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大数据的到来使得社会、科学、生活都发生了巨大的变革,当前基于位置数据服务所产生的位置大数据是大数据的重要研究问题之一。从位置大数据的背景出发,从位置大数据的概念、分析方法、隐私保护等三个方面对位置大数据的研究现状进行了介绍。  相似文献   

隐私权随着社会进步与自身权益的觉醒而产生,并由最初的民事权利上升到宪法属性的权利。而个人资料伴随着信息科技的发展又逐渐成为新型的隐私权保护客体。尤其是在大数据时代,以个人资料为重要组成部分的海量数据具有了新的价值,成为机构和个人攫取的目标,个人资料隐私权的保护面临严峻的挑战,借鉴他国经验,完善现有法律制度,规范机构和组织行为,是当前保护个人资料隐私的重要举措。  相似文献   

为确保隐私保护数据挖掘中所存在的维数灾难问题得到有效解决,文章提出了将基于随机投影技术的一种数据挖掘隐私保护法。这种方法对攻击者能够以随机投影矩阵推测的方式重建原始数据进行了综合考虑,首先将安全子空空间概念提出来,再构建安全子空间映射,在低失真嵌入实现的同时,能够有效确保数据安全。通过实验证明,在对数据隐私予以保护的前提下,这种方法为数据质量提供有效保障。  相似文献   

论个人数据及其法律保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国的立法已远远滞后于网络业的发展,利用网络技术非法收集和使用个人数据侵害他人隐私权的现象时常发生。基于此,界定了个人数据的概念、性质及其特点,在技术上介绍了个人数据非法获取的方式、侵害方式及侵权行为构成要件。通过比较研究美国法、英国法、法国法及欧盟法保护个人数据的各种方法,提出既应借鉴美国加强行业自律的做法,也应借鉴欧洲加强立法的做法。  相似文献   

针对(αi,k)—匿名算法使用有损链接思想无法对用户身份进行保护的问题,引入属性分区置换概念,提出基于属性分区的(αi,k)-p匿名算法,对桶中QI属性采取分区、置换的方式保护用户身份信息。在人口真实数据集21 956条数据上对两种算法进行敏感值保护和会员身份保护有效性对比实验。结果表明,敏感值泄露概率最高时只刚好超过0.05,接近传统方法的1/4;在会员身份保护方面,FOR值在0.7以上。相对于(αi,k)—匿名算法,该算法能更好地保护敏感值信息和会员身份信息。  相似文献   

Matters of data privacy related to social media are increasingly relevant for educators as happenings such as the 2018 Cambridge Analytica scandal have attracted public attention. Many educators use social media for professional purposes, including with their students and should, therefore, be knowledgeable regarding data privacy issues that impact education. This research explores this issue from an interpretive paradigm based on a mixed-methods approach derived from survey data from an international sample of 148 pre-service teachers who were studying education courses at three universities. Data suggest that pre-service teachers see both educational and distracting potential in social media, but lack knowledge regarding relevant policies and regulations, which reflects trends in the broader population. Attitudes toward educational social media use were not correlated with awareness of data privacy policies. However, comfort with companies’ use of personal and student data and faith in governments’ capacity to regulate social media companies were correlated. We discuss our findings in relation to the use of social media and related data privacy considerations and the need for data literacy training in teacher education programs. We include recommendations in light of the findings.  相似文献   

This study presents several Latin American research initiatives in the field of learning analytics (LA). The study’s purpose is to enhance awareness and understanding of LA among researchers, practitioners and decision makers, and to highlight the importance of supporting research on LA. We analyzed case studies of LA research conducted at four levels of the educational system (the national, institutional, classroom and student levels), which were implemented in four countries (Brazil, Ecuador, Mexico and Uruguay). Diversified cases were selected to demonstrate the use of LA in primary, secondary and higher education, and to allow the inclusion of different types of datasets. These cases also showed the development of legal frameworks for handling ethical issues, and they met the requirements for data privacy protection in Latin America. The study concludes with a discussion of the findings and their implications for further research and practice in the field of LA for teaching and learning.  相似文献   

教学空间虽然不是私人空间,但也有隐私诉求。确立、尊重和维护教学空间隐私权是保护师生尊严、维护教学自由、促进师生卓越成长和保障教学组织正常运行的需要。在信息技术时代,教学空间的隐私信息很容易被采集和传播,也更容易被再利用,从而造成不可预料的隐私侵权。甚至,“告知与许可”的法律方式和匿名化的技术处理都无法有效降低教学空间隐私风险。在信息技术时代,完全消除教学空间的隐私风险,几乎不太可能,但可以尽可能降低教学空间的隐私风险。为此,我们需要重塑我们的隐私伦理观,重构科技伦理,立法确立教学空间隐私权,明确学校和家长的责任,加强师生隐私保护教育。  相似文献   

