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“饭圈”主要是以明星艺人的粉丝为主导所形成的一种圈层化人群。他们高度活跃在各大网络社交平台,创生出一种全新的生活方式与圈层文化。当前国内饭圈呈现出年龄低龄化、趣缘圈层化、行为组织化和情绪极端化等特征,对网络主流意识形态带来较大冲击,亟需加以正确引导。饭圈作为一种边缘的亚文化群体,对网络主流意识形态的潜在风险主要体现为:消费主义盛行、流量至上逻辑、网络暴力恣肆、境外势力渗透、价值导向虚无等问题。为此,本文提出了一些对策,以期能够规避饭圈文化对网络主流意识形态的潜在风险,进一步发挥主流意识形态对青年亚文化群体的主导性、向心力、凝聚力和影响力。  相似文献   

根据教育的形式、类型、层次及内容等标准划分,将西南民族科技教育系统划分为八个子系统。各个子系统均担负着西南民族科技教育的任务。然而,不容乐观的是该系统内部存在着诸多不协调的因素,这些不协调的因素严重影响了系统整体功能的发挥。协调系统内部各个因素之间的关系对母系统整体功能的发挥有着举足轻重的作用。  相似文献   

人类圈——地球圈层研究的新概念□李树珂/山东省嘉祥县第一中学地球在长期演化过程中,形成了典型的圈层结构。在构成地球表层系统的圈层中,最先形成的是岩石圈,又依次形成大气圈和水圈。在这三个圈层里,生存着生物的那个圈层叫做生物圈,其范围大致包括大气圈的底部...  相似文献   

小农社会化是以圈的方式由内向外推进的,传统小农以基层市场圈为行动边界,追求生存最大化;社会化小农以就业圈为行动边界,追求货币收入最大化;现代小农以投资圈为行动边界,追求利润最大化,生存、货币与利润是小农社会化的主要动力,市场圈--就业圈--投资圈为小农社会化的主要路径."三大圈"为同时代的主导圈层,决定其他圈层的活动范围与行动边界.  相似文献   

基于系统理论的教育技术本体研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对教育技术本体构成问题,本文借鉴系统理论进行了深入的研究.通过对系统理论和教育技术系统的客观情况的分析,依据系统与环境之间的基本关系的原理,得出了教育技术系统是按照人的需求、目的构建教育系统及其要素的转换系统这一意见性结论.通过分析这一结论与当前一些结论存在的差异,提出了认识教育技术的新视角.通过对教育技术系统的深入分析,借鉴一般系统理论的研究,得出了教育技术系统是由教育技术输入子系统、教育技术运作子系统、教育技术输出子系统、教育技术协调监控子系统构成.同时本文探讨了四个子系统的构成要素及运作机理,为教育技术系统的持续发展和不断完善提供了可供参考的意见.  相似文献   

我国著名科学家钱学森院士生前曾从世界科学的高度,确认地理学科综合性科学性的特点,并提出地球表面各圈层,包括陆圈、大气圈、水圈、生物圈、土壤圈及人类圈之间相互作用的观点,为我国地理学的发展做出了巨大贡献。进入21世纪的现代文明,要求全体国民都能够科学地认识人口、资源、环境、发展等问题,树立科学发展观,让社会和自然能够和谐地发展。  相似文献   

当今社会,高度发达的信息技术让圈居在家的普通民众可随意参与任何舆情,同时也增加现代舆情危机应对的难度,召唤科学化跨圈策略。圈层的松散本性和话语的可渗透属性,为跨圈提供机遇。认同机制可借助叙事话语,表达超圈层话题、消除圈层间分歧和确定共同对抗因素等,说服受众突破圈层藩篱,接受劝说。共鸣议题促同情认同、众声喧哗寻除误立同和晓之以弊求对立认同等均是舆情危机应对话语者提升认同度实现跨圈的可利用策略,运用得当,能有效增强话语效度。  相似文献   

