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对网球比赛中瓦伦达心态的运用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
失常,作为体育比赛中一种常见现象,运动员在几乎所有的比赛项目中都会发生,在网球这种个人对抗项目中尤为突出。通过对2006NIKE全国U14网球排名赛男女排名前32的运动员进行调查,发现瓦伦达心态是影响运动员正常发挥最主要的因素,文章就网球比赛中形成瓦伦达心态的原因、克服瓦伦达心态的方法进行研究,提出具体的训练方法,以图在今后的训练中有针对性的进行训练,帮助运动员提高运动成绩。  相似文献   

克服速度滑冰运动员赛前状态焦虑的方法   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
采用文献资料、专家访谈等方法探究速度滑冰运动员克服赛前状态焦虑的方法,为增强速度滑冰运动员赛前心理准备提供理论依据。针对速度滑冰运动员在比赛前产生的状态焦虑现象,通过运用控制应激源法、表象调节法、自我暗示调节法、培养瓦伦达心态、预防Choking现象、建立心理准备程序等方法进行调节,减少赛前焦虑对运动员产生的不良影响,以促进运动员在比赛中取得优异的运动成绩。  相似文献   

论定向运动员"规则意识"的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
余虹 《体育学刊》2005,12(5):118-119
阐述了定向运动竞赛规则与定向运动发展的关系以及加强定向运动员"规则意识"培养的必要性.提出了运动员"规则意识"培养的途径:加强规则理论学习、加强规范化训练、参与裁判实践、丰富知识结构、加强文化素养等.  相似文献   

当今体育竞赛正朝着高水平,强对抗的方向发展,运动员的身体素质,战胜水平日趋完善和接近,心理素质在运动竞赛中显得尤为重要,赛前心理训练是运动训练中不可忽视的重要课题,是运动竞赛成绩好坏的重要因素。从某种意义上讲,运动员的赛前心理状态是否稳定,对比赛的成败尤为重要。文章根据青少年运动员赛前心理状态变化特点,找出影响青少年运动员赛前心理障碍的因素,并提出一些相应的心理调节方案,为今后提出训练和控制赛前心理状态的方法打下理论基础。  相似文献   

汪如锋  杨斌 《体育科技》2007,28(1):49-52
现代运动竞赛中,运动员在关键时刻以先赢后输的形式丢掉冠军的现象越来越多,心理学上称之为压力下的“choking”,并定义为压力条件下一种习惯的运动执行过程发生技术衰败的现象。本文在综述竞赛中“choking”现象的定义及其理论解释的基础上,探讨了“choking”现象发生的机制及其原因,寻找其预防措施,并分析目前有关“choking”的心理学研究存在的问题及今后研究的方向。旨在引起教练员、体育工作者的足够重视,为提高运动员的竞赛成绩提供参考。  相似文献   

对影响运动竞赛成绩外部因素的探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
运动员在运动竞赛中能否创造优异运动成绩,除了与运动员本身技术、战术、身体、心理、智力的综合表现能力,以及教练员的指挥艺术这些内部因素外,还与竞赛环境、裁判员的道德水平和业务水平,以及运动竞赛的组织与管理工作等外部因素有关.对影响运动竞赛成绩的这些外部环境因素进行了分析,旨在为教练员、运动员科学控制运动竞赛的过程提供理论依据.  相似文献   

从"瓦伦达心态"入手,分析了形成"瓦伦达心态"的主、客观原因,同时指出克服"瓦伦达心态"的方法,旨在让更多人在体育比赛中能克服这一心态,取得更好的成绩。  相似文献   

"克拉克现象"是指实力很强并有望夺冠的优秀运动员,在重大比赛中由于心理因素的影响未能正常发挥的现象."克拉克现象"在奥运会、世锦赛等重大比赛中时有发生.以北京奥运会上出现的"克拉克现象"为研究对象,从心理学角度解释该现象产生的原因,并提出相应预防措施.  相似文献   

