my development at the time [hinges] on individual circumstances. I have thrived on learning, brought about by major changes impacting my life. These variations and my necessary adaptations have taught me the most important skill I need to know. Because of changes in my life, I have succeeded in learning how to learn. (Rita, Bucknell University, learning autobiography, September 1999)1

If I can make present the shapes and structures of a perceived world, even though they have been layered over with many rational meanings over time, I believe my own past will appear in altered ways and that my presently lived life - and, I would like to say, teaching - will become more grounded, more pungent, and less susceptible to logical rationalization, not to speak of rational instrumentality. (Greene 1995, 77-78)  相似文献   

法国大革命的激进性和英国大革命的保守性一直是个热门问题,从农村资本主义因素的发展和政治结构两方面进行探究,可找出造成这种差别的根源。在资产阶级革命前,英国农村中资本主义因素的发展要较法国先进得多,并且农民在资产阶级革命中的作用也比法国农民在大革命中的作用相对微弱,这是造成法国大革命更为激进的一个重要原因。  相似文献   

In the following essay, I discuss my own uneasy and nonlinear journey from the classroom to Deleuze, describing the concepts and lines of thought that have been productive in thinking differently about teaching and teacher education. I also detail my encounters with the surprising orthodoxies of using Deleuzian/Deleuzoguattarian thought. From these, I suggest that ‘being Deleuzian’ is itself a molar line that serves as an exclusionary mechanism, working to preserve high theory for the use of only a select few. Instead, I argue for the potential of making such nonlinear thinking accessible to mainstream audiences to interrupt the linear, status quo thinking undergirding a global educational neoliberal movement.  相似文献   

Carl Leggo 《Interchange》1998,29(2):169-184
In my work with preservice teachers I face daily a dilemma. My student-teachers come to me with an urgent practical agenda: What do I need to know in order to survive in the world of school? In effect they want me to tell them how to fit into a world that they assume is structured like a grammar, with traditions and conventions and rules and patterns. They are seeking ways to conform to the pedagogic world as it has been written, but I hope they will seek ways to transform the pedagogic world, always written and always in the process of being written. I hope my student-teachers will seek ways to write, actively and deliberately and imaginatively, the pedagogic world of students and teachers. I want them to learn to live un/grammatically, to challenge the ways in which the world has been written for them, to know that they are not only written by the world, but that they also write the world. I invite my students to write the unwritten sentences, the sentences that interrogate and subvert syntax and semantics, the sentences that create spaces where my students can live un/grammatically.  相似文献   

20世纪初叶,以孙中山为首的资产阶级革命派发动了震惊中外的辛亥革命,以暴力革命的方式摧垮了满清王朝,结束了延续两千多年的君主专制在中国的统治。建立了第一个比较完备的资产阶级共和国。在这一民主革命中,以留日革命学生为骨干的青年知识分子群体充当了“先锋和桥梁”的作用。研究晚清留日学生与辛亥革命的关系,对于正确认识知识分子的作用和继承发扬留日学生的爱国革命精神是不无意义的。  相似文献   


Expectations regarding teacher-student relationships, classroom interactions, testing and evaluation, and academic integrity vary widely around the world. Understanding these differences can be critical to enhancing the academic success of ESL(English as a Second Language) college students. Faculty working with ESL students often ask: “Why won't my students participate more in class?” “Why do my students only repeat back what I've said?” “Why won't they tell me what they think?” “Why don't they ever know what courses they want to take when they come to registration or advisement?” Students often ask: “Why does my professor keep asking me to talk about my personal experiences? We never had to do that in my country. Why is it such a big deal to do that here?” There are a lot of “why's” floating around the campus. This article addresses some of these questions.  相似文献   

政党政治语境下孙中山民元让位问题辨正   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1905年同盟会的成立,标志着中国资产阶级反对封建主义的革命事业已经进入了类现代政党政治的斗争阶段.但从中国社会近代化的整体进程看,辛亥前后的同盟会还不是一个成熟的资产阶级革命政党,尚不具备把握新生革命政权的能力.同盟会的政党缺陷虽然导致了孙中山民元让位的历史遗憾,但也为其后来的政党改造提供了历史借鉴和依据.  相似文献   

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