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中英远程教育课程导学比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
课程导学是远程教育的核心。远程教育中导学水平的高低和效果的好坏,取决于远程教育机构的导学体系以及远程教育导学者的导学方式和导学内容。文章对英国(主要是英国开放大学)和中国(主要是中央电大系统)远程教育中的课程导学体系、导学方式和导学内容进行比较分析,研究其间的差异和利弊,指出英国开放大学在课程导学上有许多值得我国学习和借鉴的做法,包括:组建有效的课程团队,加强课程资源建设;改变导学方式,引导学生自主性学习;丰富导学内容,激发学生学习兴趣。  相似文献   

关于远程教育课程中各种学习环境创设的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
信息技术的高速发展促进远程教育的迅速发展,远程教育的顺利实施离不开优质的远程教育课程,优秀的远程教育课程中应创设三种学习环境:自主学习环境、协作学习环境及智能导学环境。  相似文献   

远程教学课程中各种学习环境创设的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
信息技术的高速发展促进远程教育的快速发展,远程教育的顺利实施离不开优质的远程教学课程,优秀的远程教学课程中应创设三种学习环境:自主学习环境、协作学习环境及智能导学环境。  相似文献   

网络导学是开放教育重要的教学方式之一,也是教师引导学生开展自学的重要途径.本研究通过抽取部分课程实施网络导学,收集学生的反馈意见,对导学前后学生的学习特点、导学需求、资源利用等进行对比,针对不同专业的学生进行分科导学,观察和分析网络导学的有效性.实践证明,建构网络时代远程教育的导学模式能够促进学生的学习,满足学生的自主学习需求,提高教学质量.  相似文献   

导学作为远程教育学习支持服务的重要环节,一直是校外学习中心管理实践的重点。本文以源自多年校外学习中心服务的管理经验,探究非学科课程类导学如何在主办院校导学的基础上,利用面授机会实施"全过程导学"操作模式。该模式针对学员入学到毕业以不同的侧重内容与功能指向,规范完善导学体系,可以积极有效地促进学员顺利完成学业,提升中心服务效率。  相似文献   

在网络课程建设中,导学设计至关重要。本文结合中央电大《建筑材料》网络课程开发过程中导学设计的实践,揭示了导学设计必须要有先进的教学理论作指导,要彻底改变教学观,要努力贴近远程教育学员的自主学习需求。设计了《建筑材料》网络课程导学模式、导学栏目及评价体系。  相似文献   

由于远程教育课程学习具有和普通高校不同的特点,所以远程教学中课程教学模式也应不同于普通高校。根据远程教育的特点,我们设计了"导学-自主学习-辅助学习"的三段式课程学习模式,该模式的推广应用将极大的提高学生的学习效率。  相似文献   

从学习支助服务是远程教育取得成效的关键,而双向交互又是学习支助服务的核心出发,以现代教育技术为前提,以学习理论和认知心理学为基础,依据课程特点和学生实际能力,运用负反馈系统的观点和方法,通过在呱呱平台上实施“四位一体”课程导学模式对远程教育下导学、助学、自学、督学进行探究.  相似文献   

远程教育课程教学团队是为了实现课程教学目标而组建的一支队伍,由具有远程教育经验的课程教师组成。团队最重要的使命是为学生网上学习提供持续有效的支持服务。课程教学团队网上教学的主要思路是分区教学、有序推进、促进交互、及时总结等。立体化导学、鼓励学生互帮互学、有序开展非实时讨论和适度开展实时教学活动并总结是团队协同开展网上教学的主要策略。  相似文献   

以开放试点英语本科专业课程《成功指南》为切入点,分析了此课程的专业导学作用,并以此为例建议构建作为入学教育后续工作的试点专业导学课程,完善教学过程、学习支持服务,提高远程教育质量。  相似文献   

本文以基于认知理论的研究为指导,通过了解成人在职学习特点和多样化自主学习需求的现状,探索国家现代远程教育资源网节点库资源在远程教学课堂的应用价值,并对教学工作进行了总结和反思。  相似文献   

汉语修辞艺术是一种富有创造性的精神性实践活动。在这个过程中,应该重视审美"距离"的正确营构和解读。"距离",本是中外美学、文艺理论中一个常用的术语,将其引入汉语修辞艺术中,旨在丰富汉语修辞艺术理论体系,为科学的建构和解读汉语修辞艺术提供帮助。在解读其内涵的基础上,又从外延上,即时空距离、心理距离、逻辑距离、情感距离等四个方面进行大胆阐释。"距离"是汉语修辞艺术中一个不可或缺的重要概念",距离"在汉语修辞艺术中的运用无处不在,使用中尤其要把握好度。  相似文献   

影响远程开放教育质量的因素及其对策探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立一个完善的开放式教育质量保证体系是“人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点”能否取得预期成果的关键问题。远程开放教育质量是电大的生命,我们必须认真审视远程开放教育的考与学的情况,要在七个方面有所突破和创新,建立起远程开放教育相适应的质量保证体系,健全和完善行之有效的相关制度,要从制度上保证远程开放教育教学质量的不断提高。  相似文献   