设计了一种基于局域网和SPI总线的分布式实验系统,现场控制单元及各子系统都单独使用一片单片机为核心控制器件,使各子系统之间"各司其职",互不影响.现场控制单元通过SPI总线实现对各子系统(数据采集系统、开关量检测系统、模拟量控制系统、开关量控制系统)的数据信息采集与控制,上位PC机通过RS232或局域网与现场控制单元实现数据信息的交换与控制.  相似文献   

系统论、协同论是协同理论的基础。协同理论是将横断科学的研究方法用于声乐演唱教学研究的尝试。本文从系统论的角度出发,把包括生理系统和心理系统,教与学等子系统及各子系统组成的声乐演唱教学看成为一个系统。在此基础上,使声乐教学的过程依据协同论,发现心理系统、生理系统,学系统和教系统及各子系统的子子系统之间的运动关系具有合作、同步、协调、促进、互补的关系,这个发现也是通过结合它们的运动规律而产生的协同运动,符合协同论原理,从而达到最终目的是产生该系统的协同效应。  相似文献   

高校思想政治教育系统的组织本质包括内涵释义、运行指向和运作机制。高校思想政治教育系统的组织体系由招生、培养、教师、管理、创新创业等内部子系统和政府、家庭及社会等外部子系统共同构成,其中,每个内部子系统又包涵若干影响要素,外部子系统之间又存在协同联系。因此,应立足于文化、行动、社会和技术等四个层面,深入推进高校思想政治教育系统的组织建设。  相似文献   

某图书馆设计采用了室内外消火栓灭火系统、闭式自动喷水灭火系统、大空间消防水炮灭火系统。重点介绍了消火栓灭火系统、细水雾、大空间消防水炮灭火系统的选型,同时对消防设计中遇到的问题及解决方法进行了探讨。  相似文献   

浅论"一国两制"模式对香港及大陆政治体制发展的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
香港回归祖国后,“一国两制”思想在香港得到了充分的实践与运用。文章试图通过对香港在回归前后政治体制变化的回顾与评论,以及香港政制对内地政治体制改革的参考意义的评述,揭示这一互动的现实状况,同时证明“一国两制”方针在解决香港问题上所发挥的巨大作用是不可替代的。  相似文献   

In the natural sciences, collecting, cataloguing, and comparing living specimens have long been a popular, collaborative mode of discovery and learning. New species are discovered, and the relationships between species are theorized. From Aristotle's “History of Animals” to Darwin's “On the Origin of Species”, and beyond, this process of learning through expedition has yielded bountiful knowledge and insights to students of science. In this paper, we propose that expeditionary learning can be applied to a softer science: the field of information systems. In the field of information systems, specimens (information systems) are created by humans, evolving with great speed. Expeditionary learning—where students collaboratively discover, catalog, and compare rapidly evolving information system specimens—is an innovative approach for learners in the IS field, and is effective in increasing IS program visibility and delivering significant, measurable community impact. Our results indicate that learning by expedition has a strong, positive community impact through educating external learners (such as high school and community college students, and the general public), and compares favorably to conventional experiential and service learning styles. Though expeditionary learning does not yield improved course evaluations, we demonstrate that learners’ perceived self‐knowledge and intentions to pursue the subject area are improved.  相似文献   

As the sophistication of technology has increased, so has public demand for quality. This expectation of quality has occurred across a broad range of products and systems, including education. To meet the demand for quality, many products and systems (including educational ones) have become increasingly complex. Within education there are also other factors which have driven up levels of complexity. These factors include increased diversity in the student body, a greater emphasis on collaboration and the drive to replace simple “delivery models” of teaching. It is well known from other fields, though, that as systems become more complex, they become more vulnerable to failure. For this reason, a formalised methodology known as “systems engineering” is often applied in industry to the management of large systems. The author argues that the use of systems engineering concepts in education would be likely to reduce failure rates and improve quality. This is particularly so in large-scale complex learning systems. The paper also discusses some implications of trying to use systems engineering methodology in modern educational systems.  相似文献   

