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任务型教学模式在大学英语语音课程教学实践中暴露出了一些问题:其原有的任务设计理念和评估机制无法真正实现以学习者为中心。问题的根源在于该模式的理论基础对语言的认识存在偏颇,需要采用形式语言学的理论成果和研究方法加以补充和修正,树立正确的语言观。在制定学习任务时要考虑到中介语的本质属性,注重学习者的个体差异,对教师职能重新定位,并对教育资源重新调配。  相似文献   

周弘 《鸡西大学学报》2010,10(1):102-104
随着整个教育理念的不断更新,情感因素对语言学习的影响也在逐步加强,与之相关的研究也越来越受到专家学者的关注。在前辈学者研究的基础上,旨在探析情感因素对高校外语“教”与“学”产生的一些影响,并为施教者和学习者提供一些方法和建议,从而更好地教学和学习。  相似文献   

随着教学理念的转变,自主学习成为外语教学的主要目标之一。语言习得研究的重点也转向研究学习策略和学习过程的关系及学习者对语言信息的认知过程。元认知策略帮助学习者监控、管理、评估其学习过程和学习结果,不仅有助于学习者养成其他学习策略,更是实现自主学习的根本手段。国外在听力理解元认知策略领域的研究主要体现在研究方法和研究成果上,其中Christine Goh、Vandergrift、Mendelsohn等的研究尤其具有理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

《C语言程序设计》是计算机学科体系中的基础核心课程之一。文章从教学主体的学习者角度出发,感受到高校《C语言程序设计》教学过程中存在的一些问题,通过对《C语言程序设计》课程教学进行学习者反思,提出学生学习兴趣引发、编程思维培养、前后知识关联、案例驱动教学、改革考核方法等方面的教学改革见解,以使计算机专业课程教学更加符合大学生学习的特点与规律。初步的试验证明,作为高年级学生辅导培训低年级学生所采用一些教与学的方法提高了学生的学习兴趣,获得良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

李雪  史磊 《成才之路》2009,(32):57-58
随着教学理念的转变,网络环境下的自主学习成为外语教学的主要目标之一。语言研究的重点也转向研究学习策略及学习者对语言信息的认知过程。元认知策略不仅有助于学习者掌握其他学习策略,更是实现自主学习的根本手段,而结合教学进行元认知策略的培训是提高听力理解能力的有效途径。  相似文献   

卢蓉 《考试周刊》2009,(45):42-44
自从二语词汇学习在二语习得领域成为一门独立的研究问题后,它一直受到理论家及教育前线的任课教师的关注。同时它是二语学习者语言学习上的一个绊脚石,一些学习者甚至将他们语言学习的失败归因于一个问题:词汇量不足或所谓的词汇量不足(有些学习者记了很多词汇但不会用于现实生活中)。本文主要就最近研究做一篇文献综述,并在此基础上提出教师可以在教学中将学习者的学习动机与词汇学习策略结合起来激发他们的语言学习兴趣,从而帮助他们走出词汇学习的困境。  相似文献   

成人外语学习者在学某外语之前,已经养成了一整套母语习惯,其中一些习惯会促进他们对外语的掌握,一些习惯会阻碍或干扰外语学习。因此,成人外语学习者在学习过程中,无论如何努力,语言错误时有发生,不可避免。本文从教和学的角度对学习者的语言错误进行归类分析,并结合理论研究,提出了几种处理学生语言错误适当的、有效的教学建议与对策。一、语言错误根源与分析语言错误是成人外语学习过程中不可避免的现象,结合我国学生学习状况,语言错误根源主要可以归纳为三大类:语间迁移、语内迁移和简化。1语间迁移迁移是成人学习者在外…  相似文献   

近20年来,随着以人为本教育理念的贯彻和个别化教学趋势的显现,教育研究的重心从"教"转移到了"学".之前的一些相关研究表明,语言学习效率的高低、成绩的优劣,除了受教学因素的影响外,学习者自身的因素也起着重要作用.人们由此逐渐重视学习者个别差异以及学习者在学习过程中的主观能动性和创造性.学习风格,作为构成学习者个体特征的主要因素之一,已越来越受到众多学者及外语教师的关注.了解学习风格的定义、分类以及影响学习风格的因素,探讨学习风格的差异对英语教学的影响,无论是对于提高教学效果还是对于指导学生的学习都具有积极的意义.对学习风格的研究有助于教师深入了解学生的个别差异,并以此为依据制定个别化教学的策略,促进学生有效学习.  相似文献   

