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俗话说:"良好的开端是成功的一半。"课堂教学的导入是整个课堂教学过程的第一个环节,课堂导入的成败,直接关系到一节课的教学效果,关系到教师在学生心目中的"第一印象"。它就像一根导火线,能点燃学生倾听音乐的欲望,激发学生的思维想象和创造,培养学生对音乐的热爱。  相似文献   

导入新课是课堂教学的第一个环节,它关系到整体教学的成功与否,也关系到学生学习兴趣的培养。就地理教学中如何导入新课这个问题,文章从理论与实践的结合上进行探讨。  相似文献   

兴趣是学生最好的老师。当学生有了学习兴趣,就能积极地投入学习活动,从而获得更好的学习效果。因此,培养和激发学生的学习兴趣是提高学生学习质量的关键。下面笔者谈谈在教学中让数学课堂既高效又有趣的几点做法。一、注重导入,激发兴趣导入环节是数学学习过程中的重要环节。导入环节能不能激发学生的学习兴趣,关系到学生对所学知识的理解和掌握程度。  相似文献   

初中数学课堂导入是一堂课的开始与起步,开端是否精彩影响课堂的教学基调,关乎课堂教学的得失成败。关系到如何调动学生的积极胜,激发学生的学习兴趣,关系到课堂教学目标能否达成,因此,初中数学课堂导入不是可有可无的装饰,而是实实在在的不可缺少的教学环节。  相似文献   

导入在课堂教学中起重要的作用,导入恰当与否,直接关系到整个教学效果的好与坏。导入得法可以使学生在心理上和知识上做好学习的准备,使学生进入良好的学习状态,激发学生的学习兴趣和求知欲望,从而集中精力学习新的内容。一堂课的导入环节犹如战斗中的一个突破口,辉煌  相似文献   

导入是课堂教学的起始环节,其是否有效直接影响着学生整堂课的学习兴趣,关系到能否取得良好的教学效果。由此可见,导入的重要性。本文中笔者结合自己的教学经验,从课堂导入环节中存在的问题和导入设计的原则谈起,就如何做好高中英语课堂导入提出了几点策略,以期为广大英语教师提供一些理论参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

导入是课堂教学的起始环节,其是否有效直接影响着学生整堂课的学习兴趣,关系到能否取得良好的教学效果。由此可见,导入的重要性。本文中笔者结合自己的教学经验,从课堂导入环节中存在的问题和导入设计的原则谈起,就如何做好高中英语课堂导入提出了几点策略,以期为广大英语教师提供一些理论参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

课堂教学导入技能的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
课堂教学的导入也叫开讲,是教师在新课或教学内容开始前引导学生进入学习的行为。导入的成功与否关系到后面教学时学生的学习状态。作为教师应该重视并抓好课堂教学中导入这个环节,以促进教学效率、教学质量的提高。下面是笔者结合自己讲授《机械设计》课程的教学经验对...  相似文献   

课堂导入是数学教学环节中不可或缺的重要一环。课堂导入的成功与否,直接关系到学生是否能积极主动地参与数学的学习,也直接影响了数学课堂教学有效性的高低。本文针对数学教学中课堂导入的目的、原则和方法进行了探讨。  相似文献   

高中地理知识具有一定的难度和抽象性,在教学 过程中教师能否选择合适的导入方法’不仅关系到对学生地理 学习兴趣的培养’同时对整个地理课堂的教学质量也产生很大 影响。因此,作为高中地理教师,我们必须要提升对课堂导入 环节的重视程度。合理的导入不仅能够实现新旧知识的对接 与过渡’更能激发学生的课堂学习兴趣’拓展学生的思维’拉近 师生之间的距离。  相似文献   

目前大学生思想活动的多变性和差异性越来越突出,大学生的个性心理困惑和矛盾明显增多,班级是广大学生成长和发展的基本环境,是同学交往和联系的基本载体。构建班级管理,为他们组织和设计良好的班级平台,调动所有同学的积极性与创造性,才能做好班级工作,促进学生思想的工作的开展。  相似文献   

爱学生既是班主任一种职业高尚品质的表现,也是搞好班级管理工作的前提。只有用爱,才能凝聚起班集体,体现出班级管理的魅力。在班级教育与管理中教师学无止境,是师爱来源;为人师表,是师爱基础;宽容博爱,是师爱的关键;要因人施爱,对后进生、中等生、优等生分别给以"偏爱"、关爱和严爱。  相似文献   