我国儿童隐私数据保护观念实际较为欠缺,儿童隐私数据保护的法律规范存在不足,过于注重对数据的控制,对不同领域内儿童隐私数据收集、管理、使用等缺乏一种更为灵活和专业的规范模式。对此,需要重视儿童隐私数据保护观念的网络形成途径,并对儿童隐私数据的法律保障进行针对性研究的展开;同时,在规范偏重上实现由“控制”转变为“智慧监管”的保障方式,并细化行业协会规范,以“避风港”等制度的设立达到规范的“专业化”实现路径,从而使得儿童隐私数据的保护更具灵活和专业性。  相似文献   

随着大数据时代的来临和信息技术的快速发展,个人信息时刻处于泄漏的边缘。分析大数据时代个人信息的特征和国外个人信息保护的法律体系,结合我国个人信息保护的立法现状,建议尽早制定统一的个人信息保护法,明确个人信息收集的原则、个人信息权,设立监督机构,以实现大数据时代公民个人信息保护的理想状态。  相似文献   

为了改善国内医疗云数据存储与共享中患者隐私泄露问题,加快互联网+医疗与医疗云建设,提出一种针对医疗大数据安全共享的隐私保护模型。模型将数据共享过程划分为3个阶段,明确各部分功能。采用一种适合医疗云数据加密场景的RS-Blowfish混合加密算法用于模型数据传输,在数据安全共享的同时兼具数字加密及身份认证功能。增添明文与密钥的Z形置换,改善初始密钥安全性,增添密钥认证,将传统的RSA算法、Blowfish算法和SHA-256算法结合为一个整体。实验结果表明, RS-Blowfish混合加密算法在增强Blowfish安全性的同时,加密速度较3DES快30%,较AES快10%。  相似文献   

The field of learning analytics has advanced from infancy stages into a more practical domain, where tangible solutions are being implemented. Nevertheless, the field has encountered numerous privacy and data protection issues that have garnered significant and growing attention. In this systematic review, four databases were searched concerning privacy and data protection issues of learning analytics. A final corpus of 47 papers published in top educational technology journals was selected after running an eligibility check. An analysis of the final corpus was carried out to answer the following three research questions: (1) What are the privacy and data protection issues in learning analytics? (2) What are the similarities and differences between the views of stakeholders from different backgrounds on privacy and data protection issues in learning analytics? (3) How have previous approaches attempted to address privacy and data protection issues? The results of the systematic review show that there are eight distinct, intertwined privacy and data protection issues that cut across the learning analytics cycle. There are both cross-regional similarities and three sets of differences in stakeholder perceptions towards privacy and data protection in learning analytics. With regard to previous attempts to approach privacy and data protection issues in learning analytics, there is a notable dearth of applied evidence, which impedes the assessment of their effectiveness. The findings of our paper suggest that privacy and data protection issues should not be relaxed at any point in the implementation of learning analytics, as these issues persist throughout the learning analytics development cycle. One key implication of this review suggests that solutions to privacy and data protection issues in learning analytics should be more evidence-based, thereby increasing the trustworthiness of learning analytics and its usefulness.

Practitioner notes

What is already known about this topic
  • Research on privacy and data protection in learning analytics has become a recognised challenge that hinders the further expansion of learning analytics.
  • Proposals to counter the privacy and data protection issues in learning analytics are blurry; there is a lack of a summary of previously proposed solutions.
What this study contributes
  • Establishment of what privacy and data protection issues exist at different phases of the learning analytics cycle.
  • Identification of how different stakeholders view privacy, similarities and differences, and what factors influence their views.
  • Evaluation and comparison of previously proposed solutions that attempt to address privacy and data protection in learning analytics.
Implications for practice and/or policy
  • Privacy and data protection issues need to be viewed in the context of the entire cycle of learning analytics.
  • Stakeholder views on privacy and data protection in learning analytics have commonalities across contexts and differences that can arise within the same context. Before implementing learning analytics, targeted research should be conducted with stakeholders.
  • Solutions that attempt to address privacy and data protection issues in learning analytics should be put into practice as far as possible to better test their usefulness.

