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儿童利益牵涉到每一个家庭,收养是一种在没有血缘关系的当事人之间建立一种拟制血亲关系,被收养人成了他人家庭的成员之一。我国《收养法》明确规定了我国的收养制度,但在实践中由于收养管理行政化和儿童福利院的强制垄断收养,导致拐卖儿童、收养黑市等社会问题的频频发生。纵观古代,收养自由化,反而在收养问题上没有出现上述的社会问题。因此,如何改变当前的收养制度,如何借鉴古代的自由收养制度,是一个值得研究的课题。特别是自然灾害的发生后,导致大量孤儿产生,更应该建立一个完善的收养体制来保护这类社会弱势群体的合法权益。  相似文献   

蒋新苗博士的《国际收养法律制度研究》通过对国际收养法律制度进行全景式的历史与现实考察,揭示了国际收养法律制度的历史脉络与发展趋向,并就中国与国际收养法统一化运动的互动机制进行了深入的探讨和研究,为建立和完善我国的涉外收养法律制度提供了宝贵的借鉴和重要的理论参考。  相似文献   

我国现行收养制度由于收养关系建立的随意性、收养效果的不稳定性等弊端 ,不能充分体现收养制度的本来目的。建立我国特别收养制度很有必要 ,主要应解决如下问题 :限制特别收养关系主体范围 ,严肃特别收养关系成立的形式 ,强化特别收养关系的效果。  相似文献   

蒋新苗博士的《国际收养法律制度研究》通过对国际收养法律制度进行全景式的历史与现实考察 ,揭示了国际收养法律制度的历史脉络与发展趋向 ,并就中国与国际收养法统一化运动的互动机制进行了深入的探讨和研究 ,为建立和完善我国的涉外收养法律制度提供了宝贵的借鉴和重要的理论参考。  1、运用比较法方法 ,对国际收养法律制度进行综合考察和研究  由于世界各国的社会性质、政治制度、经济水平、民族传统、文化因素、历史渊源、伦理观念、风俗习惯和地理环境等方面存在种种岐异 ,这就导致了各国实体法关于收养的规定千差万别 ,而且各国…  相似文献   

<正>"保障被遗弃孤残儿童的生存权益,第一责任人应该是政府。袁厉害收养这么多的孤残儿童,实际上应该建一个儿童福利院,但是却没有。目前,我国没有专门的儿童福利法。法律的缺位非常严重。许多应有的行政行为没有落实,比如民政局办理相关的证明时要走一定的程序,这是一个合理的规定,只是合理的规定在现实操作中对收养行为造成了一定的困难。  相似文献   

跨国收养随着全球一体化逐渐成为一种普遍的世界现象,自20世纪80年代开始,每年跨国收养的儿童多达两万名以上,但随着收养人数的不断增长,由于不同国家、不同地区之间的政治、文化甚至是宗教等方面的差异,各国法律对收养的要件以及效力的规定不尽一致,从而不可避免的导致了跨国收养的法律冲突。跨国收养法律制度如何适用是解决这一法律冲突的关键所在。我国跨国收养之法律适用应从实质要件与形式要件两方面着手来完善。  相似文献   

我国的涉外收养发展十分迅速,如何切实保障被收养儿童利益成为我国目前面临的重要问题."涉外收养实质要件的探讨"作为上海市"涉外收养法律问题研究"的分项目,通过对我国与各国法律规定的分析,结合我国国情,提出我国涉外收养实质审查上存在的问题,并提出拟解决方案,以期对我国今后涉外收养的立法有所帮助.  相似文献   

据英国教育部网站2012年7月20日报道,政府将对儿童收养制度进行改革。当日,政府就儿童收养政策向专家、慈善机构、有意领养者、受关注的儿童、被领养的儿童和养父母们广泛征求意见。儿童领养顾问马丁·纳里说:"一年多的时间里,我给各部部长提了很多关于减少儿童领养延误  相似文献   

