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家长,是家园共育工作不可或缺的宝贵资源,争取他们的理解、支持,调动他们参与角色游戏的主动性,才能使游戏效果达到最优化。一、多效并举,提高家长参与游戏的积极性 在开展角色游戏时,因为资源的限制,老师总期望家长能主动协助,做些配合工作,从而让游戏开展得更顺利,幼儿玩得更尽兴,但结果往往适得其反。个别家长认为是幼儿园额外给他们布置任务,不由地产生抱怨。  相似文献   

民间游戏来源于民间各地民众生活中流传到至今的游戏,它给许多人带来了快乐的童年。民间游戏来源于生活,《纲要》中指出:"家庭是幼儿园重要的合作伙伴。应本着尊重、平等、合作的原则,争取家长的理解、支持和主动参与,并积极支持、帮助家长提高教育能力。"而民间游戏逐渐消失,因此我利用家长资源,让家长们帮忙收集民间游戏,来实现家园共育。  相似文献   

正在对游戏的教育价值进行深入研究的过程中,我们对当前家庭教育的现状产生了忧虑:家长在不断加强教育投入的同时,大量挤占了儿童自主发展的空间。因此,我们把注意力转向家长,尝试着"把家长请进幼儿园,把游戏推进家庭",挖掘家长潜在的资源,为幼儿园、幼儿所用,使家长成为幼儿游戏推进不可或缺的力量。  相似文献   

设计意图:《幼儿园教育指导纲要(试行)》明确指出:“幼儿园应与家庭、社区密切合作,综合利用各种教育资源,共同为幼儿的发展创造良好的条件。”“家庭是幼儿园重要的合作伙伴,应本着尊重、平等、合作的原则,争取家长的理解、支持和主动参与,并积极支持、帮助家长提高教育能力。”以下提供的一组趣味体能亲子游戏,是立足于当前普遍可利用的家长资源,以动作发展为切入点,整合语言、艺术等方面的内容,同时是在充分考虑到游戏的趣味性、教育性和可操作性的基础上进行。这些趣味体能亲子游戏在教育活动中收到了良好的效果。游戏一:打“妖怪”游戏…  相似文献   

父母应为学前儿童提供哪些游戏资源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
儿童的游戏是人们关注和研究的一个中心问题。虽然人们对游戏的看法多种多样,但有一些认识却是相同的: 1)游戏是儿童的主要生活方式; 2)游戏是促进儿童身心健康发展的主要形式 ;3)儿童游戏的质量可以通过教育者的努力得到提高。作为学前儿童主要教育者的家长对游戏质量的影响是最重要的。目前家长对儿童游戏质量的影响主要通过提供游戏资源来实现。本文拟对家长可以毫不费力提供并能提高儿童游戏质量的资源进行分析讨论。这里所说的家长可提供的游戏资源为:参与、材料和时间。   参 与   研究表明家长参与游戏可以扮演以下几种不同…  相似文献   

刘银萍 《考试周刊》2011,(14):234-234
农村幼儿园可以利用自然环境开展游戏、利用本土文化开展游戏、利用自然物品开展游戏、利用家长资源开展游戏,本文对此展开了论述。  相似文献   

广府民间游戏具有形式简单、取材方便、灵活多变、内容广泛等特点,能激发幼儿的浓厚兴趣,深受幼儿的喜爱。文章从游戏融入广府文化元素、创新游戏材料和玩法、将广府民间游戏渗透于幼儿园一日活动、借助网络平台和引入家长资源进行游戏拓展等几个方面,论述了广府民间游戏在幼儿园中的创新应用。  相似文献   

游戏是幼儿最喜爱的活动,它对孩子一生的成长发展具有十分重要的作用。据调查,越来越多的幼儿家长开始重视孩子的游戏活动,但是在家庭中如何指导孩子游戏,成了困扰他们的一大难题。本文试就家长和孩子做的四种游戏及其指导提供一些简单的方法。一、角色游戏角色游戏,即象征性游戏或模仿生活的游戏,是孩子通过扮演角色,创造性  相似文献   

乡土游戏具有重要的教育价值和文化传承发扬作用。大部分幼儿园教师积极支持开展乡土游戏,但教学实践中存在开展频率不高、改编和创新力度不够、缺乏系统开展理念、没有充分利用家长资源等问题。教师应将乡土游戏渗透于一日生活环节,创新和拓展乡土游戏的玩法和内容,多通道提升教师专业水平,与家长当地社区合作开展,把中华优秀传统文化全方位融入幼儿园。  相似文献   

合理挖掘应用家长资源库,创设孩子健康游戏平台成都市茶店子小学余静成都市茶店子小学在实施课题《家校社区共育,培养孩子健康游戏活动的实践研究》中,通过建立家长资源库,有效挖掘、应用家长资源,为孩子提供了更广阔的游戏场地、更丰富的游戏方式,增强了家校共育的实效性。  相似文献   