针对大规模数据集上的模式分类任务,提出了一种基于Parzen窗核密度估计的模式分类隐私保护算法。该算法首先利用Parzen窗算法对原始大规模训练集服从的概率密度进行估计,然后根据估计的概率密度函数构造la个替换训练样本,其中l为原始样本的数目,a通过10折交叉验证方式确定。最后发布替换训练样本进行模式分类,以实现原始数据上的隐私保护。在Adult数据集上的仿真实验充分验证了该算法的有效性。  相似文献   

网络时代给人们带来沟通便捷的同时也对隐私权造成前所未有的侵害。面对各种侵害网络隐私权的行为,我们应从发展教育、开发网络隐私保护技术和加强政府立法入手,切实地保护网民的隐私。  相似文献   

网络环境下隐私权保护新探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络隐私权作为公民的一项人身权利,越来越受到重视。由于我国立法的滞后和网络行业的混乱,隐私权受到前所未有的严峻挑战,如何利用法律手段有效地保护网络空间中的个人隐私权,已成为一个摆在我们面前的急需解决的重要课题之一。我国可以充分借鉴国外先进的经验,通过完善我国的立法和司法制度,加强行业自律,提高网络用户隐私权保护意识,加强对我国公民网络隐私权的保护,促进我国网络的良性发展。  相似文献   

当前,个性化学习推荐系统面临数据隐私保护、"冷启动"和法律约束等问题,而联邦学习作为近年来优秀的数据隐私保护机器学习技术解决方案,可有效解决这些问题。基于此,文章将联邦学习和个性化学习推荐相结合,设计了联邦个性化学习推荐系统。首先,文章分析了联邦个性化学习推荐系统的具体应用场景,包括横向联邦、纵向联邦、联邦强化三种。其次,文章分别针对这三种应用场景设计了相应的应用解决方案。最后,文章探讨了未来联邦个性化学习推荐系统面临的严峻挑战,以期帮助教育利益相关者在保护数据隐私的同时共享数据价值,最终实现更安全、更高质量的个性化学习推荐服务。  相似文献   

网络隐私权是隐私权在网络环境下的延伸。日前对网络隐私权的法律保护体现在两方面:一是体现在一切保护隐私权的立法和法律条文中,二是体现在有关网络数据和网络安全的立法中。我国网络臆私权的法律保护亟待加强。  相似文献   

This conceptual study uses dynamic systems theory (DST) and phenomenology as lenses to examine data privacy implications surrounding wearable devices that incorporate stakeholder, contextual and technical factors. Wearable devices can impact people's behaviour and sense of self, and DST and phenomenology provide complementary approaches for emphasizing the subjective experiences of individuals that occur with the use of wearable data. Privacy is approached through phenomenology as an individual's lived bodily experience and DST emphasizes the self-regulation and feedback loops of individuals and their uses of wearable data. The data collection, analysis and communication of wearable data to support learning systems alongside privacy implications for each are examined. The IoT, cloud computing, metadata and algorithms are discussed as they relate to wearable data, pointing out privacy risks and strategies to minimize harm.

Practitioner notes

What is already known about this topic

  • Data privacy is a complex topic and is approached through different perspectives, influencing the degree of an individual's data autonomy.
  • Wearable technology is increasing in the consumer market and offers great potential to learning environments.

What this paper adds

  • Extends extant literature on dynamic systems theory and phenomenology, contributing these perspectives to educational research in the context of student data privacy and wearable technologies.
  • Provides a framework to understand the complex and contingent ways that privacy can be understood in the collection, analysis, and communication of wearable data to support learning.

Implications for practice and/or policy

  • Higher education faculty and educational policymakers should consider various interactions in systems and among systems of how wearable data collection may be analysed, communicated and stored, potentially exposing students to privacy harms.
  • Multiple actors in learning systems must engage in continuous and evolving feedback loops around data security, consent, ownership and control to determine who has access to student data, how it is used and for what purposes.
  • The EU's General Data Protection and Regulation offers one of the most comprehensive frameworks for higher education institutions and faculty around the world to follow for protecting student data privacy.

李艳 《海外英语》2011,(9):385-388,390
These years have witnessed the rapid growing of internet,and we are stepping into a new age-Internet Age.But the privacy on human rights that followed has become the hot issue.This essay tries to expose the privacy focusing on the human rights under the internet age.It illuminates the right of privacy in internet age through the origin of privacy.By the comparison of traditional understanding of privacy and expedition of privacy under internet age,the essay concludes that the right of privacy will be transmitted by internet and will influence the development of internet as well.  相似文献   

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