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There has been growing criticism over the aims, methods, and contents of practical work in school science, particularly concerning their tendency to oversimplify the scientific practice with focus on the hypothesis-testing function of experiments. In this article, we offer a reading of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s scientific writings—particularly his works on color as an exquisite articulation of his ideas about experimentation—through the lens of practical school science. While avoiding the hasty conclusions made from isolated experiments and observations, Goethe sought in his experiments the interconnection among diverse natural phenomena and rejected the dualistic epistemology about the relation of humans and nature. Based on a close examination of his color theory and its underlying epistemology, we suggest three potential contributions that Goethe’s conception of scientific experimentation can make to practical work in school science.  相似文献   

In this article, we describe our experiences of conducting a series of workshops titled ‘It’s a MATERIALS world!’ to popularize Materials Science among school children in India. Some of the hands-on activities that can be performed with easily available ingredients/equipment in a classroom are described for the benefit of educators.  相似文献   

Language is usually credited with being the major factor in making humans so different from other higher animals. The fact that honey bees have a dance language that is unparalleled in the rest of the animal kingdom is therefore of great interest. Successful forager bees communicate information about the source of food discovered by them, to their sisters upon returning home. They do this by means of a round dance (which only says, there is food nearby) or a waggle dance which gives information about the distance, direction and quantity of food to be expected. Karl Von Frisch bagged the Nobel Prize in 1973, mainly for deciphering the dance language of honey bees. However there are some sceptics who believe that the dance that the foragers do perform may have no communication value and that bees locate sources of food based on the scent left behind by the discoverer on the way to and at the location of the food source. While bees can find food based on such odours, recent experiments, using a robot bee, convincingly demonstrate that bees can also find food, in the absence of smell, on the basis of information communicated through the dance language.  相似文献   

This article explores an aspect of Karl Marx’s concept, praxis. Praxis is meaningful work, through which we fulfil ourselves by fulfilling others. The discussion draws on the author’s work with postgraduate student teachers, where both students and author were researching their own practice. Reflecting Marx’s conception of praxis as subjective fulfilment in the objective world, this activity was intended to trouble and complicate the categories ‘subjective’ and ‘objective’, whilst enabling students to become both more autonomous and other-oriented. The intention behind this article is to develop the theoretical vocabulary of praxis available to educational researchers and practitioners. Some ideas from Lacanian psychoanalysis are introduced, followed by extensive discussion of Slavoj ?i?ek’s concepts, ‘act’ and ‘event’. The key argument is that in a nascent educative praxis, ‘subjective’ and ‘objective’ perspectives can be understood not as fixed points of reference, but as dual orientations on a flow of signification. These ideas are developed alongside detailed examination of two university-based research sessions with student teachers. With reference to session activities, a rationale is provided for an emerging educative praxis, in which students explore creative tensions between ‘subjective’ and ‘objective’ perspectives on school-based practice.  相似文献   

Starting from a ‘life geography’ of Karl Triebold, a leading figure in open-air education, this article provides an understanding of the seemingly ordinary but still idiosyncratic development of a German open-air school. Triebold’s life’s work, the fight against tuberculosis, conceived as character education through healthy occupation, was inspired by his experience both as a tuberculosis patient and as a teacher in a field hospital. Rest cures and saltwater baths were precursors of ‘his’ open-air school that was to be sustained by a social-insurance company. ‘Weak’, mostly poor children were to stay there, divided according to age, sex and constitution. Triebold’s influence is most apparent from the institution’s ‘concentric’ method and curriculum. Precisely these, however, were rejected. The school as such was supposedly closed, and Triebold was discharged, which enabled him to become an open-air school figurehead. This illustrates how broader institutional developments can bear the imprint of subjects’ life history.  相似文献   

The study reported in this article is derived from a critical analysis of the work of 28 pre‐service teachers enrolled in the course “Teaching elementary language arts” in a Bachelor of Education concurrent program in a southern State university. The pre‐service teachers were taught how to use an innovative knowledge‐building framework based on the ideas of the philosopher of science, Karl Popper. Two samples of pre‐service teachers’ writing were analyzed to provide evidence of whether they support the occurrence of growth and development of professional knowledge. This study provides some indication of Popper’s framework potential as an effective critical analysis framework for achieving this goal.  相似文献   