根据"Choking"理论,研究把篮球运动的比赛情景和技能水平作为观察的要素,对运动员"Choking"的体验进行探索,旨在为"Choking" 现象研究提供运动项目实证的解释数据.通过开放性问卷,对97名篮球运动员进行询问调查,定性分析结果发现,篮球比赛中常发生的失误有7种情景,其中,在这些情景中运动员体验最多的是过度紧张、急躁、焦虑、沮丧和额外努力.再根据篮球运动员的训练年限、年龄及运动员的技术等级,把97名篮球运动员分为高、中、初级运动员,并对不同技术等级的运动员在比赛中的"Choking"体验进行分析,结果表明,高级运动员额外努力引起的"Choking"现象为第一位,其次为急躁;中级运动员为过度紧张引起的"Choking"现象为第一位,其次为焦虑;初级运动员为过度紧张引起的"Choking"现象为第一位,其次为急躁,再是焦虑.同时,对高、中、初级运动员发生在比赛中"Choking"体验进行区别的卡方检验.结果显示,高级运动员的"Choking"体验与中、初级篮球运动员存在显著性差异.进一步调查表明,高级运动员额外"努力"是造成"Choking"的主要原因.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法与逻辑分析法,从环境学、生物学、心理学和社会学等方面,为运动竞赛中运动员越轨行为的产生寻求解释的理论视角,以便管理部门从多方面入手,采取相应措施,尽可能地预防和减少运动竞赛中运动员越轨行为的产生。运动竞赛中运动员的越轨行为对运动竞赛和社会稳定具有相当大的危害性,但从功能异化的角度来看,通过对运动员越轨行为的纠错过程,导致社会功能的异化,使运动员越轨行为的结果最终转变为对运动竞赛的良性运行和完善运动竞赛管理等产生促进作用。  相似文献   

竞赛压力对运动技术效应的理论探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究从运动项目技术要求特征来分析"Choking"发生的机制,目的在于解释运动员在竞赛的压力下为什么付出了努力却发生了"Choking"的现象.研究运用"项群理论"分类的方法,把运动项目分为体能类为主的运动项目和技能类为主的运动项目.在此基础上,进一步根据"Choking"的过程理论,分析了这两类运动项目中努力和技术要求的分配问题.研究结论认为,在竞赛压力的条件下,运动员增加的努力对不同技术含量的运动执行效应是不同的.具体地讲,努力会有助于提高技术含量相对较少的运动项目,但是会有害于技术含量相对较多的运动项目.  相似文献   

自2004年以来国内外人类学、体育学界研究者通过研究发现,参赛运动员(队)服装的颜色对体育比赛结果有影响,颜色对比赛结果的影响研究呈如下趋势:在个人项目和集体项目比赛中,当双方实力相当时,穿红色服装的运动员和运动队会赢,选手都没有穿红色比赛制服而是穿蓝色或白色,穿蓝色服装的运动员和运动队会赢。颜色对比赛结果的影响机制主要有,不同颜色比赛服装具有其特殊的内隐性;比赛服装颜色会引起植物神经内稳态偏离;不同颜色队服具有不同的视觉属性;不同颜色队服影响队员情绪体验的积极性。  相似文献   


Most countries across the world are facing one problem: how to provide support to retired athletes and help them in re-employment. Different countries have different solutions. Study of the retirement and re-employment of professional athletes in China will help us to understand the differences between it and other countries in dealing with this issue. It will also reveal how China’s elite sport system works and how the government played its part in managing and supporting the athletes. This paper studies the formation and implementation of government policies in relation to the re-employment of retired athletes and points out that the Chinese Government plays an important role in providing financial and human resource support for them. However, the policies have also had some shortcomings. For example, the government takes too much of the burden. Only elite athletes who won medals at important national and international sporting events could get solid support after retirement and most of the athletes who failed to make it to the top were neglected by the government.  相似文献   

论我国竞技体育的"阴盛阳衰"   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
于华 《体育科技》2004,25(3):6-8
"阴盛阳衰"是中国竞技体育的一种独特现象,本文认为导致中国竞技体育"阴盛阳衰"的主要原因至少有政治学、社会学和体育学三方面因素,新中国竞技体育独特的"阴盛阳衰"现象是特定时期和特定年代的特殊需要所形成特殊症状,而且这种特殊状况在今后相当一段时间内仍有持续的可能.  相似文献   

