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Who should control and exploit digital rights in the publishing industry? For a precise definition and a discussion the publishing industry needs basic knowledge of how to purchase and sell electronic rights and extended standard agreements. This article is covering a definition of digital rights, purchase, and sale of digital rights, business models to sell digital content and terms with related conditions.  相似文献   

当前出版产业的驱动力已经由印刷时代的复制件控制权转化到数字内容的传播控制权中.数字出版时代产业链、商业模式也相较于传统内容产业复杂得多,由此带来的版权问题会更多.鉴此,论文以数字出版产业区别于传统产业的最大不同为出发点,分析现有数字内容产业的商业模式,依此探究其涉及产权问题.最后对在数字网络环境下,国际和本土版权法必须得变革,以及产权制度建设等提出了一些建议,以期为我国数字内容产业健康发展提供一定的支持.  相似文献   

The shift to e-books and digital publishing is challenging the basic models of copyright and contracts that underlie the functioning of book publishing—a mature business with 500 years of history—making it hard to predict what shape the business will take in the years to come. This article looks at two of those challenges: first, the tension between a fast-changing technological marketplace and the standard book contract that locks in book rights for life of copyright; and second, the specific complications presented by image rights. There are, however, first steps being taken to allow books to make the transition to the digital marketplace with all their rights information intact and easily accessible, facilitating future transactions between agents, publishers, and new trading partners. The final section looks at the work begun by the Book Industry Study Group to create a standardized rights framework for this purpose.  相似文献   

马捷  胡漠 《图书情报工作》2015,59(10):92-101
[目的/意义]构建商务网站信息生态化程度测评指标体系,对淘宝网与京东商城的信息生态化程度进行实证测评。[方法/过程]基于用户感知理论,根据网络信息生态化程度测评指标设计调查问卷,对淘宝网和京东商城用户进行问卷调查。运用SPSS 19.0对调查问卷进行统计分析,通过信度分析、效度分析、回归分析验证问卷的可信度、有效性和各级指标对总目标的影响程度,得出被测对象在各级指标上的测评值。[结果/结论]用户对商务网站信息生态化程度满意度较低;从总体上看,京东商城的信息生态化程度高于淘宝网;我国电子商务网站的信息生态化建设应得到重视,网站信息质量和可持续发展潜力的提升是其信息生态化建设的重点。  相似文献   

随着数字图书馆的蓬勃发展,集成服务已是大势所趋,其服务方式和结果更为多样化、人性化,侵犯作者权利的可能性更大、过程更复杂。故数字图书馆向用户提供集成检索服务时,既要明确服.务范围、规范服务内容、控制用户利用服务结果的后续行为,又要使相关链接清晰地反映网页转换的过程。数字图书馆提供数字参考咨询服务时,要合理地编制衍生作品、规范地传递文献资料,并控制用户进行复制等行为。在提供馆际互借服务时,数字图书馆要严格记录用户对作品的使用目的及使用次数,适当向以营利为目的的用户收费。虽然个性化信息服务中的个性化信息不损害作者的财产权利,但仍应保护作者的精神权利;同时,用户只能基于个人使用目的享受个性化服务。  相似文献   

"标题党"图书大致可分为两类:与畅销图书书名相近的图书、书名过度渲染的图书。这些图书虽然标新立异,能够带动阅读,为出版商增加商机,但是大多文题不符,给读者阅读带来困扰,实质是图书炒作。图书采访工作应谨防图书"标题党"陷阱,选择正规的出版社,提高采访人员业务水平,注重图书内容,要慎重使用书目选书。  相似文献   

The multiplicity of publisher business models and the restrictions of digital rights management systems greatly hamper pharmaceutical companies in the prosecution of their work. We explore the variety of ‘pharma’ needs and the reasons for them. Much progress has been made but more needs to be done. The libraries seek only to satisfy their customer needs while complying with owners' rights.  相似文献   

数字社区正在改变图书被发现和购买的方式。通过了解社区的类型、如何建立成功的社区,及特定社区内的个体行为,出版商(和作者)将有机会不依赖传统的和面临威胁的图书零售关系,从而建立新的成功的商业模式。本文主要通过构建消费者的数字社区来构建新的图书出版商业模式,并阐述数字社区的效用。  相似文献   

旅游出版"淘金"在线旅游服务   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在线旅游与旅游出版一样,都是为消费者提供专业的旅游信息服务,因此旅游出版可以凭借内容资源优势,探索在线旅游信息服务的运营模式。本文分析、探讨在线旅游信息服务的盈利模式和竞争格局,提出旅游出版进行数字化变革的路径。  相似文献   

数字图书馆实施DRM的对策研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
简要论述数字版权管理(DRM)技术,认为其可为解决数字图书馆服务所面临的知识产权问题提供解决方案;从数字图书馆各类资源和服务对DRM的开发需求、数字图书馆服务商务模式的构建、DRM开发经费的投入与产出、技术选择和应用以及选择适度的DRM技术方案等方面提出数字图书馆实施DRM的对策建议。  相似文献   

从伟大的长城到伟大的图书馆——对当前国际上电子出版物、书本式出版物及图书馆建筑的一些看法利奥·福赫德ABSTRACTIFLAGeneralConferencein1996isamostimpressiveachievementthattheorga...  相似文献   

A guide to basic contractual provisions and current publishing trends for consideration in negotiating a concise, successful International Rights Contract, which includes: assessing the rights available for sale and ways in which to successfully exploit and maintain those rights.  相似文献   

文章探讨了云计算环境下县级数字图书馆的硬件资源建设、数字资源建设和业务系统建设模式,并构建了县级数字图书馆的体系框架。  相似文献   

图书馆网站版权政策是图书馆尊重版权人知识产权的表态,也是图书馆工作者和读者规避版权风险的行为指南。美国三大国家图书馆网站的版权政策涉及政策法源、版权人权利确认、合理使用、免责条款、侵权形式、图书馆业务说明、承诺以及网站安全等内容,体现出专业化和人性化的服务精神,具有很多可取之处,也存在一些不足,对我国图书馆网站版权政策的改善具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Access to knowledge is a critical issue when intellectual property rights are debated among governments in such fora as the World Intellectual Property Organization and the World Trade Organization. Scientific and scholarly materials became available online long before other types of copyright‐protected works, such as music and films. It is therefore particularly interesting to analyse how this specific field of publishing has adapted to the new digital landscape. Lessons can be learnt from related business sectors. Licensing is a key component in creating access, on terms and conditions that are fair and balanced for users in all parts of the world; this will encourage writing and publishing both now and in the future.  相似文献   

This article charts the increasing importance of the creative industries to the UK economy and to ways of meeting the information needs of those industries. The role of libraries is examined, particularly that of the British Library and its support services for business and enterprise. Related issues are discussed, such as those relating to the measurement of the value of services like the British Library, the preservation of digital documentation, and heritage and intellectual property rights.  相似文献   

梳理了国内关于网络百科全书的研究成果,指出现有研究中存在的缺憾,并为网络环境下百科全书的发展提出几点对策,重新划分网络百科全书的类型,探讨了我国未来网络百科全书的管理模式.  相似文献   

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