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微信朋友圈是大学生自我呈现的新舞台,研究大学生群体的自我呈现行为有助于加深对该群体自我呈现行为的认知,促进其良好交往模式的建立.本研究依据戈夫曼的戏剧理论,采用参与观察法与深度访谈法,从个人信息、生产内容、表演策略及动机需求四个方面剖析大学生群体在微信朋友圈的自我呈现行为.发现大学生群体通过个人信息与生产内容,运用积极...  相似文献   

The roles and responsibilities of community college counselors have altered over the last 40 years as a result of profound social, cultural, economic, and political changes. A compounding factor is the dramatic demographic shifts that have occurred across the United States. Although academic and career-related issues traditionally have been the cornerstones of the work of community college counselors, this too is changing. Reports of the escalating frequency and severity of mental health concerns of community college students have prompted counselors to increasingly emphasize personal counseling. This article summarizes some personal issues that counselors are now likely to encounter with community college students. Recommendations for community college counselors working with students experiencing personal difficulties are also included.  相似文献   

随着我国高校招生规模不断扩大,冷门专业的贫困生已成为高校大学生中一个不可忽视的特殊群体。由于家庭、社会及个人因素,他们在心理上存在自卑、焦虑等心理问题,高校应该通过各种切实有效的措施,关注解决冷门专业大学生的心理健康问题。  相似文献   

An effective education system depends upon attracting college students into the teaching profession, but most of the research on what motivates individuals to pursue teaching merely surveys individuals who have already entered a teacher education program. This study employs an experimental design to test the effects of exposure to randomly assigned lists of reasons to teach reflecting personal utility values or social utility values on the appeal of the career to a sample of college students. Results indicate that both personal and social utility values are relevant to the appeal of a career in teaching and to a similar degree. Gender differences in this relationship were negligible.  相似文献   

外语教师身份认同指外语教师持有的教学信念,及其对所承担的社会和文化角色的确定和认同。基于此,通过探究社会转型背景下大学英语教师身份认同危机的成因,提出了大学英语教师身份认同的发展途径,即通过自我身份的重构,达到社会自我和个体自我的和谐统一。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to assess the impacts of selected aspects of the collegiate experience on changes in undergraduates' occupational preferences and personal goals. It focuses on two general aspects of the undergraduate student's participation in a 4-year college or university environment — the social structure, particularly its normative aspect, as defined by the orientations of faculty and students toward the purposes of a college education; and the individual student's perceptions of the institution's capacity for facilitating the attainment of personal goals. The latter aspect of the college experience is reflected in such things as satisfaction with college, the individual's sense of social integration into the campus environment, and assessments of the extent to which experiences within a particular college have contributed to the attainment of desired personal ends (e.g., occupational training and personal growth). A departure from much of the existing research on college impact is that close attention is paid to the concomitant influences of parental socialization that are present throughout the student's college days. Specific aspects of parental socialization processes are considered, notably those reflected in modes of parent-child relationships and family life-style that contribute to adult development. An important aim of the research is to investigate the extent to which college effects on students' occupational orientations and preferences are mediated by parent-child relationships maintained, in many instances, through continued contacts with parents during the student's college years.This paper is a considerably revised version of Weidman (1979a). A portion of it was presented at the 1982 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association.  相似文献   

对比实验表明,传统体育项目和拓展训练均能提高毕业生的个人素质、情绪调控能力、思维能力、社会实践能力和应聘能力,拓展训练的影响大于传统体育项目的影响,说明拓展训练相较传统体育项目更能促进毕业生就业能力的提高。  相似文献   

为了探讨自我能力否定倾向(Imposter Phenomenon,IP)的跨文化适用性,及其与归因方式的关系,本研究采用问卷法对232名大学生进行了调查。相关分析结果表明,自我能力否定倾向与外归因之间呈现显著正相关(r=0.43,p<0.01)。回归分析结果表明,外归因对自我能力否定倾向有一定的预测作用。  相似文献   

社会公德有别于个人私德,它是社会公共生活领域的产物。对于大学生而言,高校社团组织既是其参与校园公共事务的重要渠道,也是培养大学生社会公德意识一个不可或缺的平台。  相似文献   

This study explores how twenty‐eight women graduates of a liberal arts college renegotiate personal and professional identities over a ten year period. Approximately half of these women entered college planning to pursue a career in medicine; the other half indicated some interest in the field of education. Each participant was interviewed six times over the course of ten years. Analysis suggests that prior designations of women's careers as “traditional” (i.e. teaching) and “non‐traditional” (i.e. medicine) no longer apply as women actively reconceptualize their lives, their identities, their definitions of success, and the meaning of their chosen career. Prior studies that examine the balancing of personal and professional lives also simplify a more complicated process experienced by women who explore multiple understandings of themselves within personal and social structures. The women in this study draw on the critical perspectives learned in college as they recognize and respond to competing social and cultural definitions and discourses of success, work, and self.  相似文献   