大学生的逃课现象日益增多,严重影响了正常的教学秩序,而且使教育质量下降。对此,各高校奇招不断,有的固定学号座位,有的随机抽查,有的采取签到方式,有的检查“学生听课证”,等等。虽然,“显性逃课”现象有所减少,但“隐性逃课”却日趋严重。课堂秩序作为将师生联系在一起的平台,如果能够对它进行有效地建设,那么势必能对减少大学生的“隐性逃课”起到一定的帮助。  相似文献   

本文运用“学习方法”与“学业压力”两个问卷对南京市天印高级中学高三学生进行了调查,以了解学生的学习状况,找出本校学生在学习上存在的困惑,进而帮助学生更好地应对高三学习。结果表明:高三学生在学习方法上,实验班优于平行班;在学习态度和习惯维度上,女生优于男生,文科生高于理科生,农村学生优于乡镇和城市学生。在学习压力上,平行班学生感受到的压力高于实验班,男生的自我发展压力高于女生,理科生的挫折压力高于文科生。  相似文献   

Class attendance is an important determinant of academic success yet a significant proportion of students miss class. The present study investigated the deliberative and personality correlates of class attendance alongside an implementation intention intervention that asked students to specify when, where, and how they would attend class. Class attendance was found to be a function of conscientiousness (more conscientious students were more likely to attend), openness to experience (more open students were less likely to attend), goal intentions (more motivated students were more likely to attend), and the implementation intention intervention (students who formed specific plans about when, where, and how to attend were more likely to attend). Furthermore, there was a significant interaction between the implementation intention intervention and conscientiousness; the intervention had a greater impact on class attendance for low or moderately conscientious students than for highly conscientious students.  相似文献   

在学生工作中,班主任的言行会体现出对学生期望的差异,学生也能够通过班主任的言行感受到老师对自已的期望值,平时表现不突出的学生更加需要来自班主任的积极的期望。班主任期望的表现形式是自我实现预言期望和维持性期望。班主任应该在教育、管理中建立对学生积极的期望并通过各种方式间接表达出来,激发学生的积极性。  相似文献   

Research findings on optimum use of the first day of class are mixed. Past data gathered from students from various disciplines support a first day designed to distribute the course syllabus and explain class expectations, rules, and policies. Additional literature supports a different approach to the first day; one designed to immediately engage students in the course through activities designed intentionally to accomplish more than introducing students to the scholarly objectives of the class. The purpose of this paper is threefold – to identify feasible goals for the first day of class, to present an overview of the limited research related to first-day goals and expectations, and to provide an example of a Recreation and Leisure Studies discipline-related activity to address first-day goals.  相似文献   

The dialogue that occurs in science classrooms has been the subject of research for many decades. Most studies have focused on the actual discourse that occurs and the role of the teacher in guiding the discourse. This case study explored the neglected perspective of secondary science students and their beliefs about their role in class discussions. The study participants (N?=?45) were students in one of the three differentially tracked chemistry classes taught by the same teacher. Findings about the differences that exist among students from different academic tracks are reported. While it seems that epistemological beliefs focusing on content are common for the students in this study, the students' social framing in the different tracks is important to consider when teachers attempt to transition to more dialogic forms of discourse. Some key findings of this study are (a) students’ beliefs that science is a body of facts to be learned influenced the factors they deemed important for whole-class discussion, (b) students from the lower-level track who typically were associated with lower socioeconomic status were more likely to view their role as passive, and (c) students’ comfort level with the members of the class seemed to influence their decisions to participate in class discussions.  相似文献   

为了培养学生具有适应当前社会需求的专业技能,在计算机教学中采用了行之有效的项目教学。在实施项目教学时,也遇到了学生由于知识和技能的差异,在同一个项目中,有的学生能轻松地完成项目,有的学生经过努力可以完成项目,但也有学生感到困难重重,再努力也完成不了项目,结果对项目教学任务有了放弃的思想,进而丧失了学习的兴趣。如何使不同的学生在项目教学中共同提高,开展同项目多层次教学策略就显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

Upon completion of a science unit on heat and temperature, the students in a Canadian 9th grade science class wrote two different achievement tests. On a unit test which required students to answer questions that were based on facts students had studied, grades obtained by girls and boys were not significantly different. Conversely, on a post‐test, which required that students apply their knowledge to novel situations, boys achievement was significantly greater than that of the girls, particularly on higher level questions. Classroom observations revealed that few girls contributed to class discussions, whereas most of the boys participated in discussions. It is suggested that the more active class participation by boys may have contributed to their making greater gains in the understanding of heat and temperature concepts.  相似文献   

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