During 1931–1933 several BBC radio broadcasts invited listeners to participate in what would now be termed ‘citizen science’ experiments. Scientists broadcast on a research topic, and asked for relevant data and observations from listeners. Most of these broadcasts were part of the Science in the Making series. Topics investigated ranged across natural history, meteorology, auditory perception, dreams and social science. One Science in the Making broadcast resulted in an article in a refereed academic journal. This article describes these broadcasts, the listeners’ role, and the outcomes of the series. It situates them in the context of the BBC’s adult education provision, and examines their educational and scientific contributions. Although the broadcasts were considered successful, they were short-lived. The article investigates reasons for this. It also looks at the reasons for the demise of inter-war adult education provision at the BBC during the later 1930s.  相似文献   

卡尔·波兰尼(Karl Polanyi,1886-1964)是20世纪初英国公认的最彻底、最有辨识力的社会经济史学家。文章从历史人物研究角度和波兰尼社会思想、经济理论等方面,总结了国内外学者的学术贡献,并在此基础上,提出了不成熟的研究意见。  相似文献   

This article is concerned with how to analyse photographs produced during research on sexualities and schooling. Photo-diaries and photo-elicitation were employed in an examination of the sexual cultures of two New Zealand secondary schools. This visual methodology sought to disclose spatial and embodied dimensions of sexualities at school while centring and valuing students’ perspectives. In an attempt to answer the question ‘what does this photograph really mean’, the author experiments with a series of analytical accounts conceptualised as ‘realist’, ‘interpretivist’, ‘performative’ and ‘materialist’ approaches. These readings are interrogated for their political and ontological effects. On the basis of the project's aims of taking young people's perspectives seriously and foregrounding material reality, an argument for a ‘materialist’ reading is made.  相似文献   

第二次世界大战给人类带来了血腥的代价和沉痛的历史反思,进而引发了诸多学者对于极权主义(totalitarianism)的深刻批判。批判理性主义思想家卡尔.波普尔以其独特的"反历史主义"方法论对极权主义的政治哲学根源进行了深入挖掘,并在后现代思想界产生了深远影响。本文试图对波普尔的政治哲学理论进行梳理,并对其学理价值进行简要评析。  相似文献   

This article examines whether Elinor M. Brent-Dyer’s Chalet School books—a series of girls’ school stories spanning the late 1920s to the early 1970s—can be regarded as historical sources for the study of physical education and dance in girls’ boarding schools during this period. An overview of her experience as teacher and headmistress, an examination of the training and role of PE teachers during this time, and observations on the role other staff played in games coaching and dance teaching confirms that this children’s literature is an accurate representation. The incorporation of contemporary details in her writing, through referencing current events for example, strengthens the case for acknowledging this. However it is concluded that the source becomes less accurate in the latter half of the series when Brent-Dyer lost contact with the education world and with young people.  相似文献   

为了提高实验室大型仪器设备的利用率,培养学生的科学研究兴趣,开发其创新潜力,针对过程控制实验室大型仪器设备进行实验教学研究与开发。阐述原有实验室资源利用存在的问题,对实验室资源进行教学应用开发,对实验教学平台实施方案进行分析和设计,加大实验室开放力度,并对实验室设备共享方案进行探索。  相似文献   

马克思的伦理思想是一种完善论思想,这种思想体现在他对劳动的目的、生活中最高的善以及衡量社会进步尺度的看法中。马克思指出人的劳动有两种目的,即满足生存需要和实现本质力量,其中实现本质力量是高于满足生存需要的超功利目的。马克思认为对人而言最重要的是人自身的发展,自我发展和自我实现是生活中最高的善。自我发展和自我实现作为善是完善论意义的善,亚里士多德的完善论思想也包含这种善的观念。马克思把每个人的全面而自由的发展作为社会的完善标准,用以衡量和评价各个社会的善恶。马克思批判资本主义制度的理论依据不是某种正义论,而是追求人的发展的完善论。  相似文献   

赫尔曼·麦尔维尔生前出版的最后一部小说《骗子的化装表演》延续了前几部作品中对资本主义造成的异化的讨论,但是其不同之处在于对交往异化问题的关注。小说中,"信仰号"汽船是19世纪中期美国社会的缩影,乘客的流动实则代表着社会中人与人的交往。本文以马克思提出的交往异化概念为依托,旨在分析小说中麦尔维尔对19世纪中期美国资本主义社会的呈现与思考。文章认为,小说揭示了美国社会的交往异化问题,即人际关系异化为物品的交换、金钱异化为主宰人的"上帝"、道德异化为信贷和投机的工具,进而体现了麦尔维尔对资本主义的质疑态度。  相似文献   