中小学生移动学习——城市家长态度与需求实证研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
家长是中小学生移动学习的利益相关者,在中小学生移动学习发展中发挥着重要干预作用。文章采用实证研究方法,研究不同性别、不同学段、不同学历、不同经济收入水平的城市家长对中小学生移动学习的态度与需求。为使家长认同并支持中小学生移动学习,研究建议:普及移动学习理念;合理定位移动学习费用,普及应用与个性化应用相结合,增强移动学习吸引力;提高移动学习资源与服务质量,增强资源、服务与教育的融合性。  相似文献   

The study explores how parents’ occupational field affects gender differences in educational fields. On the one hand, the theory of direct transfer predicts that adolescents enter fields similar to those of their parents because of intergenerational transmission of occupation‐specific resources and that adolescents are more likely to draw upon the resources provided by the higher‐status parent. On the other hand, the theory of sex‐role learning predicts that boys and girls are more likely to choose more gender‐stereotypical fields of study because they learn ‘appropriate’ gender‐role behaviour from their parents’ occupational field and that boys are more likely to learn this behaviour from their father and girls from their mother. We use longitudinal data collected from adolescents and their parents in the Netherlands (N = 2,497) and tested our hypotheses using multiple‐group structural equation modelling and multinomial regression analyses. In line with sex‐role learning, results show that especially mothers who are employed in a more feminine occupational field influence their daughters to enter a more feminine field of study (health, biology, agriculture and veterinary) and their sons to enter a more masculine field of study (science and technology). Mothers’ occupational field therefore not only influences girls’ field of study, but also boys’. This study highlights the role of horizontal characteristics when examining which field of study adolescents enter. Contrary to the stratification literature, which primarily focuses on fathers, this study concludes that mothers play a more important role in gender differences in fields of study.  相似文献   

家长教育政策了解度作为一项重要的教育素养,对完善家庭教育体系有着重要的意义。文章运用描述统计和结构方程的方法得出,目前家长教育政策了解度处在较低水平;家长教育政策了解度与子女教育获得呈显著正相关;课外补习在家长教育政策了解度与学生成绩间起中介作用;课外补习在中考政策了解度的中介效应高于高考政策和“双一流”政策。政府应从完善教育政策宣传路径,提升家长教育政策了解度;引导家长合理参与补习教育,制定低产阶层参与补习的帮扶机制;优化义务教育阶段资源配置,加快推动考试改革等方面提升家长教育政策认知度及教育获得感。  相似文献   

The study examined family supports after identification of children's hearing loss. On a questionnaire, 456 respondents rated the importance of different aspects of family support, the quality of supports they experienced, and their preferences about informational resources. They verified the importance of informational resources, social-emotional support, and educational advocacy. Families expressed a preference for discussion with other parents of children with hearing loss over discussion with parents of children without hearing loss. The quality of support was rated higher by parents of children with cochlear implants than by parents of children with hearing aids. Top-ranked sources of support included individual professionals and service providers, other parents of children with hearing loss, family support organizations, and grandparents and extended-family members. Open-ended written responses indicated that parents desired additional opportunities to connect with mentors, role models, and other parents.  相似文献   

Health and fitness are important issues for high school administrators, teachers, and students. Obesity is a growing concern for all ages, and it is particularly relevant for adolescents because they are at a stage in which they may be establishing habits that will last a lifetime. It is also a critical problem at this level because there is frequently limited time for physical education in the high schools. High school faculty can have an important impact by serving as role models for students, reinforcing good health habits, integrating movement into their courses, collaborating with parents and professionals, and sharing ideas about community resources and activities with their students.  相似文献   

生命体教学资源指在教学设计、教学实施、教学评价等过程中所拥有的有利于学生习得知识与发展身心的生命体要素,包括教师、学生、家长以及社会人员资源,是教学资源的重要组成部分。教师应该充分认识到生命体资源开发的重要意义,增强开发意识,提高开发能力,多方位综合考虑资源的开发,使生命体资源成为学生获取知识、习得能力的精神营养剂。  相似文献   

新《纲要》颁布后,幼儿园家长工作的内涵发生转变,幼儿园与家长成为平等的教育资源,家园双方需要进行多维互动。而科学管理家长学校、充分利用专家资源等措施,有助于提高家长工作的有效性,使家园共育走上一个良性发展的轨道。  相似文献   

The neoliberal turn in public education positions the parent as a consumer within an expanding educational marketplace. This shift is premised on the notion that the free market is best suited to promote equity. Critics of this claim highlight how a larger choice arena creates additional opportunities for privileged parents to mobilize their resources to further their child’s advantages. While extremely important, this framework of analysis ignores the role that educational choice plays in producing parent subjectivities. In this article, we explore how parents at one specialized arts high school construct notions of the ‘good/moral’ parent around the decision to ‘choose the arts,’ and how these categories work to reinforce dominant race, class, and gender hierarchies within the school. We hope to illuminate how educational choice is not solely about shaping the material and symbolic conditions of the child; it is about producing parent subjectivities as well.  相似文献   

特殊儿童家长是特殊教育重要的资源,家长的意见对为特殊儿童提供合适的特殊教育服务意义重大。本次调查发现家长期望培养的能力与生活密切相关。由此得出启示,学校应以生活适应为核心课程,优化课程结构并以生活适应为核心能力开发校本教材。  相似文献   

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