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著名科学社会学家约翰·齐曼认为,当代科学正在从学院时代走向后学院时代,他既反对朴素的科学知识真理论,也不赞同知识社会学的建构主义立场,提倡一种“关于科学的自然主义的解释”。齐曼承认科学的实在性,但同时也强调建构性对科学的作用,他以一种融合辨证的观点描述了现实的科学。  相似文献   

Social Constructivism,the Gospel of Science,and the Teaching of Physics   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Kragh  Helge 《Science & Education》1998,7(3):231-243
During the last two decades, science studies have increasingly been dominated by ideas related to social constructivism and the sociology of scientific knowledge. This paper offers a critical examination of some of the basic claims of this branch of science studies and argues that social constructivists cannot explain some of the most characteristic features of the physical sciences. The implications of social constructivism for science education are considered. I conclude that if education in physics consistently followed the philosophy of sociology of scientific knowledge in its more extreme versions it would mean the end of physics. However, the rejection of social constructivism does not imply a rejection of social or cultural studies of science or their value in science education.  相似文献   

本文从科学哲学、科学知识社会学以及实在论的建构主义等的研究出发,阐述了科学知识是由社会建构的;并通过对科学课程形成的主体分析论述了科学课程也是由社会建构的,并指出了树立科学课程的社会建构观所具有的教育意义.  相似文献   

伴随着科学知识社会学(SSK)的产生而逐步形成体系的社会建构论,主张站在社会学的角度分析科学知识的产生。强调社会因素对科学的建构。这种建构主义的分析问题方式逐渐由科学观延伸到了技术观,并在此基础上形成了技术的社会形成论(SST)。社会建构论作为一种方法论从SSK研究到SST研究的延伸,表明科学的人研究对技术的人研究有着十分密切的联系。  相似文献   

20世纪出现的经济与社会的巨大变化,催生了试图通过理论建构和案例分析来打破自然科学和人文科学分野的科学知识社会学的诞生。该领域经历了强纲领、社会建构论、社会学有限主义时期后日渐衰微,但科尔以"实在论的建构主义"为其在理解科学与人文关系上展现了生机,该学说对构建适合于当代的科学传播模式具有一定的启发作用。  相似文献   

The research literature on educational constructivism is voluminous (see the Carmichael (1990) Pfundt & Duit (1994) and Driver et al. (1994b) bibliographies cited below). The research - in both the Piagetian and Alternative Conception traditions - covers children's learning, cognitive development, curriculum development, classroom practices, teacher education, and much else. There is a further enormous literature on constructivism in philosophy of science (see Leplin (1984) and Churchland & Hooker (1985)), and on constructivism in the sociology of science (see Brown (1984), McMullin (1988, 1992). In turn these latter literatures overlap with the ocean of writing on post-modernist theory of knowledge and cognition (see Gross & Levitt (1994)). The following references relate mostly to educational constructivism, and then, with some exceptions, to articles that address epistemological and philosophical matters in science education. Even so it is not an exhaustive list, but hopefully it will be useful for teachers and researchers in the field. The author welcomes additions or omissions being brought to his attention.  相似文献   

论自然科学知识的社会建构及其教育意义   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
知识社会学、科学社会主义以及科学知识社会学对有关自然科学知识性质问题的研究有不同的论述。从实在论的建构主义观点看 ,自然科学知识的社会建构具有开放性、具体性、动态性、灵活性的特点。自然科学知识的性质与教育活动有密切关系 ,自然科学知识性质的改变对学校教育和课程改革来说 ,具有十分重要的启发意义。  相似文献   

科学知识社会学分别以强纲领、社会建构论和社会学有限主义为指导纲领,展现为不断向实践纬度演进的三代发展历程,逐步摆脱了其理论困境,走向成熟,显示出强大的生命力,进而为科学知识社会学的未来走向开拓了新的发展空间。  相似文献   

学分银行是一种促进终身学习型社会不断发展和完善的新制度或教育管理模式,它的产生有自身的理论基础,可以分别从近代的哲学、心理学、教育学和社会学领域找到背景渊源,这些依据为学分银行的存在和产生提供了坚实的理论基础。同时,每一种理论在学分银行的构建中发挥了不同的作用:多元智力理论是学分银行的起源基础;人本主义理论是存在心理依据;建构主义理论是构建策略;创新教育理论是持续保障;终身教育思想是发展愿景。  相似文献   

科学的本质与教育的本质统一于科学探究。探究式教学是注重学生自主探究和自我实现的教学方式,是由高级需要所驱动的。这种教学模式符合学习型人假设的内在要求。建构主义的知识观和学习观包括建构主义学习理论的学生观,是探究式教学的理论基础。在探究式教学的具体实践中,尤其强调在具体情境中提出问题、提供观测实验的证据,并对证据做出科学解释。  相似文献   

近年来,建构主义的理论思想受到了教育界的广泛关注,得到了越来越多教育界工作者的研究与认同,已经成为教育工作中重要的理论基础支柱之一。建构主义知识观在提高学生的英语听力方面起着重要的作用。本文阐述建构主义知识观对英语听说能力培养的借鉴作用,结合现在大学生英语听说能力现状,以建构主义为基础提出相应的教学建议,建构语言交流的情景,给学生创造更多的听说机会,发挥其主动性;改变教师在课堂上的角色,从知识的传播者向学生的合作者转变。  相似文献   