远程高等教育的自身特性决定着要保障质量就必须有相应的措施。美、英等国在这方面已经建立了比较完善的质量保障体系,其核心是质量认证制度和学习支持服务体系。借鉴美、英等国的经验,以学习者为中心,参与国际远程高等教育质量的认证,以开阔的国际视野建立适合中国实际的远程高等教育质量保障体系是理性的选择。  相似文献   

Many industrialized countries show considerable interest in distance learning and invest large sums in it beyond the high school level, with very encouraging results. The evidence from these countries to date is that distance learning, at relatively low cost, can reach millions of students who otherwise would not have much opportunity for studying. The Third, or Majority, World's interest in and use of distance learning appears to make a great deal of sense. This seems particularly so in college and university education, where the cost per student in conventional campusesis very high. At this level, Majority World countries spend as much as one-third of their education budgets. Even the conservative World Bank, after many years of more or less ignoring it, recently endorsed distance learning as a cost-effective solution for the Majority World to consider. Distance learning is not a universal panacea, however. There are failures to report as well as successes. Despite the powerful international forces that drive globalization, electronification, and commodification, each country must generate its own model to suit its own needs and conditions. Each country should decide, for example, whether to set up one or more distance teaching universities like the Open University in the UK or to promote distance teaching as an additional function of conventional campus-based institutions. Each country needs a policy on how it will exploit distance learning and for which groups of students. Each country should decide whether and how it wishes to collaborate with other countries to get the most out of distance learning.  相似文献   

现代远程教育经过快速发展,呈现出总的趋势是:远程教育将逐步成为构建终身教育体系的基础和平台,但是其前提是可持续发展,远程教育可持续发展的内涵是不断提高教学质量。由于远程教育管理理论的不成熟,有必要引入工业管理理论,其中将ISO9000体系引入到广播电视大学的教学管理,就是一个不错的选择。ISO9000体系的一些原则与电大的系统性、层次级性、质量管理的全员性特点有一定的吻合性。  相似文献   

Academic Engagement and Perceptions of Quality in Distance Education   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The development of e-education has enabled distance education to overcome the lack of interactivity inherent in earlier forms of distance education based on correspondence and mass media, but it looks as if it is also pushing up the costs of distance education. In the 1960s and 1970s, the cost structure of distance education, and its ability to lower educational costs, was seen as a distinct advantage in the face of the need to expand educational provision. With the world population forecast to grow by over three billions in the next 50 years, the need for cheap ways of educating people must be paramount. This article asks just how relevant it is to global educational needs to develop more expensive forms of distance education that, in the absence of public funding, place increased financial burdens on the students.  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(1):174-184

This paper describes the experiences of the International Institute for Capacity Building in Africa (IICBA) in running distance education programmes for teachers and education personnel in sub-Saharan Africa. The Institute, established by UNESCO in 1999 and located in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, is mandated to work with teacher education institutions (TEIs) in sub-Saharan Africa in the areas of curriculum development, teacher education, distance education and educational planning. The subject areas IICBA focuses on are the teaching of Science, Mathematics, languages and ICT (Information and communication technologies) through the use of modern pedagogy. The Institute implements its projects in partnership with distance education offering institutions in Africa and other parts of the world. The paper begins by providing brief remarks on IICBA and its mandate and organisation, and proceeds to explain why it focuses on the areas of teacher education, capacity building and the distance mode of delivery to offer its training programmes. At the end, it describes the kinds of programmes it has been running since its establishment and the partner distance education institutions that offered the training courses.  相似文献   

This paper offers a critique of the Chinese philosophy of online distance learning as a means of building a lifelong learning society. Literature about lifelong learning and its implications for online distance learning is reviewed. Documents, reports and research papers are examined to explore the characteristics of the Chinese philosophy of online distance learning as reflected in the prevailing understanding and debates in the field. Phenomenological analysis, deconstructive discourse analysis and internal criticism are employed, guided by a phenomenological qualitative methodology. The critique reveals that the notion of lifelong learning is to some extent obscured in meaning in the prevailing understanding of and debates about Chinese online distance learning. Furthermore, it shows that the Chinese philosophy of online distance learning paradoxically combines a sense of overenthusiasm with a sense of underestimation associated with the potential of online distance learning in promoting lifelong learning. Also identified is the emerging development of Chinese online distance learning towards its 'in-depth development', based on an increasing awareness of the necessity to enhance the quality of online distance learning through integration of educational theories with information and communication technologies (ICT). The paper calls for a new vision on ICT for learning as a necessary condition for successful incorporation of Chinese online distance learning with and into lifelong learning.  相似文献   

信息化具有明显的优势,它是远程教育发展的技术支撑。找准定位,是充分发挥远程教育自身特长,凸显自身的价值和地位的需要,是远教发展的生命线及价值核心。大教育体系具有明显特色优势,它是远程教育的组织基础、生机与活力的源泉。解放思想、更新理念是远教改革创新的精神动力,要深入探寻改革创新、凝聚力量之路。  相似文献   

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