随着终身学习理念的普及,在线学习日趋成为成人学习者获取知识与技能的主要途径。为分析成人在线深度学习的影响因素和作用机制,探索有效促进深度学习发生的在线教学策略,研究构建基于“课程设计—教学实施—教学评价”三阶段的“成人在线深度学习发生机制模型”,开发成人在线深度学习测评工具,基于对494名在线学习者的问卷调查结果,开展了实证研究。研究结果表明:从学习者需求出发组织真实情境下的教学是提高学习动机和学习参与程度的关键因素,成人在线课程设计秉持“因需施教”的理念;教师要重视对学习者的“支持—调节”,培养学习者沟通协作、知识建构、问题解决等高阶能力;成人在线教学应提升学习者“在场”体验,引导学习者“学会学习”和“主动参与学习”。  相似文献   

在远程语言教学中,由于交流机会有限,书面反馈就成为了开启和维持指导教师与学习者对话的重要手段。基于网络平台开放英语写作课程,以书面反馈为研究对象,采用问卷和访谈等方式,探索在远程语言教学环境下,指导教师和学习者对反馈的理念与实践。研究发现不同指导教师所提供的反馈类型和形式有明显差异,而不同学习者之间的期望和理解也差异较大。建议指导教师提供反馈前应了解学习者的学习需求与特点,同时,需要对指导教师和学习者进行有关有效利用书面反馈系统的培训,以提高书面反馈的对语言教学的促进效果。  相似文献   

学习者的外语学习观念对其外语学习有不可忽视的影响。教师要帮助学习者构建适合他们自己的科学外语学习观念体系,必须首先了解和评价同类学习者已有的基本的外语学习观念。以民办高校广东培正学院非英语专业本科新生为对象,通过调查问卷,并利用SPSS11.0统计软件对222名此类学习者的外语学习观念进行了研究。数据分析显示:他们的基本观念包括能意识到语言的文化属性,自信能学好英语,但对自身的学习者责任认识不足,缺乏调控观念意识等内容;他们的观念体系在结构上存在如一些最基本的观念不科学、宏观观念少、内容构成残缺等问题。针对这些内容特征和结构问题,建议教师采取相应措施指导、帮助他们构建科学的外语学习观念体系。  相似文献   

This review describes parts of our research program on example-based learning that relates to recent efforts to incorporate interactive elements into learning environments designed to support learning from worked-out examples. Since most learners spontaneously study or process examples in a very passive or superficial manner, this review focuses on how a variety of specific interactive elements in example-based leaning environments are capable of encouraging learners to actively process the examples. The review begins with an overview of the literature on worked examples and the associated self-explanation, which is important given that the quality of self-explanation is a major factor in determining whether learners benefit from studying examples. The review notes that example-based learning environments tend to be effective but often promote passive processing. It then highlights the strengths and limitations of three types interactivity introduced to example-based learning environments. The review concludes with a discussion of the role that these interactive elements play in these learning environments.  相似文献   


This article reviews motivation research published in Distance Education since 1980, highlighting the major foci of investigation and reflecting on past findings. A major trend was that past research has focused predominantly on learners’ motivational attributes using sociocognitive models of motivation. We therefore have developed a good understanding of motivating variables such as self-efficacy and their power in engaging learners. However, this can be problematic because sociocognitive research situates motivation within an individualistic paradigm with limited attention given to examining whether learning supports and instructional designs in open and distance learning mediate and motivate learning engagement. Building on the review, this article seeks to shift the research attention from whether learners are motivated to crafting an open and distance learning system that is motivating and engaging by tapping into multiple motivation sources available beyond the confines of an individualistic frame.  相似文献   

Recent analyses of the field of environmental education research have highlighted its rapidly expanding size and increasingly diverse nature (e.g. Hart & Nolan, 1999). This article reports on a review of a particular part of this field - namely, recent empirical studies of learners and learning in primary or secondary school environmental education. The review focuses specifically on the nature and quality of the evidence generated by the work in this area. The concern with evidence is motivated by the tendency of previous reviews to focus on methodological trends more than research findings. Claims have also been made that environmental education theory and research have overlooked 'the children who are the subjects of environmental education' (Payne, 1998a, p. 20). This review contends that efforts to address such shortcomings need to be informed by a thorough and grounded understanding of what studies have, and have not, been undertaken on students and learning, and what is known, and not known, from the evidence that these studies have generated. In its methods, the review seeks to be systematic, comprehensive and analytical. Its findings are based on careful scrutiny of over 100 journal articles, books and reports, published between 1993 and 1999. It proposes that the current evidence base on learners and learning can be understood in terms of six concentrations or nodes of evidence. Three of these are well established (students' (i) environmental knowledge (ii) environmental attitudes and behaviours, and (iii) environmental learning outcomes), while three can be regarded as emerging (students' (i) perceptions of nature, (ii) experiences of learning, and (iii) influences on adults). The recent research evidence and key messages associated with each of these nodes are discussed in successive sections of the review. Overall, the review suggests that the evidence base on learners and learning, while considerable in size, is less diverse in terms of methodological and theoretical approaches than the wider environmental education research field within which it is situated. The evidence base also provides more information about students' environmental knowledge and attitudes than about their educational experiences and preferences, and more about learning outcomes than about learning processes . These characteristics, however, are not static. The research and evidence base on learners and learning is developing and changing as new foci emerge, bringing with them different methodological and conceptual approaches. The review identifies issues and challenges arising from the recent evidence on learners and learning for research users, researchers and future reviews of the field. As well as highlighting possible practical implications of the research, it makes a case for studies focused more explicitly on learning and the role learners play within this process. It also suggests a need for user reviews as well as academic reviews in the field of environmental education.  相似文献   