现代收养法趋同化取向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
各国法律对收养的实质要件、形式要件以及收养效力的规定千差万别。但是,不同国家的收养法的分歧和对立并不是绝对的。一方面,现代国际社会的收养法逐渐从简单收养、完全收养并存的格局转向以完全收养为主的立法取向;另一方面,各国收养法逐渐摒弃将收养视为纯契约行为的当事人放任主义,改采强化收养的行政或司法程序的国家监督主义。保护儿童利益的原则在现代国际社会的收养法律制度的改革中得到更大程度的体现。这些不只是表明了各国国内收养立法的趋同化取向,而且也表明了国际社会有关收养问题统一立法的选择。  相似文献   

随着当今社会离婚率的升高,重组家庭这个新的家庭模式也在不断地增多,继父母与继子女的关系也逐渐成为婚姻纠纷中的一大难题。而收养则是解决这一难题的有效方法,由于我国存在的单一收养模式——完全收养,并不能满足再婚家庭各当事人的需要。因此有必要寻求另一种模式来适应继父母收养继子女这种不同于一般收养的特殊收养。在国外有着悠久历史的不完全收养制度,显然更适合这种特殊的收养。因此我国在继父母收养继子女的立法上增设不完全收养是十分必要的。  相似文献   

论非婚生子女权益保护制度之完善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析相关案例的基础上,提议我国应该丰富非婚生子女的相关立法,同时应该通过规定认领制度.使非婚生子女在法律上和现实中能够真正地实现和婚生子女相同的法律地位。此外,我国在非婚生子女的户口申报问题上,应该进一步简化程序,满足非婚生子女户口申报的需要,维护其社会权利。  相似文献   

During the twentieth century, the socio-legal status of the child changed dramatically. The adoption of three international treaties specific to the rights of the child – namely, the Geneva Declaration (1924), the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of the Child (1959) and the United Nations Convention on the Rights on the Child (1989) – increasing at each stage the number and different types of rights, is a remarkable illustration of this state of fact. National socio-legal developments have, of course, greatly inspired the authors of these treaties. However, the rights of the child assumed a new dimension in intergovernmental and non-governmental organisations, exchange platforms par excellence. This article seeks a better understanding of the circulation of children’s rights during the twentieth century, within the three above mentioned treaties. From an interdisciplinary and transnational perspective, the study aims to analyse the multiple facets of children’s rights and the origins of non-domestic influences in this international process. The article appraises the role of international and intergovernmental organisations. Based on archival data, it identifies the concepts, the institutions, the agents and the contexts that influenced the evolution of children’s rights. It shows how the genesis, the diffusion and the promotion of international treaties, as well as their subsequent regimes, structured the circulation of children’s rights.  相似文献   

随着收养的逐渐增多,国际社会开始给予其越来越多的重视.收养既可使丧失父母或父母无力抚养的孤儿享有与其他儿童一样的权利,也可以满足一些不愿自己生育或无法生育的夫妻的要求,是解决社会冲突的重要途径,更是一个关系各国安定团结,社会稳定的重要问题,因而努力解决具有难民身份的儿童的收养问题其意义显而易见.  相似文献   

对儿童权利的保护是《经济、社会与文化权利公约》的重要内容,我国政府于1997年签署了该公约,目前国内已基本建立了儿童权利的立法保护体系,司法及执行保护体系也正在逐步完善与健全。但现状却另人堪忧,本文指出:切实地保护儿童的权利,首先应树立正确的儿童观,澄清儿童权利保护的理论误区,在此基础上逐步建立与完善包括监护制度、扶养制度、亲权制度等在内的儿童权利保障机制。  相似文献   