This article is the second of two that examine some of the claims of contemporary sociology of scientific knowledge (SSK) and the bearing of these claims upon the rationale and practice of science teaching. In the present article the celebrated work Laboratory Life of Latour and Woolgar is critically examined. Its radical, iconoclastic view of science is shown to be not merely without foundation but an extravagant deconstructionist nihilism according to which all science is fiction and the world is said to be socially constructed by negotiation. On this view, the success of a theory is not due to its intellectual merits or explanatory plausibility but to the capacity of its proponents to extract compliance from others. If warranted, such views pose a revolutionary challenge to the entire Western tradition of science and the goals of science education which must be misguided and unrealizable in principle. Fortunately, there is little reason to take these views seriously, though their widespread popularity is cause for concern among science educators.  相似文献   


Radical constructivism has had a major influence on present‐day education, especially in the teaching of science and mathematics. The article provides an epistemological profile of constructivism and considers its strengths and weaknesses from the standpoint of its educational implications. It is argued that there are two central problems with constructivism: anti‐realism and individualism which, in turn, lead to difficulties associated with idealism and relativism which, together, prove fatal for the theory.  相似文献   

科学发展观中的以人为本思想本身是一个科学社会学研究的重要论题。从简单性科学到复杂性科学蕴含了科学研究对复杂性问题的关注。社会发展理论研究在经过从传统到现代的转型后,也对社会内在复杂性给予了重视。在对科学思想演变史和社会理论发展史的分析中,可以看出复杂性科学理论方法和现代社会本身的复杂性是我们研究科学发展观中的以人为本思想的理论前提和方法论基础。而科学发展观理论本身具有系统整体性、系统层次性、系统协同性和系统动态性等特征。以人为本思想真正地体现出当代科学发展观理论的创新和实践价值取向。  相似文献   

Conrad, Keller, Kuh, Lincoln, and others argue that the field of higher education is limited by its theoretical foundation in functionalism. Naturalistic inquiry, constructivism, critical theory, and feminist theory are presented as alternative metatheoretical assumptions. This research uses the schema of Burrell and Morgan to gather empirical evidence of the presence of paradigms in the core higher education journal literature. Traditional and paradigmatic content analysis techniques are used in the manner of similar journal studies by Kuh and Silverman. The results confirm that the literature is fixated in objective social science and the sociology of regulation. Topics and methods of higher education research are discussed as examples of different subjective social science and radical change sociology paradigms. Conclusions are presented about the future of the knowledge base.  相似文献   

This article focuses on (a) theoretical underpinnings of social constructivism and multicultural education and (b) aspects of social constructivism that can provide frameworks for research in multicultural science education. According to the author, multicultural science education is “a field of inquiry with constructs, methodologies, and processes aimed at providing equitable opportunities for all students to learn quality science.” Multicultural science education research continues to be influenced by class, culture, disability, ethnicity, gender, and different lifestyles; however, another appropriate epistemology for this area of research is social constructivism. The essence of social constructivism and its implications for multicultural science education research includes an understanding of whatever realities might be constructed by individuals from various cultural groups and how these realities can be reconstituted, if necessary, to include a scientific reality. Hence, multicultural science education should be a field of study in which many science education researchers are generating new knowledge. The author strives to persuade other researchers to expand their research and teaching efforts into multicultural science education, a blending of social constructivism with multicultural science education. This blending is illustrated in the final section of this article. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

池田大作科技思想研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
池田大作从科学社会学角度对科学文化作了深入的研究和评论,他指出科学是用理性方法获得的知识体系;科学技术是一把“双刃剑”:一方面它可以用来为人类的幸福服务,另一方面它又会给人类带来各种各样的危机;科学与人文之间具有互补性;现代社会不能离开科学,但是宗教应该有领导科学技术的地位和作用;在解决当代社会的问题中,科学文化有其应有的作用,但根本还在“依正不二”的理念;他对现代东方社会如何更好地发展科学文化提出了许多发人深省的观点。池田大作的科技思想是东方思想界对西方科学技术和科技文化的一种重要的观点和态度。  相似文献   

The prospective virtues of using history and philosophy of science in science teaching have been pronounced for decades. Recently, a role for nature of science in supporting scientific literacy has become widely institutionalized in curriculum standards internationally. This short review addresses these current needs, highlighting the concrete views of teachers in the classroom, eschewing ideological ideals and abstract theory. A practical perspective highlights further the roles of history and philosophy—and of sociology, too—and even broadens their importance. It also indicates the relevance of a wide range of topics and work in Science Studies now generally absent from science educational discourse. An extensive reference list is provided.  相似文献   

Paul Adams 《Education 3-13》2013,41(3):243-257
In the drive to improve standards, the collection and dissemination of numerical data still directs much contemporary educational policy. However, recent publications and debates seemingly attempt to reorient discussion from performance to learning. In support, constructivism is often referenced as a contributor in this endeavour. However, constructivism is not a single unified theory either of knowledge or pedagogy. This article identifies one version of constructivist thinking, social constructivism, both in terms of its underlying epistemology (theory of knowledge) and related pedagogy. Contemporary educational theories are then outlined to demonstrate that many practical solutions and theoretical ideas now presented as ‘good learning and teaching’ have much in common with social constructivist thinking. Finally, the article concludes by identifying two issues that require further discussion and debate if pedagogy of a social constructivist nature is to be considered.  相似文献   

This article addresses the question of what bearing the nature of educational theories has on their application to practice. More specifically, attention is focused on the application of normative goal-directed theories of science education. An account of normative goal-directed theories and of their application is presented. This account highlights the constituent elements and structures that should be found in a normative goal-directed educational theory. A particular version of the science education theory of constructivism is then examined to determine what elements and structures are found in it, and, as a result, what can be said about this theory and its application. Finally, a series of implications are drawn for the general problem of applying science education theories. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 34: 977–1005, 1997.  相似文献   

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