This paper reports some of the findings from a study undertaken to obtain an insight into the experiences of learners engaging with web conferencing. A small group of work-based adult learners with substantial experience of learning in a virtual classroom provided accounts of and reflections on their experiences using a blog and group interview. Qualitative analysis of data led to findings which support some existing best practice guidelines for facilitators and also provide additional insight into issues that impact on learners’ experiences. This paper presents recommendations for facilitators and explores some of the issues raised by learners which are not commonly addressed in other guidelines, including the effective use of breakout rooms, the management of minimalist learners and the need to respect learners’ privacy. A facilitation approach which allows learners to develop autonomy and exert control in the virtual classroom and which acknowledges diversity of learning preferences is suggested. Whilst the recommendations made may not be appropriate in all learning contexts, they are presented as a starting point to help other facilitators review and develop their own practice.  相似文献   

张元元 《双语学习》2007,(10M):174-176
英语短语动词向来是中国学生学习英语时较为头疼的一个话题。Liao和Fukuya于2004年专门就中国学生使用短语动词做了相关研究,发现中国英语学习者经常回避使用短语动词,并且挖掘了回避原因。本文将对此研究进行介绍和评论,希望给短语动词的教与学带来一定的启示。  相似文献   

混合式教学模式作为一种新的教学模式,结合了线上线下以及翻转课堂、微课、移动学习等教学理论与方法,是目前国内外研究者研究的热点之一,也是教学改革的重要举措之一。本文将以“现代教育技术应用”这门课程展开混合式教学实践研究,通过构建系统科学的教学设计实施教学,采用定性与定量相结合的方法,探究分析混合式教学中学习者的情感体验、学习行为、学习效果等。研究结果表明,混合式教学模式提高了学习效率、学习者情感体验良好、学习积极性均较高、课堂互动效果明显、课前课后自主学习能力增强等。  相似文献   


Personalized education—the systematic adaptation of instruction to individual learners—has been a long-striven goal. We review research on personalized education that has been conducted in the laboratory, in the classroom, and in digital learning environments. Across all learning environments, we find that personalization is most successful when relevant learner characteristics are measured repeatedly during the learning process and when these data are used to adapt instruction in a systematic way. Building on these observations, we propose a novel, dynamic framework of personalization that conceptualizes learners as dynamic entities that change during and in interaction with the instructional process. As these dynamics manifest on different timescales, so do the opportunities for instructional adaptations—ranging from setting appropriate learning goals at the macroscale to reacting to affective-motivational fluctuations at the microscale. We argue that instructional design needs to take these dynamics into account in order to adapt to a specific learner at a specific point in time. Finally, we provide some examples of successful, dynamic adaptations and discuss future directions that arise from a dynamic conceptualization of personalization.


本研究采用定量研究。通过对广东某高校81名大学生外语学习观念的调查,结果显示:外语学习观念的五个因素都在不同程度上影响着学生的学习;此外,男生和女生在总体的外语学习观念上不存在显著的差异,但在语言学习难度、动机和期望学习观念方面,男生和女生存在显著的差异。基于本研究结果,本文提出了相关建议以期提高英语教学成效。  相似文献   

协作学习对学习者综合能力的提升作用与人才素质的要求相契合,是学术研究领域和教学实践领域中的一个热点话题。然而目前协作学习在实践过程中出现了一些问题,不清楚协作学习是否需要教师指导,需要何种指导。这种认识上的不清楚导致实施过程中的盲目性与随意性,加剧了协作学习的混乱。关于这一问题,相关研究者持两种观点:一部分认为应该让学生独立探索,一部分认为学生的认知结构决定他们需要教师指导。实证研究结果都支持“协作学习中需要教师指导”这一理论观点,但基于此进行的影响协作学习效果的教师特征和具体指导方式研究还未形成统一的结论和方法。而且,从因素的角度进行实证研究,忽略影响学习效果因素的复杂性,不具有可验证性,科学性低。基于复杂系统论的研究范式可以避开简单归因的缺点,以系统本身的属性揭示系统运行效果,在一定程度上可以提高研究的科学性。  相似文献   

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