Poor-quality, or completely absent, data deny millions of children the right to an education. This is often the case in conflict-ridden areas. The 2011 Education for All Global Monitoring Report (UNESCO 2011b) identified four failures that are holding back progress in education and damaging millions of children’s lives: failures of protection, provision, reconstruction, and peace-building. Thus, the critical lack, and the varying quality, of data on education and on human rights violations against children during and after armed conflicts amount to what can be termed the fifth failure of the international community. This article examines how currently available data, and monitoring and evaluation systems, can be used and improved to better estimate the situation of children in conflict-affected countries, in particular with respect to education. In the light of international standards for data dissemination and data quality, it highlights the need for governments and the international community to expand our current capacity to provide general information on the impact that conflict has on education, children, parents, and schools, to ensure the right to education for millions of children living in conflict-affected countries. Such an effort would include specific steps to ensure higher data quality in terms of completeness and accuracy, timeliness, serviceability, and methodological soundness.  相似文献   

唐朝是道教发展的一个高潮时期,统治者利用道教强化唐王朝神授的观念,又与民休息以恢复生产。此时道经在学校教育和科举考试中占有一席之地,这是中国其它封建王朝所不曾有过的一段教育制度史。  相似文献   

Adoption is one of a range of options that can provide children in out-of-home care with permanency when they are unable to be reunified with their birth parents. This paper reports on how the adoption of children from out-of-home care is understood by professionals involved in making decisions about the permanent placement of children in out-of-home care in Victoria, Australia, where adoption is rarely used. Data were collected through a single, face-to-face semi-structured interview with 21 professionals; eight child welfare specialists, eight adoption and permanent care specialists and five judicial officers. The adoption of children from out-of-home care was primarily understood as a child-centered practice that can afford children stability and a sense of belonging. Adoption was largely viewed as a voluntary process dependent upon the consent of a child’s birth parents. Adoption and permanent care specialists were the only group to refer to the dispensation of parental consent as a means of obtaining an adoption order. Most decision makers understood that contact between children and their birth parents is possible following adoption, but this was not understood by all judicial officers or all child welfare specialists. Children’s connection to their cultural heritage was viewed as important to the consideration of adoption for children in out-of-home care. This research provides insight into the foundations upon which decision makers may appraise adoption, within a hierarchy of options, as a potential outcome for children in need of permanency.  相似文献   

Sixty-four neglected and abused children with a mentally retarded parent seen from one to seven years earlier, were followed to determine placement outcomes. At the time of follow-up, 11 of 64 children remained with their low functioning parents. Six children had been relinquished voluntarily for adoption and courts had terminated parental rights for 34, resulting in a total of 40 who had been adopted. Nine children were in foster care at the time of the study; two had been awarded to their nonretarded parent following divorce; and two had died. All families had received public financial assistance and medical care and used an average of 10 other services per family. Because of their cognitive limitations, most of these retarded parents were unable to benefit sufficiently from community services to enable them to care for their children. These findings point up the need for a mechanism whereby the retarded adult's right to parent and the child's right to nurturance and protection may both be preserved. Until this dilemma can be resolved, decisions to terminate parental rights in such cases should be made more quickly.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This report examines the changes in a child welfare system created by establishing an ombudsman's office to investigate complaints regarding children in the foster care, adoption, and child protection systems. METHOD: Serving as a complaint office, the Michigan Office of Children's Ombudsman investigated 443 cases involving 820 children during its first 18 months of operation. Information was collected regarding the nature of abuse and system concerns identified in child protective services, foster care, or adoption agencies from across our state. Information was also collected regarding changes in agency practices or procedures or legislation resulting from case investigation. RESULTS: The Children's Ombudsman in Michigan identified 209 cases in which "administrative acts" of child protective services, foster care, or adoption agencies led to real or potential harm to children. Through investigation of these complaints, a number of areas of concern in the child welfare system were identified, resulting in changes in case management, investigation, or service provision. CONCLUSIONS: A children's ombudsman can improve the child welfare system through complaint investigation and identification of system-wide deficiencies on a state-wide level.  相似文献   

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