21世纪以来,针对公民政治冷漠的现象,政治教育成为英国公民教育改革的重要举措。本文介绍当前英国推行政治教育的社会背景,并以英国议会教育服务机构开发的青少年政治教育材料《你获得了权力》为例,分析当下英国政治教育的特点。本文发现,总体上英国政治教育强调:掌握政治知识、技巧,培养积极参与政治的态度。但是,对这一套材料的分析,也反映出英国政治教育的问题,即较少鼓励学生参与社会、政治实践,以及培养批判性思维。这令人怀疑仅仅局限于政治通识的教育,是否是解决政治冷漠难题的良方。  相似文献   

马克思认为社会是由各种要素构成的有机整体,经济发展是社会发展的决定性因素,但政治、文化等同样是社会发展的重要组成部分,社会发展应当以人自身的全面发展为中心。该理论在中国改革开放历程中,不断得以演绎和诠释,尤其对当前我国经济发展方式转型和社会和谐发展具有特殊的现实意义。  相似文献   

Books I and III of Newton’s Principia develop Newton’s dynamical theory and show how it explains a number of celestial phenomena. Book II has received little attention from historians or educators because it does not play a major role in Newton’s argument. However, it is in Book II that we see most clearly Newton both as a theoretician and an experimenter. In this part of the Principia Newton dealt with terrestrial rather than with celestial phenomena and described a number of experiments he carried out to establish the success of his theory in explaining the properties of fluid resistance. It demonstrates most clearly the activities of a scientist working at the forefront of knowledge and working with phenomena which he did not fully understand. In this paper the first of Newton’s set of experiments into fluid resistance are described and the theory which underlies his explanation is outlined. A number of issues arising from this portion of the Principia together with implications for teaching about the nature of science are discussed.  相似文献   


This article proposes a reading of Michel de Certeau’s TheWriting of History which derives an understanding of the concept of practice as authoritative to the establishment and development of Enlightenment rationality. It is seen as a new form of legitimation established in the redeployment of religious ‘formalities’ in early modernity, supportive of the ostensible deliverance of the projects of reason.Subversive of its moral and ideological operations and geneses, this is an understanding of practice whose subject is the state. Practice, as de Certeau advances it, led to the development of a concept of education productive of a regulatory ambit of social utility, and the student as both a figure of the utile and its moral postulate.This article thematizes the authoritative formality of the concept of practice in its hegemonic origins from early modernity to the thought of Karl Marx. It provides a needed supplement to Marx’s still provocative contribution to a persistent counternarrative (of practice as stark corrective to the ineffectual interpretive vagaries of ‘theory’), one which elides,and thus reinforces, significant prior,and no less persistent, functions of the concept of practice as here elaborated from de Certeau’s TheWriting of History.  相似文献   

教育哲学家彼得斯将教育理解为价值,他提供了一个理解教育的新角度;陈桂生揭示了教育价值的演变,指出现代教育价值包含教育(狭义)价值与教养价值。在此基础上,本文探讨了马克思的教育思考。他的思考融入其对生产劳动、社会斗争和学校教学的评价,对这些评价的分析表明,马克思的教育思考深嵌入工人阶级解放的构思之中。论文从工人阶级解放角度考察教育价值如何嵌入三类评价,亦立足教育价值透视马克思教育思考的特点。这些分析表明,把握马克思的教育思想不能离开其对工人阶级解放的理论构思;在教育(狭义)价值和教养价值上,马克思重视后者甚于前者,这种不平衡同其对道德、道德品质形成的思考有关。从社会结构来看,马克思的选择不无合理之处,如立足于个体道德人格的养成,德育的作用又不可等闲视之。  相似文献   

This article explores the work of history and philosophy in publications by Willystine Goodsell, professor of history and philosophy at Teachers College, Columbia University, and the entanglement of Goodsell’s approach to scholarship with that of her doctoral supervisor John Dewey. The article experiments with diffractive reading to examine Dewey’s and Goodsell’s approach to history, as well as Goodsell’s configuration of women’s historical and contemporary participation in education. It looks at Dewey’s comment that women’s ‘philosophising’ would not be the same ‘in viewpoint or tenor’ as that composed from the ‘different masculine experience of things’ and investigates the principles that order liberal and vocational education in Goodsell’s view of a reformed education for women. The conclusion asks whether diffractive reading is an enhanced form of intertextuality.  相似文献   

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