A proportion of children with physical impairments experience significant difficulties in communicating with others and may be recommended augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) systems such as speech synthesizers and symbol charts to support ‘natural’ communication skills. However, AAC systems are often under-utilized. Parents have identified barriers to AAC system use to include the organization of speech and language therapy. Speech and language therapists are developing services to school-aged children in response to changes in education, health reforms and models of speech and language development. However, there is little evidence for commissioners of children's services about what constitutes ‘enough’ or ‘good’ speech and language therapy. This paper examines speech and language therapy provision to 23 children using AAC systems in six London authorities. Research strategies include documenting the amount, type, organization and objectives of provision. Evidence for collaboration between school staff and therapists is explored, analysis is made of child characteristics associated with provision and criteria for decision-making documented through interviews with therapists. However, little conjunction exists between what therapists said guided their decision-making concerning provision and observed provision. For the children surveyed in this study it seems that that provision in amount of therapy is related to educational placement rather than individual needs.  相似文献   

随着信息技术的快速发展,嵌入式GIS在研制和应用中运用的各种设备和相关技术越发的成熟和完善。嵌入式GIS的设计与实用化所要求的设备及关键技术已经得到了解决,这源于各种掌上电脑产品的推出,实时嵌入式操作RTOS的不断出现,微型嵌入式技术、卫星定位技术、无线通信、卫星通信技术的日趋成熟并进入实用化阶段。而随着嵌入式操作系统和地理信息系统的发展,嵌入式地理信息系统已经成为地理信息系统领域研究的热点之一。嵌入式地理信息系统开发在测绘、智能交通、海事、国防、公安等领域都有无限广阔的应用背景。本文讨论并设计了一个基于WindowsCE的嵌入式GIS系统,主要功能包括工程的创建,地图的查询和初步的GPS导航,而且界面也非常友好。  相似文献   

Despite the need for information technology knowledge in the business world today, enrollments in information systems (IS) courses have been consistently declining. Student performance in lower level IS courses and student assumptions about the level of difficulty of the courses seem to be reasons for lower enrollments. To understand how student motivation may explain learning outcomes in introductory IS courses, this study investigates the impact of intrinsic and extrinsic academic motivations as framed by self‐determination theory on two measures of learning outcomes: (1) student self‐reported measures of learning and (2) actual grades obtained in courses and course components. Using 269 student responses collected in a second‐year undergraduate core course and a first‐year MBA core course, both of which are offered in a traditional face‐to‐face classroom environment, study hypotheses are analyzed. Results indicate that the motivational model explains both the affective and cognitive perceptions of learning held by students. In examining overall grades and grades in course components, the motivational model, however, was unable to sufficiently explain student performance. Data also indicate that there are significant differences between undergraduate and graduate students in terms of their motivation and learning outcomes.  相似文献   

A comprehensive conceptual framework is developed and described for evolving recommender‐driven online learning systems (ROLS). This framework describes how such systems can support students, course authors, course instructors, systems administrators, and policy makers in developing and using these ROLS. The design science information systems research approach was used to develop the framework. The ROLS framework incorporates both the cognitive and situative perspectives of the constructivist paradigm of learning. Research propositions are developed to highlight new research opportunities for these systems. The framework demonstrates how various components of an evolving ROLS can be integrated to provide potential benefits for all users.  相似文献   

以烟台丽景海湾酒店的燃气锅炉热水供应系统改造为例,采用PLC与变频器构建的一套自动控制系统,实现了太阳能与燃气锅炉在大型供热水系统中的完美结合,实现了全天候、恒温、恒压、无人值守自动运行供热水,并且具有集热系统可以安装在低处、高低温保护、自动和手动的转换、远程控制等多种优点,节能效果也非常明显,为大型太阳能热水供应系统的推广应用提供了一种新的方法。  相似文献   

减少原料中碳的遗传、避免球化处理时出现大的石墨球、降低高温铁水的热混流、降低碳的活度和增强奥氏体的强度、准确把握球化处理和倒包时铁水量、准确控制出炉温度和浇注温度是防止石墨开花的有效途径。  相似文献   

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