随着社会竞争日益激烈,大学生因学业、经济、就业、人际交往等问题,正面临越来越大的压力。这些压力严重影响了大学生的身心健康,使得校园不和谐因素增多。高校要大力开展大学生压力管理教育,营造良好的教育环境,帮助大学生对自身的压力进行正确的管理,通过压力管理有效地对大学生的生理、心理产生积极的作用,在潜移默化中促进其自身和谐,进而推进校园以及社会的和谐。  相似文献   

学习倦怠已成校园中不容忽视之问题。通过对多所不同类别高职院校学生实证调查,本文对学习倦怠现状及影响因素进行分析,研究发现高职生的整体学习倦怠情况较严重,工科生学习倦怠程度要高于其他类学生,男生的学习倦怠程度高于女生,高职生的专业承诺、社会支持以及个人应对方式与学习倦怠有显著相关,而这三者之间又有显著相关性。  相似文献   

大学生又称之为“天之骄子”,是一个备受社会青睐的群体,社会对大学生的期望值很高。大学生的人生价值实现问题不仅是一个个体问题,更是社会问题。要实现大学生的人生价值,就应该对人生价值进行评价。然后,从个人、社会、个人与社会的结合几个层面来考虑:在个体层面要明确个体的社会责任,树立责任意识;社会层面,大学生要立足社会,把个人价值的实现立足于社会价值的实现之上;当然,大学生最重要的是要及时践行。  相似文献   

高职院校招生现状分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
录取新生不报到的原因除了政策因素以外,还有社会、家庭方面的因素。录取新生不报到,从客观上来说,使考生多了一次选择的机会,但给教育事业带来了很大的负面影响。提高录取新生报到率,是政府、高校、社会共同的责任和义务。  相似文献   

预防和矫治大学生畸形社会心态,培育大学生积极、健康的社会心态是大学生思想政治教育与心理健康教育的重要内容,也是促进大学生个人成长和构建社会和谐必然要求。从畸形社会心态的概念及内涵出发,分析了当前大学生畸形社会心态的主要表现形式,并就大学生畸形社会心态的现状提出了相应的应对策略。  相似文献   

浅谈大学生合理知识结构的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当今世界,科技发展使得知识量爆炸式增长,大学生如果不具备合理的知识结构,就难以在信息量剧增的社会中生存,也不能承担起复兴中华民族的历史重托。构建合理的知识结构,可以使得个人发展的大厦地基扎实、宽厚,就能在竞争激烈的现代社会中增强信心,找到实现社会价值与个人价值的交汇点。大学生要主动进行新知识的储备,新技能的学习,寻找并形成适应社会需要和个人成才发展的知识结构。  相似文献   

高影响力教育实践是美国本科教育理念和课程实践的重大变革。其核心思想是摆脱大学课程改革的职业主义取向对迅速变化的世界与社会的被动适应,寻找大学教育永恒的要素。通过最核心的社会责任感、知识、智能与技能、批判思维能力、综合实践能力的培养,让全体学生和所有高校都实现追求卓越的目标。该教育实践对我国高校课程改革有一定启示意义:课程改革应强调应用;在重视适应经济、行业、职业、市场的价值导向下,还应同时把握住大学教育和学生作为人的永恒要素对课程改革的要求。  相似文献   

在市场经济条件下,以就业为导向,根据社会需要,确定高职培养目标是"培养数以千万计的高技能型专门人才",根据这一目标确定学生的知识能力素质结构,突出技能优势,会计学科比其他社会学科具有更强的社会实践性,而《基础会计》课程是会计专业的入门课程,此门课程教学效果的好坏,对后续课程将起到决定性的作用。笔者就《基础会计》这一门课程的实践教学改革,谈点个人的粗浅见解。  相似文献   

论大学生问题行为及其预防与矫正   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
大学生问题行为的产生既有社会环境的影响,又有个人因素的作用。对此,应该认识和掌握大学生的真实情况,控制大学生的问题行为;以沟通为手段,加强对有问题行为大学生的心理疏导和人文关怀,从而达到对大学生问题行为的预防与矫正。  相似文献   

思想文化素质教育是大学教育的重点,关乎大学生的成人成才。大众文化迅速发展,丰富了大学生思想文化生活,同时,也对大学生思想文化素质产生了负面影响,给大学思想文化素质教育带来了困扰。探讨应对方法,找到切实有效的途径,打造和谐的校园环境、和谐的家庭环境、和谐的社会环境,提升大学生的思想文化素质,关乎未来社会。  相似文献   

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