《Sport in History》2013,33(3):390-411
In a society in which alcohol has historically been a socially accepted drug, sportspersons and alcohol have had a long and strong relationship. For most of the nineteenth century it was recommended to athletes to give them strength and stamina, but now, thanks to sports science research, it is generally regarded as being detrimental to sporting performance. Yet, despite an awareness that alcohol can adversely affect their health and sporting ability, sportspersons continue to drink, both for social and psychological reasons. Inevitably some abuse alcohol and commit drink-fuelled misdemeanours, though this is not just a modern phenomenon. Others become alcoholics unable to cope with the pressures of performing at a high level or deal with the problems of constant job insecurity or early retirement. Initially clubs and sports authorities operated strict disciplinary procedures towards alcohol-related misconduct but this policy has been modified in recognition that alcoholism is a disease. Nevertheless tensions still exist as to the appropriate relationship between sport and alcohol.  相似文献   

The academic interest in women’s roles in sports in Kenya reflects the concern to level the playing field in a major social cultural phenomenon such as sport and its overall significance to social development. It is therefore not surprising that, in Kenya, women were late in establishing themselves in the sporting world. Under-representation of females in sport within the African set-up, Kenya included, is attributed to the inappropriate western-oriented games, the conflicting values of sexual beauty and sporting competence, and the divorce between women and the warrior tradition of indigenous Africa. However, as data on Kenya’s athletes to various international events demonstrate, women have slowly but steadily emerged out of the shadows of men. In some editions of the games, women have not only been the majority, but also have won more medals than men.  相似文献   

徐倩 《体育科研》2012,(5):54-57
酮体作为糖尿病的一个重要指标,在医学领域已经有了不少的研究,而在竞技体育中,有关运动性酮体的研究也在不断的发展。通过酮体的代谢特点、影响酮体代谢的因素、酮体对运动员的影响以及酮体的检测技术4个方面对运动性酮体做简单的介绍,给运动员的训练提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

Twitter is used by athletes, sporting teams and sports media to provide updates on the results of sporting events as they happen. Unlike traditional forms of sports media, online sports media offers the potential for diverse representations of athletes. The current study examined gender in social media coverage of the 2016 Olympic Games using a third wave feminist lens. The analysis focused on the Twitter pages of ‘Team GB’ and the ‘Australian Olympic team’ and the sports stories and images posted during the Rio Olympic Games. Despite a number of traditional differences in the ways that male and females were represented being present, such as the presence of ‘active’ images of male athletes accompanying sports stories and the presence of infantalization in the language used to represent female performers, this analysis demonstrated significant strides forward in terms of the quantity of coverage received by women in online spaces. It further highlights virtual platforms as dynamic spaces for the representation of women athletes.  相似文献   

There has been a rise in sport-focused event management organisations staging increasingly challenging quests for amateur athletes. Whilst endeavours such as running a marathon or completing an Ironman triathlon were previously pinnacle achievements for amateur athletes, sporting hyperchallenges, events covering greater distances, crossing more difficult terrain, or posing more extreme challenges have set the performance bar significantly higher. Cast against Western neoliberal backdrops the ever-expanding supply-side of this market is broadening opportunities for amateur athletes to test their physical limits, thus necessitating investment of inordinate personal resources. Simultaneously, there is growing empirical and anecdotal evidence suggesting unfavourable impacts can flow from intensely pursuing extreme endurance sports including impacts to athletes’ health and relationships. The authors draw upon intertwined theories of business ethics and corporate social responsibility to critique business practices of sport-focused event management organisations delivering sporting hyperchallenges. The authors propose a conceptual framework aimed at encouraging future research into potential health, social, and fiscal implications stemming from this complex, unregulated market.  相似文献   

刘翔作为中国田径史上的传奇人物,从2004年雅典奥运会夺冠,到2008年北京奥运会的退赛,再到2009年10月刘翔复出,引发出了"刘翔现象"。通过对"刘翔现象"的文化学剖析,一方面透视了观众观看竞技体育运动时心态的不成熟以及媒体和商家大肆炒作和包装刘翔,另一方面也可以为我国体育在今后的发展提供相关的借鉴,有利于我国体育的健康发展。